Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Change-Id: I8a207e30a73d10fe67c0474ff11324ae99e2cec6
Signed-off-by: Elyes HAOUAS <>
Reviewed-by: Wim Vervoorn <>
Reviewed-by: Angel Pons <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Stefan thinks they don't add value.
Command used:
sed -i -e '/file is part of /d' $(git grep "file is part of " |egrep ":( */\*.*\*/\$|#|;#|-- | *\* )" | cut -d: -f1 |grep -v crossgcc |grep -v gcov | grep -v /elf.h |grep -v nvramtool)
The exceptions are for:
- crossgcc (patch file)
- gcov (imported from gcc)
- elf.h (imported from GNU's libc)
- nvramtool (more complicated header)
The removed lines are:
- fmt.Fprintln(f, "/* This file is part of the coreboot project. */")
-# This file is part of a set of unofficial pre-commit hooks available
-/* This file is part of coreboot */
-# This file is part of msrtool.
-/* This file is part of msrtool. */
- * This file is part of ncurses, designed to be appended after
-/* This file is part of pgtblgen. */
- * This file is part of the coreboot project.
- /* This file is part of the coreboot project. */
-# This file is part of the coreboot project.
-# This file is part of the coreboot project.
-## This file is part of the coreboot project.
--- This file is part of the coreboot project.
-/* This file is part of the coreboot project */
-/* This file is part of the coreboot project. */
-;## This file is part of the coreboot project.
-# This file is part of the coreboot project. It originated in the
- * This file is part of the coreinfo project.
-## This file is part of the coreinfo project.
- * This file is part of the depthcharge project.
-/* This file is part of the depthcharge project. */
-/* This file is part of the ectool project. */
- * This file is part of the GNU C Library.
- * This file is part of the libpayload project.
-## This file is part of the libpayload project.
-/* This file is part of the Linux kernel. */
-## This file is part of the superiotool project.
-/* This file is part of the superiotool project */
-/* This file is part of uio_usbdebug */
Change-Id: I82d872b3b337388c93d5f5bf704e9ee9e53ab3a9
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Reviewed-by: HAOUAS Elyes <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Used commands:
perl -i -p0e 's|\/\*[\s*]*.*is free software[:;][\s*]*you[\s*]*can[\s*]*redistribute[\s*]*it[\s*]*and\/or[\s*]*modify[\s*]*it[\s*]*under[\s*]*the[\s*]*terms[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*as[\s*]*published[\s*]*by[\s*]*the[\s*]*Free[\s*]*Software[\s*]*Foundation[;,][\s*]*version[\s*]*2[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*License.[\s*]*This[\s*]*program[\s*]*is[\s*]*distributed[\s*]*in[\s*]*the[\s*]*hope[\s*]*that[\s*]*it[\s*]*will[\s*]*be[\s*]*useful,[\s*]*but[\s*]*WITHOUT[\s*]*ANY[\s*]*WARRANTY;[\s*]*without[\s*]*even[\s*]*the[\s*]*implied[\s*]*warranty[\s*]*of[\s*]*MERCHANTABILITY[\s*]*or[\s*]*FITNESS[\s*]*FOR[\s*]*A[\s*]*PARTICULAR[\s*]*PURPOSE.[\s*]*See[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*for[\s*]*more[\s*]*details.[\s*]*\*\/|/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */|' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|\/\*[\s*]*.*is[\s*]*free[\s*]*software[:;][\s*]*you[\s*]*can[\s*]*redistribute[\s*]*it[\s*]*and/or[\s*]*modify[\s*]*it[\s*]*under[\s*]*the[\s*]*terms[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*as[\s*]*published[\s*]*by[\s*]*the[\s*]*Free[\s*]*Software[\s*]*Foundation[;,][\s*]*either[\s*]*version[\s*]*2[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*License,[\s*]*or[\s*]*.at[\s*]*your[\s*]*option.[\s*]*any[\s*]*later[\s*]*version.[\s*]*This[\s*]*program[\s*]*is[\s*]*distributed[\s*]*in[\s*]*the[\s*]*hope[\s*]*that[\s*]*it[\s*]*will[\s*]*be[\s*]*useful,[\s*]*but[\s*]*WITHOUT[\s*]*ANY[\s*]*WARRANTY;[\s*]*without[\s*]*even[\s*]*the[\s*]*implied[\s*]*warranty[\s*]*of[\s*]*MERCHANTABILITY[\s*]*or[\s*]*FITNESS[\s*]*FOR[\s*]*A[\s*]*PARTICULAR[\s*]*PURPOSE.[\s*]*See[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*for[\s*]*more[\s*]*details.[\s*]*\*\/|/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */|' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|\/\*[\s*]*.*is[\s*#]*free[\s*#]*software[;:,][\s*#]*you[\s*#]*can[\s*#]*redistribute[\s*#]*it[\s*#]*and/or[\s*#]*modify[\s*#]*it[\s*#]*under[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*terms[\s*#]*of[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*GNU[\s*#]*General[\s*#]*Public[\s*#]*License[\s*#]*as[\s*#]*published[\s*#]*by[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*Free[\s*#]*Software[\s*#]*Foundation[;:,][\s*#]*either[\s*#]*version[\s*#]*3[\s*#]*of[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*License[;:,][\s*#]*or[\s*#]*.at[\s*#]*your[\s*#]*option.[\s*#]*any[\s*#]*later[\s*#]*version.[\s*#]*This[\s*#]*program[\s*#]*is[\s*#]*distributed[\s*#]*in[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*hope[\s*#]*that[\s*#]*it[\s*#]*will[\s*#]*be[\s*#]*useful[;:,][\s*#]*but[\s*#]*WITHOUT[\s*#]*ANY[\s*#]*WARRANTY[;:,][\s*#]*without[\s*#]*even[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*implied[\s*#]*warranty[\s*#]*of[\s*#]*MERCHANTABILITY[\s*#]*or[\s*#]*FITNESS[\s*#]*FOR[\s*#]*A[\s*#]*PARTICULAR[\s*#]*PURPOSE.[\s*#]*See[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*GNU[\s*#]*General[\s*#]*Public[\s*#]*License[\s*#]*for[\s*#]*more[\s*#]*details.[\s*]*\*\/|/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */|' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|(\#\#*)[\w]*.*is free software[:;][\#\s]*you[\#\s]*can[\#\s]*redistribute[\#\s]*it[\#\s]*and\/or[\#\s]*modify[\#\s]*it[\s\#]*under[\s \#]*the[\s\#]*terms[\s\#]*of[\s\#]*the[\s\#]*GNU[\s\#]*General[\s\#]*Public[\s\#]*License[\s\#]*as[\s\#]*published[\s\#]*by[\s\#]*the[\s\#]*Free[\s\#]*Software[\s\#]*Foundation[;,][\s\#]*version[\s\#]*2[\s\#]*of[\s\#]*the[\s\#]*License.*[\s\#]*This[\s\#]*program[\s\#]*is[\s\#]*distributed[\s\#]*in[\s\#]*the[\s\#]*hope[\s\#]*that[\s\#]*it[\s\#]*will[\#\s]*be[\#\s]*useful,[\#\s]*but[\#\s]*WITHOUT[\#\s]*ANY[\#\s]*WARRANTY;[\#\s]*without[\#\s]*even[\#\s]*the[\#\s]*implied[\#\s]*warranty[\#\s]*of[\#\s]*MERCHANTABILITY[\#\s]*or[\#\s]*FITNESS[\#\s]*FOR[\#\s]*A[\#\s]*PARTICULAR[\#\s]*PURPOSE.[\#\s]*See[\#\s]*the[\#\s]*GNU[\#\s]*General[\#\s]*Public[\#\s]*License[\#\s]*for[\#\s]*more[\#\s]*details.\s(#* *\n)*|\1 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only\n\n|' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|(\#\#*)[\w*]*.*is free software[:;][\s*]*you[\s*]*can[\s*]*redistribute[\s*]*it[\s*]*and\/or[\s*]*modify[\s*]*it[\s*]*under[\s*]*the[\s*]*terms[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*as[\s*]*published[\s*]*by[\s*]*the[\s*]*Free[\s*]*Software[\s*]*Foundation[;,][\s*]*version[\s*]*2[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*License.[\s*]*This[\s*]*program[\s*]*is[\s*]*distributed[\s*]*in[\s*]*the[\s*]*hope[\s*]*that[\s*]*it[\s*]*will[\s*]*be[\s*]*useful,[\s*]*but[\s*]*WITHOUT[\s*]*ANY[\s*]*WARRANTY;[\s*]*without[\s*]*even[\s*]*the[\s*]*implied[\s*]*warranty[\s*]*of[\s*]*MERCHANTABILITY[\s*]*or[\s*]*FITNESS[\s*]*FOR[\s*]*A[\s*]*PARTICULAR[\s*]*PURPOSE.[\s*]*See[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*for[\s*]*more[\s*]*details.\s(#* *\n)*|\1 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only\n\n|' $(cat filelist)
Change-Id: Ia01908544f4b92a2e06ea621eca548e582728280
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Reviewed-by: HAOUAS Elyes <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
They're listed in AUTHORS and often incorrect anyway, for example:
- What's a "Copyright $year-present"?
- Which incarnation of Google (Inc, LLC, ...) is the current
copyright holder?
- People sometimes have their editor auto-add themselves to files even
though they only deleted stuff
- Or they let the editor automatically update the copyright year,
because why not?
- Who is the copyright holder "The coreboot project Authors"?
- Or "Generated Code"?
Sidestep all these issues by simply not putting these notices in
individual files, let's list all copyright holders in AUTHORS instead
and use the git history to deal with the rest.
Change-Id: I426518e8e18de1c8efcfb7ecb0835df3e257dca1
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Reviewed-by: Wim Vervoorn <>
Reviewed-by: Angel Pons <>
Reviewed-by: David Hendricks <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Use parallel MP init code to initialize all AP's.
Also remove guards around CPU code where all platforms now use
parallel MP init.
This also removes the code required on lapic init path for
model_6fx, model_1017x and model_f4x as all platforms now use the
parallel MP code.
Tested on Intel DG41WV, shaves off about 90ms on a quad core.
Change-Id: Id5a2729f5bf6b525abad577e63d7953ae6640921
Signed-off-by: Arthur Heymans <>
Reviewed-by: Angel Pons <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
This change also makes sure that the sum the uma regions (TSEG, GSM,
GSM) is 4MiB aligned. This is needed to avoid cbmem_top floating between
2 usable ram region, since cbmem_top is aligned 4MiB down to easy MTRR
setup for ramstage. At least tianocore requires this and fails to boot
without it.
Better MTRR are achieved by making the memory 'hole' till 4GiB exactly
This code mimics how it is done in nb/intel/gm45 and achieves similar
TSEG is enabled and set to 8M since this makes it easier to reuse the
common smm setup / parallel mp code and makes it possible to cache the
ramstage in there like how it's done on newer targets.
TESTED on Intel DG43GT.
Change-Id: I1b5ea04d9b7d5494a30aa7156d8c17170e77b8ad
Signed-off-by: Arthur Heymans <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Nico Huber <>
Fix the values that were off by one.
This was discovered when using postcar stage that prints with
debuglevel BIOS_NEVER.
Change-Id: I73a077950ed0dc735d89c9747a8da0a25f30822d
Signed-off-by: Arthur Heymans <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Martin Roth <>
There have been discussions about removing this since it does not seem
to be used much and only creates troubles for boards without defaults,
not to mention that it was configurable on many boards that do not
even feature uart.
It is still possible to configure the baudrate through the Kconfig
Change-Id: I71698d9b188eeac73670b18b757dff5fcea0df41
Signed-off-by: Arthur Heymans <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Nico Huber <>
Previously the raminit failed on hot reset and to work around this
issue it unconditionally did a cold reset.
This has the following issues:
* it's slow;
* when the OS issues a hot reset some disk drives expect their 5V
power supply to remain on, which gets cut off by a cold reset,
causing data corruption.
To fix this some steps in raminit must be ommited on the reset path.
This includes receive enable calibration.
To achieve this it stores receive enable results in RTC nvram for them
to be rewritten on the resume path.
Note: The same thing needs to be done on the S3 resume path.
Calling a hot reset after raminit "outb(0x6, 0cf9)" works.
Change-Id: I6601dd90aebd071a0de7cec070487b0f9845bc30
Signed-off-by: Arthur Heymans <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Nico Huber <>
Since commit 3bfd7cc (drivers/pc80: Rework normal / fallback selector
code) the reboot counter stored in `reboot_bits` isn't reset on a reboot
with `boot_option = 1` any more. Hence, with SKIP_MAX_REBOOT_CNT_CLEAR
enabled, later stages (e.g. payload, OS) have to clear the counter too,
when they want to switch to normal boot. So change the bits to (h)ex
instead of (r)eserved.
To clarify their meaning, rename `reboot_bits` to `reboot_counter`. Also
remove all occurences of the obsolete `last_boot` bit that have sneaked
in again since 24391321 (mainboard: Remove last_boot NVRAM option).
Change-Id: Ib3fc38115ce951b75374e0d1347798b23db7243c
Signed-off-by: Nico Huber <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Timothy Pearson <>
Reviewed-by: York Yang <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Menzel <>
This adds a cmos.layout and a cmos.default to ga-g41m-es2l.
This allows to set things like baud_rate, debug_level, etc.
from cmos.
Change-Id: I25df7a1f3a0ce486b96cfe05bda628f604b0baec
Signed-off-by: Arthur Heymans <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Paul Menzel <>
Reviewed-by: Patrick Georgi <>