path: root/configs
diff options
authorWang Han <>2019-09-16 23:56:33 +0800
committerArian <>2020-03-16 16:58:39 +0100
commitcec16ee2acd00b668f46608b38e2c373422dbd9a (patch)
tree69daf2a88f4d24581d71eb731ec81e06c78474d7 /configs
parentbde51d473c5c2314eaeb707a889da54a9a8ed945 (diff)
shinano-common: Import and bind mount loader config for media swcodec
* This config needs to be modified for legacy devices. As there is no easy way to split it, import it into device tree and bind mount it instead. * Head at android-10.0.0_r2 (3ac371484399da6efbd0c835aa461d3326263ab1). Change-Id: I8d5003d7cd3a471c569844aede4b5ea4c68ae36b
Diffstat (limited to 'configs')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/configs/media/ld.config.txt b/configs/media/ld.config.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5937fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/media/ld.config.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
+# Bionic loader config file for the media swcodec APEX.
+# There are no versioned APEX paths here - this APEX module does not support
+# having several versions mounted.
+dir.swcodec = /apex/
+additional.namespaces = platform,sphal
+# "default" namespace
+# This namespace is for the binaries and libraries on the swcodec APEX.
+namespace.default.isolated = true
+namespace.default.visible = true
+ = /apex/${LIB} = /apex/${LIB}
+namespace.default.links = platform
+# TODO: replace the following when apex has a way to auto-generate this list
+# "platform" namespace
+# This namespace is for linking to LLNDK and ASAN libraries on the system.
+namespace.platform.isolated = true
+ = /system/${LIB} = /data/asan/system/${LIB} += /system/${LIB}
+# /system/lib/, etc are symlinks to /apex/, etc.
+# Add /apex/... pat to the permitted paths because linker uses realpath(3)
+# to check the accessibility of the lib. We could add this to search.paths
+# instead but that makes the resolution of bionic libs be dependent on
+# the order of /system/lib and /apex/... in search.paths. If /apex/...
+# is after /system/lib, then /apex/... is never tried because
+# is always found in /system/lib but fails to pass the accessibility test
+# because of its realpath. It's better to not depend on the ordering if
+# possible.
+namespace.platform.permitted.paths = /apex/${LIB}/bionic
+namespace.platform.asan.permitted.paths = /apex/${LIB}/bionic
+# "sphal" namespace
+namespace.sphal.isolated = true
+namespace.sphal.visible = true
+# Keep the below in sync with "sphal" namespace in system's /etc/ld.config.txt
+# Codec2 has dependencies on some SP-hals (eg.
+# These are dlopen'ed by = /odm/${LIB} += /vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.permitted.paths = /odm/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.permitted.paths += /vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.permitted.paths += /vendor/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.sphal.permitted.paths += /system/vendor/${LIB}
+ = /data/asan/odm/${LIB} += /odm/${LIB} += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB} += /vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths = /data/asan/odm/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /odm/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /vendor/${LIB}
+# Keep the below in sync with "vndk" namespace in system's /etc/ld.config.txt
+# System's sphal namespace links to vndk namespace for %VNDK_SAMEPROCESS_LIBRARIES%,
+# since we don't have a good way to auto-expand %VNDK_SAMEPROCESS_LIBRARIES%,
+# we'll add the vndk paths below.
+ += /odm/${LIB}/vndk-sp += /vendor/${LIB}/vndk-sp += /system/${LIB}/vndk-sp${VNDK_VER}
+namespace.sphal.permitted.paths += /odm/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.sphal.permitted.paths += /odm/${LIB}/egl
+namespace.sphal.permitted.paths += /vendor/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.sphal.permitted.paths += /vendor/${LIB}/egl
+namespace.sphal.permitted.paths += /system/vendor/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.sphal.permitted.paths += /system/vendor/${LIB}/egl
+# This is exceptionally required since is here
+namespace.sphal.permitted.paths += /system/${LIB}/vndk-sp${VNDK_VER}/hw
+ += /data/asan/odm/${LIB}/vndk-sp += /odm/${LIB}/vndk-sp += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}/vndk-sp += /vendor/${LIB}/vndk-sp += /data/asan/system/${LIB}/vndk-sp${VNDK_VER} += /system/${LIB}/vndk-sp${VNDK_VER}
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /data/asan/odm/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /odm/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /data/asan/odm/${LIB}/egl
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /odm/${LIB}/egl
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /vendor/${LIB}/hw
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /data/asan/vendor/${LIB}/egl
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /vendor/${LIB}/egl
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /data/asan/system/${LIB}/vndk-sp${VNDK_VER}/hw
+namespace.sphal.asan.permitted.paths += /system/${LIB}/vndk-sp${VNDK_VER}/hw
+# Once in this namespace, access to libraries in /system/lib is restricted. Only
+# libs listed here can be used.
+namespace.sphal.links = platform
+# TODO: replace the following when apex has a way to auto-generate this list
+# Add a link for which is llndk on devices where VNDK is not enforced. +=