# Sound Node ## Requirements ``` apt install -y python3-aiohttp python3-requests python3-toml ``` ## Configuration Orange Pi Lite config (`/etc/sound_node.toml`): ```toml [node] listen = "" process_wait_timeout = 10 name = "nodename" record_max_time = 1800 storage = "/var/recordings" [arecord] bin = "/usr/bin/arecord" [lame] bin = "/usr/bin/lame" bitrate = 192 [amixer] bin = "/usr/bin/amixer" controls = [ { name = "Line In", caps = ["mute", "cap", "volume"] }, { name = "Mic1", caps = ["mute", "cap", "volume"] }, { name = "Mic1 Boost", caps = ["volume"] } ] [logging] verbose = false default_fmt = true ``` ## Audio recording Install `lame`. Command to record audio: `arecord -v -f S16 -r 44100 -t raw 2>/dev/null | lame -r -s 44.1 -b 192 -m m - output.mp3 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null` ## Uploading audios to remote server - Generate ssh keys for root on each sound node: ``` cd /root/.ssh ssh-keygen -t ed25519 ``` - Add public keys on the remote server - Copy `tools/sync-recordings-to-remote.sh` script to `/usr/local/bin` on all sound nodes, don't forget to `chmod +x` it. - Add following lines to the root crontab (on all sound nodes): ``` TG_TOKEN="your telegram bot token" TG_CHAT_ID="your telegram chat id" 30 * * * * /usr/local/bin/sync-recordings-to-remote.sh ```