path: root/README.md
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+# isv
+**isv** is utility for controlling Voltronic hybrid solar inverters that use P18 protocol. **isv** has full P18
+support with all known methods implemented. It was written for use with InfiniSolar V 5kW inverter and it's the only
+inverter it has been tested with so far, but it should work with other inverters using P18 protocol as well. Adding
+support for other protocols (such as P16 or P17) by splitting them into separate modules is possible in future.
+For now, only USB connection is supported and tested (I just don't have the RS-232 cable with this weird RJ-style plug
+lol), but RS-232 support will be added eventually.
+It's written in pure C99 with almost zero dependencies. It uses [libvoltronic](https://github.com/jvandervyver/libvoltronic)
+for underlying device interaction. but you don't need to download and build it separately as **isv** comes with its own
+slightly modified libvoltronic version.
+It can output data in different formats (human-readable tables, conveniently-parsable tables and even JSON) so you can
+easily integrate it in your project.
+For now only Linux and macOS are supported and tested. Other operating systems will be supported later.
+## Requirements
+- `pkg-config`
+- `hidapi`
+ - On Linux, you should be able to install it from your distro's package manager
+ - On macOS, `brew install hidapi`
+## Building
+Just run `make`. If you want to install it, `make install` will do the job.
+## Usage
+Run `isv` without arguments to see the full options list. For the sake of good readmes it's also written here.
+### Common options
+- **`-r`** `COMMAND`<br>
+ **`--raw`** `COMMAND` - execute arbitrary command and print inverter's response.<br>
+ Command example: `^P005PI`
+- **`-t `** `TIMEOUT`<br>
+ **`--timeout`** `TIMEOUT` - device read timeout, in milliseconds.<br>Example: `-t 5000`
+- **`-v`**, **`--verbose`** - print debug information, like hexdumps of communication traffic with inverter
+- **`-p`**, **`--pretend`** - do not actually execute anything on inverter, but output some debug info. Little use for
+ normal people. Doesn't work with `--raw`.
+- **`-f`** `FORMAT`<br>
+ **`--format`** `FORMAT` - output format for `--get-*` and `--set-*` options, you can find list of supported
+ formats below.
+### Get options
+- **`--get-protocol-id`** - returns protocol id. Should be always `18` as it's the only one supported.
+- **`--get-date-time`** - returns date and time from inverter
+- **`--get-total-generated`** - returns total generated energy, in kWatts (or Watts?). The documentation says it should be
+ kilowatts, but my inverter says that we generated almost 200,000 for the last two months... It's must be Watts. My
+ guess is that it reports Watts first and when it reaches some kind of integer limit it switches to kWatts.
+- **`--get-year-generated`** `YYYY` - returns generated energy for specified year, in kWatts (or Watts? see above)
+- **`--get-month-generated`** `YYYY` `MM` - returns generated energy for specified month, in kWatts (or Watts? see above)
+- **`--get-day-generated`** `YYYY` `MM` `DD` - returns generated energy for specified day, in Watts.
+- **`--get-series-number`** - returns series number. Or maybe serial number. The documentation is written by Chinese in
+ bad english.
+- **`--get-cpu-version`** - returns main and slave CPU versions.
+- **`--get-rated-information`** - returns rated information.
+- **`--get-general-status`** - returns general status, many cool stuff here. Usually this is what you want to read.
+- **`--get-working-mode`** - returns working mode.
+- **`--get-faults-warnings`** - returns fault and warning status.
+- **`--get-flags`** - returns state of a set of flags, or toggles, like backlight or buzzer ON or OFF, etc.
+- **`--get-defaults`** - returns default values of some changeable parameters and default flags values.
+- **`--get-max-charging-current-selectable-values`**
+- **`--get-max-ac-charging-current-selectable-values`**
+- **`--get-parallel-rated-information`** `ID`<br>
+ `ID` - parallel machine ID
+- **`--get-parallel-general-status`** `ID`<br>
+ `ID` - parallel machine ID
+- **`--get-ac-charge-time-bucket`**
+- **`--get-ac-supply-load-time-bucket`**
+### Set options
+- **`--set-loads-supply`** `0|1`
+- **`--set-flag`** `FLAG` `0|1`
+ List of flags:
+ - `BUZZ` - Silence buzzer or open buzzer
+ - `OLBP` - Overload bypass function
+ - `LCDE` - LCD display escape to default page after 1min timeout
+ - `OLRS` - Overload restart
+ - `OTRS` - Overload temperature restart
+ - `BLON` - Backlight on
+ - `ALRM` - Alarm on primary source interrupt
+ - `FTCR` - Fault code record
+ - `MTYP` - Machine type (1=Grid-Tie, 0=Off-Grid-Tie)
+- **`--set-defaults`**<br>
+ Reset changeable parameters to their default values.
+- **`--set-battery-max-charging-current`** `ID` `AMPS`<br>
+ `ID` - parallel machine ID (use 0 for a single model)<br>
+ `AMPS` - use `--get-max-charging-current-selectable-values` to see a list of allowed currents
+- **`--set-battery-max-ac-charging-current`** `ID` `AMPS`<br>
+ `ID` - parallel machine ID (use 0 for a single model)<br>
+ `AMPS` - use `--get-max-ac-charging-current-selectable-values` to see a list of allowed currents
+- **`--set-ac-output-freq`** `50|60`
+- **`--set-battery-max-charging-voltage`** `CV` `FV`<br>
+ `CV` - constant voltage (48.0 ~ 58.4)<br>
+ `FV` - float voltage (48.0 ~ 58.4)
+- **`--set-ac-output-rated-voltage`** `V`<br>
+ `V` - voltage. Allowed voltages are `202`, `208`, `220`, `230` and `240`
+- **`--set-output-source-priority`** `PRIORITY`
+ List of priorities:
+ - `SUB` is for *Solar-Utility-Battery*<br>
+ - `SBU` is for *Solar-Battery-Utility*
+- **`--set-battery-charging-thresholds`** `CV` `DV`<br>
+ Sets battery re-charging and re-discharigng voltages when utility is available.
+ `CV` - re-charging voltage<br>
+ *For 12V unit:* `11`, `11.3`, `11.5`, `11.8`, `12`, `12.3`, `12.5` or `12.8`<br>
+ *For 24V unit:* `22`, `22.5`, `23`, `23.5`, `24`, `24.5`, `25` or `25.5`<br>
+ *For 48V unit:* `44`, `45`, `46`, `47`, `48`, `49`, `50` or `51`
+ `DV` - re-discharging voltage<br>
+ *For 12V unit:* `0`, `12`, `12.3`, `12.5`, `12.8`, `13`, `13.3`, `13.5`, `13.8`, `14`, `14.3` or `14.5`<br>
+ *For 24V unit:* `0`, `24`, `24.5`, `25`, `25.5`, `26`, `26.5`, `27`, `27.5`, `28`, `28.5` or `29`<br>
+ *For 48V unit:* `0`, `48`, `49`, `50`, `51`, `52`, `53`, `54`, `55`, `56`, `57` or `58`<br>
+- **`--set-charging-source-priority`** `ID` `PRIORITY`<br>
+ `ID` - parallel machine ID (use 0 for a single model).
+ List of priorities:
+ - `SF` for *Solar-First*<br>
+ - `SU` for *Solar-and-Utility*<br>
+ - `S` for *Solar-Only*
+- **`--set-solar-power-priority`** `PRIORITY`
+ List of priorities:
+ - `BLU` for *Battery-Load-Utility*<br>
+ - `LBU` for *Load-Battery-Utility*
+- **`--set-ac-input-voltage-range`** `RANGE`
+ List of ranges:
+ - `UPS`
+- **`--set-battery-type`** `AGM|FLOODED|USER`
+- **`--set-output-model`** `ID` `MODEL`<br>
+ `ID` - parallel machine ID (use 0 for a single model).
+ List of allowed models:
+ - `SM` - Single module
+ - `P` - Parallel output
+ - `P1` - Phase 1 of three phase output
+ - `P2` - Phase 2 of three phase output
+ - `P3` - Phase 3 of three phase
+- **`--set-battery-cutoff-voltage`** `V`<br>
+ `V` - cut-off voltage (40.0 ~ 48.0)
+- **`--set-solar-configuration`** `ID`<br>
+ `ID` - serial number
+- **`--clear-generated-data`**<br>
+ Clears all data of generated energy.
+- **`--set-date-time`** `YYYY` `MM` `DD` `hh` `mm` `ss`<br>
+ `YYYY` - year<br>
+ `MM` - month<br>
+ `DD` - day<br>
+ `hh` - hours<br>
+ `mm` - minutes<br>
+ `ss` - seconds
+- **`--set-ac-charge-time-bucket`** `START` `END`<br>
+ `START` - starting time, `hh:mm` format<br>
+ `END` - ending time, `hh:mm` format
+- **`--set-ac-supply-load-time-bucket`** `START` `END`<br>
+ `START` - starting time, `hh:mm` format<br>
+ `END` - ending time, `hh:mm` format
+### Formats
+- `table` - human-readable table. This is used by default.
+ Output example:
+ ```
+ Grid voltage: 0.0 V
+ Grid frequency: 0.0 Hz
+ AC output voltage: 230.1 V
+ AC output frequency: 50.0 Hz
+ AC output apparent power: 114 VA
+ AC output active power: 69 Wh
+ Output load percent: 2%
+ Battery voltage: 49.5 V
+ Battery voltage from SCC: 0.0 V
+ Battery voltage from SCC2: 0.0 V
+ Battery discharge current: 1 A
+ Battery charging current: 0 A
+ Battery capacity: 73%
+ Inverter heat sink temperature: 32 °C
+ MPPT1 charger temperature: 0 °C
+ MPPT2 charger temperature: 0 °C
+ PV1 Input power: 0.00 Wh
+ PV2 Input power: 0.00 Wh
+ PV1 Input voltage: 0.0 V
+ PV2 Input voltage: 0.0 V
+ Setting value configuration state: Something changed
+ MPPT1 charger status: Abnormal
+ MPPT2 charger status: Abnormal
+ Load connection: Connected
+ Battery power direction: Discharge
+ DC/AC power direction: DC/AC
+ Line power direction: Do nothing
+ Local parallel ID: 0
+ ```
+- `parsable-table`
+ Output example:
+ ```
+ grid_voltage 0.0 V
+ grid_freq 0.0 Hz
+ ac_output_voltage 230.0 V
+ ac_output_freq 50.0 Hz
+ ac_output_apparent_power 92 VA
+ ac_output_active_power 52 Wh
+ output_load_percent 1 %
+ battery_voltage 49.5 V
+ battery_voltage_scc 0.0 V
+ battery_voltage_scc2 0.0 V
+ battery_discharge_current 1 A
+ battery_charging_current 0 A
+ battery_capacity 73 %
+ inverter_heat_sink_temp 32 °C
+ mppt1_charger_temp 0 °C
+ mppt2_charger_temp 0 °C
+ pv1_input_power 0.00 Wh
+ pv2_input_power 0.00 Wh
+ pv1_input_voltage 0.0 V
+ pv2_input_voltage 0.0 V
+ settings_values_changed "Something changed"
+ mppt1_charger_status Abnormal
+ mppt2_charger_status Abnormal
+ load_connected Connected
+ battery_power_direction Discharge
+ dc_ac_power_direction DC/AC
+ line_power_direction "Do nothing"
+ local_parallel_id 0
+ ```
+- `json` - JSON.
+ Output example:
+ ```
+ {"grid_voltage":0.00,"grid_freq":0.00,"ac_output_voltage":229.90,"ac_output_freq":49.90,"ac_output_apparent_power":91,"ac_output_active_power":47,"output_load_percent":1,"battery_voltage":49.50,"battery_voltage_scc":0.00,"battery_voltage_scc2":0.00,"battery_discharge_current":1,"battery_charging_current":0,"battery_capacity":73,"inverter_heat_sink_temp":32,"mppt1_charger_temp":0,"mppt2_charger_temp":0,"pv1_input_power":0.00,"pv2_input_power":0.00,"pv1_input_voltage":0.00,"pv2_input_voltage":0.00,"settings_values_changed":"Something changed","mppt1_charger_status":"Abnormal","mppt2_charger_status":"Abnormal","load_connected":"Connected","battery_power_direction":"Discharge","dc_ac_power_direction":"DC/AC","line_power_direction":"Do nothing","local_parallel_id":0}
+ ```
+- `json-w-units` - JSON with units.
+ Output example:
+ ```
+ {"grid_voltage":[0.00,"V"],"grid_freq":[0.00,"Hz"],"ac_output_voltage":[230.10,"V"],"ac_output_freq":[50.00,"Hz"],"ac_output_apparent_power":[92,"VA"],"ac_output_active_power":[53,"Wh"],"output_load_percent":[1,"%"],"battery_voltage":[49.50,"V"],"battery_voltage_scc":[0.00,"V"],"battery_voltage_scc2":[0.00,"V"],"battery_discharge_current":[1,"A"],"battery_charging_current":[0,"A"],"battery_capacity":[73,"%"],"inverter_heat_sink_temp":[32,"°C"],"mppt1_charger_temp":[0,"°C"],"mppt2_charger_temp":[0,"°C"],"pv1_input_power":[0.00,"Wh"],"pv2_input_power":[0.00,"Wh"],"pv1_input_voltage":[0.00,"V"],"pv2_input_voltage":[0.00,"V"],"settings_values_changed":"Something changed","mppt1_charger_status":"Abnormal","mppt2_charger_status":"Abnormal","load_connected":"Connected","battery_power_direction":"Discharge","dc_ac_power_direction":"DC/AC","line_power_direction":"Do nothing","local_parallel_id":0}
+ ```
+### Return codes
+**isv** returns `0` on success, `1` on some input error (e.g. invalid argument) and `2` on communication failure (e.g.
+failed to read response from inverter, or response is invalid).
+## License
+GPLv3 \ No newline at end of file