path: root/src/home/bot/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/home/bot/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 369 deletions
diff --git a/src/home/bot/ b/src/home/bot/
deleted file mode 100644
index 98946ed..0000000
--- a/src/home/bot/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import traceback
-from html import escape
-from telegram import (
- Update,
- ParseMode,
- ReplyKeyboardMarkup,
- CallbackQuery,
- User,
- Message,
-from telegram.ext import (
- Updater,
- Filters,
- BaseFilter,
- Handler,
- CommandHandler,
- MessageHandler,
- CallbackQueryHandler,
- CallbackContext,
- ConversationHandler
-from telegram.error import TimedOut
-from ..config import config
-from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple
-from .store import Store
-from .lang import LangPack
-from ..api.types import BotType
-from ..api import WebAPIClient
-from .reporting import ReportingHelper
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-languages = {
- 'en': 'English',
- 'ru': 'Русский'
-LANG_STARTED, = range(1)
-user_filter: Optional[BaseFilter] = None
-def default_langpack() -> LangPack:
- lang = LangPack()
- lang.en(
- start_message="Select command on the keyboard.",
- unknown_message="Unknown message",
- cancel="Cancel",
- select_language="Select language on the keyboard.",
- invalid_language="Invalid language. Please try again.",
- saved='Saved.',
- )
- start_message="Выберите команду на клавиатуре.",
- unknown_message="Неизвестная команда",
- cancel="Отмена",
- select_language="Выберите язык на клавиатуре.",
- invalid_language="Неверный язык. Пожалуйста, попробуйте снова",
- saved="Настройки сохранены."
- )
- return lang
-def init_user_filter():
- global user_filter
- if user_filter is None:
- if 'users' in config['bot']:
-'allowed users: ' + str(config['bot']['users']))
- user_filter = Filters.user(config['bot']['users'])
- else:
- user_filter = Filters.all # not sure if this is correct
-def text_filter(*args):
- init_user_filter()
- return Filters.text(args[0] if isinstance(args[0], list) else [*args]) & user_filter
-def exc2text(e: Exception) -> str:
- tb = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__))
- return f'{e.__class__.__name__}: ' + escape(str(e)) + "\n\n" + escape(tb)
-class IgnoreMarkup:
- pass
-class Context:
- _update: Optional[Update]
- _callback_context: Optional[CallbackContext]
- _markup_getter: callable
- _lang: LangPack
- _store: Optional[Store]
- _user_lang: Optional[str]
- def __init__(self,
- update: Optional[Update],
- callback_context: Optional[CallbackContext],
- markup_getter: callable,
- lang: LangPack,
- store: Optional[Store]):
- self._update = update
- self._callback_context = callback_context
- self._markup_getter = markup_getter
- self._lang = lang
- self._store = store
- self._user_lang = None
- def reply(self, text, markup=None):
- if markup is None:
- markup = self._markup_getter(self)
- kwargs = dict(parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
- if not isinstance(markup, IgnoreMarkup):
- kwargs['reply_markup'] = markup
- return self._update.message.reply_text(text, **kwargs)
- def reply_exc(self, e: Exception) -> None:
- self.reply(exc2text(e))
- def answer(self, text: str = None):
- self.callback_query.answer(text)
- def edit(self, text, markup=None):
- kwargs = dict(parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
- if not isinstance(markup, IgnoreMarkup):
- kwargs['reply_markup'] = markup
- self.callback_query.edit_message_text(text, **kwargs)
- @property
- def text(self) -> str:
- return self._update.message.text
- @property
- def callback_query(self) -> CallbackQuery:
- return self._update.callback_query
- @property
- def args(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
- return self._callback_context.args
- @property
- def user_id(self) -> int:
- return
- @property
- def user(self) -> User:
- return self._update.effective_user
- @property
- def user_lang(self) -> str:
- if self._user_lang is None:
- self._user_lang = self._store.get_user_lang(self.user_id)
- return self._user_lang
- def lang(self, key: str, *args) -> str:
- return self._lang.get(key, self.user_lang, *args)
- def is_callback_context(self) -> bool:
- return self._update.callback_query and and != ''
-def handlermethod(f: callable):
- def _handler(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext, *args, **kwargs):
- ctx = Context(update,
- callback_context=context,
- markup_getter=self.markup,
- lang=self.lang,
- try:
- return f(self, ctx, *args, **kwargs)
- except Exception as e:
- if not self.exception_handler(e, ctx) and not isinstance(e, TimedOut):
- logger.exception(e)
- if not ctx.is_callback_context():
- ctx.reply_exc(e)
- else:
- self.notify_user(ctx.user_id, exc2text(e))
- return _handler
-class Wrapper:
- store: Optional[Store]
- updater: Updater
- lang: LangPack
- reporting: Optional[ReportingHelper]
- def __init__(self,
- store: Optional[Store] = None):
- self.updater = Updater(config['bot']['token'],
- request_kwargs={'read_timeout': 6, 'connect_timeout': 7})
- self.lang = default_langpack()
- = store if store else Store()
- self.reporting = None
- init_user_filter()
- dispatcher = self.updater.dispatcher
- dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', self.wrap(self.start), user_filter))
- # transparently log all messages
- self.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.all & user_filter, self.logging_message_handler), group=10)
- self.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(self.logging_callback_handler), group=10)
- def run(self):
- self._lang_setup()
- self.updater.dispatcher.add_handler(
- MessageHandler(Filters.all & user_filter, self.wrap(self.any))
- )
- # start the bot
- self.updater.start_polling()
- # run the bot until the user presses Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT, SIGTERM or SIGABRT
- self.updater.idle()
- def enable_logging(self, bot_type: BotType):
- api = WebAPIClient(timeout=3)
- api.enable_async()
- self.reporting = ReportingHelper(api, bot_type)
- def logging_message_handler(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- if self.reporting is None:
- return
- def logging_callback_handler(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- if self.reporting is None:
- return
- def wrap(self, f: callable):
- def handler(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
- ctx = Context(update,
- callback_context=context,
- markup_getter=self.markup,
- lang=self.lang,
- try:
- return f(ctx)
- except Exception as e:
- if not self.exception_handler(e, ctx) and not isinstance(e, TimedOut):
- logger.exception(e)
- if not ctx.is_callback_context():
- ctx.reply_exc(e)
- else:
- self.notify_user(ctx.user_id, exc2text(e))
- return handler
- def add_handler(self, handler: Handler, group=0):
- self.updater.dispatcher.add_handler(handler, group=group)
- def start(self, ctx: Context):
- if 'start_message' not in self.lang:
- ctx.reply('Please define start_message or override start()')
- return
- ctx.reply(ctx.lang('start_message'))
- def any(self, ctx: Context):
- if 'invalid_command' not in self.lang:
- ctx.reply('Please define invalid_command or override any()')
- return
- ctx.reply(ctx.lang('invalid_command'))
- def markup(self, ctx: Optional[Context]) -> Optional[ReplyKeyboardMarkup]:
- return None
- def exception_handler(self, e: Exception, ctx: Context) -> Optional[bool]:
- pass
- def notify_all(self, text_getter: callable, exclude: Tuple[int] = ()) -> None:
- if 'notify_users' not in config['bot']:
- logger.error('notify_all() called but no notify_users directive found in the config')
- return
- for user_id in config['bot']['notify_users']:
- if user_id in exclude:
- continue
- text = text_getter(
- text=text,
- parse_mode='HTML')
- def notify_user(self, user_id: int, text: Union[str, Exception], **kwargs) -> None:
- if isinstance(text, Exception):
- text = exc2text(text)
-, text=text, parse_mode='HTML', **kwargs)
- def send_photo(self, user_id, **kwargs):
-, **kwargs)
- def send_audio(self, user_id, **kwargs):
-, **kwargs)
- def send_file(self, user_id, **kwargs):
-, **kwargs)
- def edit_message_text(self, user_id, message_id, *args, **kwargs):
-, message_id=message_id, parse_mode='HTML', *args, **kwargs)
- def delete_message(self, user_id, message_id):
-, message_id=message_id)
- #
- # Language Selection
- #
- def _lang_setup(self):
- supported = self.lang.languages
- if len(supported) > 1:
- cancel_filter = Filters.text(self.lang.all('cancel'))
- self.add_handler(ConversationHandler(
- entry_points=[CommandHandler('lang', self.wrap(self._lang_command), user_filter)],
- states={
- *list(map(lambda key: MessageHandler(text_filter(languages[key]),
- self.wrap(self._lang_input)), supported)),
- MessageHandler(user_filter & ~cancel_filter, self.wrap(self._lang_invalid_input))
- ]
- },
- fallbacks=[MessageHandler(user_filter & cancel_filter, self.wrap(self._lang_cancel_input))]
- ))
- def _lang_command(self, ctx: Context):
- logger.debug(f'current language: {ctx.user_lang}')
- buttons = []
- for name in languages.values():
- buttons.append(name)
- markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup([buttons, [ctx.lang('cancel')]], one_time_keyboard=False)
- ctx.reply(ctx.lang('select_language'), markup=markup)
- def _lang_input(self, ctx: Context):
- lang = None
- for key, value in languages.items():
- if value == ctx.text:
- lang = key
- break
- if lang is None:
- raise ValueError('could not find the language')
-, lang)
- ctx.reply(ctx.lang('saved'), markup=IgnoreMarkup())
- self.start(ctx)
- return ConversationHandler.END
- def _lang_invalid_input(self, ctx: Context):
- ctx.reply(self.lang('invalid_language'), markup=IgnoreMarkup())
- def _lang_cancel_input(self, ctx: Context):
- self.start(ctx)
- return ConversationHandler.END
- @property
- def user_filter(self):
- return user_filter