path: root/java/com/android/contacts/common/res/values/dimens.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'java/com/android/contacts/common/res/values/dimens.xml')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/java/com/android/contacts/common/res/values/dimens.xml b/java/com/android/contacts/common/res/values/dimens.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..642eb31a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/com/android/contacts/common/res/values/dimens.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ ~ Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+ ~
+ ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ ~
+ ~
+ ~
+ ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ~ limitations under the License
+ -->
+ <!-- Padding between the action bar's bottom edge and the first header
+ in contacts/group lists. -->
+ <dimen name="list_header_extra_top_padding">0dip</dimen>
+ <!-- Minimum height used with @drawable/list_section_divider_holo_custom.
+ Right now the drawable has implicit 32dip minimal height, which is confusing.
+ This value is for making the hidden configuration explicit in xml. -->
+ <dimen name="list_section_divider_min_height">32dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="directory_header_extra_top_padding">18dp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="directory_header_extra_bottom_padding">8dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Horizontal padding in between contact tiles -->
+ <dimen name="contact_tile_divider_padding">23dip</dimen>
+ <!-- Horizontal whitespace (both padding and margin) before the first tile and after the last tile -->
+ <dimen name="contact_tile_start_end_whitespace">16dip</dimen>
+ <!-- Left and right padding for a contact detail item -->
+ <dimen name="detail_item_side_margin">16dip</dimen>
+ <!-- ContactTile Layouts -->
+ <!--
+ Use sp instead of dip so that the shadowbox heights can all scale uniformly
+ when the font size is scaled for accessibility purposes
+ -->
+ <dimen name="contact_tile_shadowbox_height">48sp</dimen>
+ <!-- Top padding of the ListView in the contact tile list -->
+ <dimen name="contact_tile_list_padding_top">0dip</dimen>
+ <!-- Padding to be used between a visible scrollbar and the contact list -->
+ <dimen name="list_visible_scrollbar_padding">32dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="contact_browser_list_header_left_margin">16dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="contact_browser_list_header_right_margin">@dimen/list_visible_scrollbar_padding
+ </dimen>
+ <dimen name="contact_browser_list_item_text_indent">8dip</dimen>
+ <!-- Width of a contact list item section header. -->
+ <dimen name="contact_list_section_header_width">56dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Size of the shortcut icon. 0dip means: use the system default -->
+ <dimen name="shortcut_icon_size">0dip</dimen>
+ <!-- Text size of shortcut icon overlay text -->
+ <dimen name="shortcut_overlay_text_size">12dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Extra vertical padding for darkened background behind shortcut icon overlay text -->
+ <dimen name="shortcut_overlay_text_background_padding">1dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Width of height of an icon from a third-party app in the networks section of the contact card. -->
+ <dimen name="detail_network_icon_size">32dip</dimen>
+ <!-- Empty message margins -->
+ <dimen name="empty_message_top_margin">48dip</dimen>
+ <!-- contact browser list margins -->
+ <dimen name="contact_browser_list_item_text_size">16sp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="contact_browser_list_item_photo_size">40dp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="contact_browser_list_item_gap_between_image_and_text">15dp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="contact_browser_list_top_margin">12dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Dimensions for "No contacts" string in PhoneFavoriteFragment for the All contacts
+ with phone numbers section
+ -->
+ <dimen name="contact_phone_list_empty_description_size">20sp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="contact_phone_list_empty_description_padding">10dip</dimen>
+ <!-- Dimensions for contact letter tiles -->
+ <dimen name="tile_letter_font_size">40dp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="tile_letter_font_size_small">20dp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="tile_divider_width">1dp</dimen>
+ <item name="letter_to_tile_ratio" type="dimen">67%</item>
+ <!-- Height of the floating action button -->
+ <dimen name="floating_action_button_height">56dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Width of the floating action button -->
+ <dimen name="floating_action_button_width">56dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Z translation of the floating action button -->
+ <dimen name="floating_action_button_translation_z">8dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Padding to be applied to the bottom of lists to make space for the floating action
+ button -->
+ <dimen name="floating_action_button_list_bottom_padding">88dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Right margin of the floating action button -->
+ <dimen name="floating_action_button_margin_right">16dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Bottom margin of the floating action button -->
+ <dimen name="floating_action_button_margin_bottom">16dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Height of the selection indicator of a tab. -->
+ <dimen name="tab_selected_underline_height">2dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Size of text in tabs. -->
+ <dimen name="tab_text_size">14sp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="tab_elevation">2dp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="tab_unread_count_background_size">16dp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="tab_unread_count_background_radius">2dp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="tab_unread_count_margin_left">0dp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="tab_unread_count_margin_top">2dp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="tab_unread_count_text_size">12sp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="tab_unread_count_text_padding">2dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Padding around the icon in the search box. -->
+ <dimen name="search_box_icon_margin">4dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Size of the icon (voice search, back arrow) in the search box. -->
+ <dimen name="search_box_icon_size">48dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Size of the close icon.-->
+ <dimen name="search_box_close_icon_size">56dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Padding around the close button. It's visible size without padding is 24dp. -->
+ <dimen name="search_box_close_icon_padding">16dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Padding around back arrow icon in the search box -->
+ <dimen name="search_box_navigation_icon_margin">14dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Left margin of the text field in the search box. -->
+ <dimen name="search_box_text_left_margin">15dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Search box text size -->
+ <dimen name="search_text_size">20sp</dimen>
+ <!-- Top margin for the Frequently Contacted section title -->
+ <dimen name="frequently_contacted_title_top_margin_when_first_row">16dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Top margin for the Frequently Contacted section title, when the title is the first
+ item in the list -->
+ <dimen name="frequently_contacted_title_top_margin">57dp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="frequently_contacted_title_text_size">24sp</dimen>
+ <!-- Size of icon for contacts number shortcuts -->
+ <dimen name="search_shortcut_radius">40dp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="contact_list_card_elevation">2dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Padding used around the periphery of the call subject dialog, as well as in between the
+ items. -->
+ <dimen name="call_subject_dialog_margin">20dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Padding used between lines of text in the call subject dialog. -->
+ <dimen name="call_subject_dialog_between_line_margin">8dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Size of the contact photo in the call subject dialog. -->
+ <dimen name="call_subject_dialog_contact_photo_size">50dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Margin above the edit text in the call subject dialog. -->
+ <dimen name="call_subject_dialog_edit_spacing">60dp</dimen>
+ <!-- Size of primary text in the call subject dialog. -->
+ <dimen name="call_subject_dialog_primary_text_size">16sp</dimen>
+ <!-- Size of secondary text in the call subject dialog. -->
+ <dimen name="call_subject_dialog_secondary_text_size">14sp</dimen>
+ <!-- Row padding for call subject history items. -->
+ <dimen name="call_subject_history_item_padding">15dp</dimen>