path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-06-23soc/amd/common/block/acpi/ivrs: zero-initialize ivhd_hpet structFelix Held
2023-06-23soc/amd/common/acpi/ivrs: add HID argument to ivhd_describe_f0_deviceFelix Held
2023-06-23soc/amd/common/block/acpi/ivrs: zero-initialize ivhd_f0 structFelix Held
2023-06-23soc/amd/common/block/acpi/ivrs: conditionally generate eMMC entryFelix Held don't add fmap_config.h dependency twiceFelix Held
2023-06-23soc/intel/jasperlake: Add per-SKU power limitsChia-Ling Hou
2023-06-23mb/google/rex: Configure ISH GPIO's based on FW_CONFIGBernardo Perez Priego
2023-06-23commonlib/console/post_code.h: Change post code prefix to POSTCODElilacious
2023-06-23soc/intel/meteorlake: Rename shared SRAM aliasesPratikkumar Prajapati
2023-06-23mb/google/rex: Keep CNVi PCI device enabled for OvisSubrata Banik
2023-06-23soc/intel/common/block/cse: Retrieve CSE RW FW version conditionallySubrata Banik
2023-06-23mb/msi/ms7d25/vboot-rwab.fmd: Add 32KiB HSPHY cache regionMichał Żygowski
2023-06-23soc/intel/alderlake/hsphy: Add possibility to cache HSPHY in flashMichał Żygowski
2023-06-23allocator_v4: Fix top-level allocations w/o IORESOURCE_ABOVE_4GNico Huber
2023-06-23{commonlib/drivers}: Have option to store MRC version inside CBMEMSubrata Banik
2023-06-23driver/intel/fsp2_0: Add support to store MRC cache using MRC versionSubrata Banik
2023-06-22arch/x86,lib: Migrate SMBIOS implementation to common codeBenjamin Doron
2023-06-22soc/amd/common/psp_verstage: move post codes to own headerlilacious
2023-06-22mb/qemu/aarch64: Add PCI supportArthur Heymans
2023-06-22allocator_v4: Remove redundant parameterNico Huber
2023-06-22allocator_v4: Manually inline some thin functionsNico Huber
2023-06-22allocator_v4: Factor resource printing outNico Huber
2023-06-22allocator_v4: Use memranges only for toplevelNico Huber
2023-06-22allocator_v4: Treat above 4G resources more nativelyNico Huber
2023-06-22mb/google/brya/acpi: Set polling timing for DL23 and LD23 to 2msTarun Tuli
2023-06-22mb/google/brya/acpi: Set power down delay to 2ms after PEXVDDTarun Tuli
2023-06-22mb/google/brya/acpi: Don't wait for PG in GPU off sequencesTarun Tuli
2023-06-22mb/google/rex: Disable TCSS config for pre-boot displayKapil Porwal
2023-06-22mb/google/nissa/var/joxer: Disable GPIOs for SD card readerTerry Chen
2023-06-22vc/amd/fps/phoenix/platform_descriptors: drop logical-physical mappingFelix Held
2023-06-21mb/google/rex/var/screebo: set HBR smbus pin as NCSimon Zhou
2023-06-21soc/mediatek: Add a prompt string for MEDIATEK_DRAM_SCRAMBLEXi Chen
2023-06-21mb/intel/adlrvp_rpl: Add initial code for adlrvp_rpl variantHarsha B R
2023-06-21mb/google/rex: Fix PLD for USB type-A portKapil Porwal
2023-06-21mb/google/rex/var/ovis: Select SOC_INTEL_METEORLAKE_U_HJakub Czapiga
2023-06-21meteorlake: Rename `SOC_INTEL_METEORLAKE_U_P` as per latest EDSSubrata Banik
2023-06-20arch/x86: Introduce DUMP_SMBIOS_TYPE17 configEric Lai
2023-06-20mb/intel/mtlrvp: disable acpi timer for xtal shutdownSukumar Ghorai
2023-06-20mb/google/hades: Update typeC usb PLDEric Lai
2023-06-20treewide,intel/skylake: Use boolean type for s0ix_enable dt optionFelix Singer
2023-06-20soc/amd/common/iommu: Use preprocessor values for IOMMU baseArthur Heymans
2023-06-20mb/google/rex/var/rex0: Configure I2C timing for I2C devicesIvy Jian
2023-06-20mb/google/rex/var/screebo: Remove rp2 and add rp1/rp3Rui Zhou
2023-06-19device/resource_allocator_v4: Remove "ERROR: " from log messageElyes Haouas
2023-06-19mb/google/nissa/var/joxer: enable ELAN and G2touch touchscreenMark Hsieh
2023-06-19soc/amd/common/block/include/amdblocks/data_fabric: fix typo in 'IOAPIC'Felix Held
2023-06-19soc/amd/*: Use proper resource function to declare GNB IOAPICsArthur Heymans
2023-06-19soc/intel/cometlake: Enable early caching of RAMTOP regionSean Rhodes
2023-06-19cbfs: Allow controlling decompression of unverified filesJulius Werner
2023-06-19soc/intel/apollolake: Switch to snake case for SataPwrOptimizeDisableMario Scheithauer
2023-06-19soc/intel/apollolake: Switch to snake case for DisableSataSalpSupportMario Scheithauer
2023-06-19soc/intel/apollolake: Switch to snake case for PmicVdd2VoltageMario Scheithauer
2023-06-19soc/intel/apollolake: Switch to snake case for ModPhyVoltageBumpMario Scheithauer
2023-06-19soc/intel/apollolake: Switch to snake case for ModPhyIfValueMario Scheithauer
2023-06-19soc/intel/apollolake: Switch to snake case for DisableComplianceModeMario Scheithauer
2023-06-19soc/intel/apollolake: Switch to snake case for PmicPmcIpcCtrlMario Scheithauer
2023-06-19soc/intel/apollolake: Switch to snake case for SataPortsHotPlugMario Scheithauer
2023-06-19soc/intel/apollolake: Fix FSP SATA speed limit configuraionMario Scheithauer
2023-06-18acpi/acpi.c: Return function argument when bailing outArthur Heymans
2023-06-18acpi/acpi.c: Change signature of write_acpi_tablesArthur Heymans
2023-06-18mb/google/rex/variants/ovis: Add display configurationJakub Czapiga
2023-06-18drivers/intel/fsp2_0: Correct FPDT timestamp unit and macro nameRonak Kanabar
2023-06-17acpi/acpi.c: Fix printing all ACPI tablesArthur Heymans
2023-06-17vc/intel/edk2: Remove edk2-stable202111 supportRonak Kanabar
2023-06-17lib/fw_config: Make fw_config_is_provisioned() always availableJakub Czapiga
2023-06-17mb/google/rex: Set AUX orientation at SoC to follow cable for anx7452Caveh Jalali
2023-06-17mb/google/myst: Update WWAN usb entryEric Lai
2023-06-17mb/google/nissa/var/gothrax: Generate RAM IDs for new memory partsYunlong Jia
2023-06-17soc/intel/meteorlake: Update tcss_usb3 aliasEric Lai
2023-06-16soc/intel/meteorlake: select UDK_202302_BINDING KconfigRonak Kanabar
2023-06-16vendorcode/intel: Add edk2-stable202302 supportRonak Kanabar
2023-06-16mb/google/nissa/var/joxer: Disable storage devices based on fw_configMark Hsieh
2023-06-16google/zork: Convert baseboard directory layoutKyösti Mälkki
2023-06-16mb/amd/birman/devicetree_phoenix: update USB PHY settingsFelix Held
2023-06-16soc/intel/common: Add configs for TME exclusion range and new key genPratikkumar Prajapati
2023-06-16mb/google/myst: Add additional memory configurationsRob Barnes
2023-06-16soc/intel/meteorlake: Disable ACPI PM timer using IOE.PMCSubrata Banik
2023-06-15mb/google/brya/var/volmar: Add Micron MT53E2G32D4NQ-046 WT:C SPDRen Kuo
2023-06-15security/intel/cbnt/Makefile: Fix invalid char '*'Elyes Haouas
2023-06-15mb/google/rex: Enable audio BT offloadRavi Sarawadi
2023-06-15mb/google/nissa/var/pujjo: Set GPIO of WWAN_SAR_DETECT to NCLeo Chou
2023-06-15mb/google/myst: Add PSP verstage callbacksKarthikeyan Ramasubramanian
2023-06-15soc/intel: Add max memory speed into dimm infoEric Lai
2023-06-15drv/i2c/pi608gp: Fix styleJan Samek
2023-06-15drv/i2c/pi608gp: Fix typesJan Samek
2023-06-15soc/intel/*/include/soc/pmc.h: Add missing periodic SMI rate bitsMichał Żygowski
2023-06-15soc/intel/apollolake: Select PERIODIC_SMI_RATE_SELECTION_IN_GEN_PMCON_BMichał Żygowski
2023-06-15intel/cmn/smm: Introduce PERIODIC_SMI_RATE_SELECTION_IN_GEN_PMCON_BMichał Żygowski
2023-06-15soc/amd/*/root_complex: reserve IOMMU MMIO areaFelix Held
2023-06-15mb/siemens/mc_ehl3/devicetree.cb: Disable USB 3.0 port 1Jan Samek
2023-06-15soc/intel/cmn/cse: Read ISH FW version if avilable in CSE partitionSubrata Banik
2023-06-15soc/intel/cmd/blk/cse: Hook get CSE RW version into `.final`Dinesh Gehlot
2023-06-15soc/intel/cmn/cse: Always save CSE RW version to CBMEMSubrata Banik
2023-06-15{driver, mb, soc}: Rename Intel CSE FPT config to ISH FW version configSubrata Banik
2023-06-15mb/google/dedede/var/boxy: Update audio codec HID to use correct ALC5682I-VDKevin Yang
2023-06-15mb/google/rex: add Elan HID over SPI ASL for Rex0Eran Mitrani
2023-06-14mb/google/rex/var/rex0: add HID over SPI ACPI driverEran Mitrani
2023-06-14soc|vc/amd/phoenix: Prepare for PSP verstageKarthikeyan Ramasubramanian
2023-06-14soc/intel/alderlake/vr_config.c: Fix GT domain TDC currentMichał Żygowski
2023-06-14acpi/acpi.h: Remove global acpi_fill_ivrs_ioapic()Arthur Heymans