# si7021d This is a Linux daemon that reads and returns data from a Si-7021 sensor. It's written on Python, uses asyncio and was tested on Python 3.9. It starts TCP server, accepts command `read` and returns JSON with sensor readings. You can send as many `read` commands during one connection as you want. ## Why? It was created for AwesomeWM widget. The daemon is running on some Orange Pi board with Si7021 sensor attached, the widget periodically pings it and draws temperature and relative humidity on a wibox. Sample widget code: ```lua local wibox = require("wibox") local gears = require('gears') local awful = require("awful") local naughty = require("naughty") local theme = require("./themes/default/theme") local json = require('json') local util = require('./util') local lgi = require('lgi') local Gio = lgi.Gio local SI7021_IP = '' local SI7021_PORT = 8306 local UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 2 local timer local timer_started = false ----------------- -- widgets stuff local function create_image(file) image_widget = wibox.widget.imagebox() image_widget:set_resize(false) image_widget:set_image(file) return image_widget end local function wrap_image(image, top) margin = wibox.container.margin() margin:set_left(16) margin:set_top(top) margin:set_right(5) margin:set_widget(image) return margin end local function create_text(placeholder) text_widget = wibox.widget.textbox() text_widget:set_font(theme.font) if placeholder then text_widget:set_text(placeholder) end return text_widget end local temp_image = create_image(awful.util.getdir("config") .. "/icons/fs_01.png") local temp_text = create_text('Connecting...') local temp_image_wrapped = wrap_image(temp_image, 8) local hum_image = create_image(awful.util.getdir("config") .. "/icons/humidity.png") local hum_text = create_text() local hum_image_wrapped = wrap_image(hum_image, 7) local layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal() layout:add(temp_image_wrapped) layout:add(temp_text) local hum_visible = false local function hum_hide() if not hum_visible then return end layout:remove_widgets(hum_image_wrapped) layout:remove_widgets(hum_text) hum_visible = false end local function hum_show() if hum_visible then return end layout:add(hum_image_wrapped) layout:add(hum_text) hum_visible = true end -------------------- --- networking stuff local _socket local _tcp_conn local _istream local _ostream local function sensor_get_status() _istream = _tcp_conn:get_input_stream() _ostream = _tcp_conn:get_output_stream() _ostream:async_write("read\r\n") local buf = '' while true do local bytes = _istream:async_read_bytes(4096) -- it returns nil on error (such as disconnect) if bytes == nil then return nil end if not bytes then break end local len = bytes:get_size() if len > 0 then buf = bytes.data break end end return true, buf end local function sensor_update() Gio.Async.start(function() local ok, body = sensor_get_status() -- handle errors if ok == nil then temp_text:set_text("Connection error") hum_hide() _socket = nil timer:stop() timer_started = false return end local status = json.decode(body) hum_show() temp_text:set_text('' .. util.round(status.temp, 1) .. ' °C') hum_text:set_text('' .. util.round(status.humidity, 1) .. ' %') end)() end local function sensor_connect() _socket = Gio.SocketClient.new() _socket:set_timeout(1) _tcp_conn = _socket:async_connect_to_host(SI7021_IP, SI7021_PORT) if not _tcp_conn then _socket = nil temp_text:set_text('Connection error') return end timer = gears.timer({ timeout = UPDATE_FREQUENCY }) timer:connect_signal("timeout", sensor_update) timer:start() timer_started = true sensor_update() end Gio.Async.start(sensor_connect)() return layout ``` ## License MIT