path: root/java/com/android/dialer/contactphoto/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 511 deletions
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index 459837936..000000000
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- * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.content.ComponentCallbacks2;
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.content.res.Configuration;
-import android.content.res.Resources;
-import android.text.TextUtils;
-import android.view.View;
-import android.widget.ImageView;
-import android.widget.QuickContactBadge;
-/** Asynchronously loads contact photos and maintains a cache of photos. */
-public abstract class ContactPhotoManager implements ComponentCallbacks2 {
- /** Scale and offset default constants used for default letter images */
- public static final float SCALE_DEFAULT = 1.0f;
- public static final float OFFSET_DEFAULT = 0.0f;
- public static final boolean IS_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT = false;
- // TODO: Use LogUtil.isVerboseEnabled for DEBUG branches instead of a lint check.
- // LINT.DoNotSubmitIf(true)
- static final boolean DEBUG = false;
- // LINT.DoNotSubmitIf(true)
- static final boolean DEBUG_SIZES = false;
- /** Uri-related constants used for default letter images */
- private static final String DISPLAY_NAME_PARAM_KEY = "display_name";
- private static final String IDENTIFIER_PARAM_KEY = "identifier";
- private static final String CONTACT_TYPE_PARAM_KEY = "contact_type";
- private static final String SCALE_PARAM_KEY = "scale";
- private static final String OFFSET_PARAM_KEY = "offset";
- private static final String IS_CIRCULAR_PARAM_KEY = "is_circular";
- private static final String DEFAULT_IMAGE_URI_SCHEME = "defaultimage";
- private static final Uri DEFAULT_IMAGE_URI = Uri.parse(DEFAULT_IMAGE_URI_SCHEME + "://");
- public static final DefaultImageProvider DEFAULT_AVATAR = new LetterTileDefaultImageProvider();
- private static ContactPhotoManager sInstance;
- /**
- * Given a {@link DefaultImageRequest}, returns an Uri that can be used to request a letter tile
- * avatar when passed to the {@link ContactPhotoManager}. The internal implementation of this uri
- * is not guaranteed to remain the same across application versions, so the actual uri should
- * never be persisted in long-term storage and reused.
- *
- * @param request A {@link DefaultImageRequest} object with the fields configured to return a
- * @return A Uri that when later passed to the {@link ContactPhotoManager} via {@link
- * #loadPhoto(ImageView, Uri, int, boolean, boolean, DefaultImageRequest)}, can be used to
- * request a default contact image, drawn as a letter tile using the parameters as configured
- * in the provided {@link DefaultImageRequest}
- */
- public static Uri getDefaultAvatarUriForContact(DefaultImageRequest request) {
- final Builder builder = DEFAULT_IMAGE_URI.buildUpon();
- if (request != null) {
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(request.displayName)) {
- builder.appendQueryParameter(DISPLAY_NAME_PARAM_KEY, request.displayName);
- }
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(request.identifier)) {
- builder.appendQueryParameter(IDENTIFIER_PARAM_KEY, request.identifier);
- }
- if (request.contactType != LetterTileDrawable.TYPE_DEFAULT) {
- builder.appendQueryParameter(CONTACT_TYPE_PARAM_KEY, String.valueOf(request.contactType));
- }
- if (request.scale != SCALE_DEFAULT) {
- builder.appendQueryParameter(SCALE_PARAM_KEY, String.valueOf(request.scale));
- }
- if (request.offset != OFFSET_DEFAULT) {
- builder.appendQueryParameter(OFFSET_PARAM_KEY, String.valueOf(request.offset));
- }
- if (request.isCircular != IS_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT) {
- builder.appendQueryParameter(IS_CIRCULAR_PARAM_KEY, String.valueOf(request.isCircular));
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a business contact type encoded fragment to the URL. Used to ensure photo URLS from Nearby
- * Places can be identified as business photo URLs rather than URLs for personal contact photos.
- *
- * @param photoUrl The photo URL to modify.
- * @return URL with the contact type parameter added and set to TYPE_BUSINESS.
- */
- public static String appendBusinessContactType(String photoUrl) {
- Uri uri = Uri.parse(photoUrl);
- Builder builder = uri.buildUpon();
- builder.encodedFragment(String.valueOf(LetterTileDrawable.TYPE_BUSINESS));
- return;
- }
- /**
- * Removes the contact type information stored in the photo URI encoded fragment.
- *
- * @param photoUri The photo URI to remove the contact type from.
- * @return The photo URI with contact type removed.
- */
- public static Uri removeContactType(Uri photoUri) {
- String encodedFragment = photoUri.getEncodedFragment();
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(encodedFragment)) {
- Builder builder = photoUri.buildUpon();
- builder.encodedFragment(null);
- return;
- }
- return photoUri;
- }
- /**
- * Inspects a photo URI to determine if the photo URI represents a business.
- *
- * @param photoUri The URI to inspect.
- * @return Whether the URI represents a business photo or not.
- */
- public static boolean isBusinessContactUri(Uri photoUri) {
- if (photoUri == null) {
- return false;
- }
- String encodedFragment = photoUri.getEncodedFragment();
- return !TextUtils.isEmpty(encodedFragment)
- && encodedFragment.equals(String.valueOf(LetterTileDrawable.TYPE_BUSINESS));
- }
- protected static DefaultImageRequest getDefaultImageRequestFromUri(Uri uri) {
- final DefaultImageRequest request =
- new DefaultImageRequest(
- uri.getQueryParameter(DISPLAY_NAME_PARAM_KEY),
- uri.getQueryParameter(IDENTIFIER_PARAM_KEY),
- false);
- try {
- String contactType = uri.getQueryParameter(CONTACT_TYPE_PARAM_KEY);
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(contactType)) {
- request.contactType = Integer.valueOf(contactType);
- }
- String scale = uri.getQueryParameter(SCALE_PARAM_KEY);
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(scale)) {
- request.scale = Float.valueOf(scale);
- }
- String offset = uri.getQueryParameter(OFFSET_PARAM_KEY);
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(offset)) {
- request.offset = Float.valueOf(offset);
- }
- String isCircular = uri.getQueryParameter(IS_CIRCULAR_PARAM_KEY);
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(isCircular)) {
- request.isCircular = Boolean.valueOf(isCircular);
- }
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- LogUtil.w(
- "ContactPhotoManager.getDefaultImageRequestFromUri",
- "Invalid DefaultImageRequest image parameters provided, ignoring and using "
- + "defaults.");
- }
- return request;
- }
- public static ContactPhotoManager getInstance(Context context) {
- if (sInstance == null) {
- Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext();
- sInstance = createContactPhotoManager(applicationContext);
- applicationContext.registerComponentCallbacks(sInstance);
- if (PermissionsUtil.hasContactsReadPermissions(context)) {
- sInstance.preloadPhotosInBackground();
- }
- }
- return sInstance;
- }
- public static synchronized ContactPhotoManager createContactPhotoManager(Context context) {
- return new ContactPhotoManagerImpl(context);
- }
- @VisibleForTesting
- public static void injectContactPhotoManagerForTesting(ContactPhotoManager photoManager) {
- sInstance = photoManager;
- }
- protected boolean isDefaultImageUri(Uri uri) {
- return DEFAULT_IMAGE_URI_SCHEME.equals(uri.getScheme());
- }
- /**
- * Load thumbnail image into the supplied image view. If the photo is already cached, it is
- * displayed immediately. Otherwise a request is sent to load the photo from the database.
- */
- public abstract void loadThumbnail(
- ImageView view,
- long photoId,
- boolean darkTheme,
- boolean isCircular,
- DefaultImageRequest defaultImageRequest,
- DefaultImageProvider defaultProvider);
- /**
- * Calls {@link #loadThumbnail(ImageView, long, boolean, boolean, DefaultImageRequest,
- * DefaultImageProvider)} using the {@link DefaultImageProvider} {@link #DEFAULT_AVATAR}.
- */
- public final void loadThumbnail(
- ImageView view,
- long photoId,
- boolean darkTheme,
- boolean isCircular,
- DefaultImageRequest defaultImageRequest) {
- loadThumbnail(view, photoId, darkTheme, isCircular, defaultImageRequest, DEFAULT_AVATAR);
- }
- public final void loadDialerThumbnailOrPhoto(
- QuickContactBadge badge,
- Uri contactUri,
- long photoId,
- Uri photoUri,
- String displayName,
- int contactType) {
- badge.assignContactUri(contactUri);
- badge.setOverlay(null);
- badge.setContentDescription(
- badge.getContext().getString(R.string.description_quick_contact_for, displayName));
- String lookupKey = contactUri == null ? null : UriUtils.getLookupKeyFromUri(contactUri);
- ContactPhotoManager.DefaultImageRequest request =
- new ContactPhotoManager.DefaultImageRequest(
- displayName, lookupKey, contactType, true /* isCircular */);
- if (photoId == 0 && photoUri != null) {
- loadDirectoryPhoto(badge, photoUri, false /* darkTheme */, true /* isCircular */, request);
- } else {
- loadThumbnail(badge, photoId, false /* darkTheme */, true /* isCircular */, request);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Load photo into the supplied image view. If the photo is already cached, it is displayed
- * immediately. Otherwise a request is sent to load the photo from the location specified by the
- * URI.
- *
- * @param view The target view
- * @param photoUri The uri of the photo to load
- * @param requestedExtent Specifies an approximate Max(width, height) of the targetView. This is
- * useful if the source image can be a lot bigger that the target, so that the decoding is
- * done using efficient sampling. If requestedExtent is specified, no sampling of the image is
- * performed
- * @param darkTheme Whether the background is dark. This is used for default avatars
- * @param defaultImageRequest {@link DefaultImageRequest} object that specifies how a default
- * letter tile avatar should be drawn.
- * @param defaultProvider The provider of default avatars (this is used if photoUri doesn't refer
- * to an existing image)
- */
- public abstract void loadPhoto(
- ImageView view,
- Uri photoUri,
- int requestedExtent,
- boolean darkTheme,
- boolean isCircular,
- DefaultImageRequest defaultImageRequest,
- DefaultImageProvider defaultProvider);
- /**
- * Calls {@link #loadPhoto(ImageView, Uri, int, boolean, boolean, DefaultImageRequest,
- * DefaultImageProvider)} with {@link #DEFAULT_AVATAR} and {@code null} display names and lookup
- * keys.
- *
- * @param defaultImageRequest {@link DefaultImageRequest} object that specifies how a default
- * letter tile avatar should be drawn.
- */
- public final void loadPhoto(
- ImageView view,
- Uri photoUri,
- int requestedExtent,
- boolean darkTheme,
- boolean isCircular,
- DefaultImageRequest defaultImageRequest) {
- loadPhoto(
- view,
- photoUri,
- requestedExtent,
- darkTheme,
- isCircular,
- defaultImageRequest,
- }
- /**
- * Calls {@link #loadPhoto(ImageView, Uri, int, boolean, boolean, DefaultImageRequest,
- * DefaultImageProvider)} with {@link #DEFAULT_AVATAR} and with the assumption, that the image is
- * a thumbnail.
- *
- * @param defaultImageRequest {@link DefaultImageRequest} object that specifies how a default
- * letter tile avatar should be drawn.
- */
- public final void loadDirectoryPhoto(
- ImageView view,
- Uri photoUri,
- boolean darkTheme,
- boolean isCircular,
- DefaultImageRequest defaultImageRequest) {
- loadPhoto(view, photoUri, -1, darkTheme, isCircular, defaultImageRequest, DEFAULT_AVATAR);
- }
- /**
- * Remove photo from the supplied image view. This also cancels current pending load request
- * inside this photo manager.
- */
- public abstract void removePhoto(ImageView view);
- /** Cancels all pending requests to load photos asynchronously. */
- public abstract void cancelPendingRequests(View fragmentRootView);
- /** Temporarily stops loading photos from the database. */
- public abstract void pause();
- /** Resumes loading photos from the database. */
- public abstract void resume();
- /**
- * Marks all cached photos for reloading. We can continue using cache but should also make sure
- * the photos haven't changed in the background and notify the views if so.
- */
- public abstract void refreshCache();
- /** Initiates a background process that over time will fill up cache with preload photos. */
- public abstract void preloadPhotosInBackground();
- // ComponentCallbacks2
- @Override
- public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {}
- // ComponentCallbacks2
- @Override
- public void onLowMemory() {}
- // ComponentCallbacks2
- @Override
- public void onTrimMemory(int level) {}
- /**
- * Contains fields used to contain contact details and other user-defined settings that might be
- * used by the ContactPhotoManager to generate a default contact image. This contact image takes
- * the form of a letter or bitmap drawn on top of a colored tile.
- */
- public static class DefaultImageRequest {
- /**
- * Used to indicate that a drawable that represents a contact without any contact details should
- * be returned.
- */
- public static final DefaultImageRequest EMPTY_DEFAULT_IMAGE_REQUEST = new DefaultImageRequest();
- /**
- * Used to indicate that a drawable that represents a business without a business photo should
- * be returned.
- */
- public static final DefaultImageRequest EMPTY_DEFAULT_BUSINESS_IMAGE_REQUEST =
- new DefaultImageRequest(null, null, LetterTileDrawable.TYPE_BUSINESS, false);
- /**
- * Used to indicate that a circular drawable that represents a contact without any contact
- * details should be returned.
- */
- public static final DefaultImageRequest EMPTY_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT_IMAGE_REQUEST =
- new DefaultImageRequest(null, null, true);
- /**
- * Used to indicate that a circular drawable that represents a business without a business photo
- * should be returned.
- */
- public static final DefaultImageRequest EMPTY_CIRCULAR_BUSINESS_IMAGE_REQUEST =
- new DefaultImageRequest(null, null, LetterTileDrawable.TYPE_BUSINESS, true);
- /** The contact's display name. The display name is used to */
- public String displayName;
- /**
- * A unique and deterministic string that can be used to identify this contact. This is usually
- * the contact's lookup key, but other contact details can be used as well, especially for
- * non-local or temporary contacts that might not have a lookup key. This is used to determine
- * the color of the tile.
- */
- public String identifier;
- /**
- * The type of this contact. This contact type may be used to decide the kind of image to use in
- * the case where a unique letter cannot be generated from the contact's display name and
- * identifier.
- */
- public @LetterTileDrawable.ContactType int contactType = LetterTileDrawable.TYPE_DEFAULT;
- /**
- * The amount to scale the letter or bitmap to, as a ratio of its default size (from a range of
- * 0.0f to 2.0f). The default value is 1.0f.
- */
- public float scale = SCALE_DEFAULT;
- /**
- * The amount to vertically offset the letter or image to within the tile. The provided offset
- * must be within the range of -0.5f to 0.5f. If set to -0.5f, the letter will be shifted
- * upwards by 0.5 times the height of the canvas it is being drawn on, which means it will be
- * drawn with the center of the letter starting at the top edge of the canvas. If set to 0.5f,
- * the letter will be shifted downwards by 0.5 times the height of the canvas it is being drawn
- * on, which means it will be drawn with the center of the letter starting at the bottom edge of
- * the canvas. The default is 0.0f, which means the letter is drawn in the exact vertical center
- * of the tile.
- */
- public float offset = OFFSET_DEFAULT;
- /** Whether or not to draw the default image as a circle, instead of as a square/rectangle. */
- public boolean isCircular = false;
- public DefaultImageRequest() {}
- public DefaultImageRequest(String displayName, String identifier, boolean isCircular) {
- this(
- displayName,
- identifier,
- LetterTileDrawable.TYPE_DEFAULT,
- isCircular);
- }
- public DefaultImageRequest(
- String displayName, String identifier, int contactType, boolean isCircular) {
- this(displayName, identifier, contactType, SCALE_DEFAULT, OFFSET_DEFAULT, isCircular);
- }
- public DefaultImageRequest(
- String displayName,
- String identifier,
- int contactType,
- float scale,
- float offset,
- boolean isCircular) {
- this.displayName = displayName;
- this.identifier = identifier;
- this.contactType = contactType;
- this.scale = scale;
- this.offset = offset;
- this.isCircular = isCircular;
- }
- }
- public abstract static class DefaultImageProvider {
- /**
- * Applies the default avatar to the ImageView. Extent is an indicator for the size (width or
- * height). If darkTheme is set, the avatar is one that looks better on dark background
- *
- * @param defaultImageRequest {@link DefaultImageRequest} object that specifies how a default
- * letter tile avatar should be drawn.
- */
- public abstract void applyDefaultImage(
- ImageView view, int extent, boolean darkTheme, DefaultImageRequest defaultImageRequest);
- }
- /**
- * A default image provider that applies a letter tile consisting of a colored background and a
- * letter in the foreground as the default image for a contact. The color of the background and
- * the type of letter is decided based on the contact's details.
- */
- private static class LetterTileDefaultImageProvider extends DefaultImageProvider {
- public static Drawable getDefaultImageForContact(
- Resources resources, DefaultImageRequest defaultImageRequest) {
- final LetterTileDrawable drawable = new LetterTileDrawable(resources);
- final int tileShape =
- defaultImageRequest.isCircular
- ? LetterTileDrawable.SHAPE_CIRCLE
- : LetterTileDrawable.SHAPE_RECTANGLE;
- if (defaultImageRequest != null) {
- // If the contact identifier is null or empty, fallback to the
- // displayName. In that case, use {@code null} for the contact's
- // display name so that a default bitmap will be used instead of a
- // letter
- if (TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultImageRequest.identifier)) {
- drawable.setCanonicalDialerLetterTileDetails(
- null, defaultImageRequest.displayName, tileShape, defaultImageRequest.contactType);
- } else {
- drawable.setCanonicalDialerLetterTileDetails(
- defaultImageRequest.displayName,
- defaultImageRequest.identifier,
- tileShape,
- defaultImageRequest.contactType);
- }
- drawable.setScale(defaultImageRequest.scale);
- drawable.setOffset(defaultImageRequest.offset);
- }
- return drawable;
- }
- @Override
- public void applyDefaultImage(
- ImageView view, int extent, boolean darkTheme, DefaultImageRequest defaultImageRequest) {
- final Drawable drawable = getDefaultImageForContact(view.getResources(), defaultImageRequest);
- view.setImageDrawable(drawable);
- }
- }