path: root/app/static/app.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/static/app.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/app/static/app.js b/app/static/app.js
deleted file mode 100644
index faff329..0000000
--- a/app/static/app.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-class Search {
- constructor() {
- this.searchDebounced = _.debounce((query) => {
- if (query.length < 3)
- return;
- this.socket.emit('get_hints', {
- id: this.updateRequestId(),
- query
- });
- }, 150);
- let field = document.getElementById('queryInput');
- let btn = document.getElementById('querySubmit');
- this.autoComplete = new Autocomplete(field, {
- data: [],
- maximumItems: 10,
- onInput: (value) => {
- this.searchDebounced(value);
- },
- onSelectItem: ({label}) => {
- // console.log('selected:', label)
- },
- highlightClass: 'text-danger'
- });
- btn.addEventListener('click', this.onSubmit);
- field.addEventListener('keydown', this.onInputKeyDown);
- this.btn = btn;
- this.field = field;
- this.socket = io();
- this.socket.on('hints', this.onHints);
- this.socket.on('offers', this.onOffers)
- }
- updateRequestId() {
- this.requestId = requestId();
- return this.requestId;
- }
- onInputKeyDown = (e) => {
- if (e.keyCode === 10 || e.keyCode === 13)
- this.onSubmit();
- }
- onSubmit = (e) => {
- if (this.isLocked())
- return;
- this.lockButton('Загрузка...');
- gMaps.removeAllPoints();
- this.socket.emit('get_offers', {
- id: this.updateRequestId(),
- query: this.field.value
- });
- }
- onHints = (data) => {
- if (data.id !== this.requestId)
- return;
- this.unlockButton();
- if (data.error) {
- console.warn(data.error);
- return;
- }
- this.autoComplete.setData(data.response.map(item => {
- return {label: item, value: ''};
- }));
- this.autoComplete.renderIfNeeded();
- }
- onOffers = (data) => {
- if (data.id !== this.requestId)
- return;
- if (data.end) {
- this.unlockButton();
- return;
- } else {
- this.lockButton(data.pages > 1 ? `${data.page} из ${data.pages}` : null);
- }
- for (let offer of data.offers)
- gMaps.addOffer(offer);
- }
- isLocked() {
- return this.btn.classList.contains('disabled');
- }
- lockButton(text) {
- if (text !== null)
- this.btn.innerText = text;
- this.btn.classList.add('disabled');
- }
- unlockButton() {
- this.btn.classList.remove('disabled');
- this.btn.innerText = 'Поиск';
- }
-class Maps {
- constructor() {
- /**
- * @type {ymaps.Map}
- */
- this.map = null;
- ymaps.ready(this.onInit);
- this.places = {};
- }
- onInit = () => {
- this.map = new ymaps.Map("mapContainer", {
- center: [59.94, 30.32],
- zoom: 11
- });
- this.map.controls.remove('searchControl');
- }
- addPoint({geo, offersRef, hint, pharmacyName, pharmacyAddress, pharmacyPhone}) {
- let mark = new ymaps.Placemark(geo, {
- hintContent: hint,
- }, {
- preset: 'islands#dotIcon',
- openEmptyBalloon: true,
- iconColor: '#3caa3c'
- });
- mark.events.add('balloonopen', e => {
- let lines = offersRef.map(offer => {
- return `${offer.name} (${offer.price} руб.)`
- });
- let html = `<b>${pharmacyName}</b><br>`;
- html += `${pharmacyAddress}<br>`;
- html += `тел: ${pharmacyPhone}<br><br>`;
- html += lines.join('<br>');
- mark.properties.set('balloonContent', html);
- });
- this.map.geoObjects.add(mark);
- return mark;
- }
- removeAllPoints() {
- this.map.geoObjects.removeAll();
- }
- addOffer(offer) {
- // console.log('[addOffer]', offer);
- let hash = offer.pharmacy.hash;
- if (hash in this.places)
- this.places[hash].offers.push(offer);
- else {
- this.places[hash] = {
- offers: [offer],
- };
- this.places[hash].mark = this.addPoint({
- geo: offer.pharmacy.geo,
- hint: offer.pharmacy.name,
- pharmacyName: offer.pharmacy.name,
- pharmacyAddress: offer.pharmacy.address,
- pharmacyPhone: offer.pharmacy.phone,
- offersRef: this.places[hash].offers
- });
- }
- }
-function requestId() {
- return _.random(1, 99999999);
-let gMaps, gSearch;
-window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
- gSearch = new Search();
- gMaps = new Maps();
- // document.getElementById('test').addEventListener('click', () => {
- // gMaps.addTestPoint();
- // });
-}); \ No newline at end of file