import logging from enum import Enum, auto from time import sleep from threading import Thread from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Callable, Optional from inverter_wrapper import wrapper_instance as inverter from inverterd import InverterError _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BatteryPowerDirection(Enum): DISCHARGING = auto() CHARGING = auto() DO_NOTHING = auto() class ChargingEvent(Enum): AC_CHARGING_UNAVAILABLE_BECAUSE_SOLAR = auto() AC_NOT_CHARGING = auto() AC_CHARGING_STARTED = auto() AC_DISCONNECTED = auto() AC_CURRENT_CHANGED = auto() AC_CHARGING_FINISHED = auto() class ChargingState(Enum): NOT_CHARGING = auto() AC_BUT_SOLAR = auto() AC_WAITING = auto() AC_OK = auto() AC_DONE = auto() class BatteryState(Enum): NORMAL = auto() LOW = auto() CRITICAL = auto() def _pd_from_string(pd: str) -> BatteryPowerDirection: if pd == 'Discharge': return BatteryPowerDirection.DISCHARGING elif pd == 'Charge': return BatteryPowerDirection.CHARGING elif pd == 'Do nothing': return BatteryPowerDirection.DO_NOTHING else: raise ValueError(f'invalid power direction: {pd}') class InverterMonitor(Thread): max_ac_current: Optional[int] min_ac_current: Optional[int] charging_thresholds: Optional[tuple[float, float]] allowed_currents: list[int] battery_under_voltage: Optional[float] charging_event_handler: Optional[Callable] battery_event_handler: Optional[Callable] error_handler: Optional[Callable] currents: list[int] active_current: Optional[int] interrupted: bool battery_state: BatteryState charging_state: ChargingState def __init__(self, ac_current_range: Union[List, Tuple] = ()): super().__init__() # settings self.max_ac_current = None self.min_ac_current = None self.charging_thresholds = None self.allowed_currents = [] self.battery_under_voltage = None # event handlers self.charging_event_handler = None self.battery_event_handler = None self.error_handler = None # variables related to active program self.currents = [] self.active_current = None self.battery_state = BatteryState.NORMAL self.charging_state = ChargingState.NOT_CHARGING # other stuff self.interrupted = False self.set_ac_current_range(ac_current_range) def run(self): self.allowed_currents = list(inverter.exec('get-allowed-ac-charging-currents')['data']) self.allowed_currents.sort() if self.max_ac_current not in self.allowed_currents or self.min_ac_current not in self.allowed_currents: raise RuntimeError('invalid AC currents range') # read config cfg = inverter.exec('get-rated')['data'] self.set_battery_under_voltage(cfg['battery_under_voltage']['value']) self.charging_thresholds = ( float(cfg['battery_recharge_voltage']['value']), float(cfg['battery_redischarge_voltage']['value']), ) while not self.interrupted: try: response = inverter.exec('get-status') if response['result'] != 'ok': _logger.error('get-status failed:', response) else: gs = response['data'] ac = gs['grid_voltage']['value'] > 0 or gs['grid_freq']['value'] > 0 solar = gs['pv1_input_power']['value'] > 0 v = float(gs['battery_voltage']['value']) load_watts = int(gs['ac_output_active_power']['value']) pd = _pd_from_string(gs['battery_power_direction']) _logger.debug(f'got status: ac={ac}, solar={solar}, v={v}, pd={pd}') self.ac_charging_program(ac, solar, v, pd) if not ac or pd != BatteryPowerDirection.CHARGING: # if AC is disconnected or not charging, run the low voltage checking program self.low_voltage_program(v, load_watts) elif self.battery_state != BatteryState.NORMAL: # AC is connected and charging the battery, assume its level is 'normal' self.battery_state = BatteryState.NORMAL except InverterError as e: _logger.exception(e) sleep(2) def ac_charging_program(self, ac: bool, solar: bool, v: float, pd: BatteryPowerDirection): if self.charging_state == ChargingState.NOT_CHARGING: if ac and solar: self.charging_state = ChargingState.AC_BUT_SOLAR self.charging_event_handler(ChargingEvent.AC_CHARGING_UNAVAILABLE_BECAUSE_SOLAR)'entering AC_BUT_SOLAR state') elif ac: self.ac_charging_start(pd) elif self.charging_state == ChargingState.AC_BUT_SOLAR: if not ac: self.ac_charging_stop(ChargingState.NOT_CHARGING) elif not solar: self.ac_charging_start(pd) elif self.charging_state in (ChargingState.AC_OK, ChargingState.AC_WAITING): if not ac: self.ac_charging_stop(ChargingState.NOT_CHARGING) return if solar: self.charging_state = ChargingState.AC_BUT_SOLAR self.charging_event_handler(ChargingEvent.AC_CHARGING_UNAVAILABLE_BECAUSE_SOLAR)'solar power connected during charging, entering AC_BUT_SOLAR state') state = ChargingState.AC_OK if pd == BatteryPowerDirection.CHARGING else ChargingState.AC_WAITING if state != self.charging_state: self.charging_state = state evt = ChargingEvent.AC_CHARGING_STARTED if state == ChargingState.AC_OK else ChargingEvent.AC_NOT_CHARGING self.charging_event_handler(evt) # if currently charging, monitor battery voltage dynamics here if self.active_current is not None: if self.active_current >= 30: upper_bound = 56.9 elif self.active_current == 20: upper_bound = 56.6 else: upper_bound = 54 if v >= upper_bound: self.ac_charging_next_current() elif self.charging_state == ChargingState.AC_DONE: if not ac: self.ac_charging_stop(ChargingState.NOT_CHARGING) def ac_charging_start(self, pd: BatteryPowerDirection): if pd == BatteryPowerDirection.CHARGING: self.charging_state = ChargingState.AC_OK self.charging_event_handler(ChargingEvent.AC_CHARGING_STARTED)'AC line connected and charging, entering AC_OK state') else: self.charging_state = ChargingState.AC_WAITING self.charging_event_handler(ChargingEvent.AC_NOT_CHARGING)'AC line connected but not charging yet, entering AC_WAITING state') # set the current even if charging has not been started yet # this path must be entered only once per charging cycle, # and self.currents array is used to guarantee that if not self.currents: index_min = self.allowed_currents.index(self.min_ac_current) index_max = self.allowed_currents.index(self.max_ac_current) self.currents = self.allowed_currents[index_min:index_max + 1] self.ac_charging_next_current() def ac_charging_stop(self, reason: ChargingState): self.charging_state = reason if reason == ChargingState.AC_DONE: event = ChargingEvent.AC_CHARGING_FINISHED elif reason == ChargingState.NOT_CHARGING: event = ChargingEvent.AC_DISCONNECTED else: raise ValueError(f'ac_charging_stop: unexpected reason {reason}')'charging is finished, entering {reason} state') self.charging_event_handler(event) if self.currents: self.currents = [] self.active_current = None def ac_charging_next_current(self): try: current = self.currents.pop() _logger.debug(f'ready to change charging current to {current}A') self.active_current = current except IndexError: _logger.debug('was going to change charging current, but no currents left; finishing charging program') self.ac_charging_stop(ChargingState.AC_DONE) return try: response = inverter.exec('set-max-ac-charging-current', (0, current)) if response['result'] != 'ok': _logger.error(f'failed to change AC charging current to {current} A') raise InverterError('set-max-ac-charging-current: inverterd reported error') else: self.charging_event_handler(ChargingEvent.AC_CURRENT_CHANGED, current=current)'changed AC charging current to {current} A') except InverterError as e: self.error_handler(f'failed to set charging current to {current} A (caught InverterError)') _logger.exception(e) def low_voltage_program(self, v: float, load_watts: int): if v < 45: state = BatteryState.CRITICAL elif v < 47: state = BatteryState.LOW else: state = BatteryState.NORMAL if state != self.battery_state: self.battery_state = state self.battery_event_handler(state, v, load_watts) def set_charging_event_handler(self, handler: Callable): self.charging_event_handler = handler def set_battery_event_handler(self, handler: Callable): self.battery_event_handler = handler def set_error_handler(self, handler: Callable): self.error_handler = handler def set_ac_current_range(self, ac_current_range: Union[List, Tuple] = ()) -> None: self.min_ac_current = ac_current_range[0] self.max_ac_current = ac_current_range[1] _logger.debug(f'setting AC current range to {ac_current_range[0]} A .. {ac_current_range[1]} A') def set_battery_under_voltage(self, v: float): self.battery_under_voltage = v _logger.debug(f'setting battery under voltage: {v}') def set_battery_ac_charging_thresholds(self, cv: float, dv: float): self.charging_thresholds = (cv, dv) def stop(self): self.interrupted = True