path: root/skin/base.skin.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'skin/base.skin.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 324 deletions
diff --git a/skin/base.skin.php b/skin/base.skin.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d583ffe..0000000
--- a/skin/base.skin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-namespace skin\base;
-function layout($ctx, $title, $unsafe_body, $static, $meta, $js, $opts, $exec_time, $unsafe_lang, $theme) {
-global $config;
-$app_config = json_encode([
- 'domain' => $config['domain'],
- 'devMode' => $config['is_dev'],
- 'cookieHost' => $config['cookie_host'],
-$body_class = [];
-if ($opts['full_width'])
- $body_class[] = 'full-width';
-else if ($opts['wide'])
- $body_class[] = 'wide';
-if (!empty($body_class))
- $body_class = implode(' ', $body_class);
- $body_class = '';
-return <<<HTML
-<!doctype html>
-<html lang="en">
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
- <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico?4" type="image/x-icon">
- <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="/feed.rss">
- <title>{$title}</title>
- <script type="text/javascript">window.appConfig = {$app_config};</script>
- {$ctx->renderMeta($meta)}
- {$ctx->renderStatic($static, $theme)}
- </head>
- <body{$ctx->if_true($body_class, ' class="'.$body_class.'"')}>
- {$ctx->renderHeader($theme, renderLogo($ctx, $opts['logo_path_map'], $opts['logo_link_map']))}
- <div class="page-content base-width">
- <div class="page-content-inner">{$unsafe_body}</div>
- </div>
- {$ctx->renderScript($js, $unsafe_lang, $opts['dynlogo_enabled'])}
- <!-- Yandex.Metrika counter -->
- <script type="text/javascript">
- (function(m,e,t,r,i,k,a){m[i]=m[i]||function(){(m[i].a=m[i].a||[]).push(arguments)};
- m[i].l=1*new Date();
- for (var j = 0; j < document.scripts.length; j++) {if (document.scripts[j].src === r) { return; }}
- k=e.createElement(t),a=e.getElementsByTagName(t)[0],k.async=1,k.src=r,a.parentNode.insertBefore(k,a)})
- (window, document, "script", "https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/tag.js", "ym");
- ym(91996445, "init", {
- clickmap:true,
- trackLinks:true,
- accurateTrackBounce:true
- });
- </script>
- <noscript><div><img src="https://mc.yandex.ru/watch/91996445" style="position:absolute; left:-9999px;" alt="" /></div></noscript>
- <!-- /Yandex.Metrika counter -->
- </body>
- exec time: {$exec_time}s
- looking for sources? check out https://git.ch1p.io/ch1p_io_web.git
-function renderScript($ctx, $unsafe_js, $unsafe_lang, $enable_dynlogo) {
-global $config;
-$styles = json_encode($ctx->styleNames);
-if ($config['is_dev'])
- $versions = '{}';
-else {
- $versions = [];
- foreach ($config['static'] as $name => $v) {
- list($type, $bname) = getStaticNameParts($name);
- $versions[$type][$bname] = $v;
- }
- $versions = json_encode($versions);
-return <<<HTML
-<script type="text/javascript">
-StaticManager.init({$styles}, {$versions});
-{$ctx->if_true($unsafe_js, '(function(){'.$unsafe_js.'})();')}
-{$ctx->if_true($unsafe_lang, 'extend(__lang, '.$unsafe_lang.');')}
-{$ctx->if_true($enable_dynlogo, 'DynamicLogo.init();')}
-function renderMeta($ctx, $meta) {
- if (empty($meta))
- return '';
- return implode('', array_map(function(array $item): string {
- $s = '<meta';
- foreach ($item as $k => $v)
- $s .= ' '.htmlescape($k).'="'.htmlescape($v).'"';
- $s .= '>';
- return $s;
- }, $meta));
-function renderStatic($ctx, $static, $theme) {
- global $config;
- $html = [];
- $dark = $theme == 'dark';
- $ctx->styleNames = [];
- foreach ($static as $name) {
- // javascript
- if (str_starts_with($name, 'js/'))
- $html[] = jsLink($name);
- // css
- else if (str_starts_with($name, 'css/')) {
- $html[] = cssLink($name, 'light', $style_name);
- $ctx->styleNames[] = $style_name;
- if ($dark)
- $html[] = cssLink($name, 'dark', $style_name);
- else if (!$config['is_dev'])
- $html[] = cssPrefetchLink($style_name.'_dark');
- }
- else
- logError(__FUNCTION__.': unexpected static entry: '.$name);
- }
- return implode("\n", $html);
-function jsLink(string $name): string {
- global $config;
- list (, $bname) = getStaticNameParts($name);
- if ($config['is_dev']) {
- $href = '/js.php?name='.urlencode($bname).'&amp;v='.time();
- } else {
- $href = '/dist-js/'.$bname.'.js?'.getStaticVersion($name);
- }
- return '<script src="'.$href.'" type="text/javascript"></script>';
-function cssLink(string $name, string $theme, &$bname = null): string {
- global $config;
- list(, $bname) = getStaticNameParts($name);
- if ($config['is_dev']) {
- $href = '/sass.php?name='.urlencode($bname).'&amp;theme='.$theme.'&amp;v='.time();
- } else {
- $version = getStaticVersion('css/'.$bname.($theme == 'dark' ? '_dark' : '').'.css');
- $href = '/dist-css/'.$bname.($theme == 'dark' ? '_dark' : '').'.css?'.$version;
- }
- $id = 'style_'.$bname;
- if ($theme == 'dark')
- $id .= '_dark';
- return '<link rel="stylesheet" id="'.$id.'" type="text/css" href="'.$href.'">';
-function cssPrefetchLink(string $name): string {
-$url = '/dist-css/'.$name.'.css?'.getStaticVersion('css/'.$name.'.css');
-return <<<HTML
-<link rel="prefetch" href="{$url}" />
-function getStaticNameParts(string $name): array {
- $dname = dirname($name);
- $bname = basename($name);
- if (($pos = strrpos($bname, '.'))) {
- $ext = substr($bname, $pos+1);
- $bname = substr($bname, 0, $pos);
- } else {
- $ext = '';
- }
- return [$dname, $bname, $ext];
-function getStaticVersion(string $name): string {
- global $config;
- if ($config['is_dev'])
- return time();
- if (str_starts_with($name, '/')) {
- logWarning(__FUNCTION__.': '.$name.' starts with /');
- $name = substr($name, 1);
- }
- return $config['static'][$name] ?? 'notfound';
-function renderHeader($ctx, $theme, $unsafe_logo_html) {
-$items = [
- ['url' => 'javascript:void(0)', 'label' => $theme, 'label_id' => 'theme-switcher-label', 'theme_switcher' => true],
- ['url' => '/', 'label' => 'blog'],
- ['url' => '/projects/', 'label' => 'projects'],
- ['url' => 'https://git.ch1p.io/?s=idle', 'label' => 'git'],
- ['url' => '/misc/', 'label' => 'misc'],
- ['url' => '/contacts/', 'label' => 'contacts'],
-if (\is_admin())
- $items[] = ['url' => '/admin/', 'label' => 'admin'];
-// here, items are rendered using for_each, so that there are no gaps (whitespaces) between tags
-return <<<HTML
-<div class="head base-width">
- <div class="head-inner clearfix">
- <div class="head-logo">{$unsafe_logo_html}</div>
- <div class="head-items clearfix">
- {$ctx->for_each($items, fn($item) => $ctx->renderHeaderItem($item['url'], $item['label'], $item['label_id'] ?? null, $item['theme_switcher'] ?? false))}
- </div>
- </div>
-function renderHeaderItem($ctx, $url, $label, $label_id, $is_theme_switcher) {
-return <<<HTML
-<a class="head-item{$ctx->if_true($is_theme_switcher, ' is-theme-switcher')}" href="{$url}"{$ctx->if_true($is_theme_switcher, ' onclick="return ThemeSwitcher.next(event)"')}>
- <span>
- {$ctx->if_true($is_theme_switcher, '<span class="moon-icon">'.$ctx->renderMoonIcon().'</span>')}
- <span{$ctx->if_true($label_id, ' id="'.$label_id.'"')}>{$label}</span>
- </span>
-// TODO rewrite this fcking crap
-function renderLogo($ctx, array $path_map = [], array $link_map = []): string {
- $uri = request_path();
- if (!is_admin()) {
- $prompt_sign = '<span class="head-logo-dolsign">$</span>';
- } else {
- $prompt_sign = '<span class="head-logo-dolsign is_root">#</span>';
- }
- if ($uri == '/') {
- $html = '<span class="head-logo-path">/home/'.$ctx->lang('ch1p').'</span> '.$prompt_sign;
- } else {
- $uri_len = strlen($uri);
- $html = '<a href="/" id="head_dyn_link">';
- $close_tags = 0;
- $path_parts = [];
- $path_links = [];
- $last_pos = 0;
- $cur_path = '';
- while ($last_pos < $uri_len) {
- $first = $last_pos === 0;
- $end = false;
- $pos = strpos($uri, '/', $last_pos);
- if ($pos === false || $pos == $uri_len-1) {
- $pos = $uri_len-1;
- $end = true;
- }
- $part = substr($uri, $last_pos, $pos - $last_pos + 1);
- $cur_path .= $part;
- if ($end) {
- if (substr($part, -1) == '/')
- $part = substr($part, 0, strlen($part)-1);
- $cur_path = '/';
- $html .= str_repeat('</span>', $close_tags-1);
- $close_tags = 1;
- }
- $span_class = 'head-logo-path';
- if ($first) {
- $span_class .= ' alwayshover';
- } else if ($end) {
- $span_class .= ' neverhover';
- }
- $html .= '<span class="'.$span_class.'" data-url="$[['.count($path_links).']]">${{'.count($path_parts).'}}';
- $path_parts[] = ($first ? '~' : '').$part;
- $path_links[] = $cur_path;
- $last_pos = $pos + 1;
- $close_tags++;
- }
- $html .= str_repeat('</span>', $close_tags).' '.$prompt_sign.' <span class="head-logo-cd">cd <span id="head_cd_text">~</span> <span class="head-logo-enter"><span class="head-logo-enter-icon">'.enterIcon().'</span>Enter</span></span></a>';
- for ($i = count($path_parts)-1, $j = 0; $i >= 0; $i--, $j++) {
- if (isset($path_map[$j])) {
- $tmp = htmlescape(strtrim($path_map[$j], 40, $trimmed));
- if ($trimmed)
- $tmp .= '&#8230;';
- $tmp_html = '<span class="head-logo-path-mapped">'.$tmp.'</span>';
- if ($j > 0)
- $tmp_html .= '/';
- $html = str_replace_once('${{'.$i.'}}', $tmp_html, $html);
- } else {
- $html = str_replace_once('${{'.$i.'}}', $path_parts[$i], $html);
- }
- if (isset($link_map[$j])) {
- $html = str_replace_once('$[['.$i.']]', $link_map[$j], $html);
- } else {
- $html = str_replace_once('$[['.$i.']]', $path_links[$i], $html);
- }
- }
- }
- return $html;
-function enterIcon() {
-return <<<SVG
-<svg width="12" height="7" viewBox="0 0 9.6 5.172" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
- <path d="M.4 2.586l2.779 2.8.648-.654-1.667-1.68H9.2V.253h-.926V2.12H2.16L3.827.44 3.18-.214z"/>
-function renderMoonIcon($ctx) {
-return <<<SVG
-<svg width="18" height="18" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M14.54 10.37a5.4 5.4 0 01-6.91- 0 00-.74-.75 6.66 6.66 0 00-2.47 1.54 6.6 6.6 0 1010.87 0 00-.75-.74zm-1.61 2.39a5.44 5.44 0 01-7.69-7.69 5.58 5.58 0 011-.76 6.55 6.55 0 007.47 7.47 5.15 5.15 0 01-.78.98z" fill-rule="evenodd" /></svg>