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3 files changed, 4490 insertions, 343 deletions
diff --git a/src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/meteorlake/FspmUpd.h b/src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/meteorlake/FspmUpd.h
index 40f5b6f288..14975351e8 100644
--- a/src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/meteorlake/FspmUpd.h
+++ b/src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/meteorlake/FspmUpd.h
@@ -66,9 +66,11 @@ typedef struct {
UINT16 MemorySpdDataLen;
-/** Offset 0x004A - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x004A - Enable above 4GB MMIO resource support
+ Enable/disable above 4GB MMIO resource support
- UINT8 Reserved0;
+ UINT8 EnableAbove4GBMmio;
/** Offset 0x004B - Enable/Disable CrashLog Device 10
Enable(Default): Enable CPU CrashLog Device 10, Disable: Disable CPU CrashLog
@@ -252,9 +254,35 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 DqPinsInterleaved;
-/** Offset 0x0129 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0129 - Smram Mask
+ The SMM Regions AB-SEG and/or H-SEG reserved
+ 0: Neither, 1:AB-SEG, 2:H-SEG, 3: Both
+ UINT8 SmramMask;
+/** Offset 0x012A - MRC Fast Boot
+ Enables/Disable the MRC fast path thru the MRC
+ UINT8 MrcFastBoot;
+/** Offset 0x012B - Rank Margin Tool per Task
+ This option enables the user to execute Rank Margin Tool per major training step
+ in the MRC.
+ UINT8 RmtPerTask;
+/** Offset 0x012C - Training Trace
+ This option enables the trained state tracing feature in MRC. This feature will
+ print out the key training parameters state across major training steps.
+ UINT8 TrainTrace;
+/** Offset 0x012D - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved1[7];
+ UINT8 Reserved0[3];
/** Offset 0x0130 - Tseg Size
Size of SMRAM memory reserved. 0x400000 for Release build and 0x1000000 for Debug build
@@ -262,9 +290,17 @@ typedef struct {
UINT32 TsegSize;
-/** Offset 0x0134 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0134 - MMIO Size
+ Size of MMIO space reserved for devices. 0(Default)=Auto, non-Zero=size in MB
- UINT8 Reserved2[3];
+ UINT16 MmioSize;
+/** Offset 0x0136 - Probeless Trace
+ Probeless Trace: 0=Disabled, 1=Enable. Enabling Probeless Trace will reserve 128MB.
+ This also requires IED to be enabled.
+ UINT8 ProbelessTrace;
/** Offset 0x0137 - Enable SMBus
Enable/disable SMBus controller.
@@ -290,9 +326,71 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 PlatformDebugConsent;
-/** Offset 0x0149 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0149 - DCI Enable
+ Determine if to enable DCI debug from host
+ UINT8 DciEn;
+/** Offset 0x014A - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved1;
+/** Offset 0x014B - DCI DbC Mode
+ Disabled: Clear both USB2/3DBCEN; USB2: set USB2DBCEN; USB3: set USB3DBCEN; Both:
+ Set both USB2/3DBCEN; No Change: Comply with HW value
+ 0:Disabled, 1:USB2 DbC, 2:USB3 DbC, 3:Both, 4:No Change
+ UINT8 DciDbcMode;
+/** Offset 0x014C - USB3 Type-C UFP2DFP Kernel/Platform Debug Support
+ This BIOS option enables kernel and platform debug for USB3 interface over a UFP
+ Type-C receptacle, select 'No Change' will do nothing to UFP2DFP setting.
+ 0:Disabled, 1:Enabled, 2:No Change
+ UINT8 DciUsb3TypecUfpDbg;
+/** Offset 0x014D - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved3[21];
+ UINT8 Reserved2[6];
+/** Offset 0x0153 - PCH Trace Hub Mode
+ Enable/Disable PCH TraceHub
+ UINT8 PchTraceHubMode;
+/** Offset 0x0154 - PCH Trace Hub Memory Region 0 buffer Size
+ Select size of memory region 0 buffer. Memory allocated by BIOS only applies to
+ ITH tool running on the host. For ITH tool running on the target, choose None/OS,
+ memory shall be allocated by tool. User should be cautious to choose the amount
+ of memory. If chosen size is larger than half of system memory, setup will automatically
+ rollback to default value.
+ 0x00:1MB, 0x03:8MB, 0x06:64MB, 0x07:128MB, 0x08:256MB, 0x09:512MB, 0x0A:1GB, 0x0B:2GB,
+ 0x0C:4GB, 0x0D:8GB, 0x0E:0MB
+ UINT16 PchTraceHubMemReg0Size;
+/** Offset 0x0156 - PCH Trace Hub Memory Region 1 buffer Size
+ Select size of memory region 1 buffer. Memory allocated by BIOS only applies to
+ ITH tool running on the host. For ITH tool running on the target, choose None/OS,
+ memory shall be allocated by tool. User should be cautious to choose the amount
+ of memory. If chosen size is larger than half of system memory, setup will automatically
+ rollback to default value.
+ 0x00:1MB, 0x03:8MB, 0x06:64MB, 0x07:128MB, 0x08:256MB, 0x09:512MB, 0x0A:1GB, 0x0B:2GB,
+ 0x0C:4GB, 0x0D:8GB, 0x0E:0MB
+ UINT16 PchTraceHubMemReg1Size;
+/** Offset 0x0158 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved3[4];
+/** Offset 0x015C - HD Audio DMIC Link Clock Select
+ Determines DMIC<N> Clock Source. 0: Both, 1: ClkA, 2: ClkB
+ 0: Both, 1: ClkA, 2: ClkB
+ UINT8 PchHdaAudioLinkDmicClockSelect[2];
/** Offset 0x015E - State of X2APIC_OPT_OUT bit in the DMAR table
0=Disable/Clear, 1=Enable/Set
@@ -300,9 +398,11 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 X2ApicOptOut;
-/** Offset 0x015F - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x015F - State of DMA_CONTROL_GUARANTEE bit in the DMAR table
+ 0=Disable/Clear, 1=Enable/Set
- UINT8 Reserved4;
+ UINT8 DmaControlGuarantee;
/** Offset 0x0160 - Base addresses for VT-d function MMIO access
Base addresses for VT-d MMIO access per VT-d engine
@@ -315,9 +415,19 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 VtdDisable;
-/** Offset 0x0185 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0185 - Vtd Programming for Igd
+ 1=Enable/TRUE (Igd VT-d Bar programming enabled), 0=Disable/FLASE (Igd VT-d Bar
+ programming disabled)
+ UINT8 VtdIgdEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0186 - Vtd Programming for Iop
+ 1=Enable/TRUE (Iop VT-d Bar programming enabled), 0=Disable/FLASE (Iop VT-d Bar
+ programming disabled)
- UINT8 Reserved5[2];
+ UINT8 VtdIopEnable;
/** Offset 0x0187 - Internal Graphics Pre-allocated Memory
Size of memory preallocated for internal graphics.
@@ -342,7 +452,7 @@ typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x018A - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved6[2];
+ UINT8 Reserved4[2];
/** Offset 0x018C - DDR Frequency Limit
Maximum Memory Frequency Selections in Mhz. Options are 1067, 1333, 1600, 1867,
@@ -359,7 +469,19 @@ typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x018F - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved7[3];
+ UINT8 Reserved5;
+/** Offset 0x0190 - Memory Test on Warm Boot
+ Run Base Memory Test on Warm Boot
+ 0:Disable, 1:Enable
+ UINT8 MemTestOnWarmBoot;
+/** Offset 0x0191 - DDR Speed Control
+ DDR Frequency and Gear control for all SAGV points.
+ 0:Auto, 1:Manual
+ UINT8 DdrSpeedControl;
/** Offset 0x0192 - Controller 0 Channel 0 DIMM Control
Enable / Disable DIMMs on Controller 0 Channel 0
@@ -409,9 +531,24 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 DisableMc1Ch3;
-/** Offset 0x019A - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x019A - Scrambler Support
+ This option enables data scrambling in memory.
+ UINT8 ScramblerSupport;
+/** Offset 0x019B - SPD Profile Selected
+ Select DIMM timing profile. Options are 0:Default SPD Profile, 1:Custom Profile,
+ 2:XMP Profile 1, 3:XMP Profile 2, 4:XMP Profile 3, 5:XMP User Profile 4, 6:XMP
+ User Profile 5
+ 0:Default SPD Profile, 1:Custom Profile, 2:XMP Profile 1, 3:XMP Profile 2, 4:XMP
+ Profile 3, 5:XMP User Profile 4, 6:XMP User Profile 5
+ UINT8 SpdProfileSelected;
+/** Offset 0x019C - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved8[4];
+ UINT8 Reserved6[2];
/** Offset 0x019E - Memory Reference Clock
100MHz, 133MHz.
@@ -421,7 +558,107 @@ typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x019F - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved9[37];
+ UINT8 Reserved7;
+/** Offset 0x01A0 - Memory Vdd Voltage
+ DRAM voltage (Vdd) (supply voltage for input buffers and core logic of the DRAM
+ chips) in millivolts. <b>0=Platform Default (no override)</b>, 1200=1.2V, 1350=1.35V etc.
+ 0:Default, 1200:1.20 Volts, 1250:1.25 Volts, 1300:1.30 Volts, 1350:1.35 Volts, 1400:1.40
+ Volts, 1450:1.45 Volts, 1500:1.50 Volts, 1550:1.55 Volts, 1600:1.60 Volts, 1650:1.65 Volts
+ UINT16 VddVoltage;
+/** Offset 0x01A2 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved8[4];
+/** Offset 0x01A6 - Memory Ratio
+ Automatic or the frequency will equal ratio times reference clock. Set to Auto to
+ recalculate memory timings listed below.
+ 0:Auto, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8, 9:9, 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 13:13, 14:14, 15:15
+ UINT16 Ratio;
+/** Offset 0x01A8 - tCL
+ CAS Latency, 0: AUTO, max: 255. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
+ == 1 (Custom Profile).
+ UINT8 tCL;
+/** Offset 0x01A9 - tCWL
+ Min CAS Write Latency Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 255. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
+ == 1 (Custom Profile).
+/** Offset 0x01AA - tFAW
+ Min Four Activate Window Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 65535. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
+ == 1 (Custom Profile).
+ UINT16 tFAW;
+/** Offset 0x01AC - tRAS
+ RAS Active Time, 0: AUTO, max: 65535. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
+ == 1 (Custom Profile).
+ UINT16 tRAS;
+/** Offset 0x01AE - tRCD/tRP
+ RAS to CAS delay time and Row Precharge delay time, 0: AUTO, max: 255. Only used
+ if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected == 1 (Custom Profile).
+/** Offset 0x01AF - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved9;
+/** Offset 0x01B0 - tREFI
+ Refresh Interval, 0: AUTO, max: 65535. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
+ == 1 (Custom Profile).
+/** Offset 0x01B2 - tRFC
+ Min Refresh Recovery Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 65535. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
+ == 1 (Custom Profile).
+ UINT16 tRFC;
+/** Offset 0x01B4 - tRRD
+ Min Row Active to Row Active Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 255. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
+ == 1 (Custom Profile).
+/** Offset 0x01B5 - tRTP
+ Min Internal Read to Precharge Command Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 255. Only used
+ if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected == 1 (Custom Profile).
+/** Offset 0x01B6 - tWR
+ Min Write Recovery Time, 0: AUTO, legal values: 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18,
+ 20, 24, 30, 34, 40. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected == 1 (Custom Profile).
+ 0:Auto, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8, 10:10, 12:12, 14:14, 16:16, 18:18, 20:20, 24:24, 30:30,
+ 34:34, 40:40
+ UINT8 tWR;
+/** Offset 0x01B7 - tWTR
+ Min Internal Write to Read Command Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 255. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
+ == 1 (Custom Profile).
+/** Offset 0x01B8 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved10[11];
+/** Offset 0x01C3 - NMode
+ System command rate, range 0-2, 0 means auto, 1 = 1N, 2 = 2N
+ UINT8 NModeSupport;
/** Offset 0x01C4 - Enable Intel HD Audio (Azalia)
0: Disable, 1: Enable (Default) Azalia controller
@@ -435,532 +672,1985 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 PchIshEnable;
-/** Offset 0x01C6 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x01C6 - SAGV Gear Ratio
+ Gear Selection for SAGV points. 0 - Auto, 2-Gear 2, 4-Gear 4
+ UINT8 SaGvGear[4];
+/** Offset 0x01CA - SAGV Frequency
+ SAGV Frequency per point in Mhz. 0 for Auto and a ratio of 133/100MHz: 1333/1300.
+ UINT16 SaGvFreq[4];
+/** Offset 0x01D2 - SAGV Disabled Gear Ratio
+ Gear Selection for SAGV Disabled. 0 - Auto, 2-Gear 2, 2-Gear 4
+ UINT8 GearRatio;
+/** Offset 0x01D3 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved11[63];
+/** Offset 0x0212 - MMIO size adjustment for AUTO mode
+ Positive number means increasing MMIO size, Negative value means decreasing MMIO
+ size: 0 (Default)=no change to AUTO mode MMIO size
+ UINT16 MmioSizeAdjustment;
+/** Offset 0x0214 - Selection of the primary display device
+ 0=iGFX, 3(Default)=AUTO, 4=Hybrid Graphics
+ 0:iGFX, 3:AUTO, 4:Hybrid Graphics
- UINT8 Reserved10[45];
+ UINT8 PrimaryDisplay;
-/** Offset 0x01F3 - Enable/Disable SA IPU
+/** Offset 0x0215 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved12[3];
+/** Offset 0x0218 - Temporary MMIO address for GMADR
+ Obsolete field now and it has been extended to 64 bit address, used LMemBar
+ UINT32 GmAdr;
+/** Offset 0x021C - Temporary MMIO address for GTTMMADR
+ The reference code will use this as Temporary MMIO address space to access GTTMMADR
+ Registers.Platform should provide conflict free Temporary MMIO Range: GttMmAdr
+ to (GttMmAdr + 2MB MMIO + 6MB Reserved + GttSize). Default is (GmAdr - (2MB MMIO
+ + 6MB Reserved + GttSize)) to (GmAdr - 0x1) (Where GttSize = 8MB)
+ UINT32 GttMmAdr;
+/** Offset 0x0220 - Enable/Disable MRC TXT dependency
+ When enabled MRC execution will wait for TXT initialization to be done first. Disabled(0x0)(Default):
+ MRC will not wait for TXT initialization, Enabled(0x1): MRC will wait for TXT initialization
+ UINT8 TxtImplemented;
+/** Offset 0x0221 - Enable/Disable SA OcSupport
+ Enable: Enable SA OcSupport, Disable(Default): Disable SA OcSupport
+ UINT8 SaOcSupport;
+/** Offset 0x0222 - GT slice Voltage Mode
+ 0(Default): Adaptive, 1: Override
+ 0: Adaptive, 1: Override
+ UINT8 GtVoltageMode;
+/** Offset 0x0223 - Maximum GTs turbo ratio override
+ 0(Default)=Minimal/Auto, 60=Maximum
+ UINT8 GtMaxOcRatio;
+/** Offset 0x0224 - The voltage offset applied to GT slice
+ 0(Default)=Minimal, 1000=Maximum
+ UINT16 GtVoltageOffset;
+/** Offset 0x0226 - The GT slice voltage override which is applied to the entire range of GT frequencies
+ 0(Default)=Minimal, 2000=Maximum
+ UINT16 GtVoltageOverride;
+/** Offset 0x0228 - adaptive voltage applied during turbo frequencies
+ 0(Default)=Minimal, 2000=Maximum
+ UINT16 GtExtraTurboVoltage;
+/** Offset 0x022A - voltage offset applied to the SA
+ 0(Default)=Minimal, 1000=Maximum
+ UINT16 SaVoltageOffset;
+/** Offset 0x022C - PCIe root port Function number for Hybrid Graphics dGPU
+ Root port Index number to indicate which PCIe root port has dGPU
+ UINT8 RootPortIndex;
+/** Offset 0x022D - Realtime Memory Timing
+ 0(Default): Disabled, 1: Enabled. When enabled, it will allow the system to perform
+ realtime memory timing changes after MRC_DONE.
+ 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
+ UINT8 RealtimeMemoryTiming;
+/** Offset 0x022E - This is policy to control iTBT PCIe Multiple Segment setting.
+ UINT8 PcieMultipleSegmentEnabled;
+/** Offset 0x022F - Enable/Disable SA IPU
Enable(Default): Enable SA IPU, Disable: Disable SA IPU
UINT8 SaIpuEnable;
-/** Offset 0x01F4 - IMGU CLKOUT Configuration
+/** Offset 0x0230 - IMGU CLKOUT Configuration
The configuration of IMGU CLKOUT, 0: Disable;<b>1: Enable</b>.
UINT8 ImguClkOutEn[6];
-/** Offset 0x01FA - Program GPIOs for LFP on DDI port-A device
+/** Offset 0x0236 - Program GPIOs for LFP on DDI port-A device
0=Disabled,1(Default)=eDP, 2=MIPI DSI
0:Disabled, 1:eDP, 2:MIPI DSI
UINT8 DdiPortAConfig;
-/** Offset 0x01FB - Program GPIOs for LFP on DDI port-B device
+/** Offset 0x0237 - Program GPIOs for LFP on DDI port-B device
0(Default)=Disabled,1=eDP, 2=MIPI DSI
0:Disabled, 1:eDP, 2:MIPI DSI
UINT8 DdiPortBConfig;
-/** Offset 0x01FC - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port A
+/** Offset 0x0238 - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port A
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPortAHpd;
-/** Offset 0x01FD - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port B
+/** Offset 0x0239 - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port B
0=Disable, 1(Default)=Enable
UINT8 DdiPortBHpd;
-/** Offset 0x01FE - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port C
+/** Offset 0x023A - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port C
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPortCHpd;
-/** Offset 0x01FF - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port 1
+/** Offset 0x023B - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port 1
0=Disable, 1(Default)=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort1Hpd;
-/** Offset 0x0200 - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port 2
+/** Offset 0x023C - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port 2
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort2Hpd;
-/** Offset 0x0201 - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port 3
+/** Offset 0x023D - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port 3
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort3Hpd;
-/** Offset 0x0202 - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port 4
+/** Offset 0x023E - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port 4
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort4Hpd;
-/** Offset 0x0203 - Enable or disable DDC of DDI port A
+/** Offset 0x023F - Enable or disable DDC of DDI port A
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPortADdc;
-/** Offset 0x0204 - Enable or disable DDC of DDI port B
+/** Offset 0x0240 - Enable or disable DDC of DDI port B
0=Disable, 1(Default)=Enable
UINT8 DdiPortBDdc;
-/** Offset 0x0205 - Enable or disable DDC of DDI port C
+/** Offset 0x0241 - Enable or disable DDC of DDI port C
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPortCDdc;
-/** Offset 0x0206 - Enable DDC setting of DDI Port 1
+/** Offset 0x0242 - Enable DDC setting of DDI Port 1
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort1Ddc;
-/** Offset 0x0207 - Enable DDC setting of DDI Port 2
+/** Offset 0x0243 - Enable DDC setting of DDI Port 2
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort2Ddc;
-/** Offset 0x0208 - Enable DDC setting of DDI Port 3
+/** Offset 0x0244 - Enable DDC setting of DDI Port 3
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort3Ddc;
-/** Offset 0x0209 - Enable DDC setting of DDI Port 4
+/** Offset 0x0245 - Enable DDC setting of DDI Port 4
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort4Ddc;
-/** Offset 0x020A - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0246 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved13[10];
+/** Offset 0x0250 - Per-core HT Disable
+ Defines the per-core HT disable mask where: 1 - Disable selected logical core HT,
+ 0 - is ignored. Input is in HEX and each bit maps to a logical core. Ex. A value
+ of '1F' would disable HT for cores 4,3,2,1 and 0. Default is 0, all cores have
+ HT enabled. Range is 0 - 0x7F for max 8 cores. You can only disable up to MAX_CORE_COUNT - 1.
+ UINT16 PerCoreHtDisable;
+/** Offset 0x0252 - Thermal Velocity Boost Ratio clipping
+ 0(Default): Disabled, 1: Enabled. This service controls Core frequency reduction
+ caused by high package temperatures for processors that implement the Intel Thermal
+ Velocity Boost (TVB) feature
+ UINT8 TvbRatioClipping;
+/** Offset 0x0253 - Thermal Velocity Boost voltage optimization
+ 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled(Default). This service controls thermal based voltage optimizations
+ for processors that implement the Intel Thermal Velocity Boost (TVB) feature.
+ UINT8 TvbVoltageOptimization;
+/** Offset 0x0254 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved14[54];
+/** Offset 0x028A - DMI Max Link Speed
+ Auto (Default)(0x0): Maximum possible link speed, Gen1(0x1): Limit Link to Gen1
+ Speed, Gen2(0x2): Limit Link to Gen2 Speed, Gen3(0x3):Limit Link to Gen3 Speed
+ 0:Auto, 1:Gen1, 2:Gen2, 3:Gen3
+ UINT8 DmiMaxLinkSpeed;
+/** Offset 0x028B - DMI Equalization Phase 2
+ DMI Equalization Phase 2. (0x0): Disable phase 2, (0x1): Enable phase 2, (0x2)(Default):
+ AUTO - Use the current default method
+ 0:Disable phase2, 1:Enable phase2, 2:Auto
- UINT8 Reserved11[136];
+ UINT8 DmiGen3EqPh2Enable;
-/** Offset 0x0292 - DMI Gen3 Root port preset values per lane
+/** Offset 0x028C - DMI Gen3 Equalization Phase3
+ DMI Gen3 Equalization Phase3. Auto(0x0)(Default): Use the current default method,
+ HwEq(0x1): Use Adaptive Hardware Equalization, SwEq(0x2): Use Adaptive Software
+ Equalization (Implemented in BIOS Reference Code), Static(0x3): Use the Static
+ EQs provided in DmiGen3EndPointPreset array for Phase1 AND Phase3 (Instead of just
+ Phase1), Disabled(0x4): Bypass Equalization Phase 3
+ 0:Auto, 1:HwEq, 2:SwEq, 3:StaticEq, 4:BypassPhase3
+ UINT8 DmiGen3EqPh3Method;
+/** Offset 0x028D - Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 Static EQ Phase1 programming
+ Program DMI Gen3 EQ Phase1 Static Presets. Disabled(0x0): Disable EQ Phase1 Static
+ Presets Programming, Enabled(0x1)(Default): Enable EQ Phase1 Static Presets Programming
+ UINT8 DmiGen3ProgramStaticEq;
+/** Offset 0x028E - DMI Gen3 Root port preset values per lane
Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. Range: 0-9, 4 is default for each lane
UINT8 DmiGen3RootPortPreset[8];
-/** Offset 0x029A - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0296 - DMI Gen3 End port preset values per lane
+ Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. Range: 0-9, 7 is default for each lane
+ UINT8 DmiGen3EndPointPreset[8];
+/** Offset 0x029E - DMI Gen3 End port Hint values per lane
+ Used for programming DMI Gen3 Hint values per lane. Range: 0-6, 2 is default for each lane
+ UINT8 DmiGen3EndPointHint[8];
+/** Offset 0x02A6 - DMI ASPM Configuration:{Combo
+ Set ASPM Configuration
+ 0:Disabled, 1:L0s, 2:L1, 3:L1L0s
+ UINT8 DmiAspm;
+/** Offset 0x02A7 - Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 Hardware Eq
+ Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 Hardware Eq. Disabled(0x0): Disable Hardware Eq, Enabled(0x1)(Default):
+ Enable EQ Phase1 Static Presets Programming
+ UINT8 DmiHweq;
+/** Offset 0x02A8 - Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 Phase 23 Bypass
+ DMIGEN3 Phase 23 Bypass. Disabled(0x0)(Default): Disable Phase 23 Bypass, Enabled(0x1):
+ Enable Phase 23 Bypass
+ UINT8 Gen3EqPhase23Bypass;
+/** Offset 0x02A9 - Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 Phase 3 Bypass
+ DMIGEN3 Phase 3 Bypass. Disabled(0x0)(Default): Disable Phase 3 Bypass, Enabled(0x1):
+ Enable Phase 3 Bypass
+ UINT8 Gen3EqPhase3Bypass;
+/** Offset 0x02AA - Enable/Disable DMI Gen3 EQ Local Transmitter Coefficient Override Enable
+ Program Gen3 EQ Local Transmitter Coefficient Override. Disabled(0x0): Disable Local
+ Transmitter Coefficient Override, Enabled(0x1)(Default): Enable Local Transmitter
+ Coefficient Override
+ UINT8 Gen3LtcoEnable;
+/** Offset 0x02AB - Enable/Disable DMI Gen3 EQ Remote Transmitter Coefficient/Preset Override Enable
+ Program Remote Transmitter Coefficient/Preset Override. Disabled(0x0)(Default):
+ Disable Remote Transmitter Coefficient/Preset Override, Enabled(0x1): Enable Remote
+ Transmitter Coefficient/Preset Override
+ UINT8 Gen3RtcoRtpoEnable;
+/** Offset 0x02AC - DMI Gen3 Transmitter Pre-Cursor Coefficient
+ Used for programming DMI Gen3 Transmitter Pre-Cursor Coefficient . Range: 0-10,
+ 2 is default for each lane
+ UINT8 DmiGen3Ltcpre[8];
+/** Offset 0x02B4 - DMI Gen3 Transmitter Post-Cursor Coefficient
+ Used for programming Transmitter Post-Cursor Coefficient. Range: 0-9, 2 is default
+ for each lane
+ UINT8 DmiGen3Ltcpo[8];
+/** Offset 0x02BC - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved15[16];
+/** Offset 0x02CC - Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 DmiGen3DsPresetEnable
+ Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 DmiGen3DsPreset. Auto(0x0)(Default): DmiGen3DsPresetEnable,
+ Manual(0x1): Enable DmiGen3DsPresetEnable
+ UINT8 DmiGen3DsPresetEnable;
+/** Offset 0x02CD - DMI Gen3 Root port preset Rx values per lane
+ Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. Range: 0-10, 1 is default
+ for each lane
+ UINT8 DmiGen3DsPortRxPreset[8];
+/** Offset 0x02D5 - DMI Gen3 Root port preset Tx values per lane
+ Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. Range: 0-10, 7 is default
+ for each lane
+ UINT8 DmiGen3DsPortTxPreset[8];
+/** Offset 0x02DD - Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 DmiGen3UsPresetEnable
+ Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 DmiGen3UsPreset. Auto(0x0)(Default): DmiGen3UsPresetEnable,
+ Manual(0x1): Enable DmiGen3UsPresetEnable
+ UINT8 DmiGen3UsPresetEnable;
+/** Offset 0x02DE - DMI Gen3 Root port preset Rx values per lane
+ Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. Range: 0-10, 7 is default
+ for each lane
+ UINT8 DmiGen3UsPortRxPreset[8];
+/** Offset 0x02E6 - DMI Gen3 Root port preset Tx values per lane
+ Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. Range: 0-10, 1 is default
+ for each lane
+ UINT8 DmiGen3UsPortTxPreset[8];
+/** Offset 0x02EE - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved16[54];
+/** Offset 0x0324 - DMI ASPM L1 exit Latency
+ Range: 0-7, 4 is default L1 exit Latency
+ UINT8 DmiAspmL1ExitLatency;
+/** Offset 0x0325 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved12[189];
+ UINT8 Reserved17[39];
-/** Offset 0x0357 - Hyper Threading Enable/Disable
+/** Offset 0x034C - BIST on Reset
+ Enable/Disable BIST (Built-In Self Test) on reset. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 BistOnReset;
+/** Offset 0x034D - Skip Stop PBET Timer Enable/Disable
+ Skip Stop PBET Timer; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable
+ UINT8 SkipStopPbet;
+/** Offset 0x034E - Over clocking support
+ Over clocking support; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable
+ UINT8 OcSupport;
+/** Offset 0x034F - Over clocking Lock
+ Lock Overclocking. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 OcLock;
+/** Offset 0x0350 - Maximum Core Turbo Ratio Override
+ Maximum core turbo ratio override allows to increase CPU core frequency beyond the
+ fused max turbo ratio limit. <b>0: Hardware defaults.</b> Range: 0-85 if CoreRatioExtensionMode
+ is disabled. 0-120 if CoreRatioExtensionMode is enabled.
+ UINT8 CoreMaxOcRatio;
+/** Offset 0x0351 - Core voltage mode
+ Core voltage mode; <b>0: Adaptive</b>; 1: Override.
+ UINT8 CoreVoltageMode;
+/** Offset 0x0352 - Maximum clr turbo ratio override
+ Maximum clr turbo ratio override allows to increase CPU clr frequency beyond the
+ fused max turbo ratio limit. <b>0: Hardware defaults.</b> Range: 0-85
+ UINT8 RingMaxOcRatio;
+/** Offset 0x0353 - Hyper Threading Enable/Disable
Enable or Disable Hyper-Threading Technology. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
UINT8 HyperThreading;
-/** Offset 0x0358 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0354 - Enable or Disable CPU Ratio Override
+ Enable/Disable CPU Flex Ratio Programming; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
- UINT8 Reserved13;
+ UINT8 CpuRatioOverride;
-/** Offset 0x0359 - CPU ratio value
+/** Offset 0x0355 - CPU ratio value
This value must be between Max Efficiency Ratio (LFM) and Maximum non-turbo ratio
set by Hardware (HFM). Valid Range 0 to 63.
UINT8 CpuRatio;
-/** Offset 0x035A - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0356 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved18;
+/** Offset 0x0357 - Number of active big cores
+ Number of P-cores to enable in each processor package. Note: Number of P-Cores and
+ E-Cores are looked at together. When both are {0,0
+ 0:Disable all big cores, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 0xFF:Active all big cores
- UINT8 Reserved14[2];
+ UINT8 ActiveCoreCount;
-/** Offset 0x035C - Processor Early Power On Configuration FCLK setting
+/** Offset 0x0358 - Processor Early Power On Configuration FCLK setting
FCLK frequency can take values of 400MHz, 800MHz and 1GHz. <b>0: 800 MHz (ULT/ULX)</b>.
<b>1: 1 GHz (DT/Halo)</b>. Not supported on ULT/ULX.- 2: 400 MHz. - 3: Reserved
0:800 MHz, 1: 1 GHz, 2: 400 MHz, 3: Reserved
UINT8 FClkFrequency;
-/** Offset 0x035D - Enable or Disable VMX
+/** Offset 0x0359 - Enable or Disable VMX
Enable or Disable VMX, When enabled, a VMM can utilize the additional hardware capabilities
provided by Vanderpool Technology. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
UINT8 VmxEnable;
-/** Offset 0x035E - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x035A - AVX2 Ratio Offset
+ 0(Default)= No Offset. Range 0 - 31. Specifies number of bins to decrease AVX ratio
+ vs. Core Ratio. Uses Mailbox MSR 0x150, cmd 0x1B.
+ UINT8 Avx2RatioOffset;
+/** Offset 0x035B - AVX3 Ratio Offset
+ 0(Default)= No Offset. Range 0 - 31. Specifies number of bins to decrease AVX ratio
+ vs. Core Ratio. Uses Mailbox MSR 0x150, cmd 0x1B.
+ UINT8 Avx3RatioOffset;
+/** Offset 0x035C - BCLK Adaptive Voltage Enable
+ When enabled, the CPU V/F curves are aware of BCLK frequency when calculated. </b>0:
+ Disable;<b> 1: Enable
+ UINT8 BclkAdaptiveVoltage;
+/** Offset 0x035D - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved19;
+/** Offset 0x035E - core voltage override
+ The core voltage override which is applied to the entire range of cpu core frequencies.
+ Valid Range 0 to 2000
+ UINT16 CoreVoltageOverride;
+/** Offset 0x0360 - Core Turbo voltage Adaptive
+ Extra Turbo voltage applied to the cpu core when the cpu is operating in turbo mode.
+ Valid Range 0 to 2000
+ UINT16 CoreVoltageAdaptive;
+/** Offset 0x0362 - Core Turbo voltage Offset
+ The voltage offset applied to the core while operating in turbo mode.Valid Range 0 to 1000
+ UINT16 CoreVoltageOffset;
+/** Offset 0x0364 - Core PLL voltage offset
+ Core PLL voltage offset. <b>0: No offset</b>. Range 0-15
+ UINT8 CorePllVoltageOffset;
+/** Offset 0x0365 - Ring Downbin
+ Ring Downbin enable/disable. When enabled, CPU will ensure the ring ratio is always
+ lower than the core ratio.0: Disable; <b>1: Enable.</b>
+ UINT8 RingDownBin;
+/** Offset 0x0366 - Ring voltage mode
+ Ring voltage mode; <b>0: Adaptive</b>; 1: Override.
+ UINT8 RingVoltageMode;
+/** Offset 0x0367 - TjMax Offset
+ TjMax offset.Specified value here is clipped by pCode (125 - TjMax Offset) to support
+ TjMax in the range of 62 to 115 deg Celsius. Valid Range 10 - 63
+ UINT8 TjMaxOffset;
+/** Offset 0x0368 - Ring voltage override
+ The ring voltage override which is applied to the entire range of cpu ring frequencies.
+ Valid Range 0 to 2000
+ UINT16 RingVoltageOverride;
+/** Offset 0x036A - Ring Turbo voltage Adaptive
+ Extra Turbo voltage applied to the cpu ring when the cpu is operating in turbo mode.
+ Valid Range 0 to 2000
+ UINT16 RingVoltageAdaptive;
+/** Offset 0x036C - Ring Turbo voltage Offset
+ The voltage offset applied to the ring while operating in turbo mode. Valid Range 0 to 1000
- UINT8 Reserved15[20];
+ UINT16 RingVoltageOffset;
-/** Offset 0x0372 - Enable or Disable TME
+/** Offset 0x036E - Enable or Disable TME
Configure Total Memory Encryption (TME) to protect DRAM data from physical attacks.
<b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT8 TmeEnable;
-/** Offset 0x0373 - Enable CPU CrashLog
+/** Offset 0x036F - Enable CPU CrashLog
Enable or Disable CPU CrashLog; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
UINT8 CpuCrashLogEnable;
-/** Offset 0x0374 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0370 - CPU Run Control
+ Enable, Disable or Do not configure CPU Run Control; 0: Disable; 1: Enable ; <b>2:
+ No Change</b>
+ 0:Disabled, 1:Enabled, 2:No Change
+ UINT8 DebugInterfaceEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0371 - CPU Run Control Lock
+ Lock or Unlock CPU Run Control; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
+ UINT8 DebugInterfaceLockEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0372 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved20[35];
+/** Offset 0x0395 - Core VF Point Offset Mode
+ Selects Core Voltage & Frequency Offset mode between Legacy and Selection modes.
+ In Legacy Mode, setting a global offset for the entire VF curve. In Selection Mode,
+ setting a selected VF point; <b>0: Legacy</b>; 1: Selection.
+ 0:Legacy, 1:Selection
+ UINT8 CoreVfPointOffsetMode;
+/** Offset 0x0396 - Core VF Point Offset
+ Array used to specifies the Core Voltage Offset applied to the each selected VF
+ Point. This voltage is specified in millivolts.
+ UINT16 CoreVfPointOffset[15];
+/** Offset 0x03B4 - Core VF Point Offset Prefix
+ Sets the CoreVfPointOffset value as positive or negative for corresponding core
+ VF Point; <b>0: Positive </b>; 1: Negative.
+ 0:Positive, 1:Negative
+ UINT8 CoreVfPointOffsetPrefix[15];
+/** Offset 0x03C3 - Core VF Point Ratio
+ Array for the each selected Core VF Point to display the ration.
+ UINT8 CoreVfPointRatio[15];
+/** Offset 0x03D2 - Core VF Point Count
+ Number of supported Core Voltage & Frequency Point Offset
+ UINT8 CoreVfPointCount;
+/** Offset 0x03D3 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved21[25];
+/** Offset 0x03EC - Per Core Max Ratio override
+ Enable or disable Per Core PState OC supported by writing OCMB 0x1D to program new
+ favored core ratio to each Core. <b>0: Disable</b>, 1: enable
+ UINT8 PerCoreRatioOverride;
+/** Offset 0x03ED - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved22[41];
+/** Offset 0x0416 - Per Core Current Max Ratio
+ Array for the Per Core Max Ratio
+ UINT8 PerCoreRatio[8];
+/** Offset 0x041E - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved23[9];
+/** Offset 0x0427 - Pvd Ratio Threshold for SOC/CPU die
+ Array of Pvd Ratio Threshold for SOC/CPU die is the threshold value for input ratio
+ (P0 to Pn) to select the multiplier so that the output is within the DCO frequency
+ range. As per the die selected, this threshold is applied to SA and MC/CMI PLL
+ for SOC die and SA, Ring and Atom PLL for CPU die. Range 0-63. When the threshold
+ is 0, static PVD ratio is selected based on the PVD Mode for SOC. <b>0: Default</b>.
+ UINT8 PvdRatioThreshold[2];
+/** Offset 0x0429 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved16[254];
+ UINT8 Reserved24[70];
-/** Offset 0x0472 - GPIO Override
+/** Offset 0x046F - BCLK Frequency Source
+ Clock source of BCLK OC frequency, <b>0:CPU BCLK</b>, 1:PCH BCLK, 2:External CLK
+ 0:CPU BCLK, 1:PCH BCLK, 2:External CLK
+ UINT8 BclkSource;
+/** Offset 0x0470 - GPIO Override
Gpio Override Level - FSP will not configure any GPIOs and rely on GPIO setings
before moved to FSP. Available configurations 0: Disable; 1: Level 1 - Skips GPIO
configuration in PEI/FSPM/FSPT phase;2: Level 2 - Reserved for future use
UINT8 GpioOverride;
-/** Offset 0x0473 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0471 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved25[3];
+/** Offset 0x0474 - CPU BCLK OC Frequency
+ CPU BCLK OC Frequency in KHz units. 98000000Hz = 98MHz <b>0 - Auto</b>. Range is
+ 40Mhz-1000Mhz.
+ UINT32 CpuBclkOcFrequency;
+/** Offset 0x0478 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved26[4];
+/** Offset 0x047C - Enable CPU CrashLog GPRs dump
+ Enable or Disable CPU CrashLog GPRs dump; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable; 2: Only
+ disable Smm GPRs dump
+ 0:Disabled, 1:Enabled, 2:Only Smm GPRs Disabled
+ UINT8 CrashLogGprs;
+/** Offset 0x047D - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved17[240];
+ UINT8 Reserved27[249];
-/** Offset 0x0563 - Thermal Design Current enable/disable
+/** Offset 0x0576 - Thermal Design Current enable/disable
Thermal Design Current enable/disable; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable. [0] for IA,
- [1] for GT, [2] for SA, [3] and [4] are Reserved.
+ [1] for GT, [2] for SA, [3] through [5] are Reserved.
- UINT8 TdcEnable[5];
+ UINT8 TdcEnable[6];
-/** Offset 0x0568 - Thermal Design Current time window
+/** Offset 0x057C - Thermal Design Current time window
TDC Time Window, value of IA either in milliseconds or seconds, value of GT/SA is
in milliseconds. 1ms is default. Range of IA from 1ms to 448s, Range of GT/SA is
1ms to 10ms, except for 9ms. 9ms has no valid encoding in the MSR definition.
- UINT32 TdcTimeWindow[5];
+ UINT32 TdcTimeWindow[6];
-/** Offset 0x057C - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0594 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved18[156];
+ UINT8 Reserved28[181];
-/** Offset 0x0618 - BiosGuard
+/** Offset 0x0649 - BiosGuard
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, Enable/Disable BIOS Guard feature, 1: enable
UINT8 BiosGuard;
-/** Offset 0x0619
+/** Offset 0x064A
UINT8 BiosGuardToolsInterface;
-/** Offset 0x061A - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x064B - Txt
+ Enables utilization of additional hardware capabilities provided by Intel (R) Trusted
+ Execution Technology. Changes require a full power cycle to take effect. <b>0:
+ Disable</b>, 1: Enable
- UINT8 Reserved19[2];
+ UINT8 Txt;
-/** Offset 0x061C - PrmrrSize
+/** Offset 0x064C - PrmrrSize
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of PrmrrSize , 1: enable
UINT32 PrmrrSize;
-/** Offset 0x0620 - SinitMemorySize
+/** Offset 0x0650 - SinitMemorySize
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of SinitMemorySize , 1: enable
UINT32 SinitMemorySize;
-/** Offset 0x0624 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0654 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved29[4];
+/** Offset 0x0658 - TxtDprMemoryBase
+ Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of TxtDprMemoryBase , 1: enable
- UINT8 Reserved20[12];
+ UINT64 TxtDprMemoryBase;
-/** Offset 0x0630 - TxtHeapMemorySize
+/** Offset 0x0660 - TxtHeapMemorySize
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of TxtHeapMemorySize , 1: enable
UINT32 TxtHeapMemorySize;
-/** Offset 0x0634 - TxtDprMemorySize
+/** Offset 0x0664 - TxtDprMemorySize
Reserve DPR memory size (0-255) MB. 0: Disable, define default value of TxtDprMemorySize
, 1: enable
UINT32 TxtDprMemorySize;
-/** Offset 0x0638 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0668 - BiosAcmBase
+ Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of BiosAcmBase , 1: enable
+ UINT32 BiosAcmBase;
+/** Offset 0x066C - BiosAcmSize
+ Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of BiosAcmSize , 1: enable
- UINT8 Reserved21[604];
+ UINT32 BiosAcmSize;
-/** Offset 0x0894 - Number of RsvdSmbusAddressTable.
+/** Offset 0x0670 - ApStartupBase
+ Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of BiosAcmBase , 1: enable
+ UINT32 ApStartupBase;
+/** Offset 0x0674 - TgaSize
+ Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of TgaSize , 1: enable
+ UINT32 TgaSize;
+/** Offset 0x0678 - TxtLcpPdBase
+ Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of TxtLcpPdBase , 1: enable
+ UINT64 TxtLcpPdBase;
+/** Offset 0x0680 - TxtLcpPdSize
+ Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of TxtLcpPdSize , 1: enable
+ UINT64 TxtLcpPdSize;
+/** Offset 0x0688 - IsTPMPresence
+ IsTPMPresence default values
+ UINT8 IsTPMPresence;
+/** Offset 0x0689 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved30[32];
+/** Offset 0x06A9 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE Rx Set Ctle
+ Enable PCH PCIe Gen 3 Set CTLE Value.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioRxSetCtleEnable[28];
+/** Offset 0x06C5 - PCH HSIO PCIE Rx Set Ctle Value
+ PCH PCIe Gen 3 Set CTLE Value.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioRxSetCtle[28];
+/** Offset 0x06E1 - Enble PCH HSIO PCIE TX Gen 1 Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen1DownscaleAmpEnable[28];
+/** Offset 0x06FD - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value
+ PCH PCIe Gen 2 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen1DownscaleAmp[28];
+/** Offset 0x0719 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE TX Gen 2 Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DownscaleAmpEnable[28];
+/** Offset 0x0735 - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value
+ PCH PCIe Gen 2 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DownscaleAmp[28];
+/** Offset 0x0751 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE TX Gen 3 Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen3DownscaleAmpEnable[28];
+/** Offset 0x076D - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 3 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value
+ PCH PCIe Gen 3 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen3DownscaleAmp[28];
+/** Offset 0x0789 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 1 TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen1DeEmphEnable[28];
+/** Offset 0x07A5 - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 1 TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment value
+ PCH PCIe Gen 1 TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen1DeEmph[28];
+/** Offset 0x07C1 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output -3.5dB De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DeEmph3p5Enable[28];
+/** Offset 0x07DD - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output -3.5dB De-Emphasis Adjustment value
+ PCH PCIe Gen 2 TX Output -3.5dB De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DeEmph3p5[28];
+/** Offset 0x07F9 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output -6.0dB De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DeEmph6p0Enable[28];
+/** Offset 0x0815 - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output -6.0dB De-Emphasis Adjustment value
+ PCH PCIe Gen 2 TX Output -6.0dB De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
+ UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DeEmph6p0[28];
+/** Offset 0x0831 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment Value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen1EqBoostMagEnable[8];
+/** Offset 0x0839 - PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value
+ PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen1EqBoostMag[8];
+/** Offset 0x0841 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment Value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen2EqBoostMagEnable[8];
+/** Offset 0x0849 - PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value
+ PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen2EqBoostMag[8];
+/** Offset 0x0851 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment Value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen3EqBoostMagEnable[8];
+/** Offset 0x0859 - PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value
+ PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen3EqBoostMag[8];
+/** Offset 0x0861 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen1DownscaleAmpEnable[8];
+/** Offset 0x0869 - PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value
+ PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen1DownscaleAmp[8];
+/** Offset 0x0871 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen2DownscaleAmpEnable[8];
+/** Offset 0x0879 - PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value
+ PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen2DownscaleAmp[8];
+/** Offset 0x0881 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen3DownscaleAmpEnable[8];
+/** Offset 0x0889 - PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value
+ PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen3DownscaleAmp[8];
+/** Offset 0x0891 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen1DeEmphEnable[8];
+/** Offset 0x0899 - PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting
+ PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen1DeEmph[8];
+/** Offset 0x08A1 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen2DeEmphEnable[8];
+/** Offset 0x08A9 - PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting
+ PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen2DeEmph[8];
+/** Offset 0x08B1 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen3DeEmphEnable[8];
+/** Offset 0x08B9 - PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting
+ PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
+ UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen3DeEmph[8];
+/** Offset 0x08C1 - PCH LPC Enhance the port 8xh decoding
+ Original LPC only decodes one byte of port 80h.
+ UINT8 PchLpcEnhancePort8xhDecoding;
+/** Offset 0x08C2 - PCH Port80 Route
+ Control where the Port 80h cycles are sent, 0: LPC; 1: PCI.
+ UINT8 PchPort80Route;
+/** Offset 0x08C3 - Enable SMBus ARP support
+ Enable SMBus ARP support.
+ UINT8 SmbusArpEnable;
+/** Offset 0x08C4 - Number of RsvdSmbusAddressTable.
The number of elements in the RsvdSmbusAddressTable.
UINT8 PchNumRsvdSmbusAddresses;
-/** Offset 0x0895 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x08C5 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved31;
+/** Offset 0x08C6 - SMBUS Base Address
+ SMBUS Base Address (IO space).
+ UINT16 PchSmbusIoBase;
+/** Offset 0x08C8 - Enable SMBus Alert Pin
+ Enable SMBus Alert Pin.
- UINT8 Reserved22[4];
+ UINT8 PchSmbAlertEnable;
-/** Offset 0x0899 - Usage type for ClkSrc
+/** Offset 0x08C9 - Usage type for ClkSrc
0-23: PCH rootport, 0x70:LAN, 0x80: unspecified but in use (free running), 0xFF: not used
UINT8 PcieClkSrcUsage[18];
-/** Offset 0x08AB - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x08DB - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved23[14];
+ UINT8 Reserved32[14];
-/** Offset 0x08B9 - ClkReq-to-ClkSrc mapping
+/** Offset 0x08E9 - ClkReq-to-ClkSrc mapping
Number of ClkReq signal assigned to ClkSrc
UINT8 PcieClkSrcClkReq[18];
-/** Offset 0x08CB - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x08FB - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved24[53];
+ UINT8 Reserved33[53];
-/** Offset 0x0900 - Enable PCIE RP Mask
+/** Offset 0x0930 - Enable PCIE RP Mask
Enable/disable PCIE Root Ports. 0: disable, 1: enable. One bit for each port, bit0
for port1, bit1 for port2, and so on.
UINT32 PcieRpEnableMask;
-/** Offset 0x0904 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0934 - VC Type
+ Virtual Channel Type Select: 0: VC0, 1: VC1.
+ 0: VC0, 1: VC1
- UINT8 Reserved25[2];
+ UINT8 PchHdaVcType;
-/** Offset 0x0906 - Enable HD Audio Link
+/** Offset 0x0935 - Universal Audio Architecture compliance for DSP enabled system
+ 0: Not-UAA Compliant (Intel SST driver supported only), 1: UAA Compliant (HDA Inbox
+ driver or SST driver supported).
+ UINT8 PchHdaDspUaaCompliance;
+/** Offset 0x0936 - Enable HD Audio Link
Enable/disable HD Audio Link. Muxed with SSP0/SSP1/SNDW1.
UINT8 PchHdaAudioLinkHdaEnable;
-/** Offset 0x0907 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0937 - Enable HDA SDI lanes
+ Enable/disable HDA SDI lanes.
+ UINT8 PchHdaSdiEnable[2];
+/** Offset 0x0939 - HDA Power/Clock Gating (PGD/CGD)
+ Enable/Disable HD Audio Power and Clock Gating(POR: Enable). 0: PLATFORM_POR, 1:
+ 0: POR, 1: Force Enable, 2: Force Disable
- UINT8 Reserved26[3];
+ UINT8 PchHdaTestPowerClockGating;
-/** Offset 0x090A - Enable HD Audio DMIC_N Link
+/** Offset 0x093A - Enable HD Audio DMIC_N Link
Enable/disable HD Audio DMIC1 link. Muxed with SNDW3.
UINT8 PchHdaAudioLinkDmicEnable[2];
-/** Offset 0x090C - DMIC<N> ClkA Pin Muxing (N - DMIC number)
+/** Offset 0x093C - DMIC<N> ClkA Pin Muxing (N - DMIC number)
Determines DMIC<N> ClkA Pin muxing. See GPIO_*_MUXING_DMIC<N>_CLKA_*
UINT32 PchHdaAudioLinkDmicClkAPinMux[2];
-/** Offset 0x0914 - DMIC<N> ClkB Pin Muxing
+/** Offset 0x0944 - DMIC<N> ClkB Pin Muxing
Determines DMIC<N> ClkA Pin muxing. See GPIO_*_MUXING_DMIC<N>_CLKB_*
UINT32 PchHdaAudioLinkDmicClkBPinMux[2];
-/** Offset 0x091C - Enable HD Audio DSP
+/** Offset 0x094C - Enable HD Audio DSP
Enable/disable HD Audio DSP feature.
UINT8 PchHdaDspEnable;
-/** Offset 0x091D - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x094D - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved27[3];
+ UINT8 Reserved34[3];
-/** Offset 0x0920 - DMIC<N> Data Pin Muxing
+/** Offset 0x0950 - DMIC<N> Data Pin Muxing
Determines DMIC<N> Data Pin muxing. See GPIO_*_MUXING_DMIC<N>_DATA_*
UINT32 PchHdaAudioLinkDmicDataPinMux[2];
-/** Offset 0x0928 - Enable HD Audio SSP0 Link
+/** Offset 0x0958 - Enable HD Audio SSP0 Link
Enable/disable HD Audio SSP_N/I2S link. Muxed with HDA. N-number 0-5
UINT8 PchHdaAudioLinkSspEnable[6];
-/** Offset 0x092E - Enable HD Audio SoundWire#N Link
+/** Offset 0x095E - Enable HD Audio SoundWire#N Link
Enable/disable HD Audio SNDW#N link. Muxed with HDA.
UINT8 PchHdaAudioLinkSndwEnable[4];
-/** Offset 0x0932 - iDisp-Link Frequency
+/** Offset 0x0962 - iDisp-Link Frequency
iDisp-Link Freq (PCH_HDAUDIO_LINK_FREQUENCY enum): 4: 96MHz, 3: 48MHz.
4: 96MHz, 3: 48MHz
UINT8 PchHdaIDispLinkFrequency;
-/** Offset 0x0933 - iDisp-Link T-mode
+/** Offset 0x0963 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved35;
+/** Offset 0x0964 - iDisp-Link T-mode
iDisp-Link T-Mode (PCH_HDAUDIO_IDISP_TMODE enum): 0: 2T, 2: 4T, 3: 8T, 4: 16T
0: 2T, 2: 4T, 3: 8T, 4: 16T
UINT8 PchHdaIDispLinkTmode;
-/** Offset 0x0934 - iDisplay Audio Codec disconnection
+/** Offset 0x0965 - iDisplay Audio Codec disconnection
0: Not disconnected, enumerable, 1: Disconnected SDI, not enumerable.
UINT8 PchHdaIDispCodecDisconnect;
-/** Offset 0x0935 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0966 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved28[7];
+ UINT8 Reserved36[6];
-/** Offset 0x093C - CNVi DDR RFI Mitigation
+/** Offset 0x096C - CNVi DDR RFI Mitigation
Enable/Disable DDR RFI Mitigation. Default is ENABLE. 0: DISABLE, 1: ENABLE
UINT8 CnviDdrRfim;
-/** Offset 0x093D - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x096D - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved29[11];
+ UINT8 Reserved37[11];
-/** Offset 0x0948 - Debug Interfaces
+/** Offset 0x0978 - Debug Interfaces
Debug Interfaces. BIT0-RAM, BIT1-UART, BIT3-USB3, BIT4-Serial IO, BIT5-TraceHub,
BIT2 - Not used.
UINT8 PcdDebugInterfaceFlags;
-/** Offset 0x0949 - Serial Io Uart Debug Controller Number
+/** Offset 0x0979 - Serial Io Uart Debug Controller Number
Select SerialIo Uart Controller for debug.
0:SerialIoUart0, 1:SerialIoUart1, 2:SerialIoUart2
UINT8 SerialIoUartDebugControllerNumber;
-/** Offset 0x094A - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x097A - Serial Io Uart Debug Auto Flow
+ Enables UART hardware flow control, CTS and RTS lines.
+ UINT8 SerialIoUartDebugAutoFlow;
+/** Offset 0x097B - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved38;
+/** Offset 0x097C - Serial Io Uart Debug BaudRate
+ Set default BaudRate Supported from 0 - default to 6000000. Recommended values 9600,
+ 19200, 57600, 115200, 460800, 921600, 1500000, 1843200, 3000000, 3686400, 6000000
+ UINT32 SerialIoUartDebugBaudRate;
+/** Offset 0x0980 - Serial Io Uart Debug Parity
+ Set default Parity.
+ 0: DefaultParity, 1: NoParity, 2: EvenParity, 3: OddParity
+ UINT8 SerialIoUartDebugParity;
+/** Offset 0x0981 - Serial Io Uart Debug Stop Bits
+ Set default stop bits.
+ 0: DefaultStopBits, 1: OneStopBit, 2: OneFiveStopBits, 3: TwoStopBits
+ UINT8 SerialIoUartDebugStopBits;
+/** Offset 0x0982 - Serial Io Uart Debug Data Bits
+ Set default word length. 0: Default, 5,6,7,8
+ 5:5BITS, 6:6BITS, 7:7BITS, 8:8BITS
+ UINT8 SerialIoUartDebugDataBits;
+/** Offset 0x0983 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved30[14];
+ UINT8 Reserved39;
-/** Offset 0x0958 - ISA Serial Base selection
+/** Offset 0x0984 - Serial Io Uart Debug Mmio Base
+ Select SerialIo Uart default MMIO resource in SEC/PEI phase when PcdSerialIoUartMode
+ = SerialIoUartPci.
+ UINT32 SerialIoUartDebugMmioBase;
+/** Offset 0x0988 - ISA Serial Base selection
Select ISA Serial Base address. Default is 0x3F8.
0:0x3F8, 1:0x2F8
UINT8 PcdIsaSerialUartBase;
-/** Offset 0x0959 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0989 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved40;
+/** Offset 0x098A - Ring PLL voltage offset
+ Core PLL voltage offset. <b>0: No offset</b>. Range 0-15
+ UINT8 RingPllVoltageOffset;
+/** Offset 0x098B - System Agent PLL voltage offset
+ Core PLL voltage offset. <b>0: No offset</b>. Range 0-15
- UINT8 Reserved31[4];
+ UINT8 SaPllVoltageOffset;
-/** Offset 0x095D - TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 0 Enable
+/** Offset 0x098C - Memory Controller PLL voltage offset
+ Core PLL voltage offset. <b>0: No offset</b>. Range 0-15
+ UINT8 McPllVoltageOffset;
+/** Offset 0x098D - TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 0 Enable
Set TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 0. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled
UINT8 TcssItbtPcie0En;
-/** Offset 0x095E - TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 1 Enable
+/** Offset 0x098E - TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 1 Enable
Set TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 1. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled
UINT8 TcssItbtPcie1En;
-/** Offset 0x095F - TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 2 Enable
+/** Offset 0x098F - TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 2 Enable
Set TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 2. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled
UINT8 TcssItbtPcie2En;
-/** Offset 0x0960 - TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 3 Enable
+/** Offset 0x0990 - TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 3 Enable
Set TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 3. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled
UINT8 TcssItbtPcie3En;
-/** Offset 0x0961 - TCSS USB HOST (xHCI) Enable
+/** Offset 0x0991 - TCSS USB HOST (xHCI) Enable
Set TCSS XHCI. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled - Must be enabled if xDCI is enabled below
UINT8 TcssXhciEn;
-/** Offset 0x0962 - TCSS USB DEVICE (xDCI) Enable
+/** Offset 0x0992 - TCSS USB DEVICE (xDCI) Enable
Set TCSS XDCI. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled - xHCI must be enabled if xDCI is enabled
UINT8 TcssXdciEn;
-/** Offset 0x0963 - TCSS DMA0 Enable
+/** Offset 0x0993 - TCSS DMA0 Enable
Set TCSS DMA0. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled
UINT8 TcssDma0En;
-/** Offset 0x0964 - TCSS DMA1 Enable
+/** Offset 0x0994 - TCSS DMA1 Enable
Set TCSS DMA1. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled
UINT8 TcssDma1En;
-/** Offset 0x0965 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0995 - PcdSerialDebugBaudRate
+ Baud Rate for Serial Debug Messages. 3:9600, 4:19200, 6:56700, 7:115200.
+ 3:9600, 4:19200, 6:56700, 7:115200
+ UINT8 PcdSerialDebugBaudRate;
+/** Offset 0x0996 - HobBufferSize
+ Size to set HOB Buffer. 0:Default, 1: 1 Byte, 2: 1 KB, 3: Max value(assuming 63KB
+ total HOB size).
+ 0:Default, 1: 1 Byte, 2: 1 KB, 3: Max value
- UINT8 Reserved32[2];
+ UINT8 HobBufferSize;
-/** Offset 0x0967 - Early Command Training
+/** Offset 0x0997 - Early Command Training
Enables/Disable Early Command Training
-/** Offset 0x0968 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0998 - SenseAmp Offset Training
+ Enables/Disable SenseAmp Offset Training
+/** Offset 0x0999 - Early ReadMPR Timing Centering 2D
+ Enables/Disable Early ReadMPR Timing Centering 2D
+/** Offset 0x099A - Read MPR Training
+ Enables/Disable Read MPR Training
+/** Offset 0x099B - Receive Enable Training
+ Enables/Disable Receive Enable Training
+/** Offset 0x099C - Jedec Write Leveling
+ Enables/Disable Jedec Write Leveling
+/** Offset 0x099D - Early Write Time Centering 2D
+ Enables/Disable Early Write Time Centering 2D
+/** Offset 0x099E - Early Read Time Centering 2D
+ Enables/Disable Early Read Time Centering 2D
+/** Offset 0x099F - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved41;
+/** Offset 0x09A0 - Write Timing Centering 1D
+ Enables/Disable Write Timing Centering 1D
+/** Offset 0x09A1 - Write Voltage Centering 1D
+ Enables/Disable Write Voltage Centering 1D
+/** Offset 0x09A2 - Read Timing Centering 1D
+ Enables/Disable Read Timing Centering 1D
+/** Offset 0x09A3 - Read Voltage Centering 1D
+ Enable/Disable Read Voltage Centering 1D
+/** Offset 0x09A4 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved42[2];
+/** Offset 0x09A6 - Read ODT Training
+ Enables/Disable Read ODT Training
+/** Offset 0x09A7 - Read Equalization Training
+ Enables/Disable Read Equalization Training
+/** Offset 0x09A8 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved43;
+/** Offset 0x09A9 - Write Timing Centering 2D
+ Enables/Disable Write Timing Centering 2D
+/** Offset 0x09AA - Read Timing Centering 2D
+ Enables/Disable Read Timing Centering 2D
+/** Offset 0x09AB - Write Voltage Centering 2D
+ Enables/Disable Write Voltage Centering 2D
+/** Offset 0x09AC - Read Voltage Centering 2D
+ Enables/Disable Read Voltage Centering 2D
+/** Offset 0x09AD - Command Voltage Centering
+ Enables/Disable Command Voltage Centering
- UINT8 Reserved33[22];
-/** Offset 0x097E - Late Command Training
+/** Offset 0x09AE - Late Command Training
Enables/Disable Late Command Training
-/** Offset 0x097F - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x09AF - Turn Around Timing Training
+ Enables/Disable Turn Around Timing Training
- UINT8 Reserved34;
-/** Offset 0x0980 - Rank Margin Tool
+/** Offset 0x09B0 - Rank Margin Tool
Enable/disable Rank Margin Tool
-/** Offset 0x0981 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x09B1 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved44;
+/** Offset 0x09B2 - DIMM SPD Alias Test
+ Enables/Disable DIMM SPD Alias Test
+/** Offset 0x09B3 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved35[41];
+ UINT8 Reserved45;
-/** Offset 0x09AA - IbeccParity
+/** Offset 0x09B4 - Retrain Margin Check
+ Enables/Disable Retrain Margin Check
+/** Offset 0x09B5 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved46;
+/** Offset 0x09B6 - Dimm ODT Training
+ Enables/Disable Dimm ODT Training
+/** Offset 0x09B7 - DIMM RON Training
+ Enables/Disable DIMM RON Training
+/** Offset 0x09B8 - TxDqTCO Comp Training
+ Enable/Disable TxDqTCO Comp Training
+/** Offset 0x09B9 - ClkTCO Comp Training
+ Enable/Disable ClkTCO Comp Training
+/** Offset 0x09BA - CMD Slew Rate Training
+ Enable/Disable CMD Slew Rate Training
+/** Offset 0x09BB - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved47[2];
+/** Offset 0x09BD - DIMM CA ODT Training
+ Enable/Disable DIMM CA ODT Training
+/** Offset 0x09BE - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved48[3];
+/** Offset 0x09C1 - Read Vref Decap Training
+ Enable/Disable Read Vref Decap Training
+/** Offset 0x09C2 - Vddq Training
+ Enable/Disable Vddq Training
+/** Offset 0x09C3 - Rank Margin Tool Per Bit
+ Enable/Disable Rank Margin Tool Per Bit
+/** Offset 0x09C4 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved49[4];
+/** Offset 0x09C8 - Duty Cycle Correction Training
+ Enable/Disable Duty Cycle Correction Training
+/** Offset 0x09C9 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved50[17];
+/** Offset 0x09DA - ECC Support
+ Enables/Disable ECC Support
+ UINT8 EccSupport;
+/** Offset 0x09DB - Ibecc
+ In-Band ECC Support
+ UINT8 Ibecc;
+/** Offset 0x09DC - IbeccParity
In-Band ECC Parity Control
UINT8 IbeccParity;
-/** Offset 0x09AB - IbeccOperationMode
+/** Offset 0x09DD - IbeccOperationMode
In-Band ECC Operation Mode
0:Protect base on address range, 1: Non-protected, 2: All protected
UINT8 IbeccOperationMode;
-/** Offset 0x09AC - IbeccProtectedRegionEnable
+/** Offset 0x09DE - IbeccProtectedRegionEnable
In-Band ECC Protected Region Enable
UINT8 IbeccProtectedRegionEnable[8];
-/** Offset 0x09B4 - IbeccProtectedRegionBases
+/** Offset 0x09E6 - IbeccProtectedRegionBases
IBECC Protected Region Bases per IBECC instance
UINT16 IbeccProtectedRegionBase[8];
-/** Offset 0x09C4 - IbeccProtectedRegionMasks
+/** Offset 0x09F6 - IbeccProtectedRegionMasks
IBECC Protected Region Masks
UINT16 IbeccProtectedRegionMask[8];
-/** Offset 0x09D4 - IbeccProtectedRegionOverallBases
+/** Offset 0x0A06 - IbeccProtectedRegionOverallBases
IBECC Protected Region Bases based on enabled IBECC instance
UINT16 IbeccProtectedRegionOverallBase[8];
-/** Offset 0x09E4 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0A16 - Memory Remap
+ Enables/Disable Memory Remap
+ UINT8 RemapEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0A17 - Rank Interleave support
+ Enables/Disable Rank Interleave support. NOTE: RI and HORI can not be enabled at
+ the same time.
- UINT8 Reserved36[18];
+ UINT8 RankInterleave;
-/** Offset 0x09F6 - Ch Hash Mask
+/** Offset 0x0A18 - Enhanced Interleave support
+ Enables/Disable Enhanced Interleave support
+ UINT8 EnhancedInterleave;
+/** Offset 0x0A19 - Ch Hash Support
+ Enable/Disable Channel Hash Support. NOTE: ONLY if Memory interleaved Mode
+ UINT8 ChHashEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0A1A - Extern Therm Status
+ Enables/Disable Extern Therm Status
+ UINT8 EnableExtts;
+/** Offset 0x0A1B - DDR PowerDown and idle counter
+ Enables/Disable DDR PowerDown and idle counter(For LPDDR Only)
+ UINT8 EnablePwrDn;
+/** Offset 0x0A1C - DDR PowerDown and idle counter
+ Enables/Disable DDR PowerDown and idle counter(For LPDDR Only)
+ UINT8 EnablePwrDnLpddr;
+/** Offset 0x0A1D - SelfRefresh Enable
+ Enables/Disable SelfRefresh Enable
+ UINT8 SrefCfgEna;
+/** Offset 0x0A1E - Throttler CKEMin Defeature
+ Enables/Disable Throttler CKEMin Defeature(For LPDDR Only)
+ UINT8 ThrtCkeMinDefeatLpddr;
+/** Offset 0x0A1F - Throttler CKEMin Defeature
+ Enables/Disable Throttler CKEMin Defeature
+ UINT8 ThrtCkeMinDefeat;
+/** Offset 0x0A20 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved51;
+/** Offset 0x0A21 - Exit On Failure (MRC)
+ Enables/Disable Exit On Failure (MRC)
+ UINT8 ExitOnFailure;
+/** Offset 0x0A22 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved52[4];
+/** Offset 0x0A26 - Select if ZQ pin is shared between Rank0 and Rank1 in DDR4 DDP
+ ESelect if ZQ pin is shared between Rank0 and Rank1 in DDR4 DDP
+ UINT8 Ddr4DdpSharedZq;
+/** Offset 0x0A27 - Ch Hash Interleaved Bit
+ Select the BIT to be used for Channel Interleaved mode. NOTE: BIT7 will interlave
+ the channels at a 2 cacheline granularity, BIT8 at 4 and BIT9 at 8. Default is BIT8
+ 0:BIT6, 1:BIT7, 2:BIT8, 3:BIT9, 4:BIT10, 5:BIT11, 6:BIT12, 7:BIT13
+ UINT8 ChHashInterleaveBit;
+/** Offset 0x0A28 - Ch Hash Mask
Set the BIT(s) to be included in the XOR function. NOTE BIT mask corresponds to
BITS [19:6] Default is 0x30CC
UINT16 ChHashMask;
-/** Offset 0x09F8 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0A2A - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved53[2];
+/** Offset 0x0A2C - Base reference clock value
+ Base reference clock value, in Hertz(Default is 125Hz)
+ 100000000:100Hz, 125000000:125Hz, 167000000:167Hz, 250000000:250Hz
+ UINT32 BClkFrequency;
+/** Offset 0x0A30 - EPG DIMM Idd3N
+ Active standby current (Idd3N) in milliamps from datasheet. Must be calculated on
+ a per DIMM basis. Default is 26
+ UINT16 Idd3n;
+/** Offset 0x0A32 - EPG DIMM Idd3P
+ Active power-down current (Idd3P) in milliamps from datasheet. Must be calculated
+ on a per DIMM basis. Default is 11
+ UINT16 Idd3p;
+/** Offset 0x0A34 - CMD Normalization
+ Enable/Disable CMD Normalization
+/** Offset 0x0A35 - Early DQ Write Drive Strength and Equalization Training
+ Enable/Disable Early DQ Write Drive Strength and Equalization Training
- UINT8 Reserved37[65];
-/** Offset 0x0A39 - PcdSerialDebugLevel
+/** Offset 0x0A36 - Idle Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm0
+ Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
+ UINT8 IdleEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A37 - Idle Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm1
+ Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
+ UINT8 IdleEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A38 - Idle Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm0
+ Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
+ UINT8 IdleEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A39 - Idle Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm1
+ Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
+ UINT8 IdleEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A3A - Idle Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm0
+ Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
+ UINT8 IdleEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A3B - Idle Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm1
+ Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
+ UINT8 IdleEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A3C - Idle Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm0
+ Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
+ UINT8 IdleEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A3D - Idle Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm1
+ Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
+ UINT8 IdleEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A3E - PowerDown Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm0
+ PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
+ UINT8 PdEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A3F - PowerDown Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm1
+ PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
+ UINT8 PdEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A40 - PowerDown Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm0
+ PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
+ UINT8 PdEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A41 - PowerDown Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm1
+ PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
+ UINT8 PdEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A42 - PowerDown Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm0
+ PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
+ UINT8 PdEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A43 - PowerDown Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm1
+ PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
+ UINT8 PdEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A44 - PowerDown Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm0
+ PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
+ UINT8 PdEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A45 - PowerDown Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm1
+ PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
+ UINT8 PdEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A46 - Activate Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm0
+ Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
+ UINT8 ActEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A47 - Activate Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm1
+ Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
+ UINT8 ActEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A48 - Activate Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm0
+ Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
+ UINT8 ActEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A49 - Activate Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm1
+ Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
+ UINT8 ActEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A4A - Activate Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm0
+ Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
+ UINT8 ActEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A4B - Activate Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm1
+ Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
+ UINT8 ActEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A4C - Activate Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm0
+ Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
+ UINT8 ActEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A4D - Activate Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm1
+ Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
+ UINT8 ActEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A4E - Read Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm0
+ Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
+ UINT8 RdEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A4F - Read Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm1
+ Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
+ UINT8 RdEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A50 - Read Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm0
+ Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
+ UINT8 RdEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A51 - Read Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm1
+ Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
+ UINT8 RdEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A52 - Read Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm0
+ Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
+ UINT8 RdEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A53 - Read Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm1
+ Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
+ UINT8 RdEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A54 - Read Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm0
+ Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
+ UINT8 RdEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A55 - Read Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm1
+ Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
+ UINT8 RdEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A56 - Write Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm0
+ Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
+ UINT8 WrEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A57 - Write Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm1
+ Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
+ UINT8 WrEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A58 - Write Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm0
+ Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
+ UINT8 WrEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A59 - Write Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm1
+ Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
+ UINT8 WrEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A5A - Write Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm0
+ Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
+ UINT8 WrEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A5B - Write Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm1
+ Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
+ UINT8 WrEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A5C - Write Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm0
+ Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
+ UINT8 WrEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm0;
+/** Offset 0x0A5D - Write Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm1
+ Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
+ UINT8 WrEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm1;
+/** Offset 0x0A5E - Throttler CKEMin Timer
+ Timer value for CKEMin, range[255;0]. Req'd min of SC_ROUND_T + BYTE_LENGTH (4).
+ Dfault is 0x00
+ UINT8 ThrtCkeMinTmr;
+/** Offset 0x0A5F - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved54[2];
+/** Offset 0x0A61 - Rapl Power Floor Ch0
+ Power budget ,range[255;0],(0= 5.3W Def)
+ UINT8 RaplPwrFlCh0;
+/** Offset 0x0A62 - Rapl Power Floor Ch1
+ Power budget ,range[255;0],(0= 5.3W Def)
+ UINT8 RaplPwrFlCh1;
+/** Offset 0x0A63 - Command Rate Support
+ CMD Rate and Limit Support Option. NOTE: ONLY supported in 1N Mode, Default is 3 CMDs
+ 0:Disable, 5:2 CMDS, 7:3 CMDS, 9:4 CMDS, 11:5 CMDS, 13:6 CMDS, 15:7 CMDS
+ UINT8 EnCmdRate;
+/** Offset 0x0A64 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved55;
+/** Offset 0x0A65 - Energy Performance Gain
+ Enable/disable Energy Performance Gain. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable
+ UINT8 EpgEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0A66 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved56;
+/** Offset 0x0A67 - User Manual Threshold
+ Disabled: Predefined threshold will be used.\n
+ Enabled: User Input will be used.
+ UINT8 UserThresholdEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0A68 - User Manual Budget
+ Disabled: Configuration of memories will defined the Budget value.\n
+ Enabled: User Input will be used.
+ UINT8 UserBudgetEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0A69 - Power Down Mode
+ This option controls command bus tristating during idle periods
+ 0x0:No Power Down, 0x1:APD, 0x6:PPD DLL OFF, 0xFF:Auto
+ UINT8 PowerDownMode;
+/** Offset 0x0A6A - Pwr Down Idle Timer
+ The minimum value should = to the worst case Roundtrip delay + Burst_Length. 0 means
+ AUTO: 64 for ULX/ULT, 128 for DT/Halo
+ UINT8 PwdwnIdleCounter;
+/** Offset 0x0A6B - Page Close Idle Timeout
+ This option controls Page Close Idle Timeout
+ 0:Enabled, 1:Disabled
+ UINT8 DisPgCloseIdleTimeout;
+/** Offset 0x0A6C - Bitmask of ranks that have CA bus terminated
+ Offset 225 LPDDR4: Bitmask of ranks that have CA bus terminated. <b>0x01=Default,
+ Rank0 is terminating and Rank1 is non-terminating</b>
+ UINT8 CmdRanksTerminated;
+/** Offset 0x0A6D - PcdSerialDebugLevel
Serial Debug Message Level. 0:Disable, 1:Error Only, 2:Error & Warnings, 3:Load,
Error, Warnings & Info, 4:Load, Error, Warnings, Info & Event, 5:Load, Error, Warnings,
Info & Verbose.
@@ -969,20 +2659,72 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 PcdSerialDebugLevel;
-/** Offset 0x0A3A - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0A6E - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved57[7];
+/** Offset 0x0A75 - Ask MRC to clear memory content
+ Ask MRC to clear memory content <b>0: Do not Clear Memory;</b> 1: Clear Memory.
- UINT8 Reserved38[8];
+ UINT8 CleanMemory;
-/** Offset 0x0A42 - TCSS USB Port Enable
+/** Offset 0x0A76 - TCSS USB Port Enable
Bitmap for per port enabling
UINT8 UsbTcPortEnPreMem;
-/** Offset 0x0A43 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0A77 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved58;
+/** Offset 0x0A78 - Post Code Output Port
+ This option configures Post Code Output Port
+ UINT16 PostCodeOutputPort;
+/** Offset 0x0A7A - RMTLoopCount
+ Specifies the Loop Count to be used during Rank Margin Tool Testing. 0 - AUTO
+ UINT8 RMTLoopCount;
+/** Offset 0x0A7B - Enable/Disable SA CRID
+ Enable: SA CRID, Disable (Default): SA CRID
+ UINT8 CridEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0A7C - BCLK RFI Frequency
+ Bclk RFI Frequency for each SAGV point in Hz units. 98000000Hz = 98MHz <b>0 - No
+ RFI Tuning</b>. Range is 98Mhz-100Mhz.
+ UINT32 BclkRfiFreq[4];
+/** Offset 0x0A8C - Size of PCIe IMR.
+ Size of PCIe IMR in megabytes
+ UINT16 PcieImrSize;
+/** Offset 0x0A8E - Enable PCIe IMR
+ 0: Disable(AUTO), 1: Enable
+ UINT8 PcieImrEnabled;
+/** Offset 0x0A8F - Enable PCIe IMR
+ 1: PCH PCIE, 2: SA PCIE. If PCIeImrEnabled is TRUE then this will use to select
+ the Root port location from PCH PCIe or SA PCIe
+ UINT8 PcieImrRpLocation;
+/** Offset 0x0A90 - Root port number for IMR.
+ Root port number for IMR.If PCieImrRpLocation is PCH PCIe then select root port
+ from 0 to 23 and if it is SA PCIe then select root port from 0 to 3
- UINT8 Reserved39[26];
+ UINT8 PcieImrRpSelection;
-/** Offset 0x0A5D - SerialDebugMrcLevel
+/** Offset 0x0A91 - SerialDebugMrcLevel
MRC Serial Debug Message Level. 0:Disable, 1:Error Only, 2:Error & Warnings, 3:Load,
Error, Warnings & Info, 4:Load, Error, Warnings, Info & Event, 5:Load, Error, Warnings,
Info & Verbose.
@@ -991,67 +2733,204 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 SerialDebugMrcLevel;
-/** Offset 0x0A5E - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0A92 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved59[11];
+/** Offset 0x0A9D - Command Pins Mapping
+ BitMask where bits [3:0] are Controller 0 Channel [3:0] and bits [7:4] are Controller
+ 1 Channel [3:0]. 0 = CCC pin mapping is Ascending, 1 = CCC pin mapping is Descending.
+ UINT8 Lp5CccConfig;
+/** Offset 0x0A9E - Command Pins Mirrored
+ BitMask where bits [3:0] are Controller 0 Channel [3:0] and bits [7:4] are Controller
+ 1 Channel [3:0]. 0 = No Command Mirror and 1 = Command Mirror.
- UINT8 Reserved40[17];
+ UINT8 CmdMirror;
-/** Offset 0x0A6F - Skip external display device scanning
+/** Offset 0x0A9F - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved60[4];
+/** Offset 0x0AA3 - Skip external display device scanning
Enable: Do not scan for external display device, Disable (Default): Scan external
display devices
UINT8 SkipExtGfxScan;
-/** Offset 0x0A70 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0AA4 - Generate BIOS Data ACPI Table
+ Enable: Generate BDAT for MRC RMT or SA PCIe data. Disable (Default): Do not generate it
- UINT8 Reserved41;
+ UINT8 BdatEnable;
-/** Offset 0x0A71 - Lock PCU Thermal Management registers
+/** Offset 0x0AA5 - Lock PCU Thermal Management registers
Lock PCU Thermal Management registers. Enable(Default)=1, Disable=0
UINT8 LockPTMregs;
-/** Offset 0x0A72 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0AA6 - Panel Power Enable
+ Control for enabling/disabling VDD force bit (Required only for early enabling of
+ eDP panel). 0=Disable, 1(Default)=Enable
- UINT8 Reserved42[118];
+ UINT8 PanelPowerEnable;
-/** Offset 0x0AE8 - Smbus dynamic power gating
+/** Offset 0x0AA7 - BdatTestType
+ Indicates the type of Memory Training data to populate into the BDAT ACPI table.
+ 0:RMT per Rank, 1:RMT per Bit, 2:Margin2D
+ UINT8 BdatTestType;
+/** Offset 0x0AA8 - PMR Size
+ Size of PMR memory buffer. 0x400000 for normal boot and 0x200000 for S3 boot
+ UINT32 DmaBufferSize;
+/** Offset 0x0AAC - The policy for VTd driver behavior
+ BIT0: Enable IOMMU during boot, BIT1: Enable IOMMU when transfer control to OS
+ UINT8 PreBootDmaMask;
+/** Offset 0x0AAD - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved61[95];
+/** Offset 0x0B0C - TotalFlashSize
+ Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of TotalFlashSize , 1: enable
+ UINT16 TotalFlashSize;
+/** Offset 0x0B0E - BiosSize
+ The size of the BIOS region of the IFWI. Used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.BiosGuard !=
+ 0. If BiosGuard is enabled, MRC will increase the size of the DPR (DMA Protected
+ Range) so that a BIOS Update Script can be stored in the DPR.
+ UINT16 BiosSize;
+/** Offset 0x0B10 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved62[12];
+/** Offset 0x0B1C - Smbus dynamic power gating
Disable or Enable Smbus dynamic power gating.
UINT8 SmbusDynamicPowerGating;
-/** Offset 0x0AE9 - Disable and Lock Watch Dog Register
+/** Offset 0x0B1D - Disable and Lock Watch Dog Register
Set 1 to clear WDT status, then disable and lock WDT registers.
UINT8 WdtDisableAndLock;
-/** Offset 0x0AEA - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0B1E - SMBUS SPD Write Disable
+ Set/Clear Smbus SPD Write Disable. 0: leave SPD Write Disable bit; 1: set SPD Write
+ Disable bit. For security recommendations, SPD write disable bit must be set.
+ UINT8 SmbusSpdWriteDisable;
+/** Offset 0x0B1F - HECI Timeouts
+ 0: Disable, 1: Enable (Default) timeout check for HECI
+ UINT8 HeciTimeouts;
+/** Offset 0x0B20 - Force ME DID Init Status
+ Test, 0: disable, 1: Success, 2: No Memory in Channels, 3: Memory Init Error, Set
+ ME DID init stat value
+ UINT8 DidInitStat;
+/** Offset 0x0B21 - CPU Replaced Polling Disable
+ Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Setting this option disables CPU replacement polling loop
- UINT8 Reserved43[8];
+ UINT8 DisableCpuReplacedPolling;
-/** Offset 0x0AF2 - Skip CPU replacement check
+/** Offset 0x0B22 - Check HECI message before send
+ Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable/Disable message check.
+ UINT8 DisableMessageCheck;
+/** Offset 0x0B23 - Skip MBP HOB
+ Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable/Disable MOB HOB.
+ UINT8 SkipMbpHob;
+/** Offset 0x0B24 - HECI2 Interface Communication
+ Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Adds or Removes HECI2 Device from PCI space.
+ UINT8 HeciCommunication2;
+/** Offset 0x0B25 - Enable KT device
+ Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable or Disable KT device.
+ UINT8 KtDeviceEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0B26 - Skip CPU replacement check
Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Setting this option to skip CPU replacement check
UINT8 SkipCpuReplacementCheck;
-/** Offset 0x0AF3 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0B27 - Avx2 Voltage Guardband Scaling Factor
+ AVX2 Voltage Guardband Scale factor applied to AVX2 workloads. Range is 0-200 in
+ 1/100 units, where a value of 125 would apply a 1.25 scale factor.
- UINT8 Reserved44[2];
+ UINT8 Avx2VoltageScaleFactor;
-/** Offset 0x0AF5 - Serial Io Uart Debug Mode
+/** Offset 0x0B28 - Avx512 Voltage Guardband Scaling Factor
+ AVX512 Voltage Guardband Scale factor applied to AVX512 workloads. Range is 0-200
+ in 1/100 units, where a value of 125 would apply a 1.25 scale factor.
+ UINT8 Avx512VoltageScaleFactor;
+/** Offset 0x0B29 - Serial Io Uart Debug Mode
Select SerialIo Uart Controller mode
0:SerialIoUartDisabled, 1:SerialIoUartPci, 2:SerialIoUartHidden, 3:SerialIoUartCom,
UINT8 SerialIoUartDebugMode;
-/** Offset 0x0AF6 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0B2A - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved63[2];
+/** Offset 0x0B2C - SerialIoUartDebugRxPinMux - FSPM
+ Select RX pin muxing for SerialIo UART used for debug
+ UINT32 SerialIoUartDebugRxPinMux;
+/** Offset 0x0B30 - SerialIoUartDebugTxPinMux - FSPM
+ Select TX pin muxing for SerialIo UART used for debug
+ UINT32 SerialIoUartDebugTxPinMux;
+/** Offset 0x0B34 - SerialIoUartDebugRtsPinMux - FSPM
+ Select SerialIo Uart used for debug Rts pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_SERIALIO_UARTx_RTS*
+ for possible values.
+ UINT32 SerialIoUartDebugRtsPinMux;
+/** Offset 0x0B38 - SerialIoUartDebugCtsPinMux - FSPM
+ Select SerialIo Uart used for debug Cts pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_SERIALIO_UARTx_CTS*
+ for possible values.
+ UINT32 SerialIoUartDebugCtsPinMux;
+/** Offset 0x0B3C - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved45[42];
+ UINT8 Reserved64[20];
/** Fsp M UPD Configuration
@@ -1070,11 +2949,11 @@ typedef struct {
FSP_M_CONFIG FspmConfig;
-/** Offset 0x0B20
+/** Offset 0x0B50
- UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace37[6];
+ UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace34[6];
-/** Offset 0x0B26
+/** Offset 0x0B56
UINT16 UpdTerminator;
diff --git a/src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/meteorlake/FspsUpd.h b/src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/meteorlake/FspsUpd.h
index 75bfdd0923..65ac66e039 100644
--- a/src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/meteorlake/FspsUpd.h
+++ b/src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/meteorlake/FspsUpd.h
@@ -85,9 +85,26 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct {
-/** Offset 0x0040 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0040 - Logo Pointer
+ Points to PEI Display Logo Image
- UINT8 Reserved0[16];
+ UINT32 LogoPtr;
+/** Offset 0x0044 - Logo Size
+ Size of PEI Display Logo Image
+ UINT32 LogoSize;
+/** Offset 0x0048 - Blt Buffer Address
+ Address of Blt buffer
+ UINT32 BltBufferAddress;
+/** Offset 0x004C - Blt Buffer Size
+ Size of Blt Buffer, is equal to PixelWidth * PixelHeight * 4 bytes (the size of
+ UINT32 BltBufferSize;
/** Offset 0x0050 - Graphics Configuration Ptr
Points to VBT
@@ -100,9 +117,15 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 Device4Enable;
-/** Offset 0x0055 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0055 - Show SPI controller
+ Enable/disable to show SPI controller.
- UINT8 Reserved1[3];
+ UINT8 ShowSpiController;
+/** Offset 0x0056 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved0[2];
/** Offset 0x0058 - MicrocodeRegionBase
Memory Base of Microcode Updates
@@ -114,9 +137,12 @@ typedef struct {
UINT32 MicrocodeRegionSize;
-/** Offset 0x0060 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0060 - Turbo Mode
+ Enable/Disable processor Turbo Mode (requires EMTTM enabled too). 0:disable, <b>1:
+ Enable</b>
- UINT8 Reserved2;
+ UINT8 TurboMode;
/** Offset 0x0061 - Enable SATA SALP Support
Enable/disable SATA Aggressive Link Power Management.
@@ -138,7 +164,7 @@ typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x0072 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved3[34];
+ UINT8 Reserved1[34];
/** Offset 0x0094 - Enable USB2 ports
Enable/disable per USB2 ports. One byte for each port, byte0 for port0, byte1 for
@@ -160,7 +186,65 @@ typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x00AF - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved4[26];
+ UINT8 Reserved2;
+/** Offset 0x00B0 - Address of PCH_DEVICE_INTERRUPT_CONFIG table.
+ The address of the table of PCH_DEVICE_INTERRUPT_CONFIG.
+ UINT32 DevIntConfigPtr;
+/** Offset 0x00B4 - Number of DevIntConfig Entry
+ Number of Device Interrupt Configuration Entry. If this is not zero, the DevIntConfigPtr
+ must not be NULL.
+ UINT8 NumOfDevIntConfig;
+/** Offset 0x00B5 - PIRQx to IRQx Map Config
+ PIRQx to IRQx mapping. The valid value is 0x00 to 0x0F for each. First byte is for
+ PIRQA, second byte is for PIRQB, and so on. The setting is only available in Legacy
+ 8259 PCI mode.
+ UINT8 PxRcConfig[8];
+/** Offset 0x00BD - Select GPIO IRQ Route
+ GPIO IRQ Select. The valid value is 14 or 15.
+ UINT8 GpioIrqRoute;
+/** Offset 0x00BE - Select SciIrqSelect
+ SCI IRQ Select. The valid value is 9, 10, 11, and 20, 21, 22, 23 for APIC only.
+ UINT8 SciIrqSelect;
+/** Offset 0x00BF - Select TcoIrqSelect
+ TCO IRQ Select. The valid value is 9, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23.
+ UINT8 TcoIrqSelect;
+/** Offset 0x00C0 - Enable/Disable Tco IRQ
+ Enable/disable TCO IRQ
+ UINT8 TcoIrqEnable;
+/** Offset 0x00C1 - PCH HDA Verb Table Entry Number
+ Number of Entries in Verb Table.
+ UINT8 PchHdaVerbTableEntryNum;
+/** Offset 0x00C2 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved3[2];
+/** Offset 0x00C4 - PCH HDA Verb Table Pointer
+ Pointer to Array of pointers to Verb Table.
+ UINT32 PchHdaVerbTablePtr;
+/** Offset 0x00C8 - PCH HDA Codec Sx Wake Capability
+ Capability to detect wake initiated by a codec in Sx
+ UINT8 PchHdaCodecSxWakeCapability;
/** Offset 0x00C9 - Enable SATA
Enable/disable SATA controller.
@@ -180,9 +264,22 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 SerialIoSpiMode[7];
-/** Offset 0x00D2 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x00D2 - SPI<N> Chip Select Polarity
+ Sets polarity for each chip Select. Available options: 0:SerialIoSpiCsActiveLow,
+ 1:SerialIoSpiCsActiveHigh
+ UINT8 SerialIoSpiCsPolarity[14];
+/** Offset 0x00E0 - SPI<N> Chip Select Enable
+ 0:Disabled, 1:Enabled. Enables GPIO for CS0 or CS1 if it is Enabled
+ UINT8 SerialIoSpiCsEnable[14];
+/** Offset 0x00EE - SPIn Default Chip Select Output
+ Sets Default CS as Output. N represents controller index: SPI0, SPI1, ... Available
+ options: 0:CS0, 1:CS1
- UINT8 Reserved5[35];
+ UINT8 SerialIoSpiDefaultCsOutput[7];
/** Offset 0x00F5 - SPIn Default Chip Select Mode HW/SW
Sets Default CS Mode Hardware or Software. N represents controller index: SPI0,
@@ -198,7 +295,7 @@ typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x0103 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved6[141];
+ UINT8 Reserved4[141];
/** Offset 0x0190 - UARTn Device Mode
Selects Uart operation mode. N represents controller index: Uart0, Uart1, ... Available
@@ -209,7 +306,38 @@ typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x0197 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved7[64];
+ UINT8 Reserved5;
+/** Offset 0x0198 - Default BaudRate for each Serial IO UART
+ Set default BaudRate Supported from 0 - default to 6000000
+ UINT32 SerialIoUartBaudRate[7];
+/** Offset 0x01B4 - Default ParityType for each Serial IO UART
+ Set default Parity. 0: DefaultParity, 1: NoParity, 2: EvenParity, 3: OddParity
+ UINT8 SerialIoUartParity[7];
+/** Offset 0x01BB - Default DataBits for each Serial IO UART
+ Set default word length. 0: Default, 5,6,7,8
+ UINT8 SerialIoUartDataBits[7];
+/** Offset 0x01C2 - Default StopBits for each Serial IO UART
+ Set default stop bits. 0: DefaultStopBits, 1: OneStopBit, 2: OneFiveStopBits, 3:
+ TwoStopBits
+ UINT8 SerialIoUartStopBits[7];
+/** Offset 0x01C9 - Power Gating mode for each Serial IO UART that works in COM mode
+ Set Power Gating. 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled, 2: Auto
+ UINT8 SerialIoUartPowerGating[7];
+/** Offset 0x01D0 - Enable Dma for each Serial IO UART that supports it
+ Set DMA/PIO mode. 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
+ UINT8 SerialIoUartDmaEnable[7];
/** Offset 0x01D7 - Enables UART hardware flow control, CTS and RTS lines
Enables UART hardware flow control, CTS and RTS lines.
@@ -218,7 +346,7 @@ typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x01DE - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved8[2];
+ UINT8 Reserved6[2];
/** Offset 0x01E0 - SerialIoUartRtsPinMuxPolicy
Select SerialIo Uart Rts pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_SERIALIO_UARTx_RTS*
@@ -244,9 +372,11 @@ typedef struct {
UINT32 SerialIoUartTxPinMuxPolicy[7];
-/** Offset 0x0250 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0250 - Serial IO UART DBG2 table
+ Enable or disable Serial Io UART DBG2 table, default is Disable; <b>0: Disable;</b>
+ 1: Enable.
- UINT8 Reserved9[7];
+ UINT8 SerialIoUartDbg2[7];
/** Offset 0x0257 - I2Cn Device Mode
Selects I2c operation mode. N represents controller index: I2c0, I2c1, ... Available
@@ -256,7 +386,7 @@ typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x025F - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved10;
+ UINT8 Reserved7;
/** Offset 0x0260 - Serial IO I2C SDA Pin Muxing
Select SerialIo I2c Sda pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_SERIALIO_I2Cx_SDA* for
@@ -270,9 +400,178 @@ typedef struct {
UINT32 PchSerialIoI2cSclPinMux[8];
-/** Offset 0x02A0 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x02A0 - PCH SerialIo I2C Pads Termination
+ 0x0: Hardware default, 0x1: None, 0x13: 1kOhm weak pull-up, 0x15: 5kOhm weak pull-up,
+ 0x19: 20kOhm weak pull-up - Enable/disable SerialIo I2C0,I2C1,... pads termination
+ respectively. One byte for each controller, byte0 for I2C0, byte1 for I2C1, and so on.
+ UINT8 PchSerialIoI2cPadsTermination[8];
+/** Offset 0x02A8 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved11[262];
+ UINT8 Reserved8[40];
+/** Offset 0x02D0 - ISH GP GPIO Pin Muxing
+ Determines ISH GP GPIO Pin muxing. See GPIO_*_MUXING_ISH_GP_x_GPIO_*. 'x' are GP_NUMBER
+ UINT32 IshGpGpioPinMuxing[12];
+/** Offset 0x0300 - ISH UART Rx Pin Muxing
+ Determines ISH UART Rx Pin muxing. See GPIO_*_MUXING_ISH_UARTx_TXD_*
+ UINT32 IshUartRxPinMuxing[3];
+/** Offset 0x030C - ISH UART Tx Pin Muxing
+ Determines ISH UART Tx Pin muxing. See GPIO_*_MUXING_ISH_UARTx_RXD_*
+ UINT32 IshUartTxPinMuxing[3];
+/** Offset 0x0318 - ISH UART Rts Pin Muxing
+ Select ISH UART Rts Pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_ISH_UARTx_RTS_* for possible values.
+ UINT32 IshUartRtsPinMuxing[3];
+/** Offset 0x0324 - ISH UART Rts Pin Muxing
+ Select ISH UART Cts Pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_ISH_UARTx_CTS_* for possible values.
+ UINT32 IshUartCtsPinMuxing[3];
+/** Offset 0x0330 - ISH I2C SDA Pin Muxing
+ Select ISH I2C SDA Pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_ISH_I2Cx_SDA_* for possible values.
+ UINT32 IshI2cSdaPinMuxing[3];
+/** Offset 0x033C - ISH I2C SCL Pin Muxing
+ Select ISH I2C SCL Pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_ISH_I2Cx_SCL_* for possible values.
+ UINT32 IshI2cSclPinMuxing[3];
+/** Offset 0x0348 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved9[8];
+/** Offset 0x0350 - ISH SPI MOSI Pin Muxing
+ Select ISH SPI MOSI Pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_ISH_SPIx_MOSI_* for possible values.
+ UINT32 IshSpiMosiPinMuxing[2];
+/** Offset 0x0358 - ISH SPI MISO Pin Muxing
+ Select ISH SPI MISO Pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_ISH_SPIx_MISO_* for possible values.
+ UINT32 IshSpiMisoPinMuxing[2];
+/** Offset 0x0360 - ISH SPI CLK Pin Muxing
+ Select ISH SPI CLK Pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_ISH_SPIx_CLK_* for possible values.
+ UINT32 IshSpiClkPinMuxing[2];
+/** Offset 0x0368 - ISH SPI CS#N Pin Muxing
+ Select ISH SPI CS#N Pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_ISH_SPIx_CS<N>_* for possible
+ values. N-SPI number, 0-1.
+ UINT32 IshSpiCsPinMuxing[4];
+/** Offset 0x0378 - ISH GP GPIO Pad termination
+ 0x0: Hardware default, 0x1: None, 0x13: 1kOhm weak pull-up, 0x15: 5kOhm weak pull-up,
+ 0x19: 20kOhm weak pull-up - Enable/disable SerialIo GP#N GPIO pads termination
+ respectively. #N are GP_NUMBER, not strictly relate to indexes of this table. Index
+ 0-23 -> ISH_GP_0-23, Index 24-25 -> ISH_GP_30-31
+ UINT8 IshGpGpioPadTermination[12];
+/** Offset 0x0384 - ISH UART Rx Pad termination
+ 0x0: Hardware default, 0x1: None, 0x13: 1kOhm weak pull-up, 0x15: 5kOhm weak pull-up,
+ 0x19: 20kOhm weak pull-up - Enable/disable SerialIo UART#N Rx pads termination
+ respectively. #N-byte for each controller, byte0 for UART0 Rx, byte1 for UART1
+ Rx, and so on.
+ UINT8 IshUartRxPadTermination[3];
+/** Offset 0x0387 - ISH UART Tx Pad termination
+ 0x0: Hardware default, 0x1: None, 0x13: 1kOhm weak pull-up, 0x15: 5kOhm weak pull-up,
+ 0x19: 20kOhm weak pull-up - Enable/disable SerialIo UART#N Tx pads termination
+ respectively. #N-byte for each controller, byte0 for UART0 Tx, byte1 for UART1
+ Tx, and so on.
+ UINT8 IshUartTxPadTermination[3];
+/** Offset 0x038A - ISH UART Rts Pad termination
+ 0x0: Hardware default, 0x1: None, 0x13: 1kOhm weak pull-up, 0x15: 5kOhm weak pull-up,
+ 0x19: 20kOhm weak pull-up - Enable/disable SerialIo UART#N Rts pads termination
+ respectively. #N-byte for each controller, byte0 for UART0 Rts, byte1 for UART1
+ Rts, and so on.
+ UINT8 IshUartRtsPadTermination[3];
+/** Offset 0x038D - ISH UART Rts Pad termination
+ 0x0: Hardware default, 0x1: None, 0x13: 1kOhm weak pull-up, 0x15: 5kOhm weak pull-up,
+ 0x19: 20kOhm weak pull-up - Enable/disable SerialIo UART#N Cts pads termination
+ respectively. #N-byte for each controller, byte0 for UART0 Cts, byte1 for UART1
+ Cts, and so on.
+ UINT8 IshUartCtsPadTermination[3];
+/** Offset 0x0390 - ISH I2C SDA Pad termination
+ 0x0: Hardware default, 0x1: None, 0x13: 1kOhm weak pull-up, 0x15: 5kOhm weak pull-up,
+ 0x19: 20kOhm weak pull-up - Enable/disable SerialIo I2C#N Sda pads termination
+ respectively. #N-byte for each controller, byte0 for I2C0 Sda, byte1 for I2C1 Sda,
+ and so on.
+ UINT8 IshI2cSdaPadTermination[3];
+/** Offset 0x0393 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved10;
+/** Offset 0x0394 - ISH I2C SCL Pad termination
+ 0x0: Hardware default, 0x1: None, 0x13: 1kOhm weak pull-up, 0x15: 5kOhm weak pull-up,
+ 0x19: 20kOhm weak pull-up - Enable/disable SerialIo I2C#N Scl pads termination
+ respectively. #N-byte for each controller, byte0 for I2C0 Scl, byte1 for I2C1 Scl,
+ and so on.
+ UINT8 IshI2cSclPadTermination[3];
+/** Offset 0x0397 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved11;
+/** Offset 0x0398 - ISH SPI MOSI Pad termination
+ 0x0: Hardware default, 0x1: None, 0x13: 1kOhm weak pull-up, 0x15: 5kOhm weak pull-up,
+ 0x19: 20kOhm weak pull-up - Enable/disable SerialIo SPI#N Mosi pads termination
+ respectively. #N-byte for each controller, byte0 for SPI0 Mosi, byte1 for SPI1
+ Mosi, and so on.
+ UINT8 IshSpiMosiPadTermination[2];
+/** Offset 0x039A - ISH SPI MISO Pad termination
+ 0x0: Hardware default, 0x1: None, 0x13: 1kOhm weak pull-up, 0x15: 5kOhm weak pull-up,
+ 0x19: 20kOhm weak pull-up - Enable/disable SerialIo SPI#N Miso pads termination
+ respectively. #N-byte for each controller, byte0 for SPI0 Miso, byte1 for SPI1
+ Miso, and so on.
+ UINT8 IshSpiMisoPadTermination[2];
+/** Offset 0x039C - ISH SPI CLK Pad termination
+ 0x0: Hardware default, 0x1: None, 0x13: 1kOhm weak pull-up, 0x15: 5kOhm weak pull-up,
+ 0x19: 20kOhm weak pull-up - Enable/disable SerialIo SPI#N Clk pads termination
+ respectively. #N-byte for each controller, byte0 for SPI0 Clk, byte1 for SPI1 Clk,
+ and so on.
+ UINT8 IshSpiClkPadTermination[2];
+/** Offset 0x039E - ISH SPI CS#N Pad termination
+ 0x0: Hardware default, 0x1: None, 0x13: 1kOhm weak pull-up, 0x15: 5kOhm weak pull-up,
+ 0x19: 20kOhm weak pull-up - Enable/disable SerialIo SPI#N Cs#M pads termination
+ respectively. N*M-byte for each controller, byte0 for SPI0 Cs0, byte1 for SPI1
+ Cs1, SPI1 Cs0, byte2, SPI1 Cs1, byte3
+ UINT8 IshSpiCsPadTermination[4];
+/** Offset 0x03A2 - Enable PCH ISH SPI Cs#N pins assigned
+ Set if ISH SPI Cs#N pins are to be enabled by BIOS. 0: Disable; 1: Enable. N-Cs
+ number: 0-1
+ UINT8 PchIshSpiCsEnable[4];
/** Offset 0x03A6 - USB Per Port HS Preemphasis Bias
USB Per Port HS Preemphasis Bias. 000b-0mV, 001b-11.25mV, 010b-16.9mV, 011b-28.15mV,
@@ -322,9 +621,37 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 Usb3HsioTxDownscaleAmp[10];
-/** Offset 0x040E - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x040E
+ UINT8 PchUsb3HsioCtrlAdaptOffsetCfgEnable[10];
+/** Offset 0x0418
+ UINT8 PchUsb3HsioFilterSelNEnable[10];
+/** Offset 0x0422
+ UINT8 PchUsb3HsioFilterSelPEnable[10];
+/** Offset 0x042C
+ UINT8 PchUsb3HsioOlfpsCfgPullUpDwnResEnable[10];
+/** Offset 0x0436
+ UINT8 PchUsb3HsioCtrlAdaptOffsetCfg[10];
+/** Offset 0x0440
- UINT8 Reserved12[80];
+ UINT8 PchUsb3HsioOlfpsCfgPullUpDwnRes[10];
+/** Offset 0x044A
+ UINT8 PchUsb3HsioFilterSelN[10];
+/** Offset 0x0454
+ UINT8 PchUsb3HsioFilterSelP[10];
/** Offset 0x045E - Enable LAN
Enable/disable LAN controller.
@@ -332,18 +659,126 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 PchLanEnable;
-/** Offset 0x045F - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x045F - Enable PCH TSN
+ Enable/disable TSN on the PCH.
- UINT8 Reserved13[21];
+ UINT8 PchTsnEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0460 - TSN Link Speed
+ Set TSN Link Speed.
+ 0: 24Mhz 2.5Gbps, 1: 24Mhz 1Gbps, 2: 38.4Mhz 2.5Gbps, 3: 38.4Mhz 1Gbps
+ UINT8 PchTsnLinkSpeed;
+/** Offset 0x0461 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved12[19];
/** Offset 0x0474 - PCIe PTM enable/disable
Enable/disable Precision Time Measurement for PCIE Root Ports.
UINT8 PciePtm[28];
-/** Offset 0x0490 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0490 - PCIe DPC enable/disable
+ Enable/disable Downstream Port Containment for PCIE Root Ports.
+ UINT8 PcieDpc[28];
+/** Offset 0x04AC - PCIe DPC extensions enable/disable
+ Enable/disable Downstream Port Containment Extensions for PCIE Root Ports.
+ UINT8 PcieEdpc[28];
+/** Offset 0x04C8 - USB PDO Programming
+ Enable/disable PDO programming for USB in PEI phase. Disabling will allow for programming
+ during later phase. 1: enable, 0: disable
+ UINT8 UsbPdoProgramming;
+/** Offset 0x04C9 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved13[3];
+/** Offset 0x04CC - Power button debounce configuration
+ Debounce time for PWRBTN in microseconds. For values not supported by HW, they will
+ be rounded down to closest supported on. 0: disable, 250-1024000us: supported range
- UINT8 Reserved14[81];
+ UINT32 PmcPowerButtonDebounce;
+/** Offset 0x04D0 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved14;
+/** Offset 0x04D1 - PCH eSPI Link Configuration Lock (SBLCL)
+ Enable/Disable lock of communication through SET_CONFIG/GET_CONFIG to eSPI target
+ addresseses from range 0x0 - 0x7FF
+ UINT8 PchEspiLockLinkConfiguration;
+/** Offset 0x04D2 - Mask to enable the usage of external V1p05 VR rail in specific S0ix or Sx states
+ Enable External V1P05 Rail in: BIT0:S0i1/S0i2, BIT1:S0i3, BIT2:S3, BIT3:S4, BIT5:S5
+ UINT8 PchFivrExtV1p05RailEnabledStates;
+/** Offset 0x04D3 - Mask to enable the platform configuration of external V1p05 VR rail
+ External V1P05 Rail Supported Configuration
+ UINT8 PchFivrExtV1p05RailSupportedVoltageStates;
+/** Offset 0x04D4 - External V1P05 Voltage Value that will be used in S0i2/S0i3 states
+ Value is given in 2.5mV increments (0=0mV, 1=2.5mV, 2=5mV...)
+ UINT16 PchFivrExtV1p05RailVoltage;
+/** Offset 0x04D6 - External V1P05 Icc Max Value
+ Granularity of this setting is 1mA and maximal possible value is 200mA
+ UINT8 PchFivrExtV1p05RailIccMax;
+/** Offset 0x04D7 - Mask to enable the usage of external Vnn VR rail in specific S0ix or Sx states
+ Enable External Vnn Rail in: BIT0:S0i1/S0i2, BIT1:S0i3, BIT2:S3, BIT3:S4, BIT5:S5
+ UINT8 PchFivrExtVnnRailEnabledStates;
+/** Offset 0x04D8 - Mask to enable the platform configuration of external Vnn VR rail
+ External Vnn Rail Supported Configuration
+ UINT8 PchFivrExtVnnRailSupportedVoltageStates;
+/** Offset 0x04D9 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved15;
+/** Offset 0x04DA - External Vnn Voltage Value that will be used in S0ix/Sx states
+ Value is given in 2.5mV increments (0=0mV, 1=2.5mV, 2=5mV...), Default is set to 420
+ UINT16 PchFivrExtVnnRailVoltage;
+/** Offset 0x04DC - External Vnn Icc Max Value that will be used in S0ix/Sx states
+ Granularity of this setting is 1mA and maximal possible value is 200mA
+ UINT8 PchFivrExtVnnRailIccMax;
+/** Offset 0x04DD - Mask to enable the usage of external Vnn VR rail in Sx states
+ Use only if Ext Vnn Rail config is different in Sx. Enable External Vnn Rail in
+ Sx: BIT0-1:Reserved, BIT2:S3, BIT3:S4, BIT5:S5
+ UINT8 PchFivrExtVnnRailSxEnabledStates;
+/** Offset 0x04DE - External Vnn Voltage Value that will be used in Sx states
+ Use only if Ext Vnn Rail config is different in Sx. Value is given in 2.5mV increments
+ (0=0mV, 1=2.5mV, 2=5mV...)
+ UINT16 PchFivrExtVnnRailSxVoltage;
+/** Offset 0x04E0 - External Vnn Icc Max Value that will be used in Sx states
+ Use only if Ext Vnn Rail config is different in Sx. Granularity of this setting
+ is 1mA and maximal possible value is 200mA
+ UINT8 PchFivrExtVnnRailSxIccMax;
/** Offset 0x04E1 - Transition time in microseconds from Low Current Mode Voltage to High Current Mode Voltage
This field has 1us resolution. When value is 0 PCH will not transition VCCIN_AUX
@@ -357,18 +792,67 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 PchFivrVccinAuxRetToHighCurModeVolTranTime;
-/** Offset 0x04E3 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x04E3 - Transition time in microseconds from Retention Mode Voltage to Low Current Mode Voltage
+ This field has 1us resolution. When value is 0 PCH will not transition VCCIN_AUX
+ to retention mode voltage.
- UINT8 Reserved15;
+ UINT8 PchFivrVccinAuxRetToLowCurModeVolTranTime;
/** Offset 0x04E4 - Transition time in microseconds from Off (0V) to High Current Mode Voltage
This field has 1us resolution. When value is 0 Transition to 0V is disabled.
UINT16 PchFivrVccinAuxOffToHighCurModeVolTranTime;
-/** Offset 0x04E6 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x04E6 - PMC Debug Message Enable
+ When Enabled, PMC HW will send debug messages to trace hub; When Disabled, PMC HW
+ will never send debug meesages to trace hub. Noted: When Enabled, may not enter S0ix
+ UINT8 PmcDbgMsgEn;
+/** Offset 0x04E7 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved16;
+/** Offset 0x04E8 - Pointer of ChipsetInit Binary
+ ChipsetInit Binary Pointer.
+ UINT32 ChipsetInitBinPtr;
+/** Offset 0x04EC - Length of ChipsetInit Binary
+ ChipsetInit Binary Length.
+ UINT32 ChipsetInitBinLen;
+/** Offset 0x04F0 - FIVR Dynamic Power Management
+ Enable/Disable FIVR Dynamic Power Management.
+ UINT8 PchFivrDynPm;
+/** Offset 0x04F1 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved17;
+/** Offset 0x04F2 - External V1P05 Icc Max Value
+ Granularity of this setting is 1mA and maximal possible value is 500mA
+ UINT16 PchFivrExtV1p05RailIccMaximum;
+/** Offset 0x04F4 - External Vnn Icc Max Value that will be used in S0ix/Sx states
+ Granularity of this setting is 1mA and maximal possible value is 500mA
+ UINT16 PchFivrExtVnnRailIccMaximum;
+/** Offset 0x04F6 - External Vnn Icc Max Value that will be used in Sx states
+ Use only if Ext Vnn Rail config is different in Sx. Granularity of this setting
+ is 1mA and maximal possible value is 500mA
+ UINT16 PchFivrExtVnnRailSxIccMaximum;
+/** Offset 0x04F8 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved16[32];
+ UINT8 Reserved18[14];
/** Offset 0x0506 - CNVi Configuration
This option allows for automatic detection of Connectivity Solution. [Auto Detection]
@@ -379,7 +863,7 @@ typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x0507 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved17;
+ UINT8 Reserved19;
/** Offset 0x0508 - CNVi BT Core
Enable/Disable CNVi BT Core, Default is ENABLE. 0: DISABLE, 1: ENABLE
@@ -395,7 +879,7 @@ typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x050A - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved18[2];
+ UINT8 Reserved20[2];
/** Offset 0x050C - CNVi RF_RESET pin muxing
Select CNVi RF_RESET# pin depending on board routing. LP/P/M: GPP_A8 = 0x2942E408(default)
@@ -410,9 +894,168 @@ typedef struct {
UINT32 CnviClkreqPinMux;
-/** Offset 0x0514 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0514 - Enable Host C10 reporting through eSPI
+ Enable/disable Host C10 reporting to Device via eSPI Virtual Wire.
+ UINT8 PchEspiHostC10ReportEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0515 - PCH USB2 PHY Power Gating enable
+ 1: Will enable USB2 PHY SUS Well Power Gating, 0: Will not enable PG of USB2 PHY
+ Sus Well PG
+ UINT8 PmcUsb2PhySusPgEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0516 - PCH USB OverCurrent mapping enable
+ 1: Will program USB OC pin mapping in xHCI controller memory, 0: Will clear OC pin
+ mapping allow for NOA usage of OC pins
+ UINT8 PchUsbOverCurrentEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0517 - Espi Lgmr Memory Range decode
+ This option enables or disables espi lgmr
+ UINT8 PchEspiLgmrEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0518 - External V1P05 Control Ramp Timer value
+ Hold off time to be used when changing the v1p05_ctrl for external bypass value in us
+ UINT8 PchFivrExtV1p05RailCtrlRampTmr;
+/** Offset 0x0519 - External VNN Control Ramp Timer value
+ Hold off time to be used when changing the vnn_ctrl for external bypass value in us
+ UINT8 PchFivrExtVnnRailCtrlRampTmr;
+/** Offset 0x051A - Set SATA DEVSLP GPIO Reset Config
+ Set SATA DEVSLP GPIO Reset Config per port. 0x00 - GpioResetDefault, 0x01 - GpioResumeReset,
+ 0x03 - GpioHostDeepReset, 0x05 - GpioPlatformReset, 0x07 - GpioDswReset. One byte
+ for each port, byte0 for port0, byte1 for port1, and so on.
+ UINT8 SataPortsDevSlpResetConfig[8];
+/** Offset 0x0522 - PCHHOT# pin
+ Enable PCHHOT# pin assertion when temperature is higher than PchHotLevel. 0: disable, 1: enable
+ UINT8 PchHotEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0523 - SATA LED
+ SATA LED indicating SATA controller activity. 0: disable, 1: enable
+ UINT8 SataLedEnable;
+/** Offset 0x0524 - VRAlert# Pin
+ When VRAlert# feature pin is enabled and its state is '0', the PMC requests throttling
+ to a T3 Tstate to the PCH throttling unit.. 0: disable, 1: enable
+ UINT8 PchPmVrAlert;
+/** Offset 0x0525 - AMT Switch
+ Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, 1: enable, Enable or disable AMT functionality.
+ UINT8 AmtEnabled;
+/** Offset 0x0526 - WatchDog Timer Switch
+ Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, 1: enable, Enable or disable WatchDog timer. Setting
+ is invalid if AmtEnabled is 0.
+ UINT8 WatchDogEnabled;
+/** Offset 0x0527 - PET Progress
+ Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, 1: enable, Enable/Disable PET Events Progress to receive
+ PET Events. Setting is invalid if AmtEnabled is 0.
+ UINT8 FwProgress;
+/** Offset 0x0528 - SOL Switch
+ Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, 1: enable, Serial Over Lan enable/disable state by Mebx.
+ Setting is invalid if AmtEnabled is 0.
+ UINT8 AmtSolEnabled;
+/** Offset 0x0529 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved21;
+/** Offset 0x052A - OS Timer
+ 16 bits Value, Set OS watchdog timer. Setting is invalid if AmtEnabled is 0.
+ UINT16 WatchDogTimerOs;
+/** Offset 0x052C - BIOS Timer
+ 16 bits Value, Set BIOS watchdog timer. Setting is invalid if AmtEnabled is 0.
+ UINT16 WatchDogTimerBios;
+/** Offset 0x052E - Force MEBX execution
+ Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, 1: enable, Force MEBX execution.
+ UINT8 ForcMebxSyncUp;
+/** Offset 0x052F - PCH PCIe root port connection type
+ 0: built-in device, 1:slot
+ UINT8 PcieRpSlotImplemented[28];
+/** Offset 0x054B - PCIE RP Access Control Services Extended Capability
+ Enable/Disable PCIE RP Access Control Services Extended Capability
+ UINT8 PcieRpAcsEnabled[28];
+/** Offset 0x0567 - PCIE RP Clock Power Management
+ Enable/Disable PCIE RP Clock Power Management, even if disabled, CLKREQ# signal
+ can still be controlled by L1 PM substates mechanism
+ UINT8 PcieRpEnableCpm[28];
+/** Offset 0x0583 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved22;
+/** Offset 0x0584 - PCIE RP Detect Timeout Ms
+ The number of milliseconds within 0~65535 in reference code will wait for link to
+ exit Detect state for enabled ports before assuming there is no device and potentially
+ disabling the port.
+ UINT16 PcieRpDetectTimeoutMs[24];
+/** Offset 0x05B4 - ModPHY SUS Power Domain Dynamic Gating
+ Enable/Disable ModPHY SUS Power Domain Dynamic Gating. Setting not supported on
+ PCH-H. 0: disable, 1: enable
+ UINT8 PmcModPhySusPgEnable;
+/** Offset 0x05B5 - V1p05-PHY supply external FET control
+ Enable/Disable control using EXT_PWR_GATE# pin of external FET to power gate v1p05-PHY
+ supply. 0: disable, 1: enable
- UINT8 Reserved19[164];
+ UINT8 PmcV1p05PhyExtFetControlEn;
+/** Offset 0x05B6 - V1p05-IS supply external FET control
+ Enable/Disable control using EXT_PWR_GATE2# pin of external FET to power gate v1p05-IS
+ supply. 0: disable, 1: enable
+ UINT8 PmcV1p05IsExtFetControlEn;
+/** Offset 0x05B7 - Enable/Disable PavpEnable
+ Enable(Default): Enable PavpEnable, Disable: Disable PavpEnable
+ UINT8 PavpEnable;
/** Offset 0x05B8 - Enable/Disable PeiGraphicsPeimInit
<b>Enable(Default):</b> FSP will initialize the framebuffer and provide it via EFI_PEI_GRAPHICS_INFO_HOB.
@@ -435,281 +1078,974 @@ typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x05BB - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved20;
+ UINT8 Reserved23;
/** Offset 0x05BC - TypeC port GPIO setting
GPIO Ping number for Type C Aux Oritation setting, use the GpioPad that is defined
in GpioPinsXXXH.h and GpioPinsXXXLp.h as argument.(XXX is platform name, Ex: Adl
= AlderLake)
- UINT32 IomTypeCPortPadCfg[8];
+ UINT32 IomTypeCPortPadCfg[12];
-/** Offset 0x05DC - CPU USB3 Port Over Current Pin
+/** Offset 0x05EC - CPU USB3 Port Over Current Pin
Describe the specific over current pin number of USBC Port N.
UINT8 CpuUsb3OverCurrentPin[8];
-/** Offset 0x05E4 - Enable D3 Cold in TCSS
+/** Offset 0x05F4 - Enable D3 Cold in TCSS
This policy will enable/disable D3 cold support in IOM
UINT8 D3ColdEnable;
-/** Offset 0x05E5 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x05F5 - Enable/Disable PCIe tunneling for USB4
+ Enable/Disable PCIe tunneling for USB4, default is enable
+ UINT8 ITbtPcieTunnelingForUsb4;
+/** Offset 0x05F6 - Enable/Disable SkipFspGop
+ Enable: Skip FSP provided GOP driver, Disable(Default): Use FSP provided GOP driver
+ UINT8 SkipFspGop;
+/** Offset 0x05F7 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved24;
+/** Offset 0x05F8 - TC State in TCSS
+ This TC C-State Limit in IOM
+ UINT8 TcCstateLimit;
+/** Offset 0x05F9 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved21[11];
+ UINT8 Reserved25[3];
-/** Offset 0x05F0 - Platform LID Status for LFP Displays.
+/** Offset 0x05FC - Intel Graphics VBT (Video BIOS Table) Size
+ Size of Internal Graphics VBT Image
+ UINT32 VbtSize;
+/** Offset 0x0600 - Platform LID Status for LFP Displays.
LFP Display Lid Status (LID_STATUS enum): 0 (Default): LidClosed, 1: LidOpen.
0: LidClosed, 1: LidOpen
UINT8 LidStatus;
-/** Offset 0x05F1 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0601 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved22[8];
+ UINT8 Reserved26[8];
-/** Offset 0x05F9 - Enable VMD controller
+/** Offset 0x0609 - Enable VMD controller
Enable/disable to VMD controller.0: Disable(Default); 1: Enable
UINT8 VmdEnable;
-/** Offset 0x05FA - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x060A - Enable VMD Global Mapping
+ Enable/disable to VMD controller.0: Disable(Default); 1: Enable
+ UINT8 VmdGlobalMapping;
+/** Offset 0x060B - Map port under VMD
+ Map/UnMap port under VMD
+ UINT8 VmdPort[31];
+/** Offset 0x062A - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved27[31];
+/** Offset 0x0649 - VMD Port Device
+ VMD Root port device number.
- UINT8 Reserved23[144];
+ UINT8 VmdPortDev[31];
-/** Offset 0x068A - TCSS Aux Orientation Override Enable
+/** Offset 0x0668 - VMD Port Func
+ VMD Root port function number.
+ UINT8 VmdPortFunc[31];
+/** Offset 0x0687 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved28;
+/** Offset 0x0688 - VMD Variable
+ VMD Variable Pointer.
+ UINT32 VmdVariablePtr;
+/** Offset 0x068C - Temporary CfgBar address for VMD
+ VMD Variable Pointer.
+ UINT32 VmdCfgBarBase;
+/** Offset 0x0690 - Temporary MemBar1 address for VMD
+ VMD Variable Pointer.
+ UINT32 VmdMemBar1Base;
+/** Offset 0x0694 - Temporary MemBar2 address for VMD
+ VMD Variable Pointer.
+ UINT32 VmdMemBar2Base;
+/** Offset 0x0698 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved29;
+/** Offset 0x0699 - Enable/Disable PMC-PD Solution
+ This policy will enable/disable PMC-PD Solution vs EC-TCPC Solution
+ UINT8 PmcPdEnable;
+/** Offset 0x069A - TCSS Aux Orientation Override Enable
Bits 0, 2, ... 10 control override enables, bits 1, 3, ... 11 control overrides
UINT16 TcssAuxOri;
-/** Offset 0x068C - TCSS HSL Orientation Override Enable
+/** Offset 0x069C - TCSS HSL Orientation Override Enable
Bits 0, 2, ... 10 control override enables, bits 1, 3, ... 11 control overrides
UINT16 TcssHslOri;
-/** Offset 0x068E - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x069E - USB override in IOM
+ This policy will enable/disable USB Connect override in IOM
- UINT8 Reserved24;
+ UINT8 UsbOverride;
-/** Offset 0x068F - ITBT Root Port Enable
+/** Offset 0x069F - ITBT Root Port Enable
ITBT Root Port Enable, 0:Disable, 1:Enable
0:Disable, 1:Enable
UINT8 ITbtPcieRootPortEn[4];
-/** Offset 0x0693 - TCSS USB Port Enable
+/** Offset 0x06A3 - TCSS USB Port Enable
Bits 0, 1, ... max Type C port control enables
UINT8 UsbTcPortEn;
-/** Offset 0x0694 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x06A4 - ITBTForcePowerOn Timeout value
+ ITBTForcePowerOn value. Specified increment values in miliseconds. Range is 0-1000.
+ 100 = 100 ms.
- UINT8 Reserved25[2];
+ UINT16 ITbtForcePowerOnTimeoutInMs;
-/** Offset 0x0696 - ITbtConnectTopology Timeout value
+/** Offset 0x06A6 - ITbtConnectTopology Timeout value
ITbtConnectTopologyTimeout value. Specified increment values in miliseconds. Range
is 0-10000. 100 = 100 ms.
UINT16 ITbtConnectTopologyTimeoutInMs;
-/** Offset 0x0698 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x06A8 - VCCST request for IOM
+ This policy will enable/disable VCCST and also decides if message would be replayed in S4/S5
+ UINT8 VccSt;
+/** Offset 0x06A9 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved30;
+/** Offset 0x06AA - ITBT DMA LTR
+ TCSS DMA1, DMA2 LTR value
+ UINT16 ITbtDmaLtr[2];
+/** Offset 0x06AE - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved26[7];
+ UINT8 Reserved31;
-/** Offset 0x069F - Enable/Disable PTM
+/** Offset 0x06AF - Enable/Disable PTM
This policy will enable/disable Precision Time Measurement for TCSS PCIe Root Ports
UINT8 PtmEnabled[4];
-/** Offset 0x06A3 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x06B3 - PCIE RP Ltr Enable
+ Latency Tolerance Reporting Mechanism.
+ UINT8 SaPcieItbtRpLtrEnable[4];
+/** Offset 0x06B7 - PCIE RP Snoop Latency Override Mode
+ Latency Tolerance Reporting, Snoop Latency Override Mode.
+ UINT8 SaPcieItbtRpSnoopLatencyOverrideMode[4];
+/** Offset 0x06BB - PCIE RP Snoop Latency Override Multiplier
+ Latency Tolerance Reporting, Snoop Latency Override Multiplier.
+ UINT8 SaPcieItbtRpSnoopLatencyOverrideMultiplier[4];
+/** Offset 0x06BF - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved32;
+/** Offset 0x06C0 - PCIE RP Snoop Latency Override Value
+ Latency Tolerance Reporting, Snoop Latency Override Value.
+ UINT16 SaPcieItbtRpSnoopLatencyOverrideValue[4];
+/** Offset 0x06C8 - PCIE RP Non Snoop Latency Override Mode
+ Latency Tolerance Reporting, Non-Snoop Latency Override Mode.
+ UINT8 SaPcieItbtRpNonSnoopLatencyOverrideMode[4];
+/** Offset 0x06CC - PCIE RP Non Snoop Latency Override Multiplier
+ Latency Tolerance Reporting, Non-Snoop Latency Override Multiplier.
- UINT8 Reserved27[53];
+ UINT8 SaPcieItbtRpNonSnoopLatencyOverrideMultiplier[4];
-/** Offset 0x06D8 - CpuMpPpi
+/** Offset 0x06D0 - PCIE RP Non Snoop Latency Override Value
+ Latency Tolerance Reporting, Non-Snoop Latency Override Value.
+ UINT16 SaPcieItbtRpNonSnoopLatencyOverrideValue[4];
+/** Offset 0x06D8 - Force LTR Override
+ Force LTR Override.
+ UINT8 SaPcieItbtRpForceLtrOverride[4];
+/** Offset 0x06DC - PCIE RP Ltr Config Lock
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 SaPcieItbtRpLtrConfigLock[4];
+/** Offset 0x06E0 - Enable or Disable TXT
+ Enables utilization of additional hardware capabilities provided by Intel (R) Trusted
+ Execution Technology. Changes require a full power cycle to take effect. <b>0:
+ Disable</b>, 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 TxtEnable;
+/** Offset 0x06E1 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved33[3];
+/** Offset 0x06E4 - CpuBistData
+ Pointer CPU BIST Data
+ UINT32 CpuBistData;
+/** Offset 0x06E8 - CpuMpPpi
<b>Optional</b> pointer to the boot loader's implementation of EFI_PEI_MP_SERVICES_PPI.
If not NULL, FSP will use the boot loader's implementation of multiprocessing.
See section 5.1.4 of the FSP Integration Guide for more details.
UINT32 CpuMpPpi;
-/** Offset 0x06DC - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x06EC - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved34[14];
+/** Offset 0x06FA - PpinSupport to view Protected Processor Inventory Number
+ PPIN Feature Support to view Protected Processor Inventory Number. Disable to turn
+ off this feature. When 'PPIN Enable Mode' is selected, this shows second option
+ where feature can be enabled based on EOM (End of Manufacturing) flag or it is
+ always enabled
+ 0: Disable, 1: Enable, 2: Auto
+ UINT8 PpinSupport;
+/** Offset 0x06FB - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved35;
+/** Offset 0x06FC - Smbios Type4 Max Speed Override
+ Provide the option for platform to override the MaxSpeed field of Smbios Type 4.
+ If this value is not zero, it dominates the field.
+ UINT16 SmbiosType4MaxSpeedOverride;
+/** Offset 0x06FE - Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) feature
+ Enable or Disable Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) feature; </b>0: Disable; <b>1: Enable
- UINT8 Reserved28[69];
+ UINT8 AesEnable;
-/** Offset 0x0721 - Enable Power Optimizer
+/** Offset 0x06FF - AvxDisable
+ Enable/Disable the AVX and AVX2 Instructions
+ 0: Enable, 1: Disable
+ UINT8 AvxDisable;
+/** Offset 0x0700 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved36[49];
+/** Offset 0x0731 - Enable Power Optimizer
Enable DMI Power Optimizer on PCH side.
UINT8 PchPwrOptEnable;
-/** Offset 0x0722 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0732 - PCH Flash Protection Ranges Write Enble
+ Write or erase is blocked by hardware.
- UINT8 Reserved29[32];
+ UINT8 PchWriteProtectionEnable[5];
-/** Offset 0x0742 - Enable PCH ISH SPI Cs0 pins assigned
+/** Offset 0x0737 - PCH Flash Protection Ranges Read Enble
+ Read is blocked by hardware.
+ UINT8 PchReadProtectionEnable[5];
+/** Offset 0x073C - PCH Protect Range Limit
+ Left shifted address by 12 bits with address bits 11:0 are assumed to be FFFh for
+ limit comparison.
+ UINT16 PchProtectedRangeLimit[5];
+/** Offset 0x0746 - PCH Protect Range Base
+ Left shifted address by 12 bits with address bits 11:0 are assumed to be 0.
+ UINT16 PchProtectedRangeBase[5];
+/** Offset 0x0750 - Enable Pme
+ Enable Azalia wake-on-ring.
+ UINT8 PchHdaPme;
+/** Offset 0x0751 - HD Audio Link Frequency
+ HDA Link Freq (PCH_HDAUDIO_LINK_FREQUENCY enum): 0: 6MHz, 1: 12MHz, 2: 24MHz.
+ 0: 6MHz, 1: 12MHz, 2: 24MHz
+ UINT8 PchHdaLinkFrequency;
+/** Offset 0x0752 - Enable PCH ISH SPI Cs0 pins assigned
Set if ISH SPI Cs0 pins are to be enabled by BIOS. 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchIshSpiCs0Enable[1];
-/** Offset 0x0743 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0753 - Enable PCH Io Apic Entry 24-119
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchIoApicEntry24_119;
+/** Offset 0x0754 - PCH Io Apic ID
+ This member determines IOAPIC ID. Default is 0x02.
- UINT8 Reserved30[2];
+ UINT8 PchIoApicId;
-/** Offset 0x0745 - Enable PCH ISH SPI pins assigned
+/** Offset 0x0755 - Enable PCH ISH SPI pins assigned
Set if ISH SPI native pins are to be enabled by BIOS. 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchIshSpiEnable[1];
-/** Offset 0x0746 - Enable PCH ISH UART pins assigned
+/** Offset 0x0756 - Enable PCH ISH UART pins assigned
Set if ISH UART native pins are to be enabled by BIOS. 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchIshUartEnable[2];
-/** Offset 0x0748 - Enable PCH ISH I2C pins assigned
+/** Offset 0x0758 - Enable PCH ISH I2C pins assigned
Set if ISH I2C native pins are to be enabled by BIOS. 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchIshI2cEnable[3];
-/** Offset 0x074B - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x075B - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved31;
+ UINT8 Reserved37;
-/** Offset 0x074C - Enable PCH ISH GP pins assigned
+/** Offset 0x075C - Enable PCH ISH GP pins assigned
Set if ISH GP native pins are to be enabled by BIOS. 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchIshGpEnable[12];
-/** Offset 0x0758 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x0768 - PCH ISH PDT Unlock Msg
+ 0: False; 1: True.
- UINT8 Reserved32[3];
+ UINT8 PchIshPdtUnlock;
-/** Offset 0x075B - Enable LOCKDOWN BIOS LOCK
+/** Offset 0x0769 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved38;
+/** Offset 0x076A - Enable PCH Lan LTR capabilty of PCH internal LAN
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PchLanLtrEnable;
+/** Offset 0x076B - Enable LOCKDOWN BIOS LOCK
Enable the BIOS Lock feature and set EISS bit (D31:F5:RegDCh[5]) for the BIOS region
UINT8 PchLockDownBiosLock;
-/** Offset 0x075C - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x076C - PCH Compatibility Revision ID
+ This member describes whether or not the CRID feature of PCH should be enabled.
+ UINT8 PchCrid;
+/** Offset 0x076D - RTC BIOS Interface Lock
+ Enable RTC BIOS interface lock. When set, prevents RTC TS (BUC.TS) from being changed.
- UINT8 Reserved33[2];
+ UINT8 RtcBiosInterfaceLock;
-/** Offset 0x075E - RTC Cmos Memory Lock
+/** Offset 0x076E - RTC Cmos Memory Lock
Enable RTC lower and upper 128 byte Lock bits to lock Bytes 38h-3Fh in the upper
and and lower 128-byte bank of RTC RAM.
UINT8 RtcMemoryLock;
-/** Offset 0x075F - Enable PCIE RP HotPlug
+/** Offset 0x076F - Enable PCIE RP HotPlug
Indicate whether the root port is hot plug available.
UINT8 PcieRpHotPlug[28];
-/** Offset 0x077B - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x078B - Enable PCIE RP Pm Sci
+ Indicate whether the root port power manager SCI is enabled.
+ UINT8 PcieRpPmSci[28];
+/** Offset 0x07A7 - Enable PCIE RP Transmitter Half Swing
+ Indicate whether the Transmitter Half Swing is enabled.
- UINT8 Reserved34[56];
+ UINT8 PcieRpTransmitterHalfSwing[28];
-/** Offset 0x07B3 - Enable PCIE RP Clk Req Detect
+/** Offset 0x07C3 - Enable PCIE RP Clk Req Detect
Probe CLKREQ# signal before enabling CLKREQ# based power management.
UINT8 PcieRpClkReqDetect[28];
-/** Offset 0x07CF - PCIE RP Advanced Error Report
+/** Offset 0x07DF - PCIE RP Advanced Error Report
Indicate whether the Advanced Error Reporting is enabled.
UINT8 PcieRpAdvancedErrorReporting[28];
-/** Offset 0x07EB - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x07FB - PCIE RP Unsupported Request Report
+ Indicate whether the Unsupported Request Report is enabled.
+ UINT8 PcieRpUnsupportedRequestReport[28];
+/** Offset 0x0817 - PCIE RP Fatal Error Report
+ Indicate whether the Fatal Error Report is enabled.
+ UINT8 PcieRpFatalErrorReport[28];
+/** Offset 0x0833 - PCIE RP No Fatal Error Report
+ Indicate whether the No Fatal Error Report is enabled.
- UINT8 Reserved35[196];
+ UINT8 PcieRpNoFatalErrorReport[28];
-/** Offset 0x08AF - PCIE RP Max Payload
+/** Offset 0x084F - PCIE RP Correctable Error Report
+ Indicate whether the Correctable Error Report is enabled.
+ UINT8 PcieRpCorrectableErrorReport[28];
+/** Offset 0x086B - PCIE RP System Error On Fatal Error
+ Indicate whether the System Error on Fatal Error is enabled.
+ UINT8 PcieRpSystemErrorOnFatalError[28];
+/** Offset 0x0887 - PCIE RP System Error On Non Fatal Error
+ Indicate whether the System Error on Non Fatal Error is enabled.
+ UINT8 PcieRpSystemErrorOnNonFatalError[28];
+/** Offset 0x08A3 - PCIE RP System Error On Correctable Error
+ Indicate whether the System Error on Correctable Error is enabled.
+ UINT8 PcieRpSystemErrorOnCorrectableError[28];
+/** Offset 0x08BF - PCIE RP Max Payload
Max Payload Size supported, Default 64B, see enum PCH_PCIE_MAX_PAYLOAD.
UINT8 PcieRpMaxPayload[28];
-/** Offset 0x08CB - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x08DB - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved39[121];
+/** Offset 0x0954 - PCIE RP Pcie Speed
+ Determines each PCIE Port speed capability. 0: Auto; 1: Gen1; 2: Gen2; 3: Gen3 (see:
+ UINT8 PcieRpPcieSpeed[28];
+/** Offset 0x0970 - PCIE RP Physical Slot Number
+ Indicates the slot number for the root port. Default is the value as root port index.
+ UINT8 PcieRpPhysicalSlotNumber[28];
+/** Offset 0x098C - PCIE RP Completion Timeout
+ The root port completion timeout(see: PCIE_COMPLETION_TIMEOUT). Default is PchPcieCompletionTO_Default.
- UINT8 Reserved36[205];
+ UINT8 PcieRpCompletionTimeout[28];
-/** Offset 0x0998 - PCIE RP Aspm
+/** Offset 0x09A8 - PCIE RP Aspm
The ASPM configuration of the root port (see: PCH_PCIE_ASPM_CONTROL). Default is
UINT8 PcieRpAspm[28];
-/** Offset 0x09B4 - PCIE RP L1 Substates
+/** Offset 0x09C4 - PCIE RP L1 Substates
The L1 Substates configuration of the root port (see: PCH_PCIE_L1SUBSTATES_CONTROL).
Default is PchPcieL1SubstatesL1_1_2.
UINT8 PcieRpL1Substates[28];
-/** Offset 0x09D0 - PCIE RP Ltr Enable
+/** Offset 0x09E0 - PCIE RP Ltr Enable
Latency Tolerance Reporting Mechanism.
UINT8 PcieRpLtrEnable[28];
-/** Offset 0x09EC - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x09FC - PCIE RP Ltr Config Lock
+ 0: Disable; 1: Enable.
- UINT8 Reserved37[1648];
+ UINT8 PcieRpLtrConfigLock[28];
-/** Offset 0x105C - PCH Sata Pwr Opt Enable
+/** Offset 0x0A18 - PCIE RP override default settings for EQ
+ Choose PCIe EQ method
+ UINT8 PcieEqOverrideDefault[12];
+/** Offset 0x0A24 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved40[1574];
+/** Offset 0x104A - PCIE RP Enable Peer Memory Write
+ This member describes whether Peer Memory Writes are enabled on the platform.
+ UINT8 PcieEnablePeerMemoryWrite[12];
+/** Offset 0x1056 - PCIE Compliance Test Mode
+ Compliance Test Mode shall be enabled when using Compliance Load Board.
+ UINT8 PcieComplianceTestMode;
+/** Offset 0x1057 - PCIE Rp Function Swap
+ Allows BIOS to use root port function number swapping when root port of function
+ 0 is disabled.
+ UINT8 PcieRpFunctionSwap;
+/** Offset 0x1058 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved41;
+/** Offset 0x1059 - PCH Pm PME_B0_S5_DIS
+ When cleared (default), wake events from PME_B0_STS are allowed in S5 if PME_B0_EN = 1.
+ UINT8 PchPmPmeB0S5Dis;
+/** Offset 0x105A - PCIE IMR
+ Enables Isolated Memory Region for PCIe.
+ UINT8 PcieRpImrEnabled;
+/** Offset 0x105B - PCIE IMR port number
+ Selects PCIE root port number for IMR feature.
+ UINT8 PcieRpImrSelection;
+/** Offset 0x105C - PCH Pm Wol Enable Override
+ Corresponds to the WOL Enable Override bit in the General PM Configuration B (GEN_PMCON_B) register.
+ UINT8 PchPmWolEnableOverride;
+/** Offset 0x105D - PCH Pm WoW lan Enable
+ Determine if WLAN wake from Sx, corresponds to the HOST_WLAN_PP_EN bit in the PWRM_CFG3 register.
+ UINT8 PchPmWoWlanEnable;
+/** Offset 0x105E - PCH Pm Slp S3 Min Assert
+ SLP_S3 Minimum Assertion Width Policy. Default is PchSlpS350ms.
+ UINT8 PchPmSlpS3MinAssert;
+/** Offset 0x105F - PCH Pm Slp S4 Min Assert
+ SLP_S4 Minimum Assertion Width Policy. Default is PchSlpS44s.
+ UINT8 PchPmSlpS4MinAssert;
+/** Offset 0x1060 - PCH Pm Slp Sus Min Assert
+ SLP_SUS Minimum Assertion Width Policy. Default is PchSlpSus4s.
+ UINT8 PchPmSlpSusMinAssert;
+/** Offset 0x1061 - PCH Pm Slp A Min Assert
+ SLP_A Minimum Assertion Width Policy. Default is PchSlpA2s.
+ UINT8 PchPmSlpAMinAssert;
+/** Offset 0x1062 - USB Overcurrent Override for VISA
+ This option overrides USB Over Current enablement state that USB OC will be disabled
+ after enabling this option. Enable when VISA pin is muxed with USB OC
+ UINT8 PchEnableDbcObs;
+/** Offset 0x1063 - PCH Pm Slp Strch Sus Up
+ Enable SLP_X Stretching After SUS Well Power Up.
+ UINT8 PchPmSlpStrchSusUp;
+/** Offset 0x1064 - PCH Pm Slp Lan Low Dc
+ Enable/Disable SLP_LAN# Low on DC Power.
+ UINT8 PchPmSlpLanLowDc;
+/** Offset 0x1065 - PCH Pm Pwr Btn Override Period
+ PCH power button override period. 000b-4s, 001b-6s, 010b-8s, 011b-10s, 100b-12s, 101b-14s.
+ UINT8 PchPmPwrBtnOverridePeriod;
+/** Offset 0x1066 - PCH Pm Disable Native Power Button
+ Power button native mode disable.
+ UINT8 PchPmDisableNativePowerButton;
+/** Offset 0x1067 - PCH Pm ME_WAKE_STS
+ Clear the ME_WAKE_STS bit in the Power and Reset Status (PRSTS) register.
+ UINT8 PchPmMeWakeSts;
+/** Offset 0x1068 - PCH Pm WOL_OVR_WK_STS
+ Clear the WOL_OVR_WK_STS bit in the Power and Reset Status (PRSTS) register.
+ UINT8 PchPmWolOvrWkSts;
+/** Offset 0x1069 - PCH Pm Reset Power Cycle Duration
+ Could be customized in the unit of second. Please refer to EDS for all support settings.
+ 0 is default, 1 is 1 second, 2 is 2 seconds, ...
+ UINT8 PchPmPwrCycDur;
+/** Offset 0x106A - PCH Pm Pcie Pll Ssc
+ Specifies the Pcie Pll Spread Spectrum Percentage. The default is 0xFF: AUTO - No
+ BIOS override.
+ UINT8 PchPmPciePllSsc;
+/** Offset 0x106B - PCH Legacy IO Low Latency Enable
+ Set to enable low latency of legacy IO. <b>0: Disable</b>, 1: Enable
+ UINT8 PchLegacyIoLowLatency;
+/** Offset 0x106C - PCH Sata Pwr Opt Enable
SATA Power Optimizer on PCH side.
UINT8 SataPwrOptEnable;
-/** Offset 0x105D - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x106D - PCH Sata eSATA Speed Limit
+ When enabled, BIOS will configure the PxSCTL.SPD to 2 to limit the eSATA port speed.
+ UINT8 EsataSpeedLimit;
+/** Offset 0x106E - PCH Sata Speed Limit
+ Indicates the maximum speed the SATA controller can support 0h: PchSataSpeedDefault.
- UINT8 Reserved38[50];
+ UINT8 SataSpeedLimit;
-/** Offset 0x108F - Enable SATA Port DmVal
+/** Offset 0x106F - Enable SATA Port HotPlug
+ Enable SATA Port HotPlug.
+ UINT8 SataPortsHotPlug[8];
+/** Offset 0x1077 - Enable SATA Port Interlock Sw
+ Enable SATA Port Interlock Sw.
+ UINT8 SataPortsInterlockSw[8];
+/** Offset 0x107F - Enable SATA Port External
+ Enable SATA Port External.
+ UINT8 SataPortsExternal[8];
+/** Offset 0x1087 - Enable SATA Port SpinUp
+ Enable the COMRESET initialization Sequence to the device.
+ UINT8 SataPortsSpinUp[8];
+/** Offset 0x108F - Enable SATA Port Solid State Drive
+ 0: HDD; 1: SSD.
+ UINT8 SataPortsSolidStateDrive[8];
+/** Offset 0x1097 - Enable SATA Port Enable Dito Config
+ Enable DEVSLP Idle Timeout settings (DmVal, DitoVal).
+ UINT8 SataPortsEnableDitoConfig[8];
+/** Offset 0x109F - Enable SATA Port DmVal
DITO multiplier. Default is 15.
UINT8 SataPortsDmVal[8];
-/** Offset 0x1097 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x10A7 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved39;
+ UINT8 Reserved42;
-/** Offset 0x1098 - Enable SATA Port DmVal
+/** Offset 0x10A8 - Enable SATA Port DmVal
DEVSLP Idle Timeout (DITO), Default is 625.
UINT16 SataPortsDitoVal[8];
-/** Offset 0x10A8 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x10B8 - Enable SATA Port ZpOdd
+ Support zero power ODD.
+ UINT8 SataPortsZpOdd[8];
+/** Offset 0x10C0 - PCH Sata Rst Raid Alternate Id
+ Enable RAID Alternate ID.
+ UINT8 SataRstRaidDeviceId;
+/** Offset 0x10C1 - PCH Sata Rst Pcie Storage Remap enable
+ Enable Intel RST for PCIe Storage remapping.
- UINT8 Reserved40[18];
+ UINT8 SataRstPcieEnable[3];
-/** Offset 0x10BA - UFS enable/disable
+/** Offset 0x10C4 - PCH Sata Rst Pcie Storage Port
+ Intel RST for PCIe Storage remapping - PCIe Port Selection (1-based, 0 = autodetect).
+ UINT8 SataRstPcieStoragePort[3];
+/** Offset 0x10C7 - PCH Sata Rst Pcie Device Reset Delay
+ PCIe Storage Device Reset Delay in milliseconds. Default value is 100ms
+ UINT8 SataRstPcieDeviceResetDelay[3];
+/** Offset 0x10CA - UFS enable/disable
PCIe Storage Device Reset Delay in milliseconds. Default value is 100ms
UINT8 UfsEnable[2];
-/** Offset 0x10BC - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x10CC - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved43[2];
+/** Offset 0x10CE - IEH Mode
+ Integrated Error Handler Mode, 0: Bypass, 1: Enable
+ 0: Bypass, 1:Enable
+ UINT8 IehMode;
+/** Offset 0x10CF - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved44[11];
+/** Offset 0x10DA - PCH Thermal Throttling Custimized T0Level Value
+ Custimized T0Level value.
+ UINT16 PchT0Level;
+/** Offset 0x10DC - PCH Thermal Throttling Custimized T1Level Value
+ Custimized T1Level value.
+ UINT16 PchT1Level;
+/** Offset 0x10DE - PCH Thermal Throttling Custimized T2Level Value
+ Custimized T2Level value.
+ UINT16 PchT2Level;
+/** Offset 0x10E0 - Enable PCH Thermal Throttle
+ Enable thermal throttle function.
+ UINT8 PchTTEnable;
+/** Offset 0x10E1 - PCH PMSync State 13
+ When set to 1 and the programmed GPIO pin is a 1, then PMSync state 13 will force
+ at least T2 state.
+ UINT8 PchTTState13Enable;
+/** Offset 0x10E2 - PCH Thermal Throttle Lock
+ Thermal Throttle Lock.
- UINT8 Reserved41[46];
+ UINT8 PchTTLock;
-/** Offset 0x10EA - USB2 Port Over Current Pin
+/** Offset 0x10E3 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved45[9];
+/** Offset 0x10EC - Enable PCH Cross Throttling
+ Enable/Disable PCH Cross Throttling
+ UINT8 TTCrossThrottling;
+/** Offset 0x10ED - DMI Thermal Sensor Autonomous Width Enable
+ DMI Thermal Sensor Autonomous Width Enable.
+ UINT8 PchDmiTsawEn;
+/** Offset 0x10EE - DMI Thermal Sensor Suggested Setting
+ DMT thermal sensor suggested representative values.
+ UINT8 DmiSuggestedSetting;
+/** Offset 0x10EF - Thermal Sensor 0 Target Width
+ Thermal Sensor 0 Target Width.
+ 0:x1, 1:x2, 2:x4, 3:x8, 4:x16
+/** Offset 0x10F0 - Thermal Sensor 1 Target Width
+ Thermal Sensor 1 Target Width.
+ 0:x1, 1:x2, 2:x4, 3:x8, 4:x16
+/** Offset 0x10F1 - Thermal Sensor 2 Target Width
+ Thermal Sensor 2 Target Width.
+ 0:x1, 1:x2, 2:x4, 3:x8, 4:x16
+/** Offset 0x10F2 - Thermal Sensor 3 Target Width
+ Thermal Sensor 3 Target Width.
+ 0:x1, 1:x2, 2:x4, 3:x8, 4:x16
+/** Offset 0x10F3 - Port 0 T1 Multipler
+ Port 0 T1 Multipler.
+ UINT8 SataP0T1M;
+/** Offset 0x10F4 - Port 0 T2 Multipler
+ Port 0 T2 Multipler.
+ UINT8 SataP0T2M;
+/** Offset 0x10F5 - Port 0 T3 Multipler
+ Port 0 T3 Multipler.
+ UINT8 SataP0T3M;
+/** Offset 0x10F6 - Port 0 Tdispatch
+ Port 0 Tdispatch.
+ UINT8 SataP0TDisp;
+/** Offset 0x10F7 - Port 1 T1 Multipler
+ Port 1 T1 Multipler.
+ UINT8 SataP1T1M;
+/** Offset 0x10F8 - Port 1 T2 Multipler
+ Port 1 T2 Multipler.
+ UINT8 SataP1T2M;
+/** Offset 0x10F9 - Port 1 T3 Multipler
+ Port 1 T3 Multipler.
+ UINT8 SataP1T3M;
+/** Offset 0x10FA - Port 1 Tdispatch
+ Port 1 Tdispatch.
+ UINT8 SataP1TDisp;
+/** Offset 0x10FB - Port 0 Tinactive
+ Port 0 Tinactive.
+ UINT8 SataP0Tinact;
+/** Offset 0x10FC - Port 0 Alternate Fast Init Tdispatch
+ Port 0 Alternate Fast Init Tdispatch.
+ UINT8 SataP0TDispFinit;
+/** Offset 0x10FD - Port 1 Tinactive
+ Port 1 Tinactive.
+ UINT8 SataP1Tinact;
+/** Offset 0x10FE - Port 1 Alternate Fast Init Tdispatch
+ Port 1 Alternate Fast Init Tdispatch.
+ UINT8 SataP1TDispFinit;
+/** Offset 0x10FF - Sata Thermal Throttling Suggested Setting
+ Sata Thermal Throttling Suggested Setting.
+ UINT8 SataThermalSuggestedSetting;
+/** Offset 0x1100 - Thermal Device Temperature
+ Decides the temperature.
+ UINT16 PchTemperatureHotLevel;
+/** Offset 0x1102 - USB2 Port Over Current Pin
Describe the specific over current pin number of USB 2.0 Port N.
UINT8 Usb2OverCurrentPin[16];
-/** Offset 0x10FA - USB3 Port Over Current Pin
+/** Offset 0x1112 - USB3 Port Over Current Pin
Describe the specific over current pin number of USB 3.0 Port N.
UINT8 Usb3OverCurrentPin[10];
-/** Offset 0x1104 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x111C - Enable xHCI LTR override
+ Enables override of recommended LTR values for xHCI
+ UINT8 PchUsbLtrOverrideEnable;
+/** Offset 0x111D - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved42[16];
+ UINT8 Reserved46[3];
-/** Offset 0x1114 - Enable 8254 Static Clock Gating
+/** Offset 0x1120 - xHCI High Idle Time LTR override
+ Value used for overriding LTR recommendation for xHCI High Idle Time LTR setting
+ UINT32 PchUsbLtrHighIdleTimeOverride;
+/** Offset 0x1124 - xHCI Medium Idle Time LTR override
+ Value used for overriding LTR recommendation for xHCI Medium Idle Time LTR setting
+ UINT32 PchUsbLtrMediumIdleTimeOverride;
+/** Offset 0x1128 - xHCI Low Idle Time LTR override
+ Value used for overriding LTR recommendation for xHCI Low Idle Time LTR setting
+ UINT32 PchUsbLtrLowIdleTimeOverride;
+/** Offset 0x112C - Enable 8254 Static Clock Gating
Set 8254CGE=1 is required for SLP_S0 support. However, set 8254CGE=1 in POST time
might fail to boot legacy OS using 8254 timer. Make sure it is disabled to support
legacy OS using 8254 timer. Also enable this while S0ix is enabled.
@@ -717,7 +2053,7 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 Enable8254ClockGating;
-/** Offset 0x1115 - Enable 8254 Static Clock Gating On S3
+/** Offset 0x112D - Enable 8254 Static Clock Gating On S3
This is only applicable when Enable8254ClockGating is disabled. FSP will do the
8254 CGE programming on S3 resume when Enable8254ClockGatingOnS3 is enabled. This
avoids the SMI requirement for the programming.
@@ -725,22 +2061,113 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 Enable8254ClockGatingOnS3;
-/** Offset 0x1116 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x112E - Enable TCO timer.
+ When FALSE, it disables PCH ACPI timer, and stops TCO timer. NOTE: This will have
+ huge power impact when it's enabled. If TCO timer is disabled, uCode ACPI timer
+ emulation must be enabled, and WDAT table must not be exposed to the OS.
- UINT8 Reserved43;
+ UINT8 EnableTcoTimer;
-/** Offset 0x1117 - Hybrid Storage Detection and Configuration Mode
+/** Offset 0x112F - Hybrid Storage Detection and Configuration Mode
Enables support for Hybrid storage devices. 0: Disabled; 1: Dynamic Configuration.
Default is 0: Disabled
0: Disabled, 1: Dynamic Configuration
UINT8 HybridStorageMode;
-/** Offset 0x1118 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x1130 - BgpdtHash[4]
+ BgpdtHash values
- UINT8 Reserved44[111];
+ UINT64 BgpdtHash[4];
-/** Offset 0x1187 - Enable PS_ON.
+/** Offset 0x1150 - BiosGuardAttr
+ BiosGuardAttr default values
+ UINT32 BiosGuardAttr;
+/** Offset 0x1154 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved47[4];
+/** Offset 0x1158 - BiosGuardModulePtr
+ BiosGuardModulePtr default values
+ UINT64 BiosGuardModulePtr;
+/** Offset 0x1160 - SendEcCmd
+ SendEcCmd function pointer. \n
+ EcCmdType, IN UINT8 EcCmd, IN UINT8 SendData, IN OUT UINT8 *ReceiveData); @endcode
+ UINT64 SendEcCmd;
+/** Offset 0x1168 - EcCmdProvisionEav
+ Ephemeral Authorization Value default values. Provisions an ephemeral shared secret to the EC
+ UINT8 EcCmdProvisionEav;
+/** Offset 0x1169 - EcCmdLock
+ EcCmdLock default values. Locks Ephemeral Authorization Value sent previously
+ UINT8 EcCmdLock;
+/** Offset 0x116A - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved48[22];
+/** Offset 0x1180 - Skip Ssid Programming.
+ When set to TRUE, silicon code will not do any SSID programming and platform code
+ needs to handle that by itself properly.
+ UINT8 SiSkipSsidProgramming;
+/** Offset 0x1181 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved49;
+/** Offset 0x1182 - Change Default SVID
+ Change the default SVID used in FSP to programming internal devices. This is only
+ valid when SkipSsidProgramming is FALSE.
+ UINT16 SiCustomizedSvid;
+/** Offset 0x1184 - Change Default SSID
+ Change the default SSID used in FSP to programming internal devices. This is only
+ valid when SkipSsidProgramming is FALSE.
+ UINT16 SiCustomizedSsid;
+/** Offset 0x1186 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved50[2];
+/** Offset 0x1188 - SVID SDID table Poniter.
+ The address of the table of SVID SDID to customize each SVID SDID entry. This is
+ only valid when SkipSsidProgramming is FALSE.
+ UINT32 SiSsidTablePtr;
+/** Offset 0x118C - Number of ssid table.
+ SiNumberOfSsidTableEntry should match the table entries created in SiSsidTablePtr.
+ This is only valid when SkipSsidProgramming is FALSE.
+ UINT16 SiNumberOfSsidTableEntry;
+/** Offset 0x118E - USB2 Port Reset Message Enable
+ 0: Disable USB2 Port Reset Message; 1: Enable USB2 Port Reset Message; This must
+ be enable for USB2 Port those are paired with CPU XHCI Port
+ UINT8 PortResetMessageEnable[16];
+/** Offset 0x119E - SATA RST Interrupt Mode
+ Allowes to choose which interrupts will be implemented by SATA controller in RAID mode.
+ 0:Msix, 1:Msi, 2:Legacy
+ UINT8 SataRstInterrupt;
+/** Offset 0x119F - Enable PS_ON.
PS_ON is a new C10 state from the CPU on desktop SKUs that enables a lower power
target that will be required by the California Energy Commission (CEC). When FALSE,
PS_ON is to be disabled.
@@ -748,22 +2175,114 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 PsOnEnable;
-/** Offset 0x1188 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x11A0 - Pmc Cpu C10 Gate Pin Enable
+ Enable/Disable platform support for CPU_C10_GATE# pin to control gating of CPU VccIO
+ and VccSTG rails instead of SLP_S0# pin.
+ UINT8 PmcCpuC10GatePinEnable;
+/** Offset 0x11A1 - Pch Dmi Aspm Ctrl
+ ASPM configuration on the PCH side of the DMI/OPI Link. Default is <b>PchPcieAspmAutoConfig</b>
+ 0:Disabled, 1:L0s, 2:L1, 3:L0sL1, 4:Auto
+ UINT8 PchDmiAspmCtrl;
+/** Offset 0x11A2 - PchDmiCwbEnable
+ Central Write Buffer feature configurable and enabled by default
+ UINT8 PchDmiCwbEnable;
+/** Offset 0x11A3 - OS IDLE Mode Enable
+ Enable/Disable OS Idle Mode
+ UINT8 PmcOsIdleEnable;
+/** Offset 0x11A4 - S0ix Auto-Demotion
+ Enable/Disable the Low Power Mode Auto-Demotion Host Control feature.
+ UINT8 PchS0ixAutoDemotion;
+/** Offset 0x11A5 - Latch Events C10 Exit
+ When this bit is set to 1, SLP_S0# entry events in SLP_S0_DEBUG_REGx registers are
+ captured on C10 exit (instead of C10 entry which is default)
+ UINT8 PchPmLatchEventsC10Exit;
+/** Offset 0x11A6 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved45[134];
+ UINT8 Reserved51[48];
-/** Offset 0x120E - Skip PAM regsiter lock
+/** Offset 0x11D6 - Enable the write to USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Mode for rate 3
+ Enable the write to USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Mode for rate 3, Each
+ value in array can be between 0-1. One byte for each port.
+ UINT8 Usb3HsioTxRate3UniqTranEnable[10];
+/** Offset 0x11E0 - USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Scale for rate 3
+ USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Scale for rate 3, HSIO_TX_DWORD9[6:0], <b>Default
+ = 4Ch</b>. One byte for each port.
+ UINT8 Usb3HsioTxRate3UniqTran[10];
+/** Offset 0x11EA - Enable the write to USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Mode for rate 2
+ Enable the write to USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Mode for rate 2, Each
+ value in array can be between 0-1. One byte for each port.
+ UINT8 Usb3HsioTxRate2UniqTranEnable[10];
+/** Offset 0x11F4 - USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Scale for rate 2
+ USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Scale for rate 2, HSIO_TX_DWORD9[14:8],
+ <b>Default = 4Ch</b>. One byte for each port.
+ UINT8 Usb3HsioTxRate2UniqTran[10];
+/** Offset 0x11FE - Enable the write to USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Mode for rate 1
+ Enable the write to USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Mode for rate 1, Each
+ value in array can be between 0-1. One byte for each port.
+ UINT8 Usb3HsioTxRate1UniqTranEnable[10];
+/** Offset 0x1208 - USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Scale for rate 1
+ USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Scale for rate 1, HSIO_TX_DWORD9[22:16],
+ <b>Default = 4Ch</b>. One byte for each port.
+ UINT8 Usb3HsioTxRate1UniqTran[10];
+/** Offset 0x1212 - Enable the write to USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Mode for rate 0
+ Enable the write to USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Mode for rate 0, Each
+ value in array can be between 0-1. One byte for each port.
+ UINT8 Usb3HsioTxRate0UniqTranEnable[10];
+/** Offset 0x121C - USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Scale for rate 0
+ USB 3.0 TX Output Unique Transition Bit Scale for rate 0, HSIO_TX_DWORD9[30:24],
+ <b>Default = 4Ch</b>. One byte for each port.
+ UINT8 Usb3HsioTxRate0UniqTran[10];
+/** Offset 0x1226 - Skip PAM regsiter lock
Enable: PAM register will not be locked by RC, platform code should lock it, Disable(Default):
PAM registers will be locked by RC
UINT8 SkipPamLock;
-/** Offset 0x120F - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x1227 - Enable/Disable IGFX RenderStandby
+ Enable(Default): Enable IGFX RenderStandby, Disable: Disable IGFX RenderStandby
- UINT8 Reserved46[2];
+ UINT8 RenderStandby;
-/** Offset 0x1211 - GT Frequency Limit
+/** Offset 0x1228 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved52;
+/** Offset 0x1229 - GT Frequency Limit
0xFF: Auto(Default), 2: 100 Mhz, 3: 150 Mhz, 4: 200 Mhz, 5: 250 Mhz, 6: 300 Mhz,
7: 350 Mhz, 8: 400 Mhz, 9: 450 Mhz, 0xA: 500 Mhz, 0xB: 550 Mhz, 0xC: 600 Mhz, 0xD:
650 Mhz, 0xE: 700 Mhz, 0xF: 750 Mhz, 0x10: 800 Mhz, 0x11: 850 Mhz, 0x12:900 Mhz,
@@ -777,11 +2296,51 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 GtFreqMax;
-/** Offset 0x1212 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x122A - Disable Turbo GT
+ 0=Disable: GT frequency is not limited, 1=Enable: Disables Turbo GT frequency
+ UINT8 DisableTurboGt;
+/** Offset 0x122B - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved53[2];
+/** Offset 0x122D - Enable TSN Multi-VC
+ Enable/disable Multi Virtual Channels(VC) in TSN.
+ UINT8 PchTsnMultiVcEnable;
+/** Offset 0x122E - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved54[2];
+/** Offset 0x1230 - LogoPixelHeight Address
+ Address of LogoPixelHeight
+ UINT32 LogoPixelHeight;
+/** Offset 0x1234 - LogoPixelWidth Address
+ Address of LogoPixelWidth
+ UINT32 LogoPixelWidth;
+/** Offset 0x1238 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved55[45];
+/** Offset 0x1265 - RSR feature
+ Enable or Disable RSR feature; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable </b>
+ UINT8 EnableRsr;
+/** Offset 0x1266 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved47[63];
+ UINT8 Reserved56[4];
-/** Offset 0x1251 - Enable or Disable HWP
+/** Offset 0x126A - Enable or Disable HWP
Enable/Disable Intel(R) Speed Shift Technology support. Enabling will expose the
CPPC v2 interface to allow for hardware controlled P-states. 0: Disable; <b>1:
@@ -789,11 +2348,59 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 Hwp;
-/** Offset 0x1252 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x126B - Package Long duration turbo mode time
+ Power Limit 1 Time Window value in seconds. The value may vary from 0 to 128. 0
+ = default value (28 sec for Mobile and 8 sec for Desktop). Defines time window
+ which Processor Base Power (TDP) value should be maintained. Valid values(Unit
+ in seconds) 0 to 8 , 10 , 12 ,14 , 16 , 20 , 24 , 28 , 32 , 40 , 48 , 56 , 64 ,
+ 80 , 96 , 112 , 128
+ UINT8 PowerLimit1Time;
+/** Offset 0x126C - Short Duration Turbo Mode
+ Enable/Disable Power Limit 2 override. If this option is disabled, BIOS will program
+ the default values for Power Limit 2. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 PowerLimit2;
+/** Offset 0x126D - Turbo settings Lock
+ Enable/Disable locking of Package Power Limit settings. When enabled, PACKAGE_POWER_LIMIT
+ MSR will be locked and a reset will be required to unlock the register. <b>0: Disable;
+ </b> 1: Enable
+ UINT8 TurboPowerLimitLock;
+/** Offset 0x126E - Package PL3 time window
+ Power Limit 3 Time Window value in Milli seconds. Indicates the time window over
+ which Power Limit 3 value should be maintained. If the value is 0, BIOS leaves
+ the hardware default value. Valid value: <b>0</b>, 3-8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24,
+ 28, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64.
+ UINT8 PowerLimit3Time;
+/** Offset 0x126F - Package PL3 Duty Cycle
+ Specify the duty cycle in percentage that the CPU is required to maintain over the
+ configured time window. Range is 0-100.
+ UINT8 PowerLimit3DutyCycle;
+/** Offset 0x1270 - Package PL3 Lock
+ Power Limit 3 Lock. When enabled PL3 configurations are locked during OS. When disabled
+ PL3 configuration can be changed during OS. <b>0: Disable</b> ; 1:Enable
- UINT8 Reserved48[7];
+ UINT8 PowerLimit3Lock;
-/** Offset 0x1259 - TCC Activation Offset
+/** Offset 0x1271 - Package PL4 Lock
+ Power Limit 4 Lock. When enabled PL4 configurations are locked during OS. When disabled
+ PL4 configuration can be changed during OS. <b>0: Disable</b> ; 1:Enable
+ UINT8 PowerLimit4Lock;
+/** Offset 0x1272 - TCC Activation Offset
TCC Activation Offset. Offset from factory set TCC activation temperature at which
the Thermal Control Circuit must be activated. TCC will be activated at TCC Activation
Temperature, in volts.For SKL Y SKU, the recommended default for this policy is
@@ -801,11 +2408,183 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 TccActivationOffset;
-/** Offset 0x125A - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x1273 - Tcc Offset Clamp Enable/Disable
+ Tcc Offset Clamp for Runtime Average Temperature Limit (RATL) allows CPU to throttle
+ below P1.For SKL Y SKU, the recommended default for this policy is <b>1: Enabled</b>,
+ For all other SKUs the recommended default are <b>0: Disabled</b>.
+ UINT8 TccOffsetClamp;
+/** Offset 0x1274 - Tcc Offset Lock
+ Tcc Offset Lock for Runtime Average Temperature Limit (RATL) to lock temperature
+ target; <b>0: Disabled</b>; 1: Enabled.
+ UINT8 TccOffsetLock;
+/** Offset 0x1275 - Custom Ratio State Entries
+ The number of custom ratio state entries, ranges from 0 to 40 for a valid custom
+ ratio table. Sets the number of custom P-states. At least 2 states must be present
- UINT8 Reserved49[26];
+ UINT8 NumberOfEntries;
-/** Offset 0x1274 - Enable or Disable Energy Efficient Turbo
+/** Offset 0x1276 - Custom Short term Power Limit time window
+ Power Limit 1 Time Window value in seconds. The value may vary from 0 to 128. 0
+ = default value (28 sec for Mobile and 8 sec for Desktop). Defines time window
+ which Processor Base Power (TDP) value should be maintained.
+ UINT8 Custom1PowerLimit1Time;
+/** Offset 0x1277 - Custom Turbo Activation Ratio
+ Custom value for Turbo Activation Ratio. Needs to be configured with valid values
+ from LFM to Max Turbo. 0 means don't use custom value. Valid Range 0 to 255
+ UINT8 Custom1TurboActivationRatio;
+/** Offset 0x1278 - Custom Config Tdp Control
+ Config Tdp Control (0/1/2) value for custom cTDP level 1. Valid Range is 0 to 2
+ UINT8 Custom1ConfigTdpControl;
+/** Offset 0x1279 - Custom Short term Power Limit time window
+ Power Limit 1 Time Window value in seconds. The value may vary from 0 to 128. 0
+ = default value (28 sec for Mobile and 8 sec for Desktop). Defines time window
+ which Processor Base Power (TDP) value should be maintained.
+ UINT8 Custom2PowerLimit1Time;
+/** Offset 0x127A - Custom Turbo Activation Ratio
+ Custom value for Turbo Activation Ratio. Needs to be configured with valid values
+ from LFM to Max Turbo. 0 means don't use custom value. Valid Range 0 to 255
+ UINT8 Custom2TurboActivationRatio;
+/** Offset 0x127B - Custom Config Tdp Control
+ Config Tdp Control (0/1/2) value for custom cTDP level 1. Valid Range is 0 to 2
+ UINT8 Custom2ConfigTdpControl;
+/** Offset 0x127C - Custom Short term Power Limit time window
+ Power Limit 1 Time Window value in seconds. The value may vary from 0 to 128. 0
+ = default value (28 sec for Mobile and 8 sec for Desktop). Defines time window
+ which Processor Base Power (TDP) value should be maintained.
+ UINT8 Custom3PowerLimit1Time;
+/** Offset 0x127D - Custom Turbo Activation Ratio
+ Custom value for Turbo Activation Ratio. Needs to be configured with valid values
+ from LFM to Max Turbo. 0 means don't use custom value. Valid Range 0 to 255
+ UINT8 Custom3TurboActivationRatio;
+/** Offset 0x127E - Custom Config Tdp Control
+ Config Tdp Control (0/1/2) value for custom cTDP level 1. Valid Range is 0 to 2
+ UINT8 Custom3ConfigTdpControl;
+/** Offset 0x127F - ConfigTdp mode settings Lock
+ Configurable Processor Base Power (cTDP) Mode Lock sets the Lock bits on TURBO_ACTIVATION_RATIO
+ and CONFIG_TDP_CONTROL. Note: When CTDP Lock is enabled Custom ConfigTDP Count
+ will be forced to 1 and Custom ConfigTDP Boot Index will be forced to 0. <b>0:
+ Disable</b>; 1: Enable
+ UINT8 ConfigTdpLock;
+/** Offset 0x1280 - Load Configurable TDP SSDT
+ Enables Configurable Processor Base Power (cTDP) control via runtime ACPI BIOS methods.
+ This "BIOS only" feature does not require EC or driver support. <b>0: Disable</b>;
+ 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 ConfigTdpBios;
+/** Offset 0x1281 - PL1 Enable value
+ Enable/Disable Platform Power Limit 1 programming. If this option is enabled, it
+ activates the PL1 value to be used by the processor to limit the average power
+ of given time window. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PsysPowerLimit1;
+/** Offset 0x1282 - PL1 timewindow
+ Platform Power Limit 1 Time Window value in seconds. The value may vary from 0 to
+ 128. 0 = default values. Indicates the time window over which Platform Processor
+ Base Power (TDP) value should be maintained. Valid values(Unit in seconds) 0 to
+ 8 , 10 , 12 ,14 , 16 , 20 , 24 , 28 , 32 , 40 , 48 , 56 , 64 , 80 , 96 , 112 , 128
+ UINT8 PsysPowerLimit1Time;
+/** Offset 0x1283 - PL2 Enable Value
+ Enable/Disable Platform Power Limit 2 programming. If this option is disabled, BIOS
+ will program the default values for Platform Power Limit 2. <b>0: Disable</b>;
+ 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PsysPowerLimit2;
+/** Offset 0x1284 - Enable or Disable MLC Streamer Prefetcher
+ Enable or Disable MLC Streamer Prefetcher; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
+ UINT8 MlcStreamerPrefetcher;
+/** Offset 0x1285 - Enable or Disable MLC Spatial Prefetcher
+ Enable or Disable MLC Spatial Prefetcher; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 MlcSpatialPrefetcher;
+/** Offset 0x1286 - Enable or Disable Monitor /MWAIT instructions
+ Enable/Disable MonitorMWait, if Disable MonitorMwait, the AP threads Idle Manner
+ should not set in MWAIT Loop. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
+ UINT8 MonitorMwaitEnable;
+/** Offset 0x1287 - Enable or Disable initialization of machine check registers
+ Enable or Disable initialization of machine check registers; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
+ UINT8 MachineCheckEnable;
+/** Offset 0x1288 - AP Idle Manner of waiting for SIPI
+ AP threads Idle Manner for waiting signal to run. 1: HALT loop; <b>2: MWAIT loop</b>;
+ 3: RUN loop.
+ 1: HALT loop, 2: MWAIT loop, 3: RUN loop
+ UINT8 ApIdleManner;
+/** Offset 0x1289 - Control on Processor Trace output scheme
+ Control on Processor Trace output scheme; <b>0: Single Range Output</b>; 1: ToPA Output.
+ 0: Single Range Output, 1: ToPA Output
+ UINT8 ProcessorTraceOutputScheme;
+/** Offset 0x128A - Enable or Disable Processor Trace feature
+ Enable or Disable Processor Trace feature; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 ProcessorTraceEnable;
+/** Offset 0x128B - Enable or Disable Intel SpeedStep Technology
+ Allows more than two frequency ranges to be supported. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 Eist;
+/** Offset 0x128C - Enable or Disable Energy Efficient P-state
+ Enable/Disable Energy Efficient P-state feature. When set to 0, will disable access
+ to ENERGY_PERFORMANCE_BIAS MSR and CPUID Function will read 0 indicating no support
+ for Energy Efficient policy setting. When set to 1 will enable access to ENERGY_PERFORMANCE_BIAS
+ MSR and CPUID Function will read 1 indicating Energy Efficient policy setting is
+ supported. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 EnergyEfficientPState;
+/** Offset 0x128D - Enable or Disable Energy Efficient Turbo
Enable/Disable Energy Efficient Turbo Feature. This feature will opportunistically
lower the turbo frequency to increase efficiency. Recommended only to disable in
overclocking situations where turbo frequency must remain constant. Otherwise,
@@ -814,97 +2593,569 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 EnergyEfficientTurbo;
-/** Offset 0x1275 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x128E - Enable or Disable T states
+ Enable or Disable T states; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
- UINT8 Reserved50[7];
+ UINT8 TStates;
-/** Offset 0x127C - Enable or Disable CPU power states (C-states)
+/** Offset 0x128F - Enable or Disable Bi-Directional PROCHOT#
+ Enable or Disable Bi-Directional PROCHOT#; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 BiProcHot;
+/** Offset 0x1290 - Enable or Disable PROCHOT# signal being driven externally
+ Enable or Disable PROCHOT# signal being driven externally; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
+ UINT8 DisableProcHotOut;
+/** Offset 0x1291 - Enable or Disable PROCHOT# Response
+ Enable or Disable PROCHOT# Response; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 ProcHotResponse;
+/** Offset 0x1292 - Enable or Disable VR Thermal Alert
+ Enable or Disable VR Thermal Alert; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 DisableVrThermalAlert;
+/** Offset 0x1293 - Enable or Disable Thermal Reporting
+ Enable or Disable Thermal Reporting through ACPI tables; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
+ UINT8 EnableAllThermalFunctions;
+/** Offset 0x1294 - Enable or Disable Thermal Monitor
+ Enable or Disable Thermal Monitor; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 ThermalMonitor;
+/** Offset 0x1295 - Enable or Disable CPU power states (C-states)
Enable/Disable CPU Power Management. Allows CPU to go to C states when it's not
100% utilized. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
-/** Offset 0x127D - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x1296 - Configure C-State Configuration Lock
+ Configure MSR to CFG Lock bit. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
+ UINT8 PmgCstCfgCtrlLock;
+/** Offset 0x1297 - Enable or Disable Enhanced C-states
+ Enable/Disable C1E. When enabled, CPU will switch to minimum speed when all cores
+ enter C-State. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 C1e;
+/** Offset 0x1298 - Enable or Disable Package Cstate Demotion
+ Enable or Disable Package C-State Demotion. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 PkgCStateDemotion;
+/** Offset 0x1299 - Enable or Disable Package Cstate UnDemotion
+ Enable or Disable Package C-State Un-Demotion. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 PkgCStateUnDemotion;
+/** Offset 0x129A - Enable or Disable CState-Pre wake
+ Disable - to disable the Cstate Pre-Wake. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 CStatePreWake;
+/** Offset 0x129B - Enable or Disable TimedMwait Support.
+ Enable or Disable TimedMwait Support. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable
+ UINT8 TimedMwait;
+/** Offset 0x129C - Enable or Disable IO to MWAIT redirection
+ When set, will map IO_read instructions sent to IO registers PMG_IO_BASE_ADDRBASE+offset
+ to MWAIT(offset). <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 CstCfgCtrIoMwaitRedirection;
+/** Offset 0x129D - Set the Max Pkg Cstate
+ Maximum Package C State Limit Setting. Cpu Default: Leaves to Factory default value.
+ Auto: Initializes to deepest available Package C State Limit. Valid values 0 -
+ C0/C1, 1 - C2, 2 - C3, 3 - C6, 4 - C7, 5 - C7S, 6 - C8, 7 - C9, 8 - C10, 254 -
+ CPU Default, <b>255 - Auto</b>
+ UINT8 PkgCStateLimit;
+/** Offset 0x129E - TimeUnit for C-State Latency Control0
+ TimeUnit for C-State Latency Control0, Valid values 0 - 1ns, 1 - 32ns, <b>2 - 1024ns</b>,
+ 3 - 32768ns, 4 - 1048576ns, 5 - 33554432ns
+ UINT8 CstateLatencyControl0TimeUnit;
+/** Offset 0x129F - TimeUnit for C-State Latency Control1
+ TimeUnit for C-State Latency Control1, Valid values 0 - 1ns, 1 - 32ns, <b>2 - 1024ns</b>,
+ 3 - 32768ns, 4 - 1048576ns, 5 - 33554432ns
+ UINT8 CstateLatencyControl1TimeUnit;
+/** Offset 0x12A0 - TimeUnit for C-State Latency Control2
+ TimeUnit for C-State Latency Control2, Valid values 0 - 1ns, 1 - 32ns, <b>2 - 1024ns</b>,
+ 3 - 32768ns, 4 - 1048576ns, 5 - 33554432ns
+ UINT8 CstateLatencyControl2TimeUnit;
+/** Offset 0x12A1 - TimeUnit for C-State Latency Control3
+ TimeUnit for C-State Latency Control3, Valid values 0 - 1ns, 1 - 32ns, <b>2 - 1024ns</b>,
+ 3 - 32768ns, 4 - 1048576ns, 5 - 33554432ns
+ UINT8 CstateLatencyControl3TimeUnit;
+/** Offset 0x12A2 - TimeUnit for C-State Latency Control4
+ TimeUnit for C-State Latency Control4, Valid values 0 - 1ns, 1 - 32ns, <b>2 - 1024ns</b>,
+ 3 - 32768ns, 4 - 1048576ns, 5 - 33554432ns
+ UINT8 CstateLatencyControl4TimeUnit;
+/** Offset 0x12A3 - TimeUnit for C-State Latency Control5
+ TimeUnit for C-State Latency Control5, Valid values 0 - 1ns, 1 - 32ns, <b>2 - 1024ns</b>,
+ 3 - 32768ns, 4 - 1048576ns, 5 - 33554432ns
+ UINT8 CstateLatencyControl5TimeUnit;
+/** Offset 0x12A4 - Interrupt Redirection Mode Select
+ Interrupt Redirection Mode Select for Logical Interrupts. 0: Fixed priority; 1:
+ Round robin; 2: Hash vector; 7: No change.
+ UINT8 PpmIrmSetting;
+/** Offset 0x12A5 - Lock prochot configuration
+ Lock prochot configuration Enable/Disable; 0: Disable;<b> 1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 ProcHotLock;
+/** Offset 0x12A6 - Configuration for boot TDP selection
+ Configurable Processor Base Power (cTDP) Mode as Nominal/Level1/Level2/Deactivate
+ TDP selection. Deactivate option will set MSR to Nominal and MMIO to Zero. <b>0:
+ TDP Nominal</b>; 1: TDP Down; 2: TDP Up;0xFF : Deactivate
- UINT8 Reserved51[181];
+ UINT8 ConfigTdpLevel;
-/** Offset 0x1332 - End of Post message
+/** Offset 0x12A7 - Max P-State Ratio
+ Maximum P-state ratio to use in the custom P-state table. Valid Range 0 to 0x7F
+ UINT8 MaxRatio;
+/** Offset 0x12A8 - P-state ratios for custom P-state table
+ P-state ratios for custom P-state table. NumberOfEntries has valid range between
+ 0 to 40. For no. of P-States supported(NumberOfEntries) , StateRatio[NumberOfEntries]
+ are configurable. Valid Range of each entry is 0 to 0x7F
+ UINT8 StateRatio[40];
+/** Offset 0x12D0 - P-state ratios for max 16 version of custom P-state table
+ P-state ratios for max 16 version of custom P-state table. This table is used for
+ OS versions limited to a max of 16 P-States. If the first entry of this table is
+ 0, or if Number of Entries is 16 or less, then this table will be ignored, and
+ up to the top 16 values of the StateRatio table will be used instead. Valid Range
+ of each entry is 0 to 0x7F
+ UINT8 StateRatioMax16[16];
+/** Offset 0x12E0 - Package Long duration turbo mode power limit
+ Power Limit 1 in Milli Watts. BIOS will round to the nearest 1/8W when programming.
+ Value set 120 = 15W. 0 = no custom override. Overclocking SKU: Value must be between
+ Max and Min Power Limits. Other SKUs: This value must be between Min Power Limit
+ and Processor Base Power (TDP) Limit. If value is 0, BIOS will program Processor
+ Base Power (TDP) value. Units are based on POWER_MGMT_CONFIG.CustomPowerUnit. Valid
+ Range 0 to 32767.
+ UINT32 PowerLimit1;
+/** Offset 0x12E4 - Package Short duration turbo mode power limit
+ Power Limit 2 in Milli Watts. BIOS will round to the nearest 1/8W when programming.
+ Value set 120 = 15W. If the value is 0, BIOS will program this value as 1.25*Processor
+ Base Power (TDP). Processor applies control policies such that the package power
+ does not exceed this limit. Units are based on POWER_MGMT_CONFIG.CustomPowerUnit.
+ Valid Range 0 to 32767.
+ UINT32 PowerLimit2Power;
+/** Offset 0x12E8 - Package PL3 power limit
+ Power Limit 3 in Milli Watts. BIOS will round to the nearest 1/8W when programming.
+ Value set 120 = 15W. XE SKU: Any value can be programmed. Overclocking SKU: Value
+ must be between Max and Min Power Limits. Other SKUs: This value must be between
+ Min Power Limit and Processor Base Power (TDP) Limit. If the value is 0, BIOS leaves
+ the hardware default value. Units are based on POWER_MGMT_CONFIG.CustomPowerUnit.
+ Valid Range 0 to 32767.
+ UINT32 PowerLimit3;
+/** Offset 0x12EC - Package PL4 power limit
+ Power Limit 4 in Milli Watts. BIOS will round to the nearest 1/8W when programming.
+ Value set 120 = 15W. If the value is 0, BIOS leaves default value. Units are based
+ on POWER_MGMT_CONFIG.CustomPowerUnit. Valid Range 0 to 32767.
+ UINT32 PowerLimit4;
+/** Offset 0x12F0 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved57[4];
+/** Offset 0x12F4 - Tcc Offset Time Window for RATL
+ Configure Power Limit 4 Boost in Watts. Valid Range 0 to 1023 in step size of 1
+ Watt. The value 0 means disable.
+ UINT32 TccOffsetTimeWindowForRatl;
+/** Offset 0x12F8 - Short term Power Limit value for custom cTDP level 1
+ Power Limit 1 in Milli Watts. BIOS will round to the nearest 1/8W when programming.
+ Value set 120 = 15W. 0 = no custom override. Overclocking SKU: Value must be between
+ Max and Min Power Limits. Other SKUs: This value must be between Min Power Limit
+ and Processor Base Power (TDP) Limit. Units are based on POWER_MGMT_CONFIG.CustomPowerUnit.
+ Valid Range 0 to 32767.
+ UINT32 Custom1PowerLimit1;
+/** Offset 0x12FC - Long term Power Limit value for custom cTDP level 1
+ Power Limit 2 value in Milli Watts. BIOS will round to the nearest 1/8W when programming.
+ Value set 120 = 15W. 0 = no custom override. Processor applies control policies
+ such that the package power does not exceed this limit. Units are based on POWER_MGMT_CONFIG.CustomPowerUnit.
+ Valid Range 0 to 32767.
+ UINT32 Custom1PowerLimit2;
+/** Offset 0x1300 - Short term Power Limit value for custom cTDP level 2
+ Power Limit 1 in Milli Watts. BIOS will round to the nearest 1/8W when programming.
+ Value set 120 = 15W. 0 = no custom override. Overclocking SKU: Value must be between
+ Max and Min Power Limits. Other SKUs: This value must be between Min Power Limit
+ and Processor Base Power (TDP) Limit. Units are based on POWER_MGMT_CONFIG.CustomPowerUnit.
+ Valid Range 0 to 32767.
+ UINT32 Custom2PowerLimit1;
+/** Offset 0x1304 - Long term Power Limit value for custom cTDP level 2
+ Power Limit 2 value in Milli Watts. BIOS will round to the nearest 1/8W when programming.
+ Value set 120 = 15W. 0 = no custom override. Processor applies control policies
+ such that the package power does not exceed this limit. Units are based on POWER_MGMT_CONFIG.CustomPowerUnit.
+ Valid Range 0 to 32767.
+ UINT32 Custom2PowerLimit2;
+/** Offset 0x1308 - Short term Power Limit value for custom cTDP level 3
+ Power Limit 1 in Milli Watts. BIOS will round to the nearest 1/8W when programming.
+ Value set 120 = 15W. 0 = no custom override. Overclocking SKU: Value must be between
+ Max and Min Power Limits. Other SKUs: This value must be between Min Power Limit
+ and Processor Base Power (TDP) Limit. Units are based on POWER_MGMT_CONFIG.CustomPowerUnit.
+ Valid Range 0 to 32767.
+ UINT32 Custom3PowerLimit1;
+/** Offset 0x130C - Long term Power Limit value for custom cTDP level 3
+ Power Limit 2 value in Milli Watts. BIOS will round to the nearest 1/8W when programming.
+ Value set 120 = 15W. 0 = no custom override. Processor applies control policies
+ such that the package power does not exceed this limit. Units are based on POWER_MGMT_CONFIG.CustomPowerUnit.
+ Valid Range 0 to 32767.
+ UINT32 Custom3PowerLimit2;
+/** Offset 0x1310 - Platform PL1 power
+ Platform Power Limit 1 Power in Milli Watts. BIOS will round to the nearest 1/8W
+ when programming. Value set 120 = 15W. Any value can be programmed between Max
+ and Min Power Limits. This setting will act as the new PL1 value for the Package
+ RAPL algorithm. Units are based on POWER_MGMT_CONFIG.CustomPowerUnit. Valid Range
+ 0 to 32767.
+ UINT32 PsysPowerLimit1Power;
+/** Offset 0x1314 - Platform PL2 power
+ Platform Power Limit 2 Power in Milli Watts. BIOS will round to the nearest 1/8W
+ when programming. Value set 120 = 15W. Any value can be programmed between Max
+ and Min Power Limits. This setting will act as the new PL2 value for the Package
+ RAPL algorithm. Units are based on POWER_MGMT_CONFIG.CustomPowerUnit. Valid Range
+ 0 to 32767.
+ UINT32 PsysPowerLimit2Power;
+/** Offset 0x1318 - Race To Halt
+ Enable/Disable Race To Halt feature. RTH will dynamically increase CPU frequency
+ in order to enter pkg C-State faster to reduce overall power. 0: Disable; <b>1:
+ Enable</b>
+ UINT8 RaceToHalt;
+/** Offset 0x1319 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved58;
+/** Offset 0x131A - Set HW P-State Interrupts Enabled for for MISC_PWR_MGMT
+ Set HW P-State Interrupts Enabled for for MISC_PWR_MGMT; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 HwpInterruptControl;
+/** Offset 0x131B - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved59[4];
+/** Offset 0x131F - Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0
+ Enable/Disable Intel(R) Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 support. Disabling will report
+ the maximum ratio of the slowest core in _CPC object. 0: Disabled; <b>1: Enabled</b>
+ UINT8 EnableItbm;
+/** Offset 0x1320 - Enable or Disable C1 Cstate Demotion
+ Enable or Disable C1 Cstate Auto Demotion. Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 C1StateAutoDemotion;
+/** Offset 0x1321 - Enable or Disable C1 Cstate UnDemotion
+ Enable or Disable C1 Cstate Un-Demotion. Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 C1StateUnDemotion;
+/** Offset 0x1322 - Minimum Ring ratio limit override
+ Minimum Ring ratio limit override. <b>0: Hardware defaults.</b> Range: 0 - Max turbo
+ ratio limit
+ UINT8 MinRingRatioLimit;
+/** Offset 0x1323 - Maximum Ring ratio limit override
+ Maximum Ring ratio limit override. <b>0: Hardware defaults.</b> Range: 0 - Max turbo
+ ratio limit
+ UINT8 MaxRingRatioLimit;
+/** Offset 0x1324 - Enable or Disable Per Core P State OS control
+ Enable/Disable Per Core P state OS control mode. When set, the highest core request
+ is used for all other core requests. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 EnablePerCorePState;
+/** Offset 0x1325 - Enable or Disable HwP Autonomous Per Core P State OS control
+ Disable Autonomous PCPS Autonomous will request the same value for all cores all
+ the time. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 EnableHwpAutoPerCorePstate;
+/** Offset 0x1326 - Enable or Disable HwP Autonomous EPP Grouping
+ Enable EPP grouping Autonomous will request the same values for all cores with same
+ EPP. Disable EPP grouping autonomous will not necessarily request same values for
+ all cores with same EPP. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
+ UINT8 EnableHwpAutoEppGrouping;
+/** Offset 0x1327 - Enable Configurable TDP
+ Applies Configurable Processor Base Power (cTDP) initialization settings based on
+ non-cTDP or cTDP. Default is 1: Applies to cTDP; if 0 then applies non-cTDP and
+ BIOS will bypass cTDP initialzation flow
+ UINT8 ApplyConfigTdp;
+/** Offset 0x1328 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved60;
+/** Offset 0x1329 - Dual Tau Boost
+ Enable Dual Tau Boost feature. This is only applicable for Desktop 35W/65W/125W
+ sku. When DPTF is enabled this feature is ignored. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable
+ UINT8 DualTauBoost;
+/** Offset 0x132A - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved61[32];
+/** Offset 0x134A - End of Post message
Test, Send End of Post message. Disable(0x0): Disable EOP message, Send in PEI(0x1):
EOP send in PEI, Send in DXE(0x2)(Default): EOP send in DXE
0:Disable, 1:Send in PEI, 2:Send in DXE, 3:Reserved
UINT8 EndOfPostMessage;
-/** Offset 0x1333 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x134B - D0I3 Setting for HECI Disable
+ Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Setting this option disables setting D0I3 bit for all
+ HECI devices
+ UINT8 DisableD0I3SettingForHeci;
+/** Offset 0x134C - Mctp Broadcast Cycle
+ Test, Determine if MCTP Broadcast is enabled <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 MctpBroadcastCycle;
+/** Offset 0x134D - ME Unconfig on RTC clear
+ 0: Disable ME Unconfig On Rtc Clear. <b>1: Enable ME Unconfig On Rtc Clear</b>.
+ 2: Cmos is clear, status unkonwn. 3: Reserved
+ 0: Disable ME Unconfig On Rtc Clear, 1: Enable ME Unconfig On Rtc Clear, 2: Cmos
+ is clear, 3: Reserved
+ UINT8 MeUnconfigOnRtcClear;
+/** Offset 0x134E - Enforce Enhanced Debug Mode
+ Determine if ME should enter Enhanced Debug Mode. <b>0: disable</b>, 1: enable
- UINT8 Reserved52[21];
+ UINT8 EnforceEDebugMode;
-/** Offset 0x1348 - Enable LOCKDOWN SMI
+/** Offset 0x134F - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved62[17];
+/** Offset 0x1360 - Enable LOCKDOWN SMI
Enable SMI_LOCK bit to prevent writes to the Global SMI Enable bit.
UINT8 PchLockDownGlobalSmi;
-/** Offset 0x1349 - Enable LOCKDOWN BIOS Interface
+/** Offset 0x1361 - Enable LOCKDOWN BIOS Interface
Enable BIOS Interface Lock Down bit to prevent writes to the Backup Control Register.
UINT8 PchLockDownBiosInterface;
-/** Offset 0x134A - Unlock all GPIO pads
+/** Offset 0x1362 - Unlock all GPIO pads
Force all GPIO pads to be unlocked for debug purpose.
UINT8 PchUnlockGpioPads;
-/** Offset 0x134B - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x1363 - PCH Unlock SideBand access
+ The SideBand PortID mask for certain end point (e.g. PSFx) will be locked before
+ 3rd party code execution. 0: Lock SideBand access; 1: Unlock SideBand access.
- UINT8 Reserved53;
+ UINT8 PchSbAccessUnlock;
-/** Offset 0x134C - PCIE RP Ltr Max Snoop Latency
+/** Offset 0x1364 - PCIE RP Ltr Max Snoop Latency
Latency Tolerance Reporting, Max Snoop Latency.
UINT16 PcieRpLtrMaxSnoopLatency[24];
-/** Offset 0x137C - PCIE RP Ltr Max No Snoop Latency
+/** Offset 0x1394 - PCIE RP Ltr Max No Snoop Latency
Latency Tolerance Reporting, Max Non-Snoop Latency.
UINT16 PcieRpLtrMaxNoSnoopLatency[24];
-/** Offset 0x13AC - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x13C4 - PCIE RP Snoop Latency Override Mode
+ Latency Tolerance Reporting, Snoop Latency Override Mode.
- UINT8 Reserved54[286];
+ UINT8 PcieRpSnoopLatencyOverrideMode[28];
-/** Offset 0x14CA - PCH Energy Reporting
+/** Offset 0x13E0 - PCIE RP Snoop Latency Override Multiplier
+ Latency Tolerance Reporting, Snoop Latency Override Multiplier.
+ UINT8 PcieRpSnoopLatencyOverrideMultiplier[28];
+/** Offset 0x13FC - PCIE RP Snoop Latency Override Value
+ Latency Tolerance Reporting, Snoop Latency Override Value.
+ UINT16 PcieRpSnoopLatencyOverrideValue[24];
+/** Offset 0x142C - PCIE RP Non Snoop Latency Override Mode
+ Latency Tolerance Reporting, Non-Snoop Latency Override Mode.
+ UINT8 PcieRpNonSnoopLatencyOverrideMode[28];
+/** Offset 0x1448 - PCIE RP Non Snoop Latency Override Multiplier
+ Latency Tolerance Reporting, Non-Snoop Latency Override Multiplier.
+ UINT8 PcieRpNonSnoopLatencyOverrideMultiplier[28];
+/** Offset 0x1464 - PCIE RP Non Snoop Latency Override Value
+ Latency Tolerance Reporting, Non-Snoop Latency Override Value.
+ UINT16 PcieRpNonSnoopLatencyOverrideValue[24];
+/** Offset 0x1494 - PCIE RP Slot Power Limit Scale
+ Specifies scale used for slot power limit value. Leave as 0 to set to default.
+ UINT8 PcieRpSlotPowerLimitScale[28];
+/** Offset 0x14B0 - PCIE RP Slot Power Limit Value
+ Specifies upper limit on power supplie by slot. Leave as 0 to set to default.
+ UINT16 PcieRpSlotPowerLimitValue[24];
+/** Offset 0x14E0 - PCIE RP Enable Port8xh Decode
+ This member describes whether PCIE root port Port 8xh Decode is enabled. 0: Disable;
+ 1: Enable.
+ UINT8 PcieEnablePort8xhDecode;
+/** Offset 0x14E1 - PCIE Port8xh Decode Port Index
+ The Index of PCIe Port that is selected for Port8xh Decode (0 Based).
+ UINT8 PchPciePort8xhDecodePortIndex;
+/** Offset 0x14E2 - PCH Energy Reporting
Disable/Enable PCH to CPU energy report feature.
UINT8 PchPmDisableEnergyReport;
-/** Offset 0x14CB - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x14E3 - PCH Sata Test Mode
+ Allow entrance to the PCH SATA test modes.
+ UINT8 SataTestMode;
+/** Offset 0x14E4 - PCH USB OverCurrent mapping lock enable
+ If this policy option is enabled then BIOS will program OCCFDONE bit in xHCI meaning
+ that OC mapping data will be consumed by xHCI and OC mapping registers will be locked.
- UINT8 Reserved55[2];
+ UINT8 PchXhciOcLock;
-/** Offset 0x14CD - Low Power Mode Enable/Disable config mask
+/** Offset 0x14E5 - Low Power Mode Enable/Disable config mask
Configure if respective S0i2/3 sub-states are to be supported. Each bit corresponds
to one sub-state (LPMx - BITx): LPM0-s0i2.0, LPM1-s0i2.1, LPM2-s0i2.2, LPM3-s0i3.0,
LPM4-s0i3.1, LPM5-s0i3.2, LPM6-s0i3.3, LPM7-s0i3.4.
UINT8 PmcLpmS0ixSubStateEnableMask;
-/** Offset 0x14CE - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x14E6 - Reserved
+ UINT8 Reserved63;
+/** Offset 0x14E7 - PMC C10 dynamic threshold dajustment enable
+ Set if you want to enable PMC C10 dynamic threshold adjustment. Only works on supported SKUs
+ UINT8 PmcC10DynamicThresholdAdjustment;
+/** Offset 0x14E8 - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved56[34];
+ UINT8 Reserved64[32];
-/** Offset 0x14F0 - FspEventHandler
+/** Offset 0x1508 - FspEventHandler
<b>Optional</b> pointer to the boot loader's implementation of FSP_EVENT_HANDLER.
UINT32 FspEventHandler;
-/** Offset 0x14F4 - Reserved
+/** Offset 0x150C - Reserved
- UINT8 Reserved57[20];
+ UINT8 Reserved65[20];
/** Fsp S UPD Configuration
@@ -923,11 +3174,11 @@ typedef struct {
FSP_S_CONFIG FspsConfig;
-/** Offset 0x1508
+/** Offset 0x1520
- UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace42[6];
+ UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace39[6];
-/** Offset 0x150E
+/** Offset 0x1526
UINT16 UpdTerminator;
diff --git a/src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/meteorlake/MemInfoHob.h b/src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/meteorlake/MemInfoHob.h
index a2d6d1e129..804644180d 100644
--- a/src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/meteorlake/MemInfoHob.h
+++ b/src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp2_0/meteorlake/MemInfoHob.h
@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ extern EFI_GUID gSiMemoryPlatformDataGuid;
#define MAX_NODE 2
#define MAX_CH 4
+#define MAX_DDR5_CH 2
#define MAX_DIMM 2
+// Must match definitions in
+// Intel\ClientOneSiliconPkg\IpBlock\MemoryInit\Mtl\Include\MrcInterface.h
@@ -145,11 +148,23 @@ typedef enum {
-#define MAX_PROFILE_NUM 7 // number of memory profiles supported
-#define MAX_XMP_PROFILE_NUM 5 // number of XMP profiles supported
+#define MAX_PROFILE_NUM 7 // number of memory profiles supported
+#define MAX_XMP_PROFILE_NUM 5 // number of XMP profiles supported
+#define MAX_ODT_ENTRIES 11
// DIMM timings
@@ -261,13 +276,15 @@ typedef struct {
UINT8 XmpProfileEnable; ///< If XMP capable DIMMs are detected, this will indicate which XMP Profiles are common among all DIMMs.
UINT8 XmpConfigWarning; ///< If XMP capable DIMMs config support only 1DPC, but 2DPC is installed
BOOLEAN DynamicMemoryBoostTrainingFailed; ///< TRUE if Dynamic Memory Boost failed to train and was force disabled on the last full training boot. FALSE otherwise.
- UINT8 Ratio; ///< DDR Frequency Ratio, Max Value 255
+ UINT16 Ratio; ///< DDR Frequency Ratio, used for programs that require ratios higher then 255
UINT8 RefClk;
- UINT16 Ratio_UINT16; ///< DDR Frequency Ratio, used for programs that require ratios higher then 255
UINT32 NumPopulatedChannels; ///< Total number of memory channels populated
HOB_SAGV_INFO SagvConfigInfo; ///< This data structure contains SAGV config values that are considered output by the MRC.
BOOLEAN IsIbeccEnabled;