'www-data', 'files_mode' => 0664, 'dirs_mode' => 0775, 'is_dev' => true, 'static_public_path' => '/assets', 'openwrt_ip' => '', 'inverterd_host' => '', 'inverterd_port' => 8305, 'pump_host' => '', 'pump_port' => 8307, 'si7021d_servers' => [ // fill here, example: 'hall' => ['', 8306, 'Big Hall'], ], // modem names (array keys) must match ipset names and // routing table names on the openwrt router // // the order of the keys in the array must be the same // as the order in which fwmark iptables rules are applied 'modems' => [ 'modem-example' => [ 'ip' => '', 'label' => 'Modem Name', 'short_label' => 'Mname', 'legacy_token_auth' => false, ], ], // 'routing_smallhome_ip' => 'fill_me', // 'routing_default' => 'fill_me', 'debug_backtrace' => true, 'debug_file' => '.debug.log', 'twig_cache' => true, 'templates' => [ 'web' => [ 'root' => 'templates-web', 'cache' => 'cache/templates-web', ], ], 'static' => [ 'app.css' => 9, 'app.js' => 2, 'polyfills.js' => 1, 'modem.js' => 1, 'inverter.js' => 2, ], 'cam_hls_host' => '', 'cam_list' => [ // fill me with names ] ];