import logging import traceback from html import escape from telegram import ( Update, ParseMode, ReplyKeyboardMarkup, CallbackQuery, User, ) from telegram.ext import ( Updater, Filters, BaseFilter, Handler, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, CallbackQueryHandler, CallbackContext, ConversationHandler ) from telegram.error import TimedOut from ..config import config from typing import Optional, Union from .store import Store from .lang import LangPack from ..api.types import BotType from ..api import WebAPIClient from .reporting import ReportingHelper logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) languages = { 'en': 'English', 'ru': 'Русский' } LANG_STARTED = range(1) user_filter: Optional[BaseFilter] = None def default_langpack() -> LangPack: lang = LangPack() lang.en( start_message="Select command on the keyboard.", unknown_message="Unknown message", cancel="Cancel", select_language="Select language on the keyboard.", invalid_language="Invalid language. Please try again.", language_saved='Saved.', ) start_message="Выберите команду на клавиатуре.", unknown_message="Неизвестная команда", cancel="Отмена", select_language="Выберите язык на клавиатуре.", invalid_language="Неверный язык. Пожалуйста, попробуйте снова", language_saved="Настройки сохранены." ) return lang def init_user_filter(): global user_filter if user_filter is None: if 'users' in config['bot']:'allowed users: ' + str(config['bot']['users'])) user_filter = Filters.user(config['bot']['users']) else: user_filter = Filters.all # not sure if this is correct def text_filter(*args): init_user_filter() return Filters.text(args[0] if isinstance(args[0], list) else [*args]) & user_filter def exc2text(e: Exception) -> str: tb = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)) return f'{e.__class__.__name__}: ' + escape(str(e)) + "\n\n" + escape(tb) class IgnoreMarkup: pass class Context: _update: Optional[Update] _callback_context: Optional[CallbackContext] _markup_getter: callable _lang: LangPack _store: Optional[Store] _user_lang: Optional[str] def __init__(self, update: Optional[Update], callback_context: Optional[CallbackContext], markup_getter: callable, lang: LangPack, store: Optional[Store]): self._update = update self._callback_context = callback_context self._markup_getter = markup_getter self._lang = lang self._store = store self._user_lang = None def reply(self, text, markup=None): if markup is None: markup = self._markup_getter(self) kwargs = dict(parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) if not isinstance(markup, IgnoreMarkup): kwargs['reply_markup'] = markup self._update.message.reply_text(text, **kwargs) def reply_exc(self, e: Exception) -> None: self.reply(exc2text(e)) def answer(self, text: str = None): self.callback_query.answer(text) def edit(self, text, markup=None): kwargs = dict(parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) if not isinstance(markup, IgnoreMarkup): kwargs['reply_markup'] = markup self.callback_query.edit_message_text(text, **kwargs) @property def text(self) -> str: return self._update.message.text @property def callback_query(self) -> CallbackQuery: return self._update.callback_query @property def args(self) -> Optional[list[str]]: return self._callback_context.args @property def user_id(self) -> int: return @property def user(self) -> User: return self._update.effective_user @property def user_lang(self) -> str: if self._user_lang is None: self._user_lang = self._store.get_user_lang(self.user_id) return self._user_lang def lang(self, key: str, *args) -> str: return self._lang.get(key, self.user_lang, *args) def is_callback_context(self) -> bool: return self._update.callback_query and and != '' class Wrapper: store: Optional[Store] updater: Updater lang: LangPack reporting: Optional[ReportingHelper] def __init__(self): self.updater = Updater(config['bot']['token'], request_kwargs={'read_timeout': 6, 'connect_timeout': 7}) self.lang = default_langpack() = Store() self.reporting = None init_user_filter() dispatcher = self.updater.dispatcher dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', self.wrap(self.start), user_filter)) # transparently log all messages self.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.all & user_filter, self.logging_message_handler), group=10) self.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(self.logging_callback_handler), group=10) def run(self): self._lang_setup() self.updater.dispatcher.add_handler( MessageHandler(Filters.all & user_filter, self.wrap(self.any)) ) # start the bot self.updater.start_polling() # run the bot until the user presses Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT, SIGTERM or SIGABRT self.updater.idle() def enable_logging(self, bot_type: BotType): api = WebAPIClient(timeout=3) api.enable_async() self.reporting = ReportingHelper(api, bot_type) def logging_message_handler(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): if self.reporting is None: return def logging_callback_handler(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): if self.reporting is None: return, def wrap(self, f: callable): def handler(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): ctx = Context(update, callback_context=context, markup_getter=self.markup, lang=self.lang, try: return f(ctx) except Exception as e: if not self.exception_handler(e, ctx) and not isinstance(e, TimedOut): logger.exception(e) if not ctx.is_callback_context(): ctx.reply_exc(e) else: self.notify_user(ctx.user_id, exc2text(e)) return handler def add_handler(self, handler: Handler, group=0): self.updater.dispatcher.add_handler(handler, group=group) def start(self, ctx: Context): if 'start_message' not in self.lang: ctx.reply('Please define start_message or override start()') return ctx.reply(ctx.lang('start_message')) def any(self, ctx: Context): if 'invalid_command' not in self.lang: ctx.reply('Please define invalid_command or override any()') return ctx.reply(ctx.lang('invalid_command')) def markup(self, ctx: Optional[Context]) -> Optional[ReplyKeyboardMarkup]: return None def exception_handler(self, e: Exception, ctx: Context) -> Optional[bool]: pass def notify_all(self, text_getter: callable, exclude: tuple[int] = ()) -> None: if 'notify_users' not in config['bot']: logger.error('notify_all() called but no notify_users directive found in the config') return for user_id in config['bot']['notify_users']: if user_id in exclude: continue text = text_getter(, text=text, parse_mode='HTML') def notify_user(self, user_id: int, text: Union[str, Exception]) -> None: if isinstance(text, Exception): text = exc2text(text), text=text, parse_mode='HTML') def send_audio(self, user_id, **kwargs):, **kwargs) def send_file(self, user_id, **kwargs):, **kwargs) # # Language Selection # def _lang_setup(self): supported = self.lang.languages if len(supported) > 1: cancel_filter = Filters.text(self.lang.all('cancel')) self.add_handler(ConversationHandler( entry_points=[CommandHandler('lang', self.wrap(self._lang_command), user_filter)], states={ LANG_STARTED: [ *list(map(lambda key: MessageHandler(text_filter(languages[key]), self.wrap(self._lang_input)), supported)), MessageHandler(user_filter & ~cancel_filter, self.wrap(self._lang_invalid_input)) ] }, fallbacks=[MessageHandler(user_filter & cancel_filter, self.wrap(self._lang_cancel_input))] )) def _lang_command(self, ctx: Context): logger.debug(f'current language: {ctx.user_lang}') buttons = [] for name in languages.values(): buttons.append(name) markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup([buttons, [ctx.lang('cancel')]], one_time_keyboard=False) ctx.reply(ctx.lang('select_language'), markup=markup) return LANG_STARTED def _lang_input(self, ctx: Context): lang = None for key, value in languages.items(): if value == ctx.text: lang = key break if lang is None: ValueError('could not find the language'), lang) ctx.reply(ctx.lang('language_saved'), markup=IgnoreMarkup()) self.start(ctx) return ConversationHandler.END def _lang_invalid_input(self, ctx: Context): ctx.reply(self.lang('invalid_language'), markup=IgnoreMarkup()) return LANG_STARTED def _lang_cancel_input(self, ctx: Context): self.start(ctx) return ConversationHandler.END @property def user_filter(self): return user_filter