path: root/tests
diff options
authorRoshan Pius <>2016-08-29 09:19:04 -0700
committerRoshan Pius <>2016-09-02 13:07:57 -0700
commit01d42ec8106d27cd6ff47101dd6020c4a39e5226 (patch)
treeb15c6de71881e81727c12dbf1c706a4edcddc37a /tests
parent23571215e97f2ead59c36f16d4d5822cbd64709d (diff)
Remove old WifiConfigManager class and tests
This will be replaced with the new class in following CL's. BUG: 31009287 TEST: Unit tests TEST: Integrated with WSM and verified wifi connectivity. Change-Id: I58b9ad84ec989af305f5ce9a4e42b9dc2e61e890
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1702 deletions
diff --git a/tests/wifitests/src/com/android/server/wifi/ b/tests/wifitests/src/com/android/server/wifi/
deleted file mode 100644
index fd1d66d2d..000000000
--- a/tests/wifitests/src/com/android/server/wifi/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1702 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License
- */
-import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.not;
-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
-import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.os.Process;
-import android.os.UserHandle;
-import android.os.UserManager;
-import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
-import android.text.TextUtils;
-import android.util.Log;
-import android.util.SparseArray;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.mockito.Mock;
-import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.ArrayDeque;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.BitSet;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Random;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.TreeMap;
- * Unit tests for {@link}.
- */
-public class WifiConfigManagerTest {
- private static final List<WifiConfiguration> CONFIGS = Arrays.asList(
- WifiConfigurationTestUtil.generateWifiConfig(
- 0, 1000000, "\"red\"", true, true, null, null),
- WifiConfigurationTestUtil.generateWifiConfig(
- 1, 1000001, "\"green\"", true, true, "", "Green"),
- WifiConfigurationTestUtil.generateWifiConfig(
- 2, 1100000, "\"blue\"", false, true, "", "Blue"),
- WifiConfigurationTestUtil.generateWifiConfig(
- 3, 1200000, "\"cyan\"", false, true, null, null));
- private static final int[] USER_IDS = {0, 10, 11};
- private static final int MANAGED_PROFILE_USER_ID = 12;
- private static final int MANAGED_PROFILE_PARENT_USER_ID = 0;
- private static final SparseArray<List<UserInfo>> USER_PROFILES = new SparseArray<>();
- static {
- USER_PROFILES.put(0, Arrays.asList(new UserInfo(0, "Owner", 0),
- new UserInfo(12, "Managed Profile", 0)));
- USER_PROFILES.put(10, Arrays.asList(new UserInfo(10, "Alice", 0)));
- USER_PROFILES.put(11, Arrays.asList(new UserInfo(11, "Bob", 0)));
- }
- private static final Map<Integer, List<WifiConfiguration>> VISIBLE_CONFIGS = new HashMap<>();
- static {
- for (int userId : USER_IDS) {
- List<WifiConfiguration> configs = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < CONFIGS.size(); ++i) {
- if (WifiConfigurationUtil.isVisibleToAnyProfile(CONFIGS.get(i),
- USER_PROFILES.get(userId))) {
- configs.add(CONFIGS.get(i));
- }
- }
- VISIBLE_CONFIGS.put(userId, configs);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Set of WifiConfigs for HasEverConnected tests.
- */
- private static final int HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_USER = 20;
- private static final WifiConfiguration BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG =
- WifiConfigurationTestUtil.generateWifiConfig(
- 0, HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_USER, "testHasEverConnected", false, true, null, null, 0);
- public static final String TAG = "WifiConfigManagerTest";
- @Mock private Context mContext;
- @Mock private WifiNative mWifiNative;
- @Mock private FrameworkFacade mFrameworkFacade;
- @Mock private UserManager mUserManager;
- @Mock private DelayedDiskWrite mWriter;
- @Mock private PasspointManagementObjectManager mMOManager;
- @Mock private Clock mClock;
- private WifiConfigManager mWifiConfigManager;
- private ConfigurationMap mConfiguredNetworks;
- public byte[] mNetworkHistoryBytes;
- private MockKeyStore mMockKeyStore;
- private KeyStore mKeyStore;
- /**
- * Called before each test
- */
- @Before
- public void setUp() throws Exception {
- MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
- final Context realContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getContext();
- when(mContext.getPackageName()).thenReturn(realContext.getPackageName());
- when(mContext.getResources()).thenReturn(realContext.getResources());
- when(mContext.getPackageManager()).thenReturn(realContext.getPackageManager());
- when(mUserManager.getProfiles(UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM))
- .thenReturn(USER_PROFILES.get(UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM));
- for (int userId : USER_IDS) {
- when(mUserManager.getProfiles(userId)).thenReturn(USER_PROFILES.get(userId));
- }
- mMockKeyStore = new MockKeyStore();
- mWifiConfigManager = new WifiConfigManager(mContext, mWifiNative, mFrameworkFacade, mClock,
- mUserManager, mMockKeyStore.createMock());
- final Field configuredNetworksField =
- WifiConfigManager.class.getDeclaredField("mConfiguredNetworks");
- configuredNetworksField.setAccessible(true);
- mConfiguredNetworks = (ConfigurationMap) configuredNetworksField.get(mWifiConfigManager);
- // Intercept writes to networkHistory.txt.
- doAnswer(new AnswerWithArguments() {
- public void answer(String filePath, DelayedDiskWrite.Writer writer) throws Exception {
- final ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- final DataOutputStream stream = new DataOutputStream(buffer);
- writer.onWriteCalled(stream);
- stream.close();
- mNetworkHistoryBytes = buffer.toByteArray();
- }}).when(mWriter).write(anyString(), (DelayedDiskWrite.Writer) anyObject());
- final Field writerField = WifiConfigManager.class.getDeclaredField("mWriter");
- writerField.setAccessible(true);
- writerField.set(mWifiConfigManager, mWriter);
- final Field networkHistoryField =
- WifiConfigManager.class.getDeclaredField("mWifiNetworkHistory");
- networkHistoryField.setAccessible(true);
- WifiNetworkHistory wifiNetworkHistory =
- (WifiNetworkHistory) networkHistoryField.get(mWifiConfigManager);
- final Field networkHistoryWriterField =
- WifiNetworkHistory.class.getDeclaredField("mWriter");
- networkHistoryWriterField.setAccessible(true);
- networkHistoryWriterField.set(wifiNetworkHistory, mWriter);
- when(mMOManager.isEnabled()).thenReturn(true);
- final Field moManagerField = WifiConfigManager.class.getDeclaredField("mMOManager");
- moManagerField.setAccessible(true);
- moManagerField.set(mWifiConfigManager, mMOManager);
- }
- private void switchUser(int newUserId) {
- when(mUserManager.getProfiles(newUserId))
- .thenReturn(USER_PROFILES.get(newUserId));
- mWifiConfigManager.handleUserSwitch(newUserId);
- }
- private void switchUserToCreatorOrParentOf(WifiConfiguration config) {
- final int creatorUserId = UserHandle.getUserId(config.creatorUid);
- if (creatorUserId == MANAGED_PROFILE_USER_ID) {
- } else {
- switchUser(creatorUserId);
- }
- }
- private void addNetworks() throws Exception {
- for (int i = 0; i < CONFIGS.size(); ++i) {
- assertEquals(i, CONFIGS.get(i).networkId);
- addNetwork(CONFIGS.get(i));
- }
- }
- private void addNetwork(WifiConfiguration config) throws Exception {
- final int originalUserId = mWifiConfigManager.getCurrentUserId();
- when(mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(anyInt(), anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(true);
- when(mWifiNative.setNetworkExtra(anyInt(), anyString(), (Map<String, String>) anyObject()))
- .thenReturn(true);
- switchUserToCreatorOrParentOf(config);
- final WifiConfiguration configCopy = new WifiConfiguration(config);
- int networkId = config.networkId;
- config.networkId = -1;
- when(mWifiNative.addNetwork()).thenReturn(networkId);
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(networkId, WifiConfiguration.ssidVarName))
- .thenReturn(encodeConfigSSID(config));
- mWifiConfigManager.saveNetwork(config, configCopy.creatorUid);
- switchUser(originalUserId);
- }
- private String encodeConfigSSID(WifiConfiguration config) throws Exception {
- return new BigInteger(1, config.SSID.substring(1, config.SSID.length() - 1)
- .getBytes("UTF-8")).toString(16);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that getConfiguredNetworksSize() returns the number of network configurations
- * visible to the current user.
- */
- @Test
- public void testGetConfiguredNetworksSize() throws Exception {
- addNetworks();
- for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<WifiConfiguration>> entry : VISIBLE_CONFIGS.entrySet()) {
- switchUser(entry.getKey());
- assertEquals(entry.getValue().size(), mWifiConfigManager.getConfiguredNetworksSize());
- }
- }
- private void verifyNetworkConfig(WifiConfiguration expectedConfig,
- WifiConfiguration actualConfig) {
- assertNotNull(actualConfig);
- assertEquals(expectedConfig.SSID, actualConfig.SSID);
- assertEquals(expectedConfig.FQDN, actualConfig.FQDN);
- assertEquals(expectedConfig.providerFriendlyName,
- actualConfig.providerFriendlyName);
- assertEquals(expectedConfig.configKey(), actualConfig.configKey(false));
- }
- private void verifyNetworkConfigs(Collection<WifiConfiguration> expectedConfigs,
- Collection<WifiConfiguration> actualConfigs) {
- assertEquals(expectedConfigs.size(), actualConfigs.size());
- for (WifiConfiguration expectedConfig : expectedConfigs) {
- WifiConfiguration actualConfig = null;
- // Find the network configuration to test (assume that |actualConfigs| contains them in
- // undefined order).
- for (final WifiConfiguration candidate : actualConfigs) {
- if (candidate.networkId == expectedConfig.networkId) {
- actualConfig = candidate;
- break;
- }
- }
- verifyNetworkConfig(expectedConfig, actualConfig);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that getConfiguredNetworksSize() returns the network configurations visible to the
- * current user.
- */
- @Test
- public void testGetConfiguredNetworks() throws Exception {
- addNetworks();
- for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<WifiConfiguration>> entry : VISIBLE_CONFIGS.entrySet()) {
- switchUser(entry.getKey());
- verifyNetworkConfigs(entry.getValue(), mWifiConfigManager.getSavedNetworks());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that getPrivilegedConfiguredNetworks() returns the network configurations visible to
- * the current user.
- */
- @Test
- public void testGetPrivilegedConfiguredNetworks() throws Exception {
- addNetworks();
- for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<WifiConfiguration>> entry : VISIBLE_CONFIGS.entrySet()) {
- switchUser(entry.getKey());
- verifyNetworkConfigs(entry.getValue(),
- mWifiConfigManager.getPrivilegedSavedNetworks());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that getWifiConfiguration(int netId) can be used to access network configurations
- * visible to the current user only.
- */
- @Test
- public void testGetWifiConfigurationByNetworkId() throws Exception {
- addNetworks();
- for (int userId : USER_IDS) {
- switchUser(userId);
- for (WifiConfiguration expectedConfig: CONFIGS) {
- final WifiConfiguration actualConfig =
- mWifiConfigManager.getWifiConfiguration(expectedConfig.networkId);
- if (WifiConfigurationUtil.isVisibleToAnyProfile(expectedConfig,
- USER_PROFILES.get(userId))) {
- verifyNetworkConfig(expectedConfig, actualConfig);
- } else {
- assertNull(actualConfig);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that getWifiConfiguration(String key) can be used to access network configurations
- * visible to the current user only.
- */
- @Test
- public void testGetWifiConfigurationByConfigKey() throws Exception {
- addNetworks();
- for (int userId : USER_IDS) {
- switchUser(userId);
- for (WifiConfiguration expectedConfig: CONFIGS) {
- final WifiConfiguration actualConfig =
- mWifiConfigManager.getWifiConfiguration(expectedConfig.configKey());
- if (WifiConfigurationUtil.isVisibleToAnyProfile(expectedConfig,
- USER_PROFILES.get(userId))) {
- verifyNetworkConfig(expectedConfig, actualConfig);
- } else {
- assertNull(actualConfig);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that enableAllNetworks() enables all temporarily disabled network configurations
- * visible to the current user.
- */
- @Test
- public void testEnableAllNetworks() throws Exception {
- addNetworks();
- for (int userId : USER_IDS) {
- switchUser(userId);
- for (WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForAllUsers()) {
- final WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus status =
- config.getNetworkSelectionStatus();
- status.setNetworkSelectionStatus(WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus
- status.setNetworkSelectionDisableReason(
- WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.DISABLED_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE);
- status.setDisableTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - 60 * 60 * 1000);
- }
- mWifiConfigManager.enableAllNetworks();
- for (WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForAllUsers()) {
- assertEquals(WifiConfigurationUtil.isVisibleToAnyProfile(config,
- USER_PROFILES.get(userId)),
- config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().isNetworkEnabled());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that selectNetwork() disables all network configurations visible to the current user
- * except the selected one.
- */
- @Test
- public void testSelectNetwork() throws Exception {
- addNetworks();
- for (int userId : USER_IDS) {
- switchUser(userId);
- for (WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForAllUsers()) {
- // Enable all network configurations.
- for (WifiConfiguration config2 : mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForAllUsers()) {
- config2.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED;
- }
- // Try to select a network configuration.
- reset(mWifiNative);
- when(mWifiNative.selectNetwork(config.networkId)).thenReturn(true);
- final boolean success =
- mWifiConfigManager.selectNetwork(config, false, config.creatorUid);
- if (!WifiConfigurationUtil.isVisibleToAnyProfile(config,
- USER_PROFILES.get(userId))) {
- // If the network configuration is not visible to the current user, verify that
- // nothing changed.
- assertFalse(success);
- verify(mWifiNative, never()).selectNetwork(anyInt());
- verify(mWifiNative, never()).enableNetwork(anyInt());
- for (WifiConfiguration config2 : mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForAllUsers()) {
- assertEquals(WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED, config2.status);
- }
- } else {
- // If the network configuration is visible to the current user, verify that
- // a connection attempt was made to it. This does not modify the status of
- // other networks.
- assertTrue(success);
- verify(mWifiNative).selectNetwork(config.networkId);
- verify(mWifiNative, never()).selectNetwork(intThat(not(config.networkId)));
- verify(mWifiNative, never()).enableNetwork(config.networkId);
- verify(mWifiNative, never()).enableNetwork(intThat(not(config.networkId)));
- assertEquals(WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED, config.status);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that saveNetwork() correctly stores a network configuration in wpa_supplicant
- * variables and the networkHistory.txt file.
- * TODO: Test all variables. Currently, only the following variables are tested:
- * - In the wpa_supplicant: "ssid", "id_str"
- * - In networkHistory.txt: "CONFIG", "CREATOR_UID_KEY", "SHARED"
- */
- private void verifySaveNetwork(int network) throws Exception {
- // Switch to the correct user.
- switchUserToCreatorOrParentOf(CONFIGS.get(network));
- // Set up wpa_supplicant.
- when(mWifiNative.addNetwork()).thenReturn(0);
- when(mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(eq(network), anyString(), anyString()))
- .thenReturn(true);
- when(mWifiNative.setNetworkExtra(eq(network), anyString(),
- (Map<String, String>) anyObject())).thenReturn(true);
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(network, WifiConfiguration.ssidVarName))
- .thenReturn(encodeConfigSSID(CONFIGS.get(network)));
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(network, WifiConfiguration.pmfVarName))
- .thenReturn("");
- // Store a network configuration.
- mWifiConfigManager.saveNetwork(CONFIGS.get(network), CONFIGS.get(network).creatorUid);
- // Verify that wpa_supplicant variables were written correctly for the network
- // configuration.
- final Map<String, String> metadata = new HashMap<String, String>();
- if (CONFIGS.get(network).FQDN != null) {
- metadata.put(WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_KEY_FQDN, CONFIGS.get(network).FQDN);
- }
- metadata.put(
- WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_KEY_CONFIG_KEY, CONFIGS.get(network).configKey());
- metadata.put(WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_KEY_CREATOR_UID,
- Integer.toString(CONFIGS.get(network).creatorUid));
- verify(mWifiNative).setNetworkExtra(network, WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_VAR_NAME,
- metadata);
- // Verify that an attempt to read back the requirePMF variable was made.
- verify(mWifiNative).getNetworkVariable(network, WifiConfiguration.pmfVarName);
- // Verify that no wpa_supplicant variables were read or written for any other network
- // configurations.
- verify(mWifiNative, never()).setNetworkExtra(intThat(not(network)), anyString(),
- (Map<String, String>) anyObject());
- verify(mWifiNative, never()).setNetworkVariable(intThat(not(network)), anyString(),
- anyString());
- verify(mWifiNative, never()).getNetworkVariable(intThat(not(network)), anyString());
- // Parse networkHistory.txt.
- assertNotNull(mNetworkHistoryBytes);
- final DataInputStream stream =
- new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(mNetworkHistoryBytes));
- List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
- try {
- while (true) {
- final String[] tokens = stream.readUTF().split(":", 2);
- if (tokens.length == 2) {
- keys.add(tokens[0].trim());
- values.add(tokens[1].trim());
- }
- }
- } catch (EOFException e) {
- // Ignore. This is expected.
- }
- // Verify that a networkHistory.txt entry was written correctly for the network
- // configuration.
- assertTrue(keys.size() >= 3);
- assertEquals(WifiNetworkHistory.CONFIG_KEY, keys.get(0));
- assertEquals(CONFIGS.get(network).configKey(), values.get(0));
- final int creatorUidIndex = keys.indexOf(WifiNetworkHistory.CREATOR_UID_KEY);
- assertTrue(creatorUidIndex != -1);
- assertEquals(Integer.toString(CONFIGS.get(network).creatorUid),
- values.get(creatorUidIndex));
- final int sharedIndex = keys.indexOf(WifiNetworkHistory.SHARED_KEY);
- assertTrue(sharedIndex != -1);
- assertEquals(Boolean.toString(CONFIGS.get(network).shared), values.get(sharedIndex));
- // Verify that no networkHistory.txt entries were written for any other network
- // configurations.
- final int lastConfigIndex = keys.lastIndexOf(WifiNetworkHistory.CONFIG_KEY);
- assertEquals(0, lastConfigIndex);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that saveNetwork() correctly stores a regular network configuration.
- */
- @Test
- public void testSaveNetworkRegular() throws Exception {
- verifySaveNetwork(0);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that saveNetwork() correctly stores a HotSpot 2.0 network configuration.
- */
- @Test
- public void testSaveNetworkHotspot20() throws Exception {
- verifySaveNetwork(1);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that saveNetwork() correctly stores a private network configuration.
- */
- @Test
- public void testSaveNetworkPrivate() throws Exception {
- verifySaveNetwork(2);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that loadConfiguredNetworks() correctly reads data from the wpa_supplicant, the
- * networkHistory.txt file and the MOManager, correlating the three sources based on the
- * configKey and the FQDN for HotSpot 2.0 networks.
- * TODO: Test all variables. Currently, only the following variables are tested:
- * - In the wpa_supplicant: "ssid", "id_str"
- * - In networkHistory.txt: "CONFIG", "CREATOR_UID_KEY", "SHARED"
- */
- @Test
- public void testLoadConfiguredNetworks() throws Exception {
- // Set up list of network configurations returned by wpa_supplicant.
- final String header = "network id / ssid / bssid / flags";
- String networks = header;
- for (WifiConfiguration config : CONFIGS) {
- networks += "\n" + Integer.toString(config.networkId) + "\t" + config.SSID + "\tany";
- }
- when(mWifiNative.listNetworks(anyInt())).thenReturn(header);
- when(mWifiNative.listNetworks(-1)).thenReturn(networks);
- // Set up variables returned by wpa_supplicant for the individual network configurations.
- for (int i = 0; i < CONFIGS.size(); ++i) {
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(i, WifiConfiguration.ssidVarName))
- .thenReturn(encodeConfigSSID(CONFIGS.get(i)));
- }
- // Legacy regular network configuration: No "id_str".
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkExtra(0, WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_VAR_NAME))
- .thenReturn(null);
- // Legacy Hotspot 2.0 network configuration: Quoted FQDN in "id_str".
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkExtra(1, WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_VAR_NAME))
- .thenReturn(null);
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(1, WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_VAR_NAME))
- .thenReturn('"' + CONFIGS.get(1).FQDN + '"');
- // Up-to-date Hotspot 2.0 network configuration: Metadata in "id_str".
- Map<String, String> metadata = new HashMap<String, String>();
- metadata.put(WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_KEY_CONFIG_KEY, CONFIGS.get(2).configKey());
- metadata.put(WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_KEY_CREATOR_UID,
- Integer.toString(CONFIGS.get(2).creatorUid));
- metadata.put(WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_KEY_FQDN, CONFIGS.get(2).FQDN);
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkExtra(2, WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_VAR_NAME))
- .thenReturn(metadata);
- // Up-to-date regular network configuration: Metadata in "id_str".
- metadata = new HashMap<String, String>();
- metadata.put(WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_KEY_CONFIG_KEY, CONFIGS.get(3).configKey());
- metadata.put(WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_KEY_CREATOR_UID,
- Integer.toString(CONFIGS.get(3).creatorUid));
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkExtra(3, WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_VAR_NAME))
- .thenReturn(metadata);
- // Set up networkHistory.txt file.
- final File file = File.createTempFile("networkHistory.txt", null);
- file.deleteOnExit();
- Field wifiNetworkHistoryConfigFile =
- WifiNetworkHistory.class.getDeclaredField("NETWORK_HISTORY_CONFIG_FILE");
- wifiNetworkHistoryConfigFile.setAccessible(true);
- wifiNetworkHistoryConfigFile.set(null, file.getAbsolutePath());
- final DataOutputStream stream = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
- for (WifiConfiguration config : CONFIGS) {
- stream.writeUTF(WifiNetworkHistory.CONFIG_KEY + ": " + config.configKey() + '\n');
- stream.writeUTF(WifiNetworkHistory.CREATOR_UID_KEY + ": "
- + Integer.toString(config.creatorUid) + '\n');
- stream.writeUTF(WifiNetworkHistory.SHARED_KEY + ": "
- + Boolean.toString(config.shared) + '\n');
- }
- stream.close();
- // Set up list of home service providers returned by MOManager.
- final List<HomeSP> homeSPs = new ArrayList<HomeSP>();
- for (WifiConfiguration config : CONFIGS) {
- if (config.FQDN != null) {
- homeSPs.add(new HomeSP(null, config.FQDN, new HashSet<Long>(),
- new HashSet<String>(),
- new HashSet<Long>(), new ArrayList<Long>(),
- config.providerFriendlyName, null,
- new Credential(0, 0, null, false, null, null),
- null, 0, null, null, null, 0));
- }
- }
- when(mMOManager.loadAllSPs()).thenReturn(homeSPs);
- // Load network configurations.
- mWifiConfigManager.loadConfiguredNetworks();
- // Verify that network configurations were loaded and correlated correctly across the three
- // sources.
- verifyNetworkConfigs(CONFIGS, mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForAllUsers());
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that loadConfiguredNetworks() correctly handles duplicates when reading network
- * configurations from the wpa_supplicant: The second configuration overwrites the first.
- */
- @Test
- public void testLoadConfiguredNetworksEliminatesDuplicates() throws Exception {
- final WifiConfiguration config = new WifiConfiguration(CONFIGS.get(0));
- config.networkId = 1;
- // Set up list of network configurations returned by wpa_supplicant. The two configurations
- // are identical except for their network IDs.
- final String header = "network id / ssid / bssid / flags";
- final String networks =
- header + "\n0\t" + config.SSID + "\tany\n1\t" + config.SSID + "\tany";
- when(mWifiNative.listNetworks(anyInt())).thenReturn(header);
- when(mWifiNative.listNetworks(-1)).thenReturn(networks);
- // Set up variables returned by wpa_supplicant.
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(anyInt(), eq(WifiConfiguration.ssidVarName)))
- .thenReturn(encodeConfigSSID(config));
- final Map<String, String> metadata = new HashMap<String, String>();
- metadata.put(WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_KEY_CONFIG_KEY, config.configKey());
- metadata.put(WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_KEY_CREATOR_UID,
- Integer.toString(config.creatorUid));
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkExtra(anyInt(), eq(WifiSupplicantControl.ID_STRING_VAR_NAME)))
- .thenReturn(metadata);
- // Load network configurations.
- mWifiConfigManager.loadConfiguredNetworks();
- // Verify that the second network configuration (network ID 1) overwrote the first (network
- // ID 0).
- verifyNetworkConfigs(Arrays.asList(config), mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForAllUsers());
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that handleUserSwitch() removes ephemeral network configurations, disables network
- * configurations that should no longer be visible and enables network configurations that
- * should become visible.
- */
- private void verifyHandleUserSwitch(int oldUserId, int newUserId,
- boolean makeOneConfigEphemeral) throws Exception {
- addNetworks();
- switchUser(oldUserId);
- reset(mWifiNative);
- final Field lastSelectedConfigurationField =
- WifiConfigManager.class.getDeclaredField("mLastSelectedConfiguration");
- lastSelectedConfigurationField.setAccessible(true);
- WifiConfiguration removedEphemeralConfig = null;
- final Set<WifiConfiguration> oldUserOnlyConfigs = new HashSet<>();
- final Set<WifiConfiguration> newUserOnlyConfigs = new HashSet<>();
- final Set<WifiConfiguration> neitherUserConfigs = new HashSet<>();
- final Collection<WifiConfiguration> oldConfigs = mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForAllUsers();
- int expectedNumberOfConfigs = oldConfigs.size();
- for (WifiConfiguration config : oldConfigs) {
- if (WifiConfigurationUtil.isVisibleToAnyProfile(config, USER_PROFILES.get(oldUserId))) {
- config.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED;
- if (WifiConfigurationUtil.isVisibleToAnyProfile(config,
- USER_PROFILES.get(newUserId))) {
- if (makeOneConfigEphemeral && removedEphemeralConfig == null) {
- config.ephemeral = true;
- lastSelectedConfigurationField.set(mWifiConfigManager, config.configKey());
- removedEphemeralConfig = config;
- }
- } else {
- oldUserOnlyConfigs.add(config);
- }
- } else {
- config.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.DISABLED;
- if (WifiConfigurationUtil.isVisibleToAnyProfile(config,
- USER_PROFILES.get(newUserId))) {
- newUserOnlyConfigs.add(config);
- } else {
- neitherUserConfigs.add(config);
- }
- }
- }
- when(mWifiNative.disableNetwork(anyInt())).thenReturn(true);
- when(mWifiNative.removeNetwork(anyInt())).thenReturn(true);
- switchUser(newUserId);
- if (makeOneConfigEphemeral) {
- // Verify that the ephemeral network configuration was removed.
- assertNotNull(removedEphemeralConfig);
- assertNull(mConfiguredNetworks.getForAllUsers(removedEphemeralConfig.networkId));
- assertNull(lastSelectedConfigurationField.get(mWifiConfigManager));
- verify(mWifiNative).removeNetwork(removedEphemeralConfig.networkId);
- --expectedNumberOfConfigs;
- } else {
- assertNull(removedEphemeralConfig);
- }
- // Verify that the other network configurations were revealed/hidden and enabled/disabled as
- // appropriate.
- final Collection<WifiConfiguration> newConfigs = mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForAllUsers();
- assertEquals(expectedNumberOfConfigs, newConfigs.size());
- for (WifiConfiguration config : newConfigs) {
- if (oldUserOnlyConfigs.contains(config)) {
- verify(mWifiNative).disableNetwork(config.networkId);
- assertNetworkStatus(
- config,
- WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.DISABLED_DUE_TO_USER_SWITCH);
- } else {
- verify(mWifiNative, never()).disableNetwork(config.networkId);
- if (neitherUserConfigs.contains(config)) {
- assertNetworkStatus(
- config,
- WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.DISABLED_DUE_TO_USER_SWITCH);
- } else {
- assertNetworkStatus(
- config,
- WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLE);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that handleUserSwitch() behaves correctly when the user switch removes an ephemeral
- * network configuration and reveals a private network configuration.
- */
- @Test
- public void testHandleUserSwitchWithEphemeral() throws Exception {
- verifyHandleUserSwitch(USER_IDS[2], USER_IDS[0], true);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that handleUserSwitch() behaves correctly when the user switch hides a private
- * network configuration.
- */
- @Test
- public void testHandleUserSwitchWithoutEphemeral() throws Exception {
- verifyHandleUserSwitch(USER_IDS[0], USER_IDS[2], false);
- }
- @Test
- public void testSaveLoadEapNetworks() {
- testSaveLoadSingleEapNetwork("eap network", new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS)
- .setPhase2(Phase2.MSCHAPV2)
- .setIdentity("username", "password")
- .setCaCerts(new X509Certificate[] {FakeKeys.CA_CERT0}));
- testSaveLoadSingleEapNetwork("eap network", new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS)
- .setPhase2(Phase2.MSCHAPV2)
- .setIdentity("username", "password")
- .setCaCerts(new X509Certificate[] {FakeKeys.CA_CERT1, FakeKeys.CA_CERT0}));
- }
- private void testSaveLoadSingleEapNetwork(String ssid, EnterpriseConfig eapConfig) {
- final HashMap<String, String> networkVariables = new HashMap<String, String>();
- reset(mWifiNative);
- when(mWifiNative.addNetwork()).thenReturn(0);
- when(mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(anyInt(), anyString(), anyString())).thenAnswer(
- new AnswerWithArguments() {
- public boolean answer(int netId, String name, String value) {
- // Verify that no wpa_supplicant variables were written for any other
- // network configurations.
- assertEquals(netId, 0);
- networkVariables.put(name, value);
- return true;
- }
- });
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(anyInt(), anyString())).then(
- new AnswerWithArguments() {
- public String answer(int netId, String name) {
- // Verify that no wpa_supplicant variables were read for any other
- // network configurations.
- assertEquals(netId, 0);
- return networkVariables.get(name);
- }
- });
- when(mWifiNative.setNetworkExtra(eq(0), anyString(), (Map<String, String>) anyObject()))
- .thenReturn(true);
- WifiConfiguration config = new WifiConfiguration();
- config.SSID = ssid;
- config.creatorUid = Process.WIFI_UID;
- config.allowedKeyManagement.set(KeyMgmt.WPA_EAP);
- config.enterpriseConfig = eapConfig.enterpriseConfig;
- // Store a network configuration.
- mWifiConfigManager.saveNetwork(config, Process.WIFI_UID);
- // Verify that wpa_supplicant variables were written correctly for the network
- // configuration.
- verify(mWifiNative).addNetwork();
- assertEquals(eapConfig.eap,
- unquote(networkVariables.get(WifiEnterpriseConfig.EAP_KEY)));
- assertEquals(eapConfig.phase2,
- unquote(networkVariables.get(WifiEnterpriseConfig.PHASE2_KEY)));
- assertEquals(eapConfig.identity,
- unquote(networkVariables.get(WifiEnterpriseConfig.IDENTITY_KEY)));
- assertEquals(eapConfig.password,
- unquote(networkVariables.get(WifiEnterpriseConfig.PASSWORD_KEY)));
- assertSavedCaCerts(eapConfig,
- unquote(networkVariables.get(WifiEnterpriseConfig.CA_CERT_KEY)));
- // Prepare the scan result.
- final String header = "network id / ssid / bssid / flags";
- String networks = header + "\n" + Integer.toString(0) + "\t" + ssid + "\tany";
- when(mWifiNative.listNetworks(anyInt())).thenReturn(header);
- when(mWifiNative.listNetworks(-1)).thenReturn(networks);
- // Load back the configuration.
- mWifiConfigManager.loadConfiguredNetworks();
- List<WifiConfiguration> configs = mWifiConfigManager.getSavedNetworks();
- assertEquals(1, configs.size());
- WifiConfiguration loadedConfig = configs.get(0);
- assertEquals(ssid, unquote(loadedConfig.SSID));
- BitSet keyMgmt = new BitSet();
- keyMgmt.set(KeyMgmt.WPA_EAP);
- assertEquals(keyMgmt, loadedConfig.allowedKeyManagement);
- assertEquals(eapConfig.enterpriseConfig.getEapMethod(),
- loadedConfig.enterpriseConfig.getEapMethod());
- assertEquals(eapConfig.enterpriseConfig.getPhase2Method(),
- loadedConfig.enterpriseConfig.getPhase2Method());
- assertEquals(eapConfig.enterpriseConfig.getIdentity(),
- loadedConfig.enterpriseConfig.getIdentity());
- assertEquals(eapConfig.enterpriseConfig.getPassword(),
- loadedConfig.enterpriseConfig.getPassword());
- asserCaCertsAliasesMatch(eapConfig.caCerts,
- loadedConfig.enterpriseConfig.getCaCertificateAliases());
- }
- private String unquote(String value) {
- if (value == null) {
- return null;
- }
- int length = value.length();
- if ((length > 1) && (value.charAt(0) == '"')
- && (value.charAt(length - 1) == '"')) {
- return value.substring(1, length - 1);
- } else {
- return value;
- }
- }
- private void asserCaCertsAliasesMatch(X509Certificate[] certs, String[] aliases) {
- assertEquals(certs.length, aliases.length);
- List<String> aliasList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(aliases));
- try {
- for (int i = 0; i < certs.length; i++) {
- byte[] certPem = Credentials.convertToPem(certs[i]);
- boolean found = false;
- for (int j = 0; j < aliasList.size(); j++) {
- byte[] keystoreCert = mMockKeyStore.getKeyBlob(Process.WIFI_UID,
- Credentials.CA_CERTIFICATE + aliasList.get(j)).blob;
- if (Arrays.equals(keystoreCert, certPem)) {
- found = true;
- aliasList.remove(j);
- break;
- }
- }
- assertTrue(found);
- }
- } catch (CertificateEncodingException | IOException e) {
- fail("Cannot convert CA certificate to encoded form.");
- }
- }
- private void assertSavedCaCerts(EnterpriseConfig eapConfig, String caCertVariable) {
- ArrayList<String> aliases = new ArrayList<String>();
- if (TextUtils.isEmpty(caCertVariable)) {
- // Do nothing.
- } else if (caCertVariable.startsWith(WifiEnterpriseConfig.CA_CERT_PREFIX)) {
- aliases.add(caCertVariable.substring(WifiEnterpriseConfig.CA_CERT_PREFIX.length()));
- } else if (caCertVariable.startsWith(WifiEnterpriseConfig.KEYSTORES_URI)) {
- String[] encodedAliases = TextUtils.split(
- caCertVariable.substring(WifiEnterpriseConfig.KEYSTORES_URI.length()),
- WifiEnterpriseConfig.CA_CERT_ALIAS_DELIMITER);
- for (String encodedAlias : encodedAliases) {
- String alias = WifiEnterpriseConfig.decodeCaCertificateAlias(encodedAlias);
- assertTrue(alias.startsWith(Credentials.CA_CERTIFICATE));
- aliases.add(alias.substring(Credentials.CA_CERTIFICATE.length()));
- }
- } else {
- fail("Unrecognized ca_cert variable: " + caCertVariable);
- }
- asserCaCertsAliasesMatch(eapConfig.caCerts, aliases.toArray(new String[aliases.size()]));
- }
- private static class EnterpriseConfig {
- public String eap;
- public String phase2;
- public String identity;
- public String password;
- public X509Certificate[] caCerts;
- public WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig;
- public EnterpriseConfig(int eapMethod) {
- enterpriseConfig = new WifiEnterpriseConfig();
- enterpriseConfig.setEapMethod(eapMethod);
- eap = Eap.strings[eapMethod];
- }
- public EnterpriseConfig setPhase2(int phase2Method) {
- enterpriseConfig.setPhase2Method(phase2Method);
- phase2 = "auth=" + Phase2.strings[phase2Method];
- return this;
- }
- public EnterpriseConfig setIdentity(String identity, String password) {
- enterpriseConfig.setIdentity(identity);
- enterpriseConfig.setPassword(password);
- this.identity = identity;
- this.password = password;
- return this;
- }
- public EnterpriseConfig setCaCerts(X509Certificate[] certs) {
- enterpriseConfig.setCaCertificates(certs);
- caCerts = certs;
- return this;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Generates an array of unique random numbers below the specified maxValue.
- * Values range from 0 to maxValue-1.
- */
- private static ArrayDeque<Integer> getUniqueRandomNumberValues(
- int seed,
- int maxValue,
- int numValues) {
- assertTrue(numValues <= maxValue);
- Random rand = new Random(WifiTestUtil.getTestMethod().hashCode() + seed);
- ArrayDeque<Integer> randomNumberList = new ArrayDeque<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++) {
- int num = rand.nextInt(maxValue);
- while (randomNumberList.contains(num)) {
- num = rand.nextInt(maxValue);
- }
- randomNumberList.push(num);
- }
- return randomNumberList;
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that the networks in pnoNetworkList is sorted in the same order as the
- * network in expectedNetworkIDOrder list.
- */
- private static void verifyPnoNetworkListOrder(
- ArrayList<WifiScanner.PnoSettings.PnoNetwork> pnoNetworkList,
- ArrayList<Integer> expectedNetworkIdOrder) throws Exception {
- int i = 0;
- for (WifiScanner.PnoSettings.PnoNetwork pnoNetwork : pnoNetworkList) {
- Log.i(TAG, "PNO Network List Index: " + i + ", networkID: " + pnoNetwork.networkId);
- assertEquals("Expected network ID: " + pnoNetwork.networkId,
- pnoNetwork.networkId, expectedNetworkIdOrder.get(i++).intValue());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verifies the retrieveDisconnectedPnoNetworkList API. The test verifies that the list
- * returned from the API is sorted as expected.
- */
- @Test
- public void testDisconnectedPnoNetworkListCreation() throws Exception {
- addNetworks();
- Random rand = new Random(WifiTestUtil.getTestMethod().hashCode());
- // First assign random |numAssociation| values and verify that the list is sorted
- // in descending order of |numAssociation| values. Keep NetworkSelectionStatus
- // values constant.
- for (int userId : USER_IDS) {
- switchUser(userId);
- TreeMap<Integer, Integer> numAssociationToNetworkIdMap =
- new TreeMap<>(Collections.reverseOrder());
- ArrayDeque<Integer> numAssociationValues =
- getUniqueRandomNumberValues(
- 1, 10000, mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForCurrentUser().size());
- for (WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForCurrentUser()) {
- config.numAssociation = numAssociationValues.pop();
- config.priority = rand.nextInt(10000);
- config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setNetworkSelectionStatus(
- WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED);
- numAssociationToNetworkIdMap.put(config.numAssociation, config.networkId);
- Log.i(TAG, "networkID: " + config.networkId + ", numAssociation: "
- + config.numAssociation);
- }
- ArrayList<WifiScanner.PnoSettings.PnoNetwork> pnoNetworkList =
- mWifiConfigManager.retrieveDisconnectedPnoNetworkList();
- verifyPnoNetworkListOrder(pnoNetworkList,
- new ArrayList(numAssociationToNetworkIdMap.values()));
- }
- // Assign random |priority| values and verify that the list is sorted in descending order
- // of |priority| values. Keep numAssociation/NetworkSelectionStatus values constant.
- for (int userId : USER_IDS) {
- switchUser(userId);
- TreeMap<Integer, Integer> priorityToNetworkIdMap =
- new TreeMap<>(Collections.reverseOrder());
- ArrayDeque<Integer> priorityValues =
- getUniqueRandomNumberValues(
- 2, 10000, mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForCurrentUser().size());
- for (WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForCurrentUser()) {
- config.numAssociation = 0;
- config.priority = priorityValues.pop();
- config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setNetworkSelectionStatus(
- WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED);
- priorityToNetworkIdMap.put(config.priority, config.networkId);
- Log.i(TAG, "networkID: " + config.networkId + ", priority: " + config.priority);
- }
- ArrayList<WifiScanner.PnoSettings.PnoNetwork> pnoNetworkList =
- mWifiConfigManager.retrieveDisconnectedPnoNetworkList();
- verifyPnoNetworkListOrder(pnoNetworkList,
- new ArrayList(priorityToNetworkIdMap.values()));
- }
- // Now assign random |NetworkSelectionStatus| values and verify that the list is sorted in
- // ascending order of |NetworkSelectionStatus| values.
- for (int userId : USER_IDS) {
- switchUser(userId);
- TreeMap<Integer, Integer> networkSelectionStatusToNetworkIdMap = new TreeMap<>();
- ArrayDeque<Integer> networkSelectionStatusValues =
- getUniqueRandomNumberValues(
- 3,
- WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.NETWORK_SELECTION_STATUS_MAX,
- mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForCurrentUser().size());
- for (WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForCurrentUser()) {
- config.numAssociation = rand.nextInt(10000);
- config.priority = rand.nextInt(10000);
- config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setNetworkSelectionStatus(
- networkSelectionStatusValues.pop());
- networkSelectionStatusToNetworkIdMap.put(
- config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().getNetworkSelectionStatus(),
- config.networkId);
- Log.i(TAG, "networkID: " + config.networkId + ", NetworkSelectionStatus: "
- + config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().getNetworkSelectionStatus());
- }
- ArrayList<WifiScanner.PnoSettings.PnoNetwork> pnoNetworkList =
- mWifiConfigManager.retrieveDisconnectedPnoNetworkList();
- verifyPnoNetworkListOrder(pnoNetworkList,
- new ArrayList(networkSelectionStatusToNetworkIdMap.values()));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verifies the retrieveConnectedPnoNetworkList API. The test verifies that the list
- * returned from the API is sorted as expected.
- */
- @Test
- public void testConnectedPnoNetworkListCreation() throws Exception {
- addNetworks();
- Random rand = new Random(WifiTestUtil.getTestMethod().hashCode());
- // First assign |lastSeen| values and verify that the list is sorted
- // in descending order of |lastSeen| values. Keep NetworkSelectionStatus
- // values constant.
- for (int userId : USER_IDS) {
- switchUser(userId);
- TreeMap<Boolean, Integer> lastSeenToNetworkIdMap =
- new TreeMap<>(Collections.reverseOrder());
- ArrayDeque<Integer> lastSeenValues = getUniqueRandomNumberValues(1, 2, 2);
- if (mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForCurrentUser().size() > 2) continue;
- for (WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForCurrentUser()) {
- config.numAssociation = rand.nextInt(10000);
- config.priority = rand.nextInt(10000);
- config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setNetworkSelectionStatus(
- WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED);
- boolean lastSeenValue = (lastSeenValues.pop() == 1);
- config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setSeenInLastQualifiedNetworkSelection(
- lastSeenValue);
- lastSeenToNetworkIdMap.put(lastSeenValue, config.networkId);
- Log.i(TAG, "networkID: " + config.networkId + ", lastSeen: " + lastSeenValue);
- }
- ArrayList<WifiScanner.PnoSettings.PnoNetwork> pnoNetworkList =
- mWifiConfigManager.retrieveConnectedPnoNetworkList();
- verifyPnoNetworkListOrder(pnoNetworkList,
- new ArrayList(lastSeenToNetworkIdMap.values()));
- }
- // Assign random |numAssociation| values and verify that the list is sorted
- // in descending order of |numAssociation| values. Keep NetworkSelectionStatus/lastSeen
- // values constant.
- for (int userId : USER_IDS) {
- switchUser(userId);
- TreeMap<Integer, Integer> numAssociationToNetworkIdMap =
- new TreeMap<>(Collections.reverseOrder());
- ArrayDeque<Integer> numAssociationValues =
- getUniqueRandomNumberValues(
- 1, 10000, mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForCurrentUser().size());
- for (WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForCurrentUser()) {
- config.numAssociation = numAssociationValues.pop();
- config.priority = rand.nextInt(10000);
- config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setNetworkSelectionStatus(
- WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED);
- config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setSeenInLastQualifiedNetworkSelection(true);
- numAssociationToNetworkIdMap.put(config.numAssociation, config.networkId);
- Log.i(TAG, "networkID: " + config.networkId + ", numAssociation: "
- + config.numAssociation);
- }
- ArrayList<WifiScanner.PnoSettings.PnoNetwork> pnoNetworkList =
- mWifiConfigManager.retrieveConnectedPnoNetworkList();
- verifyPnoNetworkListOrder(pnoNetworkList,
- new ArrayList(numAssociationToNetworkIdMap.values()));
- }
- // Now assign random |NetworkSelectionStatus| values and verify that the list is sorted in
- // ascending order of |NetworkSelectionStatus| values.
- for (int userId : USER_IDS) {
- switchUser(userId);
- TreeMap<Integer, Integer> networkSelectionStatusToNetworkIdMap = new TreeMap<>();
- ArrayDeque<Integer> networkSelectionStatusValues =
- getUniqueRandomNumberValues(
- 3,
- WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.NETWORK_SELECTION_STATUS_MAX,
- mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForCurrentUser().size());
- for (WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.valuesForCurrentUser()) {
- config.numAssociation = rand.nextInt(10000);
- config.priority = rand.nextInt(10000);
- config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setNetworkSelectionStatus(
- networkSelectionStatusValues.pop());
- networkSelectionStatusToNetworkIdMap.put(
- config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().getNetworkSelectionStatus(),
- config.networkId);
- Log.i(TAG, "networkID: " + config.networkId + ", NetworkSelectionStatus: "
- + config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().getNetworkSelectionStatus());
- }
- ArrayList<WifiScanner.PnoSettings.PnoNetwork> pnoNetworkList =
- mWifiConfigManager.retrieveConnectedPnoNetworkList();
- verifyPnoNetworkListOrder(pnoNetworkList,
- new ArrayList(networkSelectionStatusToNetworkIdMap.values()));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that hasEverConnected is false for a newly added network
- */
- @Test
- public void testAddNetworkHasEverConnectedFalse() throws Exception {
- WifiConfiguration checkConfig = mWifiConfigManager.getWifiConfiguration(
- assertFalse("Adding a new network should not have hasEverConnected set to true.",
- checkConfig.getNetworkSelectionStatus().getHasEverConnected());
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that hasEverConnected is false for a newly added network even when new config has
- * mistakenly set HasEverConnected to true.
- */
- @Test
- public void testAddNetworkOverridesHasEverConnectedWhenTrueInNewConfig() throws Exception {
- WifiConfiguration newNetworkWithHasEverConnectedTrue =
- new WifiConfiguration(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG);
- newNetworkWithHasEverConnectedTrue.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setHasEverConnected(true);
- addNetwork(newNetworkWithHasEverConnectedTrue);
- // check if addNetwork clears the bit.
- WifiConfiguration checkConfig = mWifiConfigManager.getWifiConfiguration(
- newNetworkWithHasEverConnectedTrue.networkId);
- assertFalse("Adding a new network should not have hasEverConnected set to true.",
- checkConfig.getNetworkSelectionStatus().getHasEverConnected());
- }
- /**
- * Verify that setting HasEverConnected with a config update can be read back.
- */
- @Test
- public void testUpdateConfigToHasEverConnectedTrue() throws Exception {
- // Get the newly saved config and update HasEverConnected
- WifiConfiguration checkConfig = mWifiConfigManager.getWifiConfiguration(
- assertFalse("Adding a new network should not have hasEverConnected set to true.",
- checkConfig.getNetworkSelectionStatus().getHasEverConnected());
- checkConfig.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setHasEverConnected(true);
- mWifiConfigManager.addOrUpdateNetwork(checkConfig, HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_USER);
- // verify that HasEverConnected was properly written and read back
- checkHasEverConnectedTrue(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that hasEverConnected is cleared when a network config preSharedKey is updated.
- */
- @Test
- public void testUpdatePreSharedKeyClearsHasEverConnected() throws Exception {
- final int originalUserId = mWifiConfigManager.getCurrentUserId();
- testUpdateConfigToHasEverConnectedTrue();
- WifiConfiguration original = mWifiConfigManager.getWifiConfiguration(
- WifiConfiguration updatePreSharedKeyConfig = new WifiConfiguration();
- updatePreSharedKeyConfig.networkId = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId;
- updatePreSharedKeyConfig.SSID = original.SSID;
- updatePreSharedKeyConfig.preSharedKey = "newpassword";
- switchUserToCreatorOrParentOf(original);
- mWifiConfigManager.addOrUpdateNetwork(updatePreSharedKeyConfig,
- checkHasEverConnectedFalse(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId);
- switchUser(originalUserId);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that hasEverConnected is cleared when a network config allowedKeyManagement is
- * updated.
- */
- @Test
- public void testUpdateAllowedKeyManagementChanged() throws Exception {
- final int originalUserId = mWifiConfigManager.getCurrentUserId();
- testUpdateConfigToHasEverConnectedTrue();
- WifiConfiguration updateAllowedKeyManagementConfig = new WifiConfiguration();
- updateAllowedKeyManagementConfig.networkId = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId;
- updateAllowedKeyManagementConfig.SSID = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.SSID;
- updateAllowedKeyManagementConfig.allowedKeyManagement.set(KeyMgmt.WPA_PSK);
- // Set up mock to allow the new value to be read back into the config
- String allowedKeyManagementString = makeString(
- updateAllowedKeyManagementConfig.allowedKeyManagement,
- WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.strings);
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId,
- KeyMgmt.varName)).thenReturn(allowedKeyManagementString);
- switchUserToCreatorOrParentOf(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG);
- mWifiConfigManager.addOrUpdateNetwork(updateAllowedKeyManagementConfig,
- checkHasEverConnectedFalse(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId);
- switchUser(originalUserId);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that hasEverConnected is cleared when a network config allowedProtocols is
- * updated.
- */
- @Test
- public void testUpdateAllowedProtocolsChanged() throws Exception {
- final int originalUserId = mWifiConfigManager.getCurrentUserId();
- testUpdateConfigToHasEverConnectedTrue();
- WifiConfiguration updateAllowedProtocolsConfig = new WifiConfiguration();
- updateAllowedProtocolsConfig.networkId = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId;
- updateAllowedProtocolsConfig.SSID = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.SSID;
- updateAllowedProtocolsConfig.allowedProtocols.set(
- WifiConfiguration.Protocol.RSN);
- // Set up mock to allow the new value to be read back into the config
- String allowedProtocolsString = makeString(
- updateAllowedProtocolsConfig.allowedProtocols,
- WifiConfiguration.Protocol.strings);
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId,
- Protocol.varName)).thenReturn(allowedProtocolsString);
- switchUserToCreatorOrParentOf(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG);
- mWifiConfigManager.addOrUpdateNetwork(updateAllowedProtocolsConfig,
- checkHasEverConnectedFalse(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId);
- switchUser(originalUserId);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that hasEverConnected is cleared when a network config allowedAuthAlgorithms is
- * updated.
- */
- @Test
- public void testUpdateAllowedAuthAlgorithmsChanged() throws Exception {
- final int originalUserId = mWifiConfigManager.getCurrentUserId();
- testUpdateConfigToHasEverConnectedTrue();
- WifiConfiguration updateAllowedAuthAlgorithmsConfig = new WifiConfiguration();
- updateAllowedAuthAlgorithmsConfig.networkId = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId;
- updateAllowedAuthAlgorithmsConfig.SSID = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.SSID;
- updateAllowedAuthAlgorithmsConfig.allowedAuthAlgorithms.set(
- WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.SHARED);
- // Set up mock to allow the new value to be read back into the config
- String allowedAuthAlgorithmsString = makeString(
- updateAllowedAuthAlgorithmsConfig.allowedAuthAlgorithms,
- WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.strings);
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId,
- AuthAlgorithm.varName)).thenReturn(allowedAuthAlgorithmsString);
- switchUserToCreatorOrParentOf(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG);
- mWifiConfigManager.addOrUpdateNetwork(updateAllowedAuthAlgorithmsConfig,
- checkHasEverConnectedFalse(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId);
- switchUser(originalUserId);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that hasEverConnected is cleared when a network config allowedPairwiseCiphers is
- * updated.
- */
- @Test
- public void testUpdateAllowedPairwiseCiphersChanged() throws Exception {
- final int originalUserId = mWifiConfigManager.getCurrentUserId();
- testUpdateConfigToHasEverConnectedTrue();
- WifiConfiguration updateAllowedPairwiseCiphersConfig = new WifiConfiguration();
- updateAllowedPairwiseCiphersConfig.networkId = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId;
- updateAllowedPairwiseCiphersConfig.SSID = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.SSID;
- updateAllowedPairwiseCiphersConfig.allowedPairwiseCiphers.set(
- WifiConfiguration.PairwiseCipher.CCMP);
- // Set up mock to allow the new value to be read back into the config
- String allowedPairwiseCiphersString = makeString(
- updateAllowedPairwiseCiphersConfig.allowedPairwiseCiphers,
- WifiConfiguration.PairwiseCipher.strings);
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId,
- PairwiseCipher.varName)).thenReturn(allowedPairwiseCiphersString);
- switchUserToCreatorOrParentOf(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG);
- mWifiConfigManager.addOrUpdateNetwork(updateAllowedPairwiseCiphersConfig,
- checkHasEverConnectedFalse(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId);
- switchUser(originalUserId);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that hasEverConnected is cleared when a network config allowedGroupCiphers is
- * updated.
- */
- @Test
- public void testUpdateAllowedGroupCiphersChanged() throws Exception {
- final int originalUserId = mWifiConfigManager.getCurrentUserId();
- testUpdateConfigToHasEverConnectedTrue();
- WifiConfiguration updateAllowedGroupCiphersConfig = new WifiConfiguration();
- updateAllowedGroupCiphersConfig.networkId = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId;
- updateAllowedGroupCiphersConfig.SSID = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.SSID;
- updateAllowedGroupCiphersConfig.allowedGroupCiphers.set(
- WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.CCMP);
- // Set up mock to allow the new value to be read back into the config
- String allowedGroupCiphersString = makeString(
- updateAllowedGroupCiphersConfig.allowedGroupCiphers,
- WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.strings);
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId,
- GroupCipher.varName)).thenReturn(allowedGroupCiphersString);
- switchUserToCreatorOrParentOf(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG);
- mWifiConfigManager.addOrUpdateNetwork(updateAllowedGroupCiphersConfig,
- checkHasEverConnectedFalse(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId);
- switchUser(originalUserId);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that hasEverConnected is cleared when a network config wepKeys is
- * updated.
- */
- @Test
- public void testUpdateWepKeysChanged() throws Exception {
- final int originalUserId = mWifiConfigManager.getCurrentUserId();
- testUpdateConfigToHasEverConnectedTrue();
- String tempKey = "hereisakey";
- WifiConfiguration updateWepKeysConfig = new WifiConfiguration();
- updateWepKeysConfig.networkId = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId;
- updateWepKeysConfig.wepKeys = new String[] {tempKey};
- // Set up mock to allow the new value to be read back into the config
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId,
- WifiConfiguration.wepKeyVarNames[0])).thenReturn(tempKey);
- switchUserToCreatorOrParentOf(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG);
- mWifiConfigManager.addOrUpdateNetwork(updateWepKeysConfig,
- checkHasEverConnectedFalse(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId);
- switchUser(originalUserId);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that hasEverConnected is cleared when a network config hiddenSSID is
- * updated.
- */
- @Test
- public void testUpdateHiddenSSIDChanged() throws Exception {
- final int originalUserId = mWifiConfigManager.getCurrentUserId();
- testUpdateConfigToHasEverConnectedTrue();
- WifiConfiguration updateHiddenSSIDConfig = new WifiConfiguration();
- updateHiddenSSIDConfig.networkId = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId;
- updateHiddenSSIDConfig.hiddenSSID = true;
- // Set up mock to allow the new value to be read back into the config
- when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId,
- WifiConfiguration.hiddenSSIDVarName)).thenReturn("1");
- switchUserToCreatorOrParentOf(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG);
- mWifiConfigManager.addOrUpdateNetwork(updateHiddenSSIDConfig,
- checkHasEverConnectedFalse(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId);
- switchUser(originalUserId);
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that hasEverConnected is cleared when a network config pmfVarName is
- * updated.
- */
- @Test
- public void testUpdateRequirePMFChanged() throws Exception {
- final int originalUserId = mWifiConfigManager.getCurrentUserId();
- testUpdateConfigToHasEverConnectedTrue();
- WifiConfiguration updateRequirePMFConfig = new WifiConfiguration();
- updateRequirePMFConfig.networkId = BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId;
- updateRequirePMFConfig.requirePMF = true;
- // Set up mock to allow the new value to be read back into the config
- // TODO: please see b/28088226 - this test is implemented as if WifiSupplicantControl
- // correctly read back the boolean value. When fixed, uncomment the following line and the
- // checkHasEverConnectedFalse below.
- //when(mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId,
- // WifiConfiguration.pmfVarName)).thenReturn("2");
- switchUserToCreatorOrParentOf(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG);
- mWifiConfigManager.addOrUpdateNetwork(updateRequirePMFConfig,
- //checkHasEverConnectedFalse(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId);
- checkHasEverConnectedTrue(BASE_HAS_EVER_CONNECTED_CONFIG.networkId);
- switchUser(originalUserId);
- }
- /**
- * Verify WifiEnterpriseConfig changes are detected in WifiConfigManager.
- */
- @Test
- public void testEnterpriseConfigAdded() {
- EnterpriseConfig eapConfig = new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS)
- .setPhase2(Phase2.MSCHAPV2)
- .setIdentity("username", "password")
- .setCaCerts(new X509Certificate[] {FakeKeys.CA_CERT0});
- assertTrue(mWifiConfigManager.wasEnterpriseConfigChange(null, eapConfig.enterpriseConfig));
- }
- /**
- * Verify WifiEnterpriseConfig eap change is detected.
- */
- @Test
- public void testEnterpriseConfigEapChangeDetected() {
- EnterpriseConfig eapConfig = new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS);
- EnterpriseConfig peapConfig = new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.PEAP);
- assertTrue(mWifiConfigManager.wasEnterpriseConfigChange(eapConfig.enterpriseConfig,
- peapConfig.enterpriseConfig));
- }
- /**
- * Verify WifiEnterpriseConfig phase2 method change is detected.
- */
- @Test
- public void testEnterpriseConfigPhase2ChangeDetected() {
- EnterpriseConfig eapConfig = new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS).setPhase2(Phase2.MSCHAPV2);
- EnterpriseConfig papConfig = new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS).setPhase2(Phase2.PAP);
- assertTrue(mWifiConfigManager.wasEnterpriseConfigChange(eapConfig.enterpriseConfig,
- papConfig.enterpriseConfig));
- }
- /**
- * Verify WifiEnterpriseConfig added Certificate is detected.
- */
- @Test
- public void testCaCertificateAddedDetected() {
- EnterpriseConfig eapConfigNoCerts = new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS)
- .setPhase2(Phase2.MSCHAPV2)
- .setIdentity("username", "password");
- EnterpriseConfig eapConfig1Cert = new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS)
- .setPhase2(Phase2.MSCHAPV2)
- .setIdentity("username", "password")
- .setCaCerts(new X509Certificate[] {FakeKeys.CA_CERT0});
- assertTrue(mWifiConfigManager.wasEnterpriseConfigChange(eapConfigNoCerts.enterpriseConfig,
- eapConfig1Cert.enterpriseConfig));
- }
- /**
- * Verify WifiEnterpriseConfig Certificate change is detected.
- */
- @Test
- public void testDifferentCaCertificateDetected() {
- EnterpriseConfig eapConfig = new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS)
- .setPhase2(Phase2.MSCHAPV2)
- .setIdentity("username", "password")
- .setCaCerts(new X509Certificate[] {FakeKeys.CA_CERT0});
- EnterpriseConfig eapConfigNewCert = new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS)
- .setPhase2(Phase2.MSCHAPV2)
- .setIdentity("username", "password")
- .setCaCerts(new X509Certificate[] {FakeKeys.CA_CERT1});
- assertTrue(mWifiConfigManager.wasEnterpriseConfigChange(eapConfig.enterpriseConfig,
- eapConfigNewCert.enterpriseConfig));
- }
- /**
- * Verify WifiEnterpriseConfig added Certificate changes are detected.
- */
- @Test
- public void testCaCertificateChangesDetected() {
- EnterpriseConfig eapConfig = new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS)
- .setPhase2(Phase2.MSCHAPV2)
- .setIdentity("username", "password")
- .setCaCerts(new X509Certificate[] {FakeKeys.CA_CERT0});
- EnterpriseConfig eapConfigAddedCert = new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS)
- .setPhase2(Phase2.MSCHAPV2)
- .setIdentity("username", "password")
- .setCaCerts(new X509Certificate[] {FakeKeys.CA_CERT0, FakeKeys.CA_CERT1});
- assertTrue(mWifiConfigManager.wasEnterpriseConfigChange(eapConfig.enterpriseConfig,
- eapConfigAddedCert.enterpriseConfig));
- }
- /**
- * Verify that WifiEnterpriseConfig does not detect changes for identical configs.
- */
- @Test
- public void testWifiEnterpriseConfigNoChanges() {
- EnterpriseConfig eapConfig = new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS)
- .setPhase2(Phase2.MSCHAPV2)
- .setIdentity("username", "password")
- .setCaCerts(new X509Certificate[] {FakeKeys.CA_CERT0, FakeKeys.CA_CERT1});
- // Just to be clear that check is not against the same object
- EnterpriseConfig eapConfigSame = new EnterpriseConfig(Eap.TTLS)
- .setPhase2(Phase2.MSCHAPV2)
- .setIdentity("username", "password")
- .setCaCerts(new X509Certificate[] {FakeKeys.CA_CERT0, FakeKeys.CA_CERT1});
- assertFalse(mWifiConfigManager.wasEnterpriseConfigChange(eapConfig.enterpriseConfig,
- eapConfigSame.enterpriseConfig));
- }
- private void checkHasEverConnectedTrue(int networkId) {
- WifiConfiguration checkConfig = mWifiConfigManager.getWifiConfiguration(networkId);
- assertTrue("hasEverConnected expected to be true.",
- checkConfig.getNetworkSelectionStatus().getHasEverConnected());
- }
- private void checkHasEverConnectedFalse(int networkId) {
- WifiConfiguration checkConfig = mWifiConfigManager.getWifiConfiguration(networkId);
- assertFalse("Updating credentials network config should clear hasEverConnected.",
- checkConfig.getNetworkSelectionStatus().getHasEverConnected());
- }
- /**
- * Helper function to translate from WifiConfiguration BitSet to String.
- */
- private static String makeString(BitSet set, String[] strings) {
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
- int nextSetBit = -1;
- /* Make sure all set bits are in [0, strings.length) to avoid
- * going out of bounds on strings. (Shouldn't happen, but...) */
- set = set.get(0, strings.length);
- while ((nextSetBit = set.nextSetBit(nextSetBit + 1)) != -1) {
- buf.append(strings[nextSetBit].replace('_', '-')).append(' ');
- }
- // remove trailing space
- if (set.cardinality() > 0) {
- buf.setLength(buf.length() - 1);
- }
- return buf.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Test whether enableNetwork with the disableOthers flag set to false enables the
- * input network, but does not attempt a connection.
- */
- @Test
- public void testEnableNetworkWithoutDisableOthers() throws Exception {
- addNetworks();
- for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<WifiConfiguration>> entry : VISIBLE_CONFIGS.entrySet()) {
- switchUser(entry.getKey());
- // Iterate through all the configs for the current user and invoke |enableNetwork|
- // on the corresponding config retrieved from WifiConfigManager.
- for (WifiConfiguration config : entry.getValue()) {
- WifiConfiguration retrievedConfig =
- mWifiConfigManager.getWifiConfiguration(config.networkId);
- assertTrue(mWifiConfigManager.enableNetwork(retrievedConfig, false, 0));
- assertNetworkStatus(retrievedConfig,
- WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLE);
- verify(mWifiNative, never()).selectNetwork(anyInt());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Test whether enableNetwork without the disableOthers flag set to true enables the input
- * network and attempts a connection to it immediately. It also checks if all the other
- * networks are disabled.
- */
- @Test
- public void testEnableNetworkWithDisableOthers() throws Exception {
- addNetworks();
- for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<WifiConfiguration>> entry : VISIBLE_CONFIGS.entrySet()) {
- switchUser(entry.getKey());
- // Iterate through all the configs for the current user and invoke |enableNetwork|
- // on the corresponding config retrieved from WifiConfigManager.
- for (WifiConfiguration config : entry.getValue()) {
- reset(mWifiNative);
- when(mWifiNative.selectNetwork(anyInt())).thenReturn(true);
- WifiConfiguration retrievedConfig =
- mWifiConfigManager.getWifiConfiguration(config.networkId);
- assertTrue(mWifiConfigManager.enableNetwork(retrievedConfig, true, 0));
- assertNetworkStatus(retrievedConfig,
- WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLE);
- assertAllNetworksDisabledExcept(retrievedConfig.networkId,
- WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.DISABLED_BY_WIFI_MANAGER);
- verify(mWifiNative).selectNetwork(retrievedConfig.networkId);
- verify(mWifiNative, never()).selectNetwork(intThat(not(retrievedConfig.networkId)));
- }
- }
- }
- private void assertNetworkStatus(WifiConfiguration config, int disableReason) {
- final WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus status = config.getNetworkSelectionStatus();
- assertEquals(disableReason, status.getNetworkSelectionDisableReason());
- if (disableReason
- == WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLE) {
- assertEquals(WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED, config.status);
- assertTrue(config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().isNetworkEnabled());
- } else if (disableReason
- < WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.DISABLED_TLS_VERSION_MISMATCH) {
- assertEquals(WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED, config.status);
- assertTrue(config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().isNetworkTemporaryDisabled());
- } else {
- assertEquals(WifiConfiguration.Status.DISABLED, config.status);
- assertTrue(config.getNetworkSelectionStatus().isNetworkPermanentlyDisabled());
- }
- }
- private void assertAllNetworksDisabledExcept(int netId, int disableReason) {
- for (WifiConfiguration config : mWifiConfigManager.getSavedNetworks()) {
- if (config.networkId != netId) {
- assertNetworkStatus(config, disableReason);
- }
- }
- }