path: root/tests
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authorEtan Cohen <>2018-03-02 18:06:37 +0000
committerAndroid (Google) Code Review <>2018-03-02 18:06:37 +0000
commitdccfb68a60f40ea3b760839b2a127b646e410a63 (patch)
treeecbc73519bde1476414e69c5ebe290513f8632f4 /tests
parentc0398ca32d4faf2c50a3446b73f1d82fafacbf84 (diff)
parentf889b032189894962c283b003f9f63fadde4c592 (diff)
Merge "[HDM] Create new TestChip configuration for STA + AP, STA + (NAN||P2P)"
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/wifitests/src/com/android/server/wifi/ b/tests/wifitests/src/com/android/server/wifi/
index 3e3ce4245..fbcbca764 100644
--- a/tests/wifitests/src/com/android/server/wifi/
+++ b/tests/wifitests/src/com/android/server/wifi/
@@ -641,6 +641,44 @@ public class HalDeviceManagerTest {
TestChipV3.CHIP_MODE_ID, false);
+ // TestChipV4
+ /**
+ * Validate creation of STA interface from blank start-up. The remove interface.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testCreateStaInterfaceNoInitModeTestChipV4() throws Exception {
+ runCreateSingleXxxInterfaceNoInitMode(new TestChipV4(), IfaceType.STA, "wlan0",
+ TestChipV4.CHIP_MODE_ID, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validate creation of AP interface from blank start-up. The remove interface.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testCreateApInterfaceNoInitModeTestChipV4() throws Exception {
+ runCreateSingleXxxInterfaceNoInitMode(new TestChipV4(), IfaceType.AP, "wlan0",
+ TestChipV4.CHIP_MODE_ID, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validate creation of P2P interface from blank start-up. The remove interface.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testCreateP2pInterfaceNoInitModeTestChipV4() throws Exception {
+ runCreateSingleXxxInterfaceNoInitMode(new TestChipV4(), IfaceType.P2P, "p2p0",
+ TestChipV4.CHIP_MODE_ID, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validate creation of NAN interface from blank start-up. The remove interface.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testCreateNanInterfaceNoInitModeTestChipV4() throws Exception {
+ runCreateSingleXxxInterfaceNoInitMode(new TestChipV4(), IfaceType.NAN, "wlan0",
+ TestChipV4.CHIP_MODE_ID, false);
+ }
// TestChipV1 Specific Tests
@@ -1665,6 +1703,252 @@ public class HalDeviceManagerTest {
assertEquals(correctResults, results);
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // TestChipV4 Specific Tests
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /**
+ * Validate a flow sequence for test chip 4:
+ * - create STA
+ * - create P2P
+ * - request NAN: failure
+ * - create AP: should tear down P2P first
+ * - create STA: will get refused
+ * - create AP: will get refused
+ * - request P2P: failure
+ * - tear down AP
+ * - create STA: will get refused
+ * - create NAN
+ * - create STA: will get refused
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testInterfaceCreationFlowTestChipV4() throws Exception {
+ TestChipV4 chipMock = new TestChipV4();
+ chipMock.initialize();
+ mInOrder = inOrder(mServiceManagerMock, mWifiMock, chipMock.chip,
+ mManagerStatusListenerMock);
+ executeAndValidateInitializationSequence();
+ executeAndValidateStartupSequence();
+ InterfaceDestroyedListener staDestroyedListener = mock(
+ InterfaceDestroyedListener.class);
+ InterfaceDestroyedListener staDestroyedListener2 = mock(
+ InterfaceDestroyedListener.class);
+ HalDeviceManager.InterfaceAvailableForRequestListener staAvailListener = mock(
+ HalDeviceManager.InterfaceAvailableForRequestListener.class);
+ InterfaceDestroyedListener apDestroyedListener = mock(
+ InterfaceDestroyedListener.class);
+ HalDeviceManager.InterfaceAvailableForRequestListener apAvailListener = mock(
+ HalDeviceManager.InterfaceAvailableForRequestListener.class);
+ InterfaceDestroyedListener p2pDestroyedListener = mock(
+ InterfaceDestroyedListener.class);
+ HalDeviceManager.InterfaceAvailableForRequestListener p2pAvailListener = mock(
+ HalDeviceManager.InterfaceAvailableForRequestListener.class);
+ InterfaceDestroyedListener nanDestroyedListener = mock(
+ InterfaceDestroyedListener.class);
+ HalDeviceManager.InterfaceAvailableForRequestListener nanAvailListener = mock(
+ HalDeviceManager.InterfaceAvailableForRequestListener.class);
+ InOrder inOrderAvail = inOrder(staAvailListener, apAvailListener, p2pAvailListener,
+ nanAvailListener);
+ // register listeners for interface availability
+ mDut.registerInterfaceAvailableForRequestListener(IfaceType.STA, staAvailListener,
+ mHandler);
+ mDut.registerInterfaceAvailableForRequestListener(IfaceType.AP, apAvailListener, mHandler);
+ mDut.registerInterfaceAvailableForRequestListener(IfaceType.P2P, p2pAvailListener,
+ mHandler);
+ mDut.registerInterfaceAvailableForRequestListener(IfaceType.NAN, nanAvailListener,
+ mHandler);
+ mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+ inOrderAvail.verify(staAvailListener).onAvailabilityChanged(true);
+ inOrderAvail.verify(apAvailListener).onAvailabilityChanged(true);
+ inOrderAvail.verify(p2pAvailListener).onAvailabilityChanged(true);
+ inOrderAvail.verify(nanAvailListener).onAvailabilityChanged(true);
+ // create STA
+ when(mClock.getUptimeSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(15L);
+ IWifiIface staIface = validateInterfaceSequence(chipMock,
+ false, // chipModeValid
+ -1000, // chipModeId (only used if chipModeValid is true)
+ IfaceType.STA, // ifaceTypeToCreate
+ "wlan0", // ifaceName
+ TestChipV4.CHIP_MODE_ID, // finalChipMode
+ null, // tearDownList
+ staDestroyedListener, // destroyedListener
+ null // availableListener (already registered)
+ );
+ collector.checkThat("STA interface wasn't created", staIface, IsNull.notNullValue());
+ inOrderAvail.verify(staAvailListener).onAvailabilityChanged(false);
+ // create P2P
+ IWifiIface p2pIface = validateInterfaceSequence(chipMock,
+ true, // chipModeValid
+ TestChipV4.CHIP_MODE_ID, // chipModeId
+ IfaceType.P2P, // ifaceTypeToCreate
+ "p2p0", // ifaceName
+ TestChipV4.CHIP_MODE_ID, // finalChipMode
+ null, // tearDownList
+ p2pDestroyedListener, // destroyedListener
+ null // availableListener (already registered)
+ );
+ collector.checkThat("P2P interface wasn't created", p2pIface, IsNull.notNullValue());
+ inOrderAvail.verify(p2pAvailListener).onAvailabilityChanged(false);
+ inOrderAvail.verify(nanAvailListener).onAvailabilityChanged(false);
+ // request NAN: should fail
+ IWifiIface nanIface = mDut.createNanIface(null, null);
+ collector.checkThat("NAN should not be created", nanIface, IsNull.nullValue());
+ // create AP: will destroy P2P
+ IWifiIface apIface = validateInterfaceSequence(chipMock,
+ true, // chipModeValid
+ TestChipV4.CHIP_MODE_ID, // chipModeId
+ IfaceType.AP, // ifaceTypeToCreate
+ "wlan1", // ifaceName
+ TestChipV4.CHIP_MODE_ID, // finalChipMode
+ null, // tearDownList
+ apDestroyedListener, // destroyedListener
+ null, // availableListener (already registered)
+ new InterfaceDestroyedListenerWithIfaceName("p2p0", p2pDestroyedListener)
+ );
+ collector.checkThat("AP interface wasn't created", apIface, IsNull.notNullValue());
+ verify(chipMock.chip).removeP2pIface("p2p0");
+ inOrderAvail.verify(apAvailListener).onAvailabilityChanged(false);
+ // request STA2: should fail
+ IWifiIface staIface2 = mDut.createStaIface(null, null);
+ collector.checkThat("STA2 should not be created", staIface2, IsNull.nullValue());
+ // request AP2: should fail
+ IWifiIface apIface2 = mDut.createApIface(null, null);
+ collector.checkThat("AP2 should not be created", apIface2, IsNull.nullValue());
+ // request P2P: should fail
+ p2pIface = mDut.createP2pIface(null, null);
+ collector.checkThat("P2P should not be created", p2pIface, IsNull.nullValue());
+ // tear down AP
+ mDut.removeIface(apIface);
+ mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+ inOrderAvail.verify(apAvailListener).onAvailabilityChanged(true);
+ inOrderAvail.verify(p2pAvailListener).onAvailabilityChanged(true);
+ inOrderAvail.verify(nanAvailListener).onAvailabilityChanged(true);
+ verify(chipMock.chip).removeApIface("wlan1");
+ verify(apDestroyedListener).onDestroyed(getName(apIface));
+ // request STA2: should fail
+ staIface2 = mDut.createStaIface(null, null);
+ collector.checkThat("STA2 should not be created", staIface2, IsNull.nullValue());
+ // create NAN
+ nanIface = validateInterfaceSequence(chipMock,
+ true, // chipModeValid
+ TestChipV4.CHIP_MODE_ID, // chipModeId
+ IfaceType.NAN, // ifaceTypeToCreate
+ "wlan0", // ifaceName
+ TestChipV4.CHIP_MODE_ID, // finalChipMode
+ null, // tearDownList
+ nanDestroyedListener, // destroyedListener
+ null // availableListener (already registered)
+ );
+ collector.checkThat("NAN interface wasn't created", nanIface, IsNull.notNullValue());
+ inOrderAvail.verify(nanAvailListener).onAvailabilityChanged(false);
+ // request STA2: should fail
+ staIface2 = mDut.createStaIface(null, null);
+ collector.checkThat("STA2 should not be created", staIface2, IsNull.nullValue());
+ // tear down STA
+ mDut.removeIface(staIface);
+ mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+ inOrderAvail.verify(staAvailListener).onAvailabilityChanged(true);
+ verify(chipMock.chip).removeStaIface("wlan0");
+ verify(staDestroyedListener).onDestroyed(getName(staIface));
+ verifyNoMoreInteractions(mManagerStatusListenerMock, staDestroyedListener,
+ staDestroyedListener2, apDestroyedListener, p2pDestroyedListener,
+ nanDestroyedListener, staAvailListener, apAvailListener, p2pAvailListener,
+ nanAvailListener, staAvailListener, apAvailListener, p2pAvailListener,
+ nanAvailListener);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validate P2P and NAN interactions. Expect:
+ * - STA created
+ * - NAN created
+ * - When P2P requested:
+ * - NAN torn down
+ * - P2P created
+ * - NAN creation refused
+ * - When P2P destroyed:
+ * - get nan available listener
+ * - Can create NAN when requested
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testP2pAndNanInteractionsTestChipV4() throws Exception {
+ runP2pAndNanExclusiveInteractionsTestChip(new TestChipV4(), TestChipV4.CHIP_MODE_ID);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validate that the getSupportedIfaceTypes API works when requesting for all chips.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testGetSupportedIfaceTypesAllTestChipV4() throws Exception {
+ TestChipV4 chipMock = new TestChipV4();
+ chipMock.initialize();
+ mInOrder = inOrder(mServiceManagerMock, mWifiMock, chipMock.chip,
+ mManagerStatusListenerMock);
+ executeAndValidateInitializationSequence();
+ executeAndValidateStartupSequence();
+ // try API
+ Set<Integer> results = mDut.getSupportedIfaceTypes();
+ // verify results
+ Set<Integer> correctResults = new HashSet<>();
+ correctResults.add(IfaceType.AP);
+ correctResults.add(IfaceType.STA);
+ correctResults.add(IfaceType.P2P);
+ correctResults.add(IfaceType.NAN);
+ assertEquals(correctResults, results);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validate that the getSupportedIfaceTypes API works when requesting for a specific chip.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testGetSupportedIfaceTypesOneChipTestChipV4() throws Exception {
+ TestChipV4 chipMock = new TestChipV4();
+ chipMock.initialize();
+ mInOrder = inOrder(mServiceManagerMock, mWifiMock, chipMock.chip,
+ mManagerStatusListenerMock);
+ executeAndValidateInitializationSequence();
+ executeAndValidateStartupSequence();
+ // try API
+ Set<Integer> results = mDut.getSupportedIfaceTypes(chipMock.chip);
+ // verify results
+ Set<Integer> correctResults = new HashSet<>();
+ correctResults.add(IfaceType.AP);
+ correctResults.add(IfaceType.STA);
+ correctResults.add(IfaceType.P2P);
+ correctResults.add(IfaceType.NAN);
+ assertEquals(correctResults, results);
+ }
// utilities
@@ -2305,6 +2589,7 @@ public class HalDeviceManagerTest {
private static final int CHIP_MOCK_V1 = 0;
private static final int CHIP_MOCK_V2 = 1;
private static final int CHIP_MOCK_V3 = 2;
+ private static final int CHIP_MOCK_V4 = 3;
private class ChipMockBase {
public int chipMockId;
@@ -2557,4 +2842,73 @@ public class HalDeviceManagerTest {
+ // test chip configuration V4:
+ // mode:
+ // STA + AP
+ // STA + (NAN || P2P)
+ private class TestChipV4 extends ChipMockBase {
+ // only mode (different number from any in other TestChips so can catch test errors)
+ static final int CHIP_MODE_ID = 15;
+ void initialize() throws Exception {
+ super.initialize();
+ chipMockId = CHIP_MOCK_V4;
+ // chip Id configuration
+ ArrayList<Integer> chipIds;
+ chipId = 23;
+ chipIds = new ArrayList<>();
+ chipIds.add(chipId);
+ doAnswer(new GetChipIdsAnswer(mStatusOk, chipIds)).when(mWifiMock).getChipIds(
+ any(IWifi.getChipIdsCallback.class));
+ doAnswer(new GetChipAnswer(mStatusOk, chip)).when(mWifiMock).getChip(eq(23),
+ any(IWifi.getChipCallback.class));
+ // initialize dummy chip modes
+ IWifiChip.ChipMode cm;
+ IWifiChip.ChipIfaceCombination cic;
+ IWifiChip.ChipIfaceCombinationLimit cicl;
+ // Mode 0 (only one): 1xSTA + 1xAP, 1xSTA + 1x{P2P,NAN}
+ availableModes = new ArrayList<>();
+ cm = new IWifiChip.ChipMode();
+ cic = new IWifiChip.ChipIfaceCombination();
+ cicl = new IWifiChip.ChipIfaceCombinationLimit();
+ cicl.maxIfaces = 1;
+ cicl.types.add(IfaceType.STA);
+ cic.limits.add(cicl);
+ cicl = new IWifiChip.ChipIfaceCombinationLimit();
+ cicl.maxIfaces = 1;
+ cicl.types.add(IfaceType.AP);
+ cic.limits.add(cicl);
+ cm.availableCombinations.add(cic);
+ cic = new IWifiChip.ChipIfaceCombination();
+ cicl = new IWifiChip.ChipIfaceCombinationLimit();
+ cicl.maxIfaces = 1;
+ cicl.types.add(IfaceType.STA);
+ cic.limits.add(cicl);
+ cicl = new IWifiChip.ChipIfaceCombinationLimit();
+ cicl.maxIfaces = 1;
+ cicl.types.add(IfaceType.P2P);
+ cicl.types.add(IfaceType.NAN);
+ cic.limits.add(cicl);
+ cm.availableCombinations.add(cic);
+ availableModes.add(cm);
+ doAnswer(new GetAvailableModesAnswer(this)).when(chip)
+ .getAvailableModes(any(IWifiChip.getAvailableModesCallback.class));
+ }
+ }