AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-03-04update thte warningHEADmasterEvgeny Zinoviev
2023-01-15don't use it.Evgeny Zinoviev
2021-03-16mga52: add support of 4g_samsung memoryEvgeny Zinoviev
2021-02-18README: fill mba42 ram table with valid infoEvgeny Zinoviev
2021-02-18README: update mba42 ram infoEvgeny Zinoviev
2021-02-14README: add information about supported memoryEvgeny Zinoviev
2021-02-04README: update GRUB2 build depsEvgeny Zinoviev
2021-02-03README: add a note about SeaBIOSEvgeny Zinoviev
2021-02-03Update MacBook Pro 10,1, remove SeaBIOS patch, update READMEEvgeny Zinoviev
2020-08-04add a note about mba 4,2Evgeny Zinoviev
2019-07-07fix readmeEvgeny Zinoviev
2019-07-06update readmeEvgeny Zinoviev
2019-06-20remove some script not related to this repoEvgeny Zinoviev
2019-06-12initialEvgeny Zinoviev