#!/usr/bin/python3 import re import operator import itertools import sys import argparse from pprint import pprint def load_text(n): with open('new/text' + str(n) + '_orig') as f: text = f.read() lines = re.split(r'[\?\.\!]+', text) lines = list(map(lambda l: l.strip(), lines)) lines = list(map(lambda s: s.replace(' ', '').replace('-', ''), lines)) return "\n".join(lines).strip() def spaceitout(string,amount): amountint= int(amount) pile= "" for char in string: pile= pile + char + " "*amount return pile.strip() def letter_pos(letter): if letter in predefined_table: return predefined_table[letter] else: letter_table = table[letter] if len(letter_table) > 0: return letter_table[0][0] else: return None def die(t): pprint(t) sys.exit() def dump_lines(): i = 0 for l in lines: print('%d ' % i, end='') print(l) i += 1 alphabet = 'АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ' a = spaceitout(alphabet, 1) a = a.replace(' ', ',') print(a) sys.exit() text = '' text += load_text(1) + "\n" text += load_text(2) + "\n" text += load_text(3) + "\n" #text += load_text(4) text = text.upper() predefined_table = { 'М': 8, 'А': 5, 'Р': 3, 'Ш': 1, 'Щ': 1, 'И': 1, 'У': 2, 'Ю': 10, 'Й': 5, 'Л': 2, 'Ц': 2, 'О': 4, 'Д': 8, 'Т': 9, 'П': 5, 'Э': 3, 'Х': 5 } table = {} lines = text.split("\n") #dump_lines() #sys.exit() for a in alphabet: table[a] = {} for line in lines: indexes = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(a, line)] for index in indexes: index += 1 if index in table[a]: table[a][index] += 1 else: table[a][index] = 1 for a, t in table.items(): ts = sorted(t.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) table[a] = ts #die(table) variants = [] for line in lines: valid = [] for a in table: if False: index = letter_pos(a) if index == None: continue try: if line[index-1] == a and a not in valid: valid.append(a) except IndexError: continue else: letter_table = table[a] if not len(letter_table): continue for i in range(2): if i > len(letter_table)-1: continue if a == 'Щ': index = 1 else: index = letter_table[i][0] try: if line[index-1] == a and a not in valid: valid.append(a) except IndexError: continue variants.append(valid) #print('('+''.join(valid)+')') variants = list(filter(lambda a: len(a), variants)) #variants = list(map(lambda l: sorted(l), variants)) #die(variants) #variants = variants[63:72] variants = variants[:7] res = list(itertools.product(*variants)) for r in res: if r[0] == 'Ь': continue # if r[1] != 'А': continue # if r[5] != 'Л': continue # if r[4] != 'О': continue #if r[3] != 'И': continue #if r[2] != 'Д': continue #if r[0] != 'Х': continue print(''.join(r))