path: root/util/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/scripts')
2 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/scripts/description.md b/util/scripts/description.md
index 0d6cedbd76..eb7a1e8167 100644
--- a/util/scripts/description.md
+++ b/util/scripts/description.md
@@ -23,5 +23,7 @@ __scripts__
headers `Shell`
* _parse-maintainers.pl_ - Script to alphabetize MAINTAINERS file
+ * _rm_unused_code_ - Remove all code not used for a platform from the local
+ git repository for auditing or release `Bash`
* _ucode_h_to_bin.sh_ - Microcode conversion tool `Bash`
* _update_submodules_ - Check all submodules for updates `Bash`
diff --git a/util/scripts/rm_unused_code b/util/scripts/rm_unused_code
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..53c0b65e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/scripts/rm_unused_code
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+set -e
+PROGNAME="$(basename "${PROGRAM}")"
+CLEAN_DIR_LIST=(configs Documentation payloads spd src util)
+# Text STYLE variables
+usage() {
+cat << EOF
+The ${PROGNAME} script is used to create a git patch that removes all files
+not used in a single build. It does this by creating a temporary directory
+and configuring it to show the last time a file was accessed. It then sets
+the time on all files back to midnight on 2021-01-01 and then does a full
+build. Because all Kconfig and Makefiles are accessed during the built,
+it then creates a new Kconfig file containing all of the old Kconfigs.
+The next step is to delete all of the files that have an access time still
+set to 2021. The final step of the cleaning process is to recursively remove
+any Makefile that is alone in a directory by itself. The script then makes
+a commit and creates a patch.
+ Usage: ${PROGNAME} [options]
+ -b | --blddir <dir> Set /tmp/<dir> as the build directory
+ -h | --help Print usage and exit
+ -D | --debug Print debug information. Use -DD to show all commands
+ -V | --version Print the version and exit
+ --nocolor Don't print color codes
+_echo_color() {
+ local color="$1"
+ local text="$2"
+ local newline="$3"
+ if [[ ${newline} == "0" ]]; then
+ printf "${color}%s${NO_COLOR}" "${text}"
+ else
+ printf "${color}%s${NO_COLOR}\n" "${text}"
+ fi
+_echo_error() {
+ _echo_color "${RED}" "$*" 1 >&2
+show_version() {
+ echo
+ _echo_color "${BOLD}${GREEN}" "${PROGNAME} version ${VERSION}"
+ echo
+get_args() {
+ if ! args="$(getopt -l version,help,debug,nocolor,blddir: -o b:DhV -- "$@")"; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ eval set -- "${args}"
+ while true; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -b | --blddir)
+ shift
+ BLD_DIR="/tmp/$1"
+ ;;
+ -D | --debug)
+ # -d prints extra debug info
+ # -dd prints all script steps
+ if [ -n "${VERBOSE}" ]; then
+ set -x
+ else
+ fi
+ ;;
+ -h | --help)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --nocolor)
+ BOLD=""
+ RED=""
+ GREEN=""
+ ;;
+ -V | --version) exit 0 ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ *)
+ _echo_error "Unknown argument '$1'"
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
+ _echo_error "Unknown command '$1'"
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ BLD_DIR="${BLD_DIR:-$(mktemp -d)}"
+recursively_rm_dir_onlyfile() {
+ local dir=$1
+ local beforecount
+ local aftercount
+ while true; do
+ if [[ ! -d ${dir} ]]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ beforecount="$(find "${dir}" | wc -l)"
+ while read -r file; do
+ # Don't delete any of the makefiles required for building.
+ if echo "${file}" | grep -q "${REQUIRED_MAKEFILES}"; then
+ break
+ fi
+ # Remove the directory if a makefile is the only file present.
+ if [[ "$(cd "${file}" && find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v "./Makefile")" == "." ]]; then
+ rm -rf "${file}"
+ fi
+ done < <(find "${dir}" -depth -type d)
+ if [[ ! -d ${dir} ]]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ find "${dir}" -type d -empty -delete
+ if [[ ! -d ${dir} ]]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ aftercount="$(find "${dir}" | wc -l)"
+ if [[ ${aftercount} -eq ${beforecount} ]]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+verify_atime_enabled() {
+ local testfile
+ # Make sure the build directory is mounted correctly
+ if [ ! -d "${BLD_DIR}" ]; then
+ mkdir "${BLD_DIR}"
+ fi
+ if ! grep -q "${BLD_DIR}" /proc/mounts; then
+ echo "Mounting the ${BLD_DIR} directory with atime enabled"
+ sudo mount -t tmpfs -o rw,relatime tmpfs "${BLD_DIR}"
+ elif ! grep "${BLD_DIR}" /proc/mounts | grep -q relatime; then
+ echo "Remounting the ${BLD_DIR} directory with relatime enabled"
+ sudo mount -o remount,relatime "${BLD_DIR}"
+ fi
+ testfile="$(mktemp -p "${BLD_DIR}")"
+ touch -a --date="2020-01-01 00:00:00" "${testfile}"
+ if ! stat "${testfile}" | grep -q "Access: 2020-01-01"; then
+ _echo_error "Error: could not set access time."
+ sudo umount "${BLD_DIR}"
+ rm -rf "${BLD_DIR}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm -f "${testfile}"
+update_codebase() {
+ local tempconfig
+ tempconfig="$(mktemp)"
+ if [ ! -f "${BLD_DIR}/COPYING" ]; then
+ echo "Downloading coreboot tree"
+ git clone https://review.coreboot.org/coreboot.git "${BLD_DIR}"
+ make -C "${BLD_DIR}" build/xcompile
+ fi
+ # Start from a completely clean tree or we'll miss anything that
+ # doesn't need to be rebuilt. Save the config if it exists.
+ if [[ -f .config ]]; then
+ mv .config "${tempconfig}"
+ fi
+ _echo_color "${GREEN}" "Cleaning coreboot tree"
+ make -s -C "${BLD_DIR}" distclean
+ if [[ -f ${tempconfig} ]]; then
+ mv "${tempconfig}" .config
+ fi
+ # force a refresh of all submodules
+ _echo_color "${GREEN}" "Refreshing all submodules..."
+ git submodule update --recursive --remote --init --checkout
+save_kconfig() (
+ cd "${BLD_DIR}" && util/lint/kconfig_lint -w -p -o kconfig.tmp
+update_times() {
+ _echo_color "${GREEN}" "Updating access time of all files"
+ git ls-files | xargs touch -a -m -t 202001010000
+ if ! stat "${BLD_DIR}/COPYING" | grep -q "Access: 2020-01-01"; then
+ _echo_error "Error: could not set access time."
+ _echo_error " One of the following processes may be accessing it."
+ fuser -uvm "${BLD_DIR}/COPYING"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+mark_files_to_keep() {
+ for file in "${KEEP_FILES[@]}"; do
+ find "${BLD_DIR}/${file}" -depth -exec touch {} \;
+ done
+build_platform() {
+ local extra_text="$1"
+ _echo_color "${GREEN}" "Building platform ${extra_text}"
+ if [[ ! -f "${BLD_DIR}/.config" ]]; then
+ if [[ -n ${CONFIG_FILE} ]]; then
+ cp "${CONFIG_FILE}" "${BLD_DIR}/.config"
+ fi
+ echo "CONFIG_PAYLOAD_NONE=y" >>"${BLD_DIR}/.config"
+ fi
+ make -C "${BLD_DIR}" -s olddefconfig
+ HASH="$(sha256sum build/coreboot.rom)"
+show_modified() {
+ readarray MODIFIED_FILES < <(find "${BLD_DIR}" -atime -1 -type f -path ./.git -prune)
+ echo "Files changed: ${#MODIFIED_FILES[@]}"
+remove_kconfigs() {
+ # Dump all Kconfigs into a single file so that directories
+ # can be removed, while maintaining the entire Kconfig
+ # structure.
+ find "${BLD_DIR}/src" -name 'Kconfig*' -delete
+ mv "${BLD_DIR}/kconfig.tmp" "${BLD_DIR}/src/Kconfig"
+remove_unused() {
+ local dir
+ # Most files can be removed simply by looking at the time, but
+ # all Kconfig and Makefile.inc files in the entire tree are accessed
+ # whether they're used or not.
+ remove_kconfigs
+ echo
+ _echo_color "${GREEN}" "Checking access time and removing unused files in:"
+ for dir in "${CLEAN_DIR_LIST[@]}"; do
+ printf "%s\n" "${BLD_DIR}/${dir}"
+ # find and remove all files without updated times.
+ find "${BLD_DIR}/${dir}" -atime +5 -type f -delete
+ recursively_rm_dir_onlyfile "${BLD_DIR}/${dir}"
+ done
+ printf "\n\n"
+create_patch() {
+ _echo_color "${GREEN}" "Creating patch"
+ (
+ cd "${BLD_DIR}"
+ git add -A
+ git commit -m "remove unused files" --no-verify
+ git format-patch HEAD^
+ )
+main() {
+ show_version
+ get_args "$@"
+ verify_atime_enabled
+ update_codebase
+ save_kconfig
+ update_times
+ mark_files_to_keep
+ build_platform "to mark used files"
+ HASH=""
+ #show_modified
+ remove_unused
+ create_patch
+ build_platform "to verify the build still works"
+ echo
+ _echo_color "${GREEN}" "Checksums:"
+ echo "Old: ${OLDHASH}"
+ echo "New: ${NEWHASH}"
+main "$@"