path: root/engine/database
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'engine/database')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/engine/database/CommonDatabase.php b/engine/database/CommonDatabase.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 13ea79c..0000000
--- a/engine/database/CommonDatabase.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-abstract class CommonDatabase {
- abstract public function query(string $sql, ...$args);
- abstract public function escape(string $s): string;
- abstract public function fetch($q): ?array;
- abstract public function fetchAll($q): ?array;
- abstract public function fetchRow($q): ?array;
- abstract public function result($q, int $field = 0);
- abstract public function insertId(): ?int;
- abstract public function numRows($q): ?int;
- protected function prepareQuery(string $sql, ...$args): string {
- global $config;
- if (!empty($args)) {
- $mark_count = substr_count($sql, '?');
- $positions = array();
- $last_pos = -1;
- for ($i = 0; $i < $mark_count; $i++) {
- $last_pos = strpos($sql, '?', $last_pos + 1);
- $positions[] = $last_pos;
- }
- for ($i = $mark_count - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
- $arg_val = $args[$i];
- if (is_null($arg_val)) {
- $v = 'NULL';
- } else {
- $v = '\''.$this->escape($arg_val) . '\'';
- }
- $sql = substr_replace($sql, $v, $positions[$i], 1);
- }
- }
- if (!empty($config['db']['log']))
- logDebug(__METHOD__.': ', $sql);
- return $sql;
- }
- public function insert(string $table, array $fields) {
- return $this->performInsert('INSERT', $table, $fields);
- }
- public function replace(string $table, array $fields) {
- return $this->performInsert('REPLACE', $table, $fields);
- }
- protected function performInsert(string $command, string $table, array $fields) {
- $names = [];
- $values = [];
- $count = 0;
- foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
- $names[] = $k;
- $values[] = $v;
- $count++;
- }
- $sql = "{$command} INTO `{$table}` (`" . implode('`, `', $names) . "`) VALUES (" . implode(', ', array_fill(0, $count, '?')) . ")";
- array_unshift($values, $sql);
- return $this->query(...$values);
- }
- public function update(string $table, array $rows, ...$cond) {
- $fields = [];
- $args = [];
- foreach ($rows as $row_name => $row_value) {
- $fields[] = "`{$row_name}`=?";
- $args[] = $row_value;
- }
- $sql = "UPDATE `$table` SET ".implode(', ', $fields);
- if (!empty($cond)) {
- $sql .= " WHERE ".$cond[0];
- if (count($cond) > 1)
- $args = array_merge($args, array_slice($cond, 1));
- }
- return $this->query($sql, ...$args);
- }
- public function multipleInsert(string $table, array $rows) {
- list($names, $values) = $this->getMultipleInsertValues($rows);
- $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$table}` (`".implode('`, `', $names)."`) VALUES ".$values;
- return $this->query($sql);
- }
- public function multipleReplace(string $table, array $rows) {
- list($names, $values) = $this->getMultipleInsertValues($rows);
- $sql = "REPLACE INTO `{$table}` (`".implode('`, `', $names)."`) VALUES ".$values;
- return $this->query($sql);
- }
- protected function getMultipleInsertValues(array $rows): array {
- $names = [];
- $sql_rows = [];
- foreach ($rows as $i => $fields) {
- $row_values = [];
- foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_val) {
- if ($i == 0) {
- $names[] = $field_name;
- }
- $row_values[] = $this->escape($field_val);
- }
- $sql_rows[] = "('".implode("', '", $row_values)."')";
- }
- return [$names, implode(', ', $sql_rows)];
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/engine/database/MySQLConnection.php b/engine/database/MySQLConnection.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c4e47e5..0000000
--- a/engine/database/MySQLConnection.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-class MySQLConnection extends CommonDatabase {
- protected ?mysqli $link = null;
- public function __construct(
- protected string $host,
- protected string $user,
- protected string $password,
- protected string $database) {}
- public function __destruct() {
- if ($this->link)
- $this->link->close();
- }
- public function connect(): bool {
- $this->link = new mysqli();
- $result = $this->link->real_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->password, $this->database);
- if ($result)
- $this->link->set_charset('utf8mb4');
- return !!$result;
- }
- public function query(string $sql, ...$args): mysqli_result|bool {
- $sql = $this->prepareQuery($sql, ...$args);
- $q = $this->link->query($sql);
- if (!$q)
- logError(__METHOD__.': '.$this->link->error."\n$sql\n".backtrace(1));
- return $q;
- }
- public function fetch($q): ?array {
- $row = $q->fetch_assoc();
- if (!$row) {
- $q->free();
- return null;
- }
- return $row;
- }
- public function fetchAll($q): ?array {
- if (!$q)
- return null;
- $list = [];
- while ($f = $q->fetch_assoc()) {
- $list[] = $f;
- }
- $q->free();
- return $list;
- }
- public function fetchRow($q): ?array {
- return $q?->fetch_row();
- }
- public function result($q, $field = 0) {
- return $q?->fetch_row()[$field];
- }
- public function insertId(): int {
- return $this->link->insert_id;
- }
- public function numRows($q): ?int {
- return $q?->num_rows;
- }
- // public function affectedRows() {
- // return $this->link->affected_rows;
- // }
- //
- // public function foundRows() {
- // return $this->fetch($this->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS `count`"))['count'];
- // }
- public function escape(string $s): string {
- return $this->link->real_escape_string($s);
- }
diff --git a/engine/database/SQLiteConnection.php b/engine/database/SQLiteConnection.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b03c7c..0000000
--- a/engine/database/SQLiteConnection.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-class SQLiteConnection extends CommonDatabase {
- const SCHEMA_VERSION = 0;
- protected SQLite3 $link;
- public function __construct(string $db_path) {
- $will_create = !file_exists($db_path);
- $this->link = new SQLite3($db_path);
- if ($will_create)
- setperm($db_path);
- $this->link->enableExceptions(true);
- $this->upgradeSchema();
- }
- protected function upgradeSchema() {
- $cur = $this->getSchemaVersion();
- if ($cur == self::SCHEMA_VERSION)
- return;
- if ($cur < 1) {
- // TODO
- }
- $this->syncSchemaVersion();
- }
- protected function getSchemaVersion() {
- return $this->link->query("PRAGMA user_version")->fetchArray()[0];
- }
- protected function syncSchemaVersion() {
- $this->link->exec("PRAGMA user_version=".self::SCHEMA_VERSION);
- }
- public function query(string $sql, ...$params): SQLite3Result {
- return $this->link->query($this->prepareQuery($sql, ...$params));
- }
- public function exec(string $sql, ...$params) {
- return $this->link->exec($this->prepareQuery($sql, ...$params));
- }
- public function querySingle(string $sql, ...$params) {
- return $this->link->querySingle($this->prepareQuery($sql, ...$params));
- }
- public function querySingleRow(string $sql, ...$params) {
- return $this->link->querySingle($this->prepareQuery($sql, ...$params), true);
- }
- public function insertId(): int {
- return $this->link->lastInsertRowID();
- }
- public function escape(string $s): string {
- return $this->link->escapeString($s);
- }
- public function fetch($q): ?array {
- // TODO: Implement fetch() method.
- }
- public function fetchAll($q): ?array {
- // TODO: Implement fetchAll() method.
- }
- public function fetchRow($q): ?array {
- // TODO: Implement fetchRow() method.
- }
- public function result($q, int $field = 0) {
- return $q?->fetchArray()[$field];
- }
- public function numRows($q): ?int {
- // TODO: Implement numRows() method.
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file