path: root/src/soc/amd/genoa
diff options
authorVarshit Pandya <>2023-10-16 22:56:52 +0530
committerFelix Held <>2023-10-31 14:40:22 +0000
commit5397b4dcf228b097f769fcaf3d88cc36316423c1 (patch)
tree76474734208246a26f50e689c3053edef5c6c20d /src/soc/amd/genoa
parentd581878264fc9c5900c19d1a8b3b1851d1b695db (diff)
soc/amd/genoa: Add PCI interrupt support
This patch adds PCI interrupt details as per the Processor Programming Reference (PPR) version 0.25 (#55901), table 319. Change-Id: I81251bd60aac1d7bd3181699d3adca315291f336 Signed-off-by: Varshit Pandya <> Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Felix Held <> Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/soc/amd/genoa')
3 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/soc/amd/genoa/acpi/pci_int_defs.asl b/src/soc/amd/genoa/acpi/pci_int_defs.asl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22455c5cae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc/amd/genoa/acpi/pci_int_defs.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
+/* PCI IRQ mapping registers, C00h-C01h. */
+OperationRegion(PRQM, SystemIO, 0x00000c00, 0x00000002)
+ Field(PRQM, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) {
+ PRQI, 0x00000008,
+ PRQD, 0x00000008, /* Offset: 1h */
+ * All PIC indexes are prefixed with P.
+ * All IO-APIC indexes are prefixed with I.
+ */
+IndexField(PRQI, PRQD, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) {
+ PIRA, 0x00000008, /* Index 0: INTA */
+ PIRB, 0x00000008, /* Index 1: INTB */
+ PIRC, 0x00000008, /* Index 2: INTC */
+ PIRD, 0x00000008, /* Index 3: INTD */
+ PIRE, 0x00000008, /* Index 4: INTE */
+ PIRF, 0x00000008, /* Index 5: INTF */
+ PIRG, 0x00000008, /* Index 6: INTG */
+ PIRH, 0x00000008, /* Index 7: INTH */
+ Offset (0x10),
+ PSCI, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x10: SCI */
+ PSB0, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x11: SMBUS0 */
+ PASF, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x12: ASF */
+ Offset (0x16),
+ PPMN, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x16: PerMon */
+ Offset (0x1a),
+ PSIO, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x1A: SDIO */
+ Offset (0x50),
+ PGP0, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x50: GPP0 */
+ PGP1, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x51: GPP1 */
+ PGP2, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x52: GPP2 */
+ PGP3, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x53: GPP3 */
+ Offset (0x62),
+ PGPI, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x62: GPIO */
+ Offset (0x70),
+ PI20, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x70: I2C0/I3C0 */
+ PI21, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x71: I2C1/I3C1 */
+ PI22, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x72: I2C2/I3C2 */
+ PI23, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x73: I2C3/I3C3 */
+ PUA0, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x74: UART0 */
+ PUA1, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x75: UART1 */
+ PI24, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x76: I2C4 */
+ PI25, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x77: I2C5 */
+ PUA2, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x78: UART2 */
+ PUA3, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x79: UART3 */
+ /* IO-APIC IRQs */
+ Offset (0x80),
+ IORA, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x80: INTA */
+ IORB, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x81: INTB */
+ IORC, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x82: INTC */
+ IORD, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x83: INTD */
+ IORE, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x84: INTE */
+ IORF, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x85: INTF */
+ IORG, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x86: INTG */
+ IORH, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x87: INTH */
+ Offset (0x90),
+ ISCI, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x90: SCI */
+ ISB0, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x91: SMBUS0 */
+ IASF, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x92: ASF */
+ Offset (0x96),
+ IPMN, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x96: PerMon */
+ Offset (0x9a),
+ ISIO, 0x00000008, /* Index 0x9A: SDIO */
+ Offset (0xD0),
+ IGP0, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xD0: GPP0 */
+ IGP1, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xD1: GPP1 */
+ IGP2, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xD2: GPP2 */
+ IGP3, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xD3: GPP3 */
+ Offset (0xE2),
+ IGPI, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xE2: GPIO */
+ Offset (0xF0),
+ II20, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xF0: I2C0/I3C0 */
+ II21, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xF1: I2C1/I3C1 */
+ II22, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xF2: I2C2/I3C2 */
+ II23, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xF3: I2C3/I3C3 */
+ IUA0, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xF4: UART0 */
+ IUA1, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xF5: UART1 */
+ II24, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xF6: I2C4 */
+ II25, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xF7: I2C5 */
+ IUA2, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xF8: UART2 */
+ IUA3, 0x00000008, /* Index 0xF9: UART3 */
diff --git a/src/soc/amd/genoa/acpi/soc.asl b/src/soc/amd/genoa/acpi/soc.asl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88b0df81c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc/amd/genoa/acpi/soc.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
+Scope(\_SB) {
+ /* global utility methods expected within the \_SB scope */
+ #include "pci_int_defs.asl"
+} /* End \_SB scope */
diff --git a/src/soc/amd/genoa/include/soc/amd_pci_int_defs.h b/src/soc/amd/genoa/include/soc/amd_pci_int_defs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d2bb39de0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc/amd/genoa/include/soc/amd_pci_int_defs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
+ * * PIRQ and device routing - these define the index into the
+ * * FCH PCI_INTR 0xC00/0xC01 interrupt routing table.
+ * */
+#define PIRQ_NC 0x1f /* Not Used */
+#define PIRQ_A 0x00 /* INT A */
+#define PIRQ_B 0x01 /* INT B */
+#define PIRQ_C 0x02 /* INT C */
+#define PIRQ_D 0x03 /* INT D */
+#define PIRQ_E 0x04 /* INT E */
+#define PIRQ_F 0x05 /* INT F */
+#define PIRQ_G 0x06 /* INT G */
+#define PIRQ_H 0x07 /* INT H */
+#define PIRQ_MISC 0x08 /* Miscellaneous IRQ Settings */
+#define PIRQ_MISC0 0x09 /* Miscellaneous0 IRQ Settings */
+#define PIRQ_HPET_L 0x0a /* Miscellaneous1 IRQ Settings */
+#define PIRQ_HPET_H 0x0b /* Miscellaneous2 IRQ Settings */
+#define PIRQ_SIRQA 0x0c /* Serial IRQ INTA */
+#define PIRQ_SIRQB 0x0d /* Serial IRQ INTB */
+#define PIRQ_SIRQC 0x0e /* Serial IRQ INTC */
+#define PIRQ_SIRQD 0x0f /* Serial IRQ INTD */
+#define PIRQ_SCI 0x10 /* SCI IRQ */
+#define PIRQ_SMBUS 0x11 /* SMBUS0 */
+#define PIRQ_ASF 0x12 /* ASF */
+/* 0x13-0x15 reserved */
+#define PIRQ_PMON 0x16 /* Performance Monitor */
+/* 0x17-0x19 reserved */
+#define PIRQ_SDIO 0x1a /* SDIO */
+/* 0x1b-0x49 reserved */
+#define PIRQ_GPP0 0x50 /* GPPInt0 */
+#define PIRQ_GPP1 0x51 /* GPPInt1 */
+#define PIRQ_GPP2 0x52 /* GPPInt2 */
+#define PIRQ_GPP3 0x53 /* GPPInt3 */
+/* 0x54-0x59 reserved */
+#define PIRQ_SCI 0x60 /* SCI Interrupt */
+#define PIRQ_SMI 0x61 /* SMI Interrupt */
+#define PIRQ_GPIO 0x62 /* GPIO Interrupt */
+/* 0x63-0x6f reserved */
+#define PIRQ_I2C0 0x70 /* I2C0/I3C0 */
+#define PIRQ_I2C1 0x71 /* I2C1/I3C1 */
+#define PIRQ_I2C2 0x72 /* I2C2/I3C2 */
+#define PIRQ_I2C3 0x73 /* I2C3/I3C3 */
+#define PIRQ_UART0 0x74 /* UART0 */
+#define PIRQ_UART1 0x75 /* UART1 */
+#define PIRQ_I2C4 0x76 /* I2C4 */
+#define PIRQ_I2C5 0x77 /* I2C5 */
+#define PIRQ_UART2 0x78 /* UART2 */
+#define PIRQ_UART3 0x79 /* UART3 */