const net = require('net') const EventEmitter = require('events') const {getLogger} = require('./logger') const random = require('lodash/random') const config = require('./config') const {createCallablePromise} = require('./util') const {validateObjectSchema} = require('./data-validator') const EOT = 0x04 const REQUEST_NO_LIMIT = 999999 class Message { static REQUEST = 0 static RESPONSE = 1 static PING = 2 static PONG = 3 /** * @param {number} type */ constructor(type) { /** * @type {number} */ this.type = type } /** * @return {array} */ getAsObject() { return [this.type] } } class ResponseMessage extends Message { /** * @param {number} requestNo */ constructor(requestNo) { super(Message.RESPONSE) this.requestNo = requestNo /** * @type {null|string} */ this.error = null /** * @type {null|object} */ = null } /** * @param {string} error * @return {ResponseMessage} */ setError(error) { this.error = error return this } /** * @param data * @return {ResponseMessage} */ setData(data) { = data return this } /** * @return {array} */ getAsObject() { let response = { no: this.requestNo } if (this.error !== null) response.error = this.error if ( !== null) = return [ ...super.getAsObject(), response ] } } class RequestMessage extends Message { /** * @param {string} type * @param {any} data */ constructor(type, data = null) { super(Message.REQUEST) /** * @type string */ this.requestType = type /** * @type {null|string|number|object|array} */ this.requestData = data /** * @type {null|string} */ this.password = null /** * @type {null|number} */ this.requestNo = null } /** * @return {array} */ getAsObject() { let request = { no: this.requestNo, type: this.requestType } if (this.requestData) = this.requestData if (this.password) request.password = this.password return [ ...super.getAsObject(), request ] } /** * @param {string} password */ setPassword(password) { this.password = password } /** * @param {number} no */ setRequestNo(no) { this.requestNo = no } } class PingMessage extends Message { constructor() { super(Message.PING) } } class PongMessage extends Message { constructor() { super(Message.PONG) } } class Server extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super() /** * @type {null|module:net.Server} */ this.server = null /** * @type {Logger} */ this.logger = getLogger('server') } /** * @param {number} port * @param {string} host */ start(port, host) { this.server = net.createServer() this.server.on('connection', this.onConnection) this.server.on('error', this.onError) this.server.on('listening', this.onListening) this.server.listen(port, host) } /** * @param {module:net.Socket} socket */ onConnection = (socket) => { let connection = new Connection() connection.setSocket(socket)`new connection from ${socket.remoteAddress}:${socket.remotePort}`) this.emit('new-connection', connection) } onListening = () => { let addr = this.server.address()`server is listening on ${addr.address}:${addr.port}`) } onError = (error) => { this.logger.error('error: ', error) } } class Connection extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super() /** * @type {null|module:net.Socket} */ this.socket = null /** * @type {Buffer} */ = Buffer.from([]) /** * @type {boolean} * @private */ this._closeEmitted = false /** * @type {null|string} */ this.remoteAddress = null /** * @type {null|number} */ this.remotePort = null /** * @type {boolean} * @private */ this._isAuthorized = !config.get('password') /** * @type {boolean} */ this._isOutgoing = false /** * @type {number} */ this._lastOutgoingRequestNo = random(0, REQUEST_NO_LIMIT) /** * @type {object.} * @private */ this._requestPromises = {} /** * @type {Promise} * @private */ this._connectPromise = null this._setLogger() } /** * @param {string} host * @param {number} port * @return {Promise} */ connect(host, port) { if (this.socket !== null) throw new Error(`this Connection already has a socket`) this._isOutgoing = true this.logger.trace(`Connecting to ${host}:${port}`) this.socket = new net.Socket() this.socket.connect(port, host) this.remoteAddress = host this.remotePort = port this._setLogger() this._setSocketEvents() return this._connectPromise = createCallablePromise() } /** * @param {module:net.Socket} socket */ setSocket(socket) { this.socket = socket this.remoteAddress = socket.remoteAddress this.remotePort = socket.remotePort if (this.remoteAddress === '' && config.get('always_allow_localhost') === true) this._isAuthorized = true this._setLogger() this._setSocketEvents() } /** * @private */ _setLogger() { let addr = this.socket ? this.remoteAddr() : '?' this.logger = getLogger(``) } /** * @private */ _setSocketEvents() { this.socket.on('connect', this.onConnect) this.socket.on('data', this.onData) this.socket.on('end', this.onEnd) this.socket.on('close', this.onClose) this.socket.on('error', this.onError) } /** * @param {Buffer} data * @private */ _appendToBuffer(data) { = Buffer.concat([, data]) } /** * @return {string} */ remoteAddr() { return this.remoteAddress + ':' + this.remotePort } /** * @private */ _processChunks() { if (! return this.logger.trace(`processChunks (start):`, /** * @type {Buffer[]} */ let messages = [] let offset = 0 let eotPos do { eotPos =, offset) if (eotPos !== -1) { let message =, eotPos) messages.push(message) this.logger.debug(`processChunks: found new message (${offset}, ${eotPos})`) offset = eotPos + 1 } } while (eotPos !== -1 && offset < if (offset !== 0) { = this.logger.trace(`processChunks: slicing data from ${offset}`) } this.logger.trace(`processChunks (after parsing):`, for (let rawMessage of messages) { try { let buf = rawMessage.toString('utf-8') this.logger.debug(buf) let json = JSON.parse(buf) // try to parse the message let message try { message = this._parseMessage(json) } catch (e) { // message is malformed this.logger.error(e.message) // send error to the other size this.send( new ResponseMessage(0).setError(e.message) ) continue } if (message instanceof PingMessage) { this.send(new PongMessage()) continue } if (message instanceof PongMessage) continue if (message instanceof RequestMessage) { if (!this._isAuthorized) { if (message.password !== config.get('password')) { this.send(new ResponseMessage(message.requestNo).setError('invalid password')) this.close() break } this._isAuthorized = true } this.emit('request-message', message, this) } if (message instanceof ResponseMessage) { if (message.requestNo in this._requestPromises) { const P = this._requestPromises[message.requestNo] delete this._requestPromises[message.requestNo] P.resolve(message) } else { this.logger.warn('received unexpected Response message:', message) } } } catch (error) { this.logger.error('error while parsing message:', error, rawMessage.toString('utf-8')) this.logger.trace(rawMessage) } } } /** * Parse incoming message * * @param {object} json * @return {Message} * @private * @throws Error */ _parseMessage(json) { if (!Array.isArray(json)) throw new Error('JSON array expected, got: ' + json) let type = json.shift() let message switch (type) { case Message.REQUEST: { let data = json.shift() try { validateObjectSchema(data, [ // name type required ['type', 's', true], ['no', 'i', true], ['password', 's', false], ['data', 'snoa', false] ]) } catch (e) { throw new Error(`malformed REQUEST message: ${e.message}`) } message = new RequestMessage(data.type, || null) message.setRequestNo( if (data.password) message.setPassword(data.password) return message } case Message.RESPONSE: { let data = json.shift() try { validateObjectSchema(data, [ // name type required ['no', 'i', true], ['data', 'snoa', false], ['error', 's', false], ]) } catch (e) { throw new Error(`malformed RESPONSE message: ${e.message}`) } message = new ResponseMessage( message.setError(data.error || null) .setData( || null) return message } case Message.PING: return new PingMessage() case Message.PONG: return new PongMessage() default: throw new Error(`unexpected type ${type}`) } } /** * Send request * * @param {RequestMessage} message * @return {Promise} */ sendRequest(message) { if (!(message instanceof RequestMessage)) throw new Error('sendRequest only accepts RequestMessage, got:', message) // send password once (when talking to jobd-master) if (!this._isAuthorized) { message.setPassword(config.get('password') || '') this._isAuthorized = true } // assign request number const no = this._getNextOutgoingRequestNo() if (this._requestPromises[no] !== undefined) { this.logger.error(`sendRequest: next request's No is ${no}, found a promise awaiting response with the same no, rejecting...`) this._requestPromises[no].reject(new Error(`this should not happen, but another request needs this number (${no})`)) delete this._requestPromises[no] } message.setRequestNo(no) // send it this.send(message) // create and return promise const P = createCallablePromise() this._requestPromises[no] = P return P } /** * Send any Message * * @type {Message} data * @param message */ send(message) { if (!(message instanceof Message)) throw new Error('send expects Message, got: ' + message) let json = JSON.stringify(message.getAsObject()) let buf = Buffer.concat([ Buffer.from(json), Buffer.from([EOT]) ]) this.logger.debug('send:', json) this.logger.trace('send:', buf) try { this.socket.write(buf) } catch (error) { this.logger.error(`processChunks: failed to write response ${JSON.stringify(message)} to a socket`, error) } } _getNextOutgoingRequestNo() { this._lastOutgoingRequestNo++; if (this._lastOutgoingRequestNo >= REQUEST_NO_LIMIT) this._lastOutgoingRequestNo = 1 return this._lastOutgoingRequestNo } /** */ close() { try { this.socket.end() this.socket.destroy() this._handleClose() } catch (error) { this.logger.error('close:', error) } } /** * @private */ _handleClose() { if (!this._closeEmitted) { this._closeEmitted = true this.emit('close') } for (const no in this._requestPromises) { this._requestPromises[no].reject(new Error('Socket is closed')) } this._requestPromises = {} } onConnect = () => { if (this._connectPromise) { this._connectPromise.resolve() this._connectPromise = null } this.logger.debug('Connection established.') this.emit('connect') } onData = (data) => { this.logger.trace('onData', data) this._appendToBuffer(data) this._processChunks() } onEnd = (data) => { if (data) this._appendToBuffer(data) this._processChunks() } onClose = (hadError) => { this._handleClose() this.logger.debug(`Socket closed` + (hadError ? ` with error` : '')) } onError = (error) => { if (this._connectPromise) { this._connectPromise.reject(error) this._connectPromise = null } this._handleClose() this.logger.warn(`Socket error:`, error) } } module.exports = { Server, Connection, RequestMessage, ResponseMessage, PingMessage, PongMessage, }