**This project is now abandoned. When GNOME developers decide to stop breaking things every minor release, maybe then it'll be worth maintaining. But I'm done with themes, sorry. Anyone is permitted to fork and maintain this.** # shiki-colors-revival This consists mostly of a script that modifies the original Numix theme's files to fit to all of the colors in the GNOME Colors palette. At the moment, these themes are currently intended to be used with Xfce4, since that's what I use. If you run into problems in another desktop environment, I'll try to help the best I can though. Relevant license files can be found underneath the folders. (Numix is GPL-3, Xfwm4 and Metacity are GPL-2, Plank themes and build system are ISC) ## Included - GTK 2 and 3 themes - Metacity themes - Xfwm4 themes - [Plank](https://launchpad.net/plank) themes ## Dependencies - `sed` - `git` - `make` - `gtk-engine-murrine`, needed for GTK2 themes - `xfwm4`, needed for Xfwm4 themes - `metacity`, or `marco` (`mutter` might work too) for the Metacity themes ## Downloading Either use `git` to clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/Somasis/shiki-colors-revival or just [download the latest release](releases). ## Installing 1. Open a terminal in this repo's directory. 2. `make`, or run `make help` to see what else the Makefile can do. 3. `make install` as root **Exherbo users**: There is an exheres in ::somasis; x11-themes/shiki-colors-revival. ## How this works In order to minimize the amount of maintenance needed, we base these themes off of [Numix] so that we benefit from the [shimmerproject]'s work on Numix. The themes are then generated by using regular expressions to replace certain variables in the CSS to change the colors to fit the [GNOME Colors palette] rather than using Numix's default colors. (currently only the selected background color and menubar bg are replaced) As a result of doing it this method, we don't have to worry about updating the CSS every time GNOME's developers decide to break everything with a new minor version of GTK3, again. We can make upstream do all the work. :) ## Screenshots These are screenshots of the themes running on my Xfce desktop. ![Shiki-Brave](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Somasis/shiki-colors-revival/master/screenshots/Shiki-Brave-Revival.png) ![Shiki-Human](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Somasis/shiki-colors-revival/master/screenshots/Shiki-Human-Revival.png) ![Shiki-Illustrious](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Somasis/shiki-colors-revival/master/screenshots/Shiki-Illustrious-Revival.png) ![Shiki-Noble](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Somasis/shiki-colors-revival/master/screenshots/Shiki-Noble-Revival.png) ![Shiki-Wine](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Somasis/shiki-colors-revival/master/screenshots/Shiki-Wine-Revival.png) ![Shiki-Wise](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Somasis/shiki-colors-revival/master/screenshots/Shiki-Wise-Revival.png) ## Related Updated icons can be found at [gnome-colors-revival], and the backgrounds can be found at [arc-colors-revival]. ## Credits - [Numix] by [shimmerproject] - [GNOME Colors] project for the initial theme designs, and base for a lot of the assets used for the Metacity and Xfwm4 themes. - [Shiki-Colors-Xfwm] by [fredbird67], modified heavily for this project [gnome-colors-revival]: https://github.com/Somasis/gnome-colors-revival [arc-colors-revival]: https://github.com/Somasis/arc-colors-revival [Numix]: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Numix [Shiki-Colors-Xfwm]: http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Zukitwo-Colors+Xfwm+Themes?content=148624 [shimmerproject]: http://github.com/shimmerproject [fredbird67]: http://xfce-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=fredbird67 [GNOME Colors palette]: https://github.com/Somasis/gnome-colors-revival/blob/master/Palette.png [releases]: https://github.com/Somasis/shiki-colors-revival/releases [GNOME Colors]: https://code.google.com/p/gnome-colors