path: root/src/soc/intel/apollolake
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-07-18vboot: Remove get_sw_write_protect_state callbackJulius Werner
2017-07-17soc/intel/common/gpio: clean up logical to chipset mappingAaron Durbin
2017-07-17soc/intel/common/gpio: distingiush single vs multi acpi devicesAaron Durbin
2017-07-13Rename __attribute__((packed)) --> __packedStefan Reinauer
2017-07-03soc/intel/apollolake: Use common gpio for apollolakeHannah Williams
2017-06-27soc/intel/common/opregion: Use enum cb_err as return valuePatrick Rudolph
2017-06-20soc/intel/common: Add SMM common code for Intel PlatformsBrandon Breitenstein
2017-06-16soc/intel/apollolake: Use SCS common codeBora Guvendik
2017-06-16soc/intel/apollolake: Removing some menuconfig optionsArthur Heymans
2017-06-15soc/intel/apollolake: revert CPU MP init prior to FSP-SAaron Durbin
2017-06-13Consolidate reset API, add generic reset_prepare mechanismJulius Werner
2017-06-09soc/intel/apollolake: Use CPU common library codeBarnali Sarkar
2017-06-09soc/intel/apollolake: Rename ACPI Base Address and Size MacroBarnali Sarkar
2017-06-09soc/intel/apollolake: Perform CPU MP Init before FSP-S InitBarnali Sarkar
2017-06-09soc/intel/apollolake: Remove duplication of find_microcode_patch() codeBarnali Sarkar
2017-06-09soc/intel/apollolake: use fast_spi_cache_bios_region()Aaron Durbin
2017-06-09soc/intel/apollolake: Use common systemagent codeSubrata Banik
2017-06-08fsp/gop: Add running the GOP to the choice of gfx initNico Huber
2017-06-07src: change coreboot to lowercaseMartin Roth
2017-06-05soc/intel/apollolake: Use Intel timer common codeAamir Bohra
2017-06-05soc/intel/apollolake: Add config for cpu base clock frequencyAamir Bohra
2017-06-05soc/intel/common/block: add bios caching to fast spi moduleAaron Durbin
2017-06-01soc/intel/apollolake: Use MCH_BASE_ADDRESS macro for APLSubrata Banik
2017-06-01soc/intel/apollolake: Remove soc/pci_ids dependencyHannah Williams
2017-05-18intel/common/block/i2c: Add common block for I2C and use the same in SoCsRizwan Qureshi
2017-05-17soc/intel/apollolake: Enable decoding for ComA and ComB on LPCMario Scheithauer
2017-05-12soc/intel/apollolake: Add macro to define IOSTERM for GPIO configLijian Zhao
2017-05-09soc/intel/apollolake: Use common/block/uart codeAamir Bohra
2017-05-08soc/intel/apollolake: remove southbridge_clear_smi_status()Aaron Durbin
2017-05-05soc/intel/common: Provide common block fast_spi_flash_ctrlrFurquan Shaikh
2017-05-05soc/intel/apollolake: Use XDCI common codeSubrata Banik
2017-05-05soc/intel/apollolake: Use intel/common/xhci driverSubrata Banik
2017-05-05common/block/cse: Use CSE PCH ID from device/pci_ids.hSubrata Banik
2017-05-02soc/intel/apollolake: Clean up code by using common FAST_SPI moduleBarnali Sarkar
2017-04-28soc/intel/apollolake: Use ITSS common codeBora Guvendik
2017-04-28soc/intel/apollolake: fix system reset eventlogAaron Durbin
2017-04-28soc/intel/apollolake: work around full retrain constraints on warm resetAaron Durbin
2017-04-28soc/intel/apollolake: Update default LPDDR4 CA ODT configRavi Sarawadi
2017-04-28intel/apollolake: Switch FADT to ACPI version 3.0Werner Zeh
2017-04-25lib: provide clearer devicetree semanticsAaron Durbin
2017-04-13soc/intel/apollolake: Change IOSF_BASE_ADDRESS to PCR_BASE_ADDRESSFurquan Shaikh
2017-04-13soc/intel/apollolake: Set sdcard card detect (CD) host ownershipVenkateswarlu Vinjamuri
2017-04-11intel/soc/apollolake: Use intel/common/uart driverAamir Bohra
2017-04-11soc/intel/apollolake: Use LPSS common libraryAamir Bohra
2017-04-10soc/intel/apollolake: Use RTC common codeSubrata Banik
2017-04-10soc/intel/apollolake: Use common PCR moduleSubrata Banik
2017-04-05soc/intel/lpss: Provide common LPSS clock configFurquan Shaikh
2017-03-29soc/intel/apollolake: Fix debug build booting issueSubrata Banik
2017-03-28vboot: Move remaining features out of vendorcode/google/chromeosJulius Werner
2017-03-28vboot: Assume EC_SOFTWARE_SYNC and VIRTUAL_DEV_SWITCH by defaultJulius Werner
2017-03-28soc/intel/apollolake: Clean up code by using common System Agent moduleSubrata Banik
2017-03-28soc/pci_devs.h: Use consistent naming in soc/pci_devs.hSubrata Banik
2017-03-28soc/intel/apollolake: Clean up code by using common CAR initSubrata Banik
2017-03-24soc/intel/apollolake: Remove unused CAR_GLOBAL variableSubrata Banik
2017-03-22soc/intel/apollolake: Add CQOS config for CAR common codeSubrata Banik
2017-03-21soc/intel/apollolake: Use common function to fill DIMM informationBarnali Sarkar
2017-03-17soc/intel/apollolake: Reduce D3 cold delay for eMMC controllerZhuo-hao Lee
2017-03-15soc/intel/apollolake: Cache FPF status value in flashAndrey Petrov
2017-03-13soc/intel/apollolake: Wrap lines at 80 columnsLee Leahy
2017-03-13soc/intel/apollolake: Fix issues detected by checkpatchLee Leahy
2017-03-13soc/intel/apollolake: Fix position of storage classLee Leahy
2017-03-13soc/intel/apollolake: Fix parenthesis issuesLee Leahy
2017-03-13soc/intel/apollolake: Fix unsigned warningsLee Leahy
2017-03-13soc/intel/apollolake: Remove unnecessary bracesLee Leahy
2017-03-13soc/intel/apollolake: Indent code using tabsLee Leahy
2017-03-13soc/intel/apollolake: Fix spacing around operators and commasLee Leahy
2017-03-13soc/intel/apollolake: Fix space between type, * and variable nameLee Leahy
2017-03-13soc/intel/apollolake: Move brace to beginning of lineLee Leahy
2017-03-10soc/intel/apollolake: Add PM methods to power gate SD cardVenkateswarlu Vinjamuri
2017-03-09soc/intel/apollolake: Add check if FPFs are blownAndrey Petrov
2017-03-09soc/intel/apollolake: Start using common CSE driverAndrey Petrov
2017-03-09soc/intel/apollolake: Prepare to use common HECI driverAndrey Petrov
2017-03-06soc/intel/apollolake: Move XDCI in its own fileAndrey Petrov
2017-02-08soc/intel/apollolake: dump CSE statusAaron Durbin
2017-01-21soc/intel/apollolake: correct GPIO 13 IRQ numberAaron Durbin
2017-01-14soc/intel/apollolake: Allow USB2 eye pattern configuration in devicetreeKane Chen
2016-12-21soc/intel/apollolake: allow ApolloLake SoC to use FSP CAR InitBrenton Dong
2016-12-15soc/intel/apollolake: don't probe flash manuallyAaron Durbin
2016-12-15soc/intel/common: remove mrc cache assumptionsAaron Durbin
2016-12-08soc/intel/apollolake: Move privilege drop to later stageAndrey Petrov
2016-12-08soc/intel/apollolake: Set PL2 in RAPL registerSumeet Pawnikar
2016-12-07soc/intel/apollolake: Use the new SPI driver interfaceFurquan Shaikh
2016-12-07MMCONF_SUPPORT: Flip default to enabledKyösti Mälkki
2016-12-06spi_flash: Make a deep copy of spi_slave structureFurquan Shaikh
2016-12-05spi: Define and use spi_ctrlr structureFurquan Shaikh
2016-12-05spi: Pass pointer to spi_slave structure in spi_setup_slaveFurquan Shaikh
2016-12-05spi: Fix parameter types for spi functionsFurquan Shaikh
2016-12-02soc/intel/apollolake: Drop privilege level to IA_UNTRUSTEDAndrey Petrov
2016-12-02soc/intel/apollolake: Enable ACPI PM timer emulation on all CPUsAndrey Petrov
2016-12-01romstage_handoff: add helper to determine resume statusAaron Durbin
2016-11-30soc/intel/apollolake: Add save/restore variable MRC cacheAndrey Petrov
2016-11-30driver/intel/fsp2_0: Add version parameter to FSP platform callbackAndrey Petrov
2016-11-22soc/intel: Use correct terminology for SPI flash operationsFurquan Shaikh
2016-11-22spi: Get rid of flash_programmer_probe in spi_slave structureFurquan Shaikh
2016-11-22spi: Clean up SPI flash driver interfaceFurquan Shaikh
2016-11-22Remove explicit select MMCONF_SUPPORTKyösti Mälkki
2016-11-21fsp2_0: implement stage cache for silicon initBrandon Breitenstein
2016-11-17soc/intel/apollolake: Enable and Lock AES feature registerNelson, Cole
2016-11-15intel/apollolake: Ensure SPI operations do not cross 256-byte boundaryFurquan Shaikh
2016-11-14soc/intel/apollolake: Increase HEAP_SIZESathyanarayana Nujella