AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-05-14am a348d7ce: am f4f47665: Allow OEM to provide regulatory info.Jeff Sharkey
2014-05-14am a6c198b5: am 9d1ed174: Merge "Apply padding to fragment view rather than L...Yorke Lee
2014-05-14am 1eed34db: am c150c723: Merge "Use ShapeDrawable for floating action button"Yorke Lee
2014-05-14am 1da8d67b: am 2be163ad: Defer to default photo position in all contacts list.Andrew Lee
2014-05-14am 35f40a79: am cc4660d4: Animate floating action buttonYorke Lee
2014-05-14am 80c8e2d2: am e33cf96b: Merge "Remove floating action bar constants and con...Andrew Lee
2014-05-14am 2d7e9f4b: am 2384e1aa: Merge "Hide actionbar title text in activity preview"Yorke Lee
2014-05-14am d6785830: (-s ours) am 3204ecad: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO ...Baligh Uddin
2014-05-14am 4b045c8f: am b0f66f7f: Merge "Add shadows to call shortcut cards"Yorke Lee
2014-05-14am b201aba6: am 8af21dc5: Merge "Add floating dialpad action button"Yorke Lee
2014-05-14am 434b94af: am 6144d027: Disable quickcontactbadge in AllContactsFragmentYorke Lee
2014-05-14am 2387ec97: am d999b714: Rename classesYorke Lee
2014-05-13resolved conflicts for merge of bbc6a46d to masterEvan Charlton
2014-05-13am f6dde6ea: (-s ours) am bbf87232: (-s ours) am f865fb2b: (-s ours) am 66bc2...Baligh Uddin
2014-05-13am 781261b0: am 3b23cf55: Merge "Delete use of list_item_divider."Andrew Lee
2014-05-13am 66a5c610: am f218f724: Merge "Correctly bind contact tile listeners in Pho...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 4055c733: am 6a1461a8: Add view call history at bottom of recentsYorke Lee
2014-05-13am b4286891: (-s ours) resolved conflicts for merge of cd1fa392 to master-novaYorke Lee
2014-05-13am 54c6034e: (-s ours) am 0e80d879: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO ...Baligh Uddin
2014-05-13am d7b36cfe: am 4b10dd4a: Merge "Use PhoneFavoritesTileAdapter directly in Gr...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 96b555f2: am 53845dc9: Renable fast scroller in All contactsYorke Lee
2014-05-13am 2dda5cd5: am 93dcef71: Merge "Adding support in the CallLogFragment for fi...Tyler Gunn
2014-05-13am 15062160: am 1e6efea1: Merge "Remove AllContactsActivity"Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am bfeebdf6: am 099592e5: Add favorites/star icon to the phone favorite tile ...Andrew Lee
2014-05-13am 0421cea4: am b70f8a8f: Merge "On click, open quick contacts for list items...Andrew Lee
2014-05-13am d4194af1: am d45aaa40: Add call log fragment to ListsFragmentYorke Lee
2014-05-13am d2f6070b: am 33932ff9: Fix Dial intent interactionsYorke Lee
2014-05-13am b4cae012: am 3e441347: Merge "Reattach listener when fragment is destroyed...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am a52418bc: am 1375a1a6: Merge "Only show voicemail tab if there is at least...Andrew Lee
2014-05-13am e534b8ce: am f653040a: Merge "Correctly resolve textSize attribute in View...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 470af74d: (-s ours) am 6979f4ca: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO ...Baligh Uddin
2014-05-13am c66588d3: am 0f258e4e: Merge "Recycle TypedArray"Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 233c4faa: am 0e8b0318: Remove deprecated Actionbar tabs in CallLogActivityYorke Lee
2014-05-13am c6515963: am eea6a884: Merge "Add voicemail tab to call history tab bar."Andrew Lee
2014-05-13am aff12701: am 07e71d93: Merge "Make speed dial contacts fill grid better"Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 9d0bcf58: am 7e5e5a6d: Apply new ViewPager tab styles to ViewPagerTabs classYorke Lee
2014-05-13am 98a65b74: am a63d4469: Merge "Don\'t set search query immediately if searc...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am edf0aeaf: am 176c76a9: Merge "Stylizing action bar tabs to QP green-ish th...Andrew Lee
2014-05-13am d1bcd5c8: resolved conflicts for merge of e00c9fe1 to master-novaYorke Lee
2014-05-13am 24e86380: am 32e74955: Change Dialer actionbar color to green-ish, and rem...Andrew Lee
2014-05-13am b8fb7832: (-s ours) resolved conflicts for merge of 86e21f73 to master-novaYorke Lee
2014-05-13am c8a9db71: am fb8080e7: Merge "Switch Dialer to Quantum.Light theme"Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 0c887e89: am 09a727e4: Merge "Use the unnormalized user-entered number whe...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am e079b1fb: am 047bdb14: Fix for Add to contacts missing in dialpad overflow...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 5fc29a99: (-s ours) am 7fdf72ca: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBaligh Uddin
2014-05-13am fef10c0d: am 21b165ad: Merge "Catch activity not found exceptions"Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 3d6dc1ad: am 13a54c76: Remove dead codeYorke Lee
2014-05-13am 350b3bbd: am ea8fa952: Merge "Ensure contact identifier is consistent for ...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am d88b1885: am e16ffa2f: Reuse SmartDialNameMatcher instance in SmartDialNum...Andrew Lee
2014-05-13am 43f9fc7c: am 64574e9d: Merge "Remove obsolete/dead code"Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am bf60fac4: am cfbdfa15: Merge "Fix broken copy-paste dialog"Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am e1d65e0e: (-s ours) am 82c09c82: (-s ours) am ab3f2492: (-s ours) am 1bc53...Baligh Uddin
2014-05-13am 2a59dedb: (-s ours) am f9fba9fd: (-s ours) am 6e9c3763: (-s ours) am 3e9fa...Baligh Uddin
2014-05-13am 18f458b1: (-s ours) am cbf49aa5: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO ...Baligh Uddin
2014-05-13am a5adddcd: (-s ours) am e146736a: am e7c4833e: (-s ours) am c5366f4d: am b8...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 2ab21226: am 538df16a: Merge "Remove google-common from Dialer ...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am a18f2501: am 1edf4ff1: Merge "Fix crash when recreating activity and recei...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 0eb54f05: am b6da8359: am f20d7c10: (-s ours) am da602a82: resolved confli...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am a2042339: am 06107886: Merge "Remove layout and logic for unused non-tiled...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 1f09691a: (-s ours) am fde75806: (-s ours) am ff995d4c: (-s ours) am 54ff0...Baligh Uddin
2014-05-13am 2deb919f: (-s ours) am 26313e3a: (-s ours) am 074de567: (-s ours) am 15712...Baligh Uddin
2014-05-13am 7337e568: (-s ours) am 85beee28: am a0adfeda: (-s ours) am daa10f99: am 9b...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 04021754: (-s ours) am 44a78a43: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO ...Baligh Uddin
2014-05-13am 4f6ad710: am 1dfa8ddc: Fix NPE during activity recreationYorke Lee
2014-05-13am 7b9e8cfb: (-s ours) am 6720273a: am 80703956: (-s ours) am 304b6f7b: am 0e...Ihab Awad
2014-05-13am 722a3e22: (-s ours) am 0d09c5df: am 55f8555c: (-s ours) am 8ebb189f: am 7f...Jay Shrauner
2014-05-13am 80c81945: (-s ours) am ed1dfb2c: am 458dd904: (-s ours) am 5d1a5216: am f4...Jay Shrauner
2014-05-13am b4a0440f: am 4b28a12a: Restore missing all contacts button backgroundYorke Lee
2014-05-13am a8b94a0e: am 7131f258: Merge "Fix overdraw in Dialer"Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 94e7305b: am 3fb7218a: Fix NPE in dismissShortcutJay Shrauner
2014-05-13am db2491c0: am e3b3b4a8: Protect against class cast exceptionJay Shrauner
2014-05-13am dbb5cf1b: am 628eef43: Merge "Make Dialer a core app"Jay Shrauner
2014-05-13am 5232126d: (-s ours) am f355990d: am c9cdd2c1: (-s ours) am bbf4c63c: am 6d...Ihab Awad
2014-05-13am a4ce4288: (-s ours) am 0b41f0f3: (-s ours) am ad1d1aac: (-s ours) am 7b9c7...Baligh Uddin
2014-05-13am f22fdd0b: (-s ours) am 6851df9e: am 134eee18: (-s ours) am 4655ec30: am 1c...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 87b9589e: am 475236ca: Remove deprecated swipe to remove codeYorke Lee
2014-05-13am bbf77e58: (-s ours) am 9e02b428: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO ...Baligh Uddin
2014-05-13am 7c67081a: am 6cf50e98: Merge "Fix problem where swiping upward in overflow...Ihab Awad
2014-05-13am c250b376: am 732fb762: Merge "Speed up scroll speed when dragging"Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 8509512d: (-s ours) am fa806440: am ed70d229: (-s ours) am cd76aa90: am 93...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am c71bfcc8: am f3db08a4: Swap 9 patch for contact tilesYorke Lee
2014-05-13am 624979d3: (-s ours) am bc5f9a38: am 6f24e484: (-s ours) am 1520d60c: am 79...Tyler Gunn
2014-05-13am 07af372f: (-s ours) am e83e3275: am 518cfec4: (-s ours) am b8f99f19: am d6...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 9172307d: am 62399094: Merge "Fade out favorites screen when dialpad is di...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 2721c891: (-s ours) am b1ac0865: am 4b5928d9: (-s ours) am 1029a463: am eb...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am e78ba302: (-s ours) am 4da7c849: am 078c053c: (-s ours) am 4d82dffb: am d9...Tyler Gunn
2014-05-13am 2572c5ca: am 1ab3ec43: Merge "Slight UX tweaks to Dialer"Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am f57233b1: (-s ours) am 46a1d704: am 3c3fe91a: (-s ours) am cb500357: am 4e...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 27a3553f: (-s ours) am a2a27fd5: am 6599bec1: (-s ours) am 9215d9bf: am e6...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 33fd4769: am 719a2f97: Merge "Changed dialer launch activity style to use ...Tyler Gunn
2014-05-13am 5aecd4d2: (-s ours) am f8a5fb0d: am 7de0b82a: (-s ours) am 6fc9b3cc: am 6a...Tyler Gunn
2014-05-13am e66ff0c3: am 66106e0c: Corrected issue where history icon placement does n...Tyler Gunn
2014-05-13am 5a74fc54: am 80b0c116: Merge "Make dialpad slide down when dismissed by ta...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 012c4a43: am 68dfc826: Merge "Remove unneeded references to ContactsContra...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am d404a2c3: am b98da724: Add null check in ContactInfoHelper.isBusinessYorke Lee
2014-05-13am 5f7699d5: am 7a5cf984: Merge "Correcting issue where text entered by user ...Tyler Gunn
2014-05-13am 40b7f6a2: (-s ours) am c6e7dc35: am dbad0cf4: (-s ours) am b6f6ebd6: am 86...Tyler Gunn
2014-05-13am 880eaec1: am 468922c8: Merge "Added actionbar style elements from main Dia...Tyler Gunn
2014-05-13am cc32bf6d: (-s ours) am fee39c01: am 57a56c44: (-s ours) am cf1efe4e: am 1a...Yorke Lee
2014-05-13am 8d4d98b8: (-s ours) am 16316d5d: am 6c9d43bb: (-s ours) am 97a9341e: am b2...Yorke Lee