path: root/make-colors-themes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'make-colors-themes')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/make-colors-themes b/make-colors-themes
deleted file mode 100755
index c1810ff..0000000
--- a/make-colors-themes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-colors=(Brave Dust Human Illustrious Noble Wine Wise)
-properties=(bg fg base text selected_bg selected_fg tooltip_bg tooltip_fg frame inactive_frame menubar_bg menubar_fg menuitem_fg)
-shopt -s globstar dotglob extglob
-#sed() {
-# [[ "$debug" == true ]] && echo "sed $@"
-# command sed "$@"
-debug() {
- [[ "$debug" ]] && echo "$@"
-install_plank_theme() {
- [[ ! -d "$1" ]] && mkdir -p "$1"
- plank_dir="$1"
- shift
- cp -vr "$@" "$plank_dir"
-install_theme() {
- check_for_zuki
- check_for_generated
- for color in ${colors[@]};do
- if [[ -d "Shiki-$color" ]];then
- printf "Installing \"Shiki-$color\""
- if [[ "$user_install" ]];then
- printf "...\n"
- cp -r "Shiki-$color/" "$DESTDIR$HOME/.themes"
- else
- echo " system-wide..."
- mkdir -p "$DESTDIR/usr/share/themes/"
- cp -vr "$PWD/Shiki-$color/" "$DESTDIR/usr/share/themes/"
- fi
- else
- generate_theme "$color"
- fi
- done
- if [[ "$user_install" ]];then
- echo "Installing Xfwm themes..."
- cp -vr Shiki-*-Xfwm/ "$DESTDIR$HOME/.themes"
- echo "Installing Openbox themes..."
- cp -vr Shiki-*-Openbox/ "$DESTDIR$HOME/.themes"
- echo "Installing Plank themes..."
- install_plank_theme "$DESTDIR$HOME/.local/share/plank/themes/" ./plank/*
- else
- echo "Installing Xfwm themes system-wide..."
- mkdir -p "$DESTDIR/usr/share/themes/"
- cp -vr "$PWD"/Shiki-*-Xfwm/ "$DESTDIR/usr/share/themes/"
- echo "Installing Openbox themes system-wide..."
- cp -vr "$PWD"/Shiki-*-Openbox/ "$DESTDIR/usr/share/themes/"
- echo "Installing Plank themes system-wide..."
- install_plank_theme "$DESTDIR/usr/share/plank/themes/" ./plank/*
- fi
- printf '\n'
-uninstall_theme() {
- printf "Uninstalling..."
- for color in ${colors[@]};do
- printf " \"Shiki-$color\""
- [[ ! -z "$user_uninstall" ]] && rm -rf "$DESTDIR$HOME/.themes/Shiki-$color/"
- [[ -z "$user_uninstall" ]] && rm -rf "$DESTDIR/usr/share/themes/Shiki-$color/"
- done
- echo "Uninstalling Xfwm themes..."
- [[ ! -z "$user_uninstall" ]] && rm -vr "$DESTDIR$HOME/.themes/"Shiki-*-Xfwm/
- [[ -z "$user_uninstall" ]] &&rm -vr "$DESTDIR/usr/share/themes/"Shiki-*-Xfwm/
- echo "Uninstalling Openbox themes..."
- [[ ! -z "$user_uninstall" ]] && rm -vr "$DESTDIR$HOME/.themes/"Shiki-*-Openbox/
- [[ -z "$user_uninstall" ]] && rm -vr "$DESTDIR/usr/share/themes/"Shiki-*-Openbox/
- printf '\nUninstalling Plank themes...'
- for theme in plank/*;do
- theme=$(basename "$theme")
- printf " \"$theme\""
- [[ ! -z "$user_uninstall" ]] && rm -rf "$DESTDIR$HOME/.local/share/plank/themes/$theme"
- [[ -z "$user_uninstall" ]] && rm -rf "$DESTDIR/usr/share/plank/themes/$theme"
- done
- printf '\n\n'
-fix_line_endings() {
- printf "Correcting line endings..."
- for file in $@;do
- printf " \"$(basename $file)\""
- sed -i.bak 's/\r//' "$file"
- done
- printf '\n\n'
-patch() {
- if [[ "$debug" ]];then
- command patch --verbose "$@"
- else
- command patch "$@"
- fi
-patch_theme() {
- check_for_zuki
- echo "Patching zuki-themes..."
- echo "If these files were already patched before, you'll see errors. Ignore them."
- cd zuki-themes
- echo "Resetting zuki-themes git repo..."
- git reset --hard HEAD
- cd "$OLDPWD"
- fix_line_endings "./zuki-themes/Zukitwo/gtk-2.0/widgets/panel.rc" "./zuki-themes/Zukitwo/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" "./Shiki-Colors-common/patches/panel.rc.patch" "./Shiki-Colors-common/patches/enable-dark-menubar.patch"
- yes | patch ./zuki-themes/Zukitwo/gtk-2.0/widgets/panel.rc <./Shiki-Colors-common/patches/panel.rc.patch
- yes | patch ./zuki-themes/Zukitwo/gtk-2.0/gtkrc <./Shiki-Colors-common/patches/enable-dark-menubar.patch
- for zuki_theme in ./zuki-themes/*/;do
- pushd "$zuki_theme/" >/dev/null 2>&1
- echo "Removing xfwm4 theme in \"$zuki_theme\"..."
- rm -rf "xfwm4"
- popd >/dev/null 2>&1
- done
- IFS=$'\n'
- for file in $(find ./zuki-themes/ -type f);do
- sed -i 's/gtk_color_scheme = ./gtk_color_scheme = \"menubar_bg_color:#ffffff\\nmenubar_fg_color:#ffffff\\nmenuitem_fg_color:#ffffff\\n/g' "$file"
- done
- printf "\n"
-generate_theme() {
- color="$1"
- cp -r "zuki-themes/Zukitwo" "Shiki-$color"
- echo "Removing xfwm4 theme in \"Shiki-$color\"..."
- rm -rf "Shiki-$color/xfwm4"
- cd "Shiki-$color"
- echo "Creating \"Shiki-$color\"..."
- file_list=$(find . -type f | grep -v 'make-colors-themes')
- for property in ${properties[@]};do
- property_var_name=\$${color}_$property
- property_var_contents=$(echo \$${color}_bg)
- if [[ -z "$(eval echo $property_var_name)" ]];then
- debug " There is no \"$property_var_name\", so we'll just use \"\$common_$property\""
- property_var_contents=$(eval echo \$common_$property)
- else
- debug " Using \"$property_var_name\""
- property_var_contents="$(eval echo $property_var_name)"
- fi
- IFS=$'\n'
- property_var_contents=$(echo "$property_var_contents" | sed 's/\#/\\\#/g')
- for file in ${file_list};do
- sed -i "s/${property}_color:\#[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]/${property}_color:$property_var_contents/g;s/theme_${property}_color \#[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]/theme_${property}_color $property_var_contents/g;s/Zukitwo/Shiki-$color/g;s/define-color theme_${property}_color .*\;/define-color theme_${property}_color $property_var_contents\;/g" "$file" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
- done
- done
- #rm -rf "xfwm4"
- cp -vr ../Shiki-Colors-common/* ./
- cd "$OLDPWD"
-update() {
- git submodule deinit -f zuki-themes/
- git submodule init zuki-themes/
- git submodule update -f zuki-themes/
- echo "Resetting zuki-themes tree..."
- git submodule deinit -f zuki-themes/
- git submodule init zuki-themes/
- echo "Getting latest revision of zuki-themes..."
- git submodule update -f -- zuki-themes/
- cd "$OLDPWD"
- printf '\n'
-clean() {
- printf "Removing..."
- for color in ${colors[@]};do
- printf " \"Shiki-$color/\""
- rm -rf "Shiki-$color/"
- done
- printf '\n\n'
-help() {
- echo "make-colors-themes - create Shiki-Colors themes"
- echo "usage: make-colors-themes [actions]"
- echo
- echo "arguments:"
- echo " generate - just generate the theme"
- echo " install - install the theme system-wide"
- echo " user-install - install the theme in your ~/.themes directory"
- echo " uninstall - uninstall the theme"
- echo " user-uninstall - uninstall the theme from the ~/.themes directory"
- echo " clean - delete old generated files"
- echo " patch - patch zuki-themes file"
- echo " update - update the local copy of the zuki-themes repo"
- echo " debug - activate debug messages"
- echo " help - display this message"
- echo
- echo "edit the \$colors variables in the script if you'd like to only generate certain colors"
- echo
- exit
-command_not_found() {
- echo "make-colors-themes: \`$command\` is not a valid command"
-generate_themes() {
- check_for_zuki
- generate=true
- for theme in ${colors[@]};do
- generate_theme $theme
- done
- printf "Now, type \`$0 install\` or \`$0 user_install\` to install.\n"
-check_for_zuki() {
- if [[ ! -d "zuki-themes/Zukitwo" ]];then
- update
- fi
-check_for_generated() {
- local color=
- for color in ${colors[@]};do
- if [[ ! -d "Shiki-$color/" ]];then
- generate_theme "$color"
- fi
- done
-if [[ "$1" ]];then
- while [[ "$1" ]];do
- [[ "$1" == "generate" ]] && generate=true && generate_themes
- [[ "$1" == "install" ]] && install=true && install_theme
- [[ "$1" == "user-install" ]] && user_install=1 && install_theme
- [[ "$1" == "user-uninstall" ]] && user_uninstall=1 && uninstall_theme
- [[ "$1" == "update" ]] && update=true && update
- [[ "$1" == "uninstall" ]] && uninstall=true && uninstall_theme
- [[ "$1" == "clean" ]] && clean=true clean
- [[ "$1" == "patch" ]] && patch=true && patch_theme
- [[ "$1" == "debug" ]] && debug=true
- [[ "$1" == "help" ]] && help=true && help
- [[ ! "$help" && ! "$install" && ! "$user_install" && ! "$user_uninstall" && ! "$update" && ! "$uninstall" && ! "$clean" && ! "$patch" && ! "$debug" && ! "$generate" ]] && command_not_found=1 && command="$1"
- shift
- done
- help