path: root/include/py/homekit/camera/util.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include/py/homekit/camera/util.py')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/py/homekit/camera/util.py b/include/py/homekit/camera/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58c2c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/py/homekit/camera/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+import asyncio
+import os.path
+import logging
+import psutil
+import re
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import List, Tuple
+from ..util import chunks
+from ..config import config, LinuxBoardsConfig
+from .config import IpcamConfig
+from .types import VideoContainerType
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_ipcam_config = IpcamConfig()
+_lbc_config = LinuxBoardsConfig()
+datetime_format = '%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S'
+datetime_format_re = r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}\.\d{2}.\d{2}'
+def _get_ffmpeg_path() -> str:
+ return 'ffmpeg' if 'ffmpeg' not in config else config['ffmpeg']['path']
+def time2seconds(time: str) -> int:
+ time, frac = time.split('.')
+ frac = int(frac)
+ h, m, s = [int(i) for i in time.split(':')]
+ return round(s + m*60 + h*3600 + frac/1000)
+async def ffmpeg_recreate(filename: str):
+ filedir = os.path.dirname(filename)
+ _, fileext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ tempname = os.path.join(filedir, f'.temporary_fixing.{fileext}')
+ mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename)
+ args = [_get_ffmpeg_path(), '-nostats', '-loglevel', 'error', '-i', filename, '-c', 'copy', '-y', tempname]
+ proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*args,
+ stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate()
+ if proc.returncode != 0:
+ _logger.error(f'fix_timestamps({filename}): ffmpeg returned {proc.returncode}, stderr: {stderr.decode().strip()}')
+ if os.path.isfile(tempname):
+ os.unlink(filename)
+ os.rename(tempname, filename)
+ os.utime(filename, (mtime, mtime))
+ _logger.info(f'fix_timestamps({filename}): OK')
+ else:
+ _logger.error(f'fix_timestamps({filename}): temp file \'{tempname}\' does not exists, fix failed')
+async def ffmpeg_cut(input: str,
+ output: str,
+ start_pos: int,
+ duration: int):
+ args = [_get_ffmpeg_path(), '-nostats', '-loglevel', 'error', '-i', input,
+ '-ss', str(start_pos), '-t', str(duration),
+ '-c', 'copy', '-y', output]
+ proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*args,
+ stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate()
+ if proc.returncode != 0:
+ _logger.error(f'ffmpeg_cut({input}, start_pos={start_pos}, duration={duration}): ffmpeg returned {proc.returncode}, stderr: {stderr.decode().strip()}')
+ else:
+ _logger.info(f'ffmpeg_cut({input}): OK')
+def dvr_scan_timecodes(timecodes: str) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
+ tc_backup = timecodes
+ timecodes = timecodes.split(',')
+ if len(timecodes) % 2 != 0:
+ raise DVRScanInvalidTimecodes(f'invalid number of timecodes. input: {tc_backup}')
+ timecodes = list(map(time2seconds, timecodes))
+ timecodes = list(chunks(timecodes, 2))
+ # sort out invalid fragments (dvr-scan returns them sometimes, idk why...)
+ timecodes = list(filter(lambda f: f[0] < f[1], timecodes))
+ if not timecodes:
+ raise DVRScanInvalidTimecodes(f'no valid timecodes. input: {tc_backup}')
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/a/43600953
+ timecodes.sort(key=lambda interval: interval[0])
+ merged = [timecodes[0]]
+ for current in timecodes:
+ previous = merged[-1]
+ if current[0] <= previous[1]:
+ previous[1] = max(previous[1], current[1])
+ else:
+ merged.append(current)
+ return merged
+class DVRScanInvalidTimecodes(Exception):
+ pass
+def has_handle(fpath):
+ for proc in psutil.process_iter():
+ try:
+ for item in proc.open_files():
+ if fpath == item.path:
+ return True
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ return False
+def get_recordings_path(cam: int) -> str:
+ server, disk = _ipcam_config.get_cam_server_and_disk(cam)
+ disks = _lbc_config.get_board_disks(server)
+ disk_mountpoint = disks[disk-1]
+ return f'{disk_mountpoint}/cam-{cam}'
+def get_motion_path(cam: int) -> str:
+ return f'{get_recordings_path(cam)}/motion'
+def is_valid_recording_name(filename: str) -> bool:
+ if not filename.startswith('record_'):
+ return False
+ for container_type in VideoContainerType:
+ if filename.endswith(f'.{container_type.value}'):
+ return True
+ return False
+def datetime_from_filename(name: str) -> datetime:
+ name = os.path.basename(name)
+ exts = '|'.join([t.value for t in VideoContainerType])
+ if name.startswith('record_'):
+ return datetime.strptime(re.match(rf'record_(.*?)\.(?:{exts})', name).group(1), datetime_format)
+ m = re.match(rf'({datetime_format_re})__{datetime_format_re}\.(?:{exts})', name)
+ if m:
+ return datetime.strptime(m.group(1), datetime_format)
+ raise ValueError(f'unrecognized filename format: {name}')
+def get_hls_channel_name(cam: int, channel: int) -> str:
+ name = str(cam)
+ if channel == 2:
+ name += '-low'
+ return name
+def get_hls_directory(cam, channel) -> str:
+ dirname = os.path.join(
+ _ipcam_config['hls_path'],
+ get_hls_channel_name(cam, channel)
+ )
+ if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+ os.makedirs(dirname)
+ return dirname \ No newline at end of file