# mojave-permissions This is native nodejs module that implements access to `getMediaAccessStatus` and `askForMediaAccess` functions introduced in macOS Mojave 10.14. ## Building ``` node-gyp configure node-gyp build ``` And you can check if it works: ``` node test.js ``` Tested on macOS 10.14 and 10.13 with nodejs 11.3.0 and Electron 1.8.8 (node 8.2.1). ## API ### getMediaAccessStatus(mediaType) **mediaType** is a string and can be `microphone` or `camera` Returns one of the following values: `not-determined`, `restricted`, `denied` or `granted` ### askForMediaAccess(mediaType, callback) Asks user for media access and returns user choice to the callback. Example: ``` mojavePermissions.askForMediaAccess('camera', (granted) => { if (!granted) { // user has denied access to camera } }) ``` ## License I don't care; you can use it however you want.