const Queue = require('queue') const child_process = require('child_process') const db = require('./db') const {timestamp} = require('./util') const {getLogger} = require('./logger') const EventEmitter = require('events') const {workerConfig} = require('./config') const STATUS_WAITING = 'waiting' const STATUS_MANUAL = 'manual' const STATUS_ACCEPTED = 'accepted' const STATUS_IGNORED = 'ignored' const STATUS_RUNNING = 'running' const STATUS_DONE = 'done' const RESULT_OK = 'ok' const RESULT_FAIL = 'fail' class Worker extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super() /** * @type {object.}>} */ this.targets = {} /** * @type {boolean} */ this.polling = false /** * @type {boolean} */ this.nextpoll = {} /** * @type {Logger} */ this.logger = getLogger('Worker') } /** * @param {string} target * @param {string} slot * @param {number} limit */ addSlot(target, slot, limit) { this.logger.debug(`addSlot: adding slot '${slot}' for target' ${target}' (limit: ${limit})`) if (this.targets[target] === undefined) this.targets[target] = {slots: {}} if (this.targets[target].slots[slot] !== undefined) throw new Error(`slot ${slot} for target ${target} has already been added`) let queue = Queue({ concurrency: limit, autostart: true }) queue.on('success', this.onJobFinished.bind(this, target, slot)) queue.on('error', this.onJobFinished.bind(this, target, slot)) queue.start() this.targets[target].slots[slot] = {limit, queue} } /** * @param {string} target * @returns {boolean} */ hasTarget(target) { return (target in this.targets) } /** * Returns status of all queues. * * @return {object} */ getStatus() { let status = {targets: {}} for (const targetName in this.targets) { let target = this.targets[targetName] status.targets[targetName] = {} for (const slotName in target.slots) { const {queue, limit} = target.slots[slotName] status.targets[targetName][slotName] = { concurrency: queue.concurrency, limit, length: queue.length, } } } return status } /** * @return {string[]} */ getTargets() { return Object.keys(this.targets) } /** * */ poll() { const LOGPREFIX = `poll():` let targets = this.getPollTargets() if (!targets.length) { this.poller.warn(`${LOGPREFIX} no targets`) return } // skip and postpone the poll, if we're in the middle on another poll // it will be called again from the last .then() at the end of this method if (this.polling) { this.logger.debug(`${LOGPREFIX} already polling`) return } // skip and postpone the poll, if no free slots // it will be called again from onJobFinished() if (!this.hasFreeSlots(targets)) { this.logger.debug(`${LOGPREFIX} no free slots`) return } // set polling flag this.polling = true // clear postponed polls target list this.setPollTargets() this.logger.debug(`${LOGPREFIX} calling getTasks(${JSON.stringify(targets)})`) this.getTasks(targets) .then(({rows}) => { let message = `${LOGPREFIX} ${rows} processed` if (workerConfig.mysql_fetch_limit && rows >= workerConfig.mysql_fetch_limit) { // it seems, there are more, so we'll need to perform another query this.setPollTargets(targets) message += `, scheduling more polls (targets: ${JSON.stringify(this.getPollTargets())})` } this.logger.debug(message) }) .catch((error) => { this.logger.error(`${LOGPREFIX}`, error) //this.setPollTargets(targets) }) .then(() => { // unset polling flag this.polling = false // perform another poll, if needed if (this.getPollTargets().length > 0) { this.logger.debug(`${LOGPREFIX} next poll scheduled, calling poll() again`) this.poll() } }) } /** * @param {string|string[]|null} target */ setPollTargets(target) { // when called without parameter, remove all targets if (target === undefined) { this.nextpoll = {} return } // just a fix if (target === 'null') target = null if (Array.isArray(target)) { target.forEach(t => { this.nextpoll[t] = true }) } else { if (target === null) this.nextpoll = {} this.nextpoll[target] = true } } /** * @return {string[]} */ getPollTargets() { if (null in this.nextpoll) return Object.keys(this.targets) return Object.keys(this.nextpoll) } /** * @param {string} target * @return {boolean} */ hasPollTarget(target) { return target in this.nextpoll || null in this.nextpoll } /** * @param {string|null|string[]} target * @param {string} reqstatus * @param {object} data * @returns {Promise<{ignored: number, accepted: number, rows: number}>} */ async getTasks(target = null, reqstatus = STATUS_WAITING, data = {}) { const LOGPREFIX = `getTasks(${JSON.stringify(target)}, '${reqstatus}', ${JSON.stringify(data)}):` // get new jobs in transaction await db.beginTransaction() let sqlFields = `id, status, target, slot` let sql if ( { sql = `SELECT ${sqlFields} FROM ${workerConfig.mysql_table} WHERE id=${db.escape(} FOR UPDATE` } else { let targets if (target === null) { targets = Object.keys(this.targets) } else if (!Array.isArray(target)) { targets = [target] } else { targets = target } let sqlLimit = workerConfig.mysql_fetch_limit !== 0 ? ` LIMIT 0, ${workerConfig.mysql_fetch_limit}` : '' let sqlWhere = `status=${db.escape(reqstatus)} AND target IN (`',')+`)` sql = `SELECT ${sqlFields} FROM ${workerConfig.mysql_table} WHERE ${sqlWhere} ORDER BY id ${sqlLimit} FOR UPDATE` } /** @type {object[]} results */ let results = await db.query(sql) this.logger.trace(`${LOGPREFIX} query result:`, results) /** * @type {{target: string, slot: string, id: number}[]} */ let accepted = [] /** * @type {number[]} */ let ignored = [] for (let result of results) { let {id, slot, target, status} = result id = parseInt(id) if (status !== reqstatus) { this.logger.warn(`${LOGPREFIX} status = ${status} != ${reqstatus}`) ignored.push(id) continue } if (!target || this.targets[target] === undefined) { this.logger.error(`${LOGPREFIX} target '${target}' not found (job id=${id})`) ignored.push(id) continue } if (!slot || this.targets[target].slots[slot] === undefined) { this.logger.error(`${LOGPREFIX} slot '${slot}' of target '${target}' not found (job id=${id})`) ignored.push(id) continue } this.logger.debug(`${LOGPREFIX} accepted target='${target}', slot='${slot}', id=${id}`) accepted.push({target, slot, id}) } if (accepted.length) await db.query(`UPDATE ${workerConfig.mysql_table} SET status='accepted' WHERE id IN (` =>',')+`)`) if (ignored.length) await db.query(`UPDATE ${workerConfig.mysql_table} SET status='ignored' WHERE id IN (`+ignored.join(',')+`)`) await db.commit() accepted.forEach(({id, target, slot}) => { let q = this.targets[target].slots[slot].queue q.push(async (cb) => { let data = { code: null, signal: null, stdout: '', stderr: '' } let result = RESULT_OK try { await this.setJobStatus(id, STATUS_RUNNING) Object.assign(data, (await if (data.code !== 0) result = RESULT_FAIL } catch (error) { this.logger.error(`${LOGPREFIX} job ${id}: error while run():`, error) result = RESULT_FAIL data.stderr = (error instanceof Error) ? (error.message + '\n' + error.stack) : (error + '') } finally { this.emit('job-done', { id, result, }) try { await this.setJobStatus(id, STATUS_DONE, result, data) } catch (error) { this.logger.error(`${LOGPREFIX} setJobStatus(${id})`, error) } cb() } }) }) return { rows: results.length, accepted: accepted.length, ignored: ignored.length, } } /** * @param {number} id */ async run(id) { let command = workerConfig.launcher.replace(/\{id\}/g, id) let args = command.split(/ +/) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {`run(${id}): launching`, args) let process = child_process.spawn(args[0], args.slice(1), { maxBuffer: workerConfig.max_output_buffer }) let stdoutChunks = [] let stderrChunks = [] process.on('exit', /** * @param {null|number} code * @param {null|string} signal */ (code, signal) => { let stdout = stdoutChunks.join('') let stderr = stderrChunks.join('') stdoutChunks = undefined stderrChunks = undefined resolve({ code, signal, stdout, stderr }) }) process.on('error', (error) => { reject(error) }) process.stdout.on('data', (data) => { if (data instanceof Buffer) data = data.toString('utf-8') stdoutChunks.push(data) }) process.stderr.on('data', (data) => { if (data instanceof Buffer) data = data.toString('utf-8') stderrChunks.push(data) }) }) } /** * @param {number} id * @param {string} status * @param {string} result * @param {object} data * @return {Promise} */ async setJobStatus(id, status, result = RESULT_OK, data = {}) { let update = { status, result } switch (status) { case STATUS_RUNNING: case STATUS_DONE: update[status === STATUS_RUNNING ? 'time_started' : 'time_finished'] = timestamp() break } if (data.code !== undefined) update.return_code = data.code if (data.signal !== undefined) update.sig = data.signal if (data.stderr !== undefined) update.stderr = data.stderr if (data.stdout !== undefined) update.stdout = data.stdout let list = [] for (let field in update) { let val = update[field] if (val !== null) val = db.escape(val) list.push(`${field}=${val}`) } await db.query(`UPDATE ${workerConfig.mysql_table} SET ${list.join(', ')} WHERE id=?`, [id]) } /** * @param {string[]} inTargets * @returns {boolean} */ hasFreeSlots(inTargets = []) { const LOGPREFIX = `hasFreeSlots(${JSON.stringify(inTargets)}):` this.logger.debug(`${LOGPREFIX} entered`) for (const target in this.targets) { if (!inTargets.includes(target)) continue for (const slot in this.targets[target].slots) { const {limit, queue} = this.targets[target].slots[slot] this.logger.debug(LOGPREFIX, limit, queue.length) if (queue.length < limit) return true } } return false } /** * @param {string} target * @param {string} slot */ onJobFinished = (target, slot) => { this.logger.debug(`onJobFinished: target=${target}, slot=${slot}`) const {queue, limit} = this.targets[target].slots[slot] if (queue.length < limit && this.hasPollTarget(target)) { this.logger.debug(`onJobFinished: ${queue.length} < ${limit}, calling poll(${target})`) this.poll() } } } module.exports = { Worker, STATUS_WAITING, STATUS_MANUAL, STATUS_ACCEPTED, STATUS_IGNORED, STATUS_RUNNING, STATUS_DONE, }