Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
There's no good reason to use values smaller than 2 GiB here. Well, it
increases available DRAM in 32-bit space. However, as this is a 64-bit
platform, it's highly unlikely that 32-bit limitations would cause any
issues anymore. It's more likely to have the allocator give up because
memory-mapped resources in 32-bit space don't fit within the specified
MMIO size, which can easily occur when using a discrete graphics card.
Change-Id: I6cdce5f56bc94cca7065ee3e38af60d1de66e45c
Signed-off-by: Angel Pons <>
Reviewed-by: Nico Huber <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
The PRM does not describe the relevant bits, but Linux's i915 driver
handles these bits the same way for both Ironlake and Sandy Bridge.
Change-Id: Ice7412e335752bd7e297ad50f685effcefbd41d2
Signed-off-by: Angel Pons <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Nico Huber <>
Change-Id: Ia0dbf7b946d42bda11b904a9caff5a402b553b33
Signed-off-by: Elyes HAOUAS <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Reviewed-by: Angel Pons <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Menzel <>
Stefan thinks they don't add value.
Command used:
sed -i -e '/file is part of /d' $(git grep "file is part of " |egrep ":( */\*.*\*/\$|#|;#|-- | *\* )" | cut -d: -f1 |grep -v crossgcc |grep -v gcov | grep -v /elf.h |grep -v nvramtool)
The exceptions are for:
- crossgcc (patch file)
- gcov (imported from gcc)
- elf.h (imported from GNU's libc)
- nvramtool (more complicated header)
The removed lines are:
- fmt.Fprintln(f, "/* This file is part of the coreboot project. */")
-# This file is part of a set of unofficial pre-commit hooks available
-/* This file is part of coreboot */
-# This file is part of msrtool.
-/* This file is part of msrtool. */
- * This file is part of ncurses, designed to be appended after
-/* This file is part of pgtblgen. */
- * This file is part of the coreboot project.
- /* This file is part of the coreboot project. */
-# This file is part of the coreboot project.
-# This file is part of the coreboot project.
-## This file is part of the coreboot project.
--- This file is part of the coreboot project.
-/* This file is part of the coreboot project */
-/* This file is part of the coreboot project. */
-;## This file is part of the coreboot project.
-# This file is part of the coreboot project. It originated in the
- * This file is part of the coreinfo project.
-## This file is part of the coreinfo project.
- * This file is part of the depthcharge project.
-/* This file is part of the depthcharge project. */
-/* This file is part of the ectool project. */
- * This file is part of the GNU C Library.
- * This file is part of the libpayload project.
-## This file is part of the libpayload project.
-/* This file is part of the Linux kernel. */
-## This file is part of the superiotool project.
-/* This file is part of the superiotool project */
-/* This file is part of uio_usbdebug */
Change-Id: I82d872b3b337388c93d5f5bf704e9ee9e53ab3a9
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Reviewed-by: HAOUAS Elyes <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Used commands:
perl -i -p0e 's|\/\*[\s*]*.*is free software[:;][\s*]*you[\s*]*can[\s*]*redistribute[\s*]*it[\s*]*and\/or[\s*]*modify[\s*]*it[\s*]*under[\s*]*the[\s*]*terms[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*as[\s*]*published[\s*]*by[\s*]*the[\s*]*Free[\s*]*Software[\s*]*Foundation[;,][\s*]*version[\s*]*2[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*License.[\s*]*This[\s*]*program[\s*]*is[\s*]*distributed[\s*]*in[\s*]*the[\s*]*hope[\s*]*that[\s*]*it[\s*]*will[\s*]*be[\s*]*useful,[\s*]*but[\s*]*WITHOUT[\s*]*ANY[\s*]*WARRANTY;[\s*]*without[\s*]*even[\s*]*the[\s*]*implied[\s*]*warranty[\s*]*of[\s*]*MERCHANTABILITY[\s*]*or[\s*]*FITNESS[\s*]*FOR[\s*]*A[\s*]*PARTICULAR[\s*]*PURPOSE.[\s*]*See[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*for[\s*]*more[\s*]*details.[\s*]*\*\/|/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */|' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|\/\*[\s*]*.*is[\s*]*free[\s*]*software[:;][\s*]*you[\s*]*can[\s*]*redistribute[\s*]*it[\s*]*and/or[\s*]*modify[\s*]*it[\s*]*under[\s*]*the[\s*]*terms[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*as[\s*]*published[\s*]*by[\s*]*the[\s*]*Free[\s*]*Software[\s*]*Foundation[;,][\s*]*either[\s*]*version[\s*]*2[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*License,[\s*]*or[\s*]*.at[\s*]*your[\s*]*option.[\s*]*any[\s*]*later[\s*]*version.[\s*]*This[\s*]*program[\s*]*is[\s*]*distributed[\s*]*in[\s*]*the[\s*]*hope[\s*]*that[\s*]*it[\s*]*will[\s*]*be[\s*]*useful,[\s*]*but[\s*]*WITHOUT[\s*]*ANY[\s*]*WARRANTY;[\s*]*without[\s*]*even[\s*]*the[\s*]*implied[\s*]*warranty[\s*]*of[\s*]*MERCHANTABILITY[\s*]*or[\s*]*FITNESS[\s*]*FOR[\s*]*A[\s*]*PARTICULAR[\s*]*PURPOSE.[\s*]*See[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*for[\s*]*more[\s*]*details.[\s*]*\*\/|/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */|' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|\/\*[\s*]*.*is[\s*#]*free[\s*#]*software[;:,][\s*#]*you[\s*#]*can[\s*#]*redistribute[\s*#]*it[\s*#]*and/or[\s*#]*modify[\s*#]*it[\s*#]*under[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*terms[\s*#]*of[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*GNU[\s*#]*General[\s*#]*Public[\s*#]*License[\s*#]*as[\s*#]*published[\s*#]*by[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*Free[\s*#]*Software[\s*#]*Foundation[;:,][\s*#]*either[\s*#]*version[\s*#]*3[\s*#]*of[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*License[;:,][\s*#]*or[\s*#]*.at[\s*#]*your[\s*#]*option.[\s*#]*any[\s*#]*later[\s*#]*version.[\s*#]*This[\s*#]*program[\s*#]*is[\s*#]*distributed[\s*#]*in[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*hope[\s*#]*that[\s*#]*it[\s*#]*will[\s*#]*be[\s*#]*useful[;:,][\s*#]*but[\s*#]*WITHOUT[\s*#]*ANY[\s*#]*WARRANTY[;:,][\s*#]*without[\s*#]*even[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*implied[\s*#]*warranty[\s*#]*of[\s*#]*MERCHANTABILITY[\s*#]*or[\s*#]*FITNESS[\s*#]*FOR[\s*#]*A[\s*#]*PARTICULAR[\s*#]*PURPOSE.[\s*#]*See[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*GNU[\s*#]*General[\s*#]*Public[\s*#]*License[\s*#]*for[\s*#]*more[\s*#]*details.[\s*]*\*\/|/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */|' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|(\#\#*)[\w]*.*is free software[:;][\#\s]*you[\#\s]*can[\#\s]*redistribute[\#\s]*it[\#\s]*and\/or[\#\s]*modify[\#\s]*it[\s\#]*under[\s \#]*the[\s\#]*terms[\s\#]*of[\s\#]*the[\s\#]*GNU[\s\#]*General[\s\#]*Public[\s\#]*License[\s\#]*as[\s\#]*published[\s\#]*by[\s\#]*the[\s\#]*Free[\s\#]*Software[\s\#]*Foundation[;,][\s\#]*version[\s\#]*2[\s\#]*of[\s\#]*the[\s\#]*License.*[\s\#]*This[\s\#]*program[\s\#]*is[\s\#]*distributed[\s\#]*in[\s\#]*the[\s\#]*hope[\s\#]*that[\s\#]*it[\s\#]*will[\#\s]*be[\#\s]*useful,[\#\s]*but[\#\s]*WITHOUT[\#\s]*ANY[\#\s]*WARRANTY;[\#\s]*without[\#\s]*even[\#\s]*the[\#\s]*implied[\#\s]*warranty[\#\s]*of[\#\s]*MERCHANTABILITY[\#\s]*or[\#\s]*FITNESS[\#\s]*FOR[\#\s]*A[\#\s]*PARTICULAR[\#\s]*PURPOSE.[\#\s]*See[\#\s]*the[\#\s]*GNU[\#\s]*General[\#\s]*Public[\#\s]*License[\#\s]*for[\#\s]*more[\#\s]*details.\s(#* *\n)*|\1 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only\n\n|' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|(\#\#*)[\w*]*.*is free software[:;][\s*]*you[\s*]*can[\s*]*redistribute[\s*]*it[\s*]*and\/or[\s*]*modify[\s*]*it[\s*]*under[\s*]*the[\s*]*terms[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*as[\s*]*published[\s*]*by[\s*]*the[\s*]*Free[\s*]*Software[\s*]*Foundation[;,][\s*]*version[\s*]*2[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*License.[\s*]*This[\s*]*program[\s*]*is[\s*]*distributed[\s*]*in[\s*]*the[\s*]*hope[\s*]*that[\s*]*it[\s*]*will[\s*]*be[\s*]*useful,[\s*]*but[\s*]*WITHOUT[\s*]*ANY[\s*]*WARRANTY;[\s*]*without[\s*]*even[\s*]*the[\s*]*implied[\s*]*warranty[\s*]*of[\s*]*MERCHANTABILITY[\s*]*or[\s*]*FITNESS[\s*]*FOR[\s*]*A[\s*]*PARTICULAR[\s*]*PURPOSE.[\s*]*See[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*for[\s*]*more[\s*]*details.\s(#* *\n)*|\1 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only\n\n|' $(cat filelist)
Change-Id: Ia01908544f4b92a2e06ea621eca548e582728280
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Reviewed-by: HAOUAS Elyes <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Use it wherever the standard numbers were copied to. Bit 31 is set
at runtime unconditionally, so we don't need it here.
Change-Id: I0d853c3b8250a2c7b2d1a91985a555e4b17ad76c
Signed-off-by: Nico Huber <>
Reviewed-by: Patrick Rudolph <>
Reviewed-by: Matt DeVillier <>
Reviewed-by: Angel Pons <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
The `link_frequency_270_mhz` setting was originally used by the native
graphics init code for Sandy/Ivy Bridge, which is long gone.
The value of this information (which board had it set) is questionable.
The only board that had an LVDS panel and set it to 0 was the ThinkPad
L520, where native graphics init was never reported to work. Also, the
native graphics init only used it for calculations, but never confi-
gured the hardware to use a specific frequency. A look into the docu-
mentation also doesn't reveal any straps that could be used to confi-
gure it.
Change-Id: Ieceaa13e4529096a8ba9036479fd84969faebd14
Signed-off-by: Nico Huber <>
Reviewed-by: Angel Pons <>
Reviewed-by: Alexander Couzens <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
They're listed in AUTHORS and often incorrect anyway, for example:
- What's a "Copyright $year-present"?
- Which incarnation of Google (Inc, LLC, ...) is the current
copyright holder?
- People sometimes have their editor auto-add themselves to files even
though they only deleted stuff
- Or they let the editor automatically update the copyright year,
because why not?
- Who is the copyright holder "The coreboot project Authors"?
- Or "Generated Code"?
Sidestep all these issues by simply not putting these notices in
individual files, let's list all copyright holders in AUTHORS instead
and use the git history to deal with the rest.
Change-Id: I426518e8e18de1c8efcfb7ecb0835df3e257dca1
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Reviewed-by: Wim Vervoorn <>
Reviewed-by: Angel Pons <>
Reviewed-by: David Hendricks <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
The code is for Arrandale CPUs, whose System Agent is Ironlake.
This change simply replaces `nehalem` with `ironlake` and `NEHALEM`
with `IRONLAKE`. The remaining `Nehalem` cases are handled later, as
changing some of them would impact the resulting binary.
Tested with BUILD_TIMELESS=1 without adding the configuration options
into the binary, and packardbell/ms2290 does not change.
Change-Id: I8eb96eeb5e69f49150d47793b33e87b650c64acc
Signed-off-by: Angel Pons <>
Reviewed-by: Felix Held <>
Reviewed-by: Martin Roth <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
This does the following:
- implement a PCH disable function that will be called by the PCI
drivers as part of their chip_ops
- removes the iobp_x calls as those don't exist on ibexpeak
- complete the devicetree with to be disabled PCI devices for the
chip_ops to be called
- Clean up some code copied from bd82x6x
Change-Id: I78d25ffe9af482c77d397a9fdb4f0127e40baddc
Signed-off-by: Arthur Heymans <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Kyösti Mälkki <>
Tested on Thinkpad X201: PEG device hidden.
Change-Id: Ib378458a55e18cc02fc49b3e6d6939d31dd4aa65
Signed-off-by: Arthur Heymans <>
Reviewed-by: Angel Pons <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Instead of hardcoding the PCI mmio size read it from devicetree.
Set a default value of 2048 MiB and 1024MiB for laptops without
discrete graphics.
Tested on Sandybridge Lenovo T520.
Change-Id: I791ebd6897c5ba4e2e18bd307d320568b1378a13
Signed-off-by: Patrick Rudolph <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Aaron Durbin <>
It encourages users from writing to the FSF without giving an address.
Linux also prefers to drop that and their (that we
imported) looks out for that.
This is the result of util/scripts/ with no further
Change-Id: Ie96faea295fe001911d77dbc51e9a6789558fbd6
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Alexandru Gagniuc <>
Reviewed-by: Ronald G. Minnich <>
Only one value would work with corresponding gma code currently (which one
depends on board). Going forward, it's possible to compute which number can
be used, so there is no need to keep this info around.
Change-Id: Iadc77ef94b02f892860e3ae8d70a0a792758565d
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Serbinenko <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Felix Held <>
Based on the info by Felix Held.
Change-Id: Iab84dd8a0e3c942da20a6e21db5510e4ad16cadd
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Serbinenko <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Felix Held <>
Old igd.asl had inconsistent addresses (between _DOD and actual device)
and ghost devices. Any of those is enough to make brightness on windows
fail and make igd.asl out-of-ACPI-spec. Also old code favoured ridiculous
copying of the same thing 6 times per chipset. Leave only hooking up and
chipset-specific part in chipset directory. Move NVS handling and ACPI-spec
parts to a common file.
Change-Id: I556769e5e28b83e7465e3db689e26c8c0ab44757
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Serbinenko <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Edward O'Callaghan <>
Reviewed-by: Timothy Pearson <>
As per discussion with lawyers[tm], it's not a good idea to
shorten the license header too much - not for legal reasons
but because there are tools that look for them, and giving
them a standard pattern simplifies things.
However, we got confirmation that we don't have to update
every file ever added to coreboot whenever the FSF gets a
new lease, but can drop the address instead.
util/kconfig is excluded because that's imported code that
we may want to synchronize every now and then.
$ find * -type f -exec sed -i "s:Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *MA[, ]*02110-1301[, ]*USA:Foundation, Inc.:" {} +
$ find * -type f -exec sed -i "s:Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA:Foundation, Inc.:" {} +
$ find * -type f -exec sed -i "s:Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place[-, ]*Suite 330, Boston, MA *02111-1307[, ]*USA:Foundation, Inc.:" {} +
$ find * -type f -exec sed -i "s:Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.:Foundation, Inc.:" {} +
$ find * -type f
-a \! -name \*.patch \
-a \! -name \*_shipped \
-a \! -name LICENSE_GPL \
-a \! -name LGPL.txt \
-a \! -name COPYING \
-a \! -name DISCLAIMER \
-exec sed -i "/Foundation, Inc./ N;s:Foundation, Inc.* USA\.* *:Foundation, Inc. :;s:Foundation, Inc. $:Foundation, Inc.:" {} +
Change-Id: Icc968a5a5f3a5df8d32b940f9cdb35350654bef9
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Vladimir Serbinenko <>
On those chipsets the pins are just a legacy concept. Real interrupts are
messages on corresponding busses or some internal logic of chipset.
Hence interrupt routing isn't anymore board-specific (dependent on layout) but
depends only on configuration.
Rather than attempting to sync real config, ACPI and legacy descriptors, just
use the same interrupt routing per chipset covering all possible devices.
The only part which remains board-specific are LPC and PCI interrupts.
Interrupt balancing may suffer from such merge but:
a) Doesn't seem to be the case of this map on current systems
b) Almost all OS use MSI nowadays bypassing this stuff completely
c) If we want a good balancing we need to take into account that e.g.
wlan card may be placed in a different slot and so would require complicated
balancing on runtime. It's difficult to maintain with almost no benefit.
Change-Id: I9f63d1d338c5587ebac7a52093e5b924f6e5ca2d
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Serbinenko <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Edward O'Callaghan <>
Reviewed-by: Kyösti Mälkki <>
Change-Id: I80b7facfb9cc9f642dd1c766884dc23da1aab2c8
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Serbinenko <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Edward O'Callaghan <>
Change-Id: I8c1548470c605d06825fe35579879e806bf33542
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Serbinenko <>
Reviewed-by: Aaron Durbin <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)