import pathlib import os from argparse import ArgumentParser from e3372 import WebAPI, SMSHandler, SMS config_dir = os.path.join(pathlib.Path.home(), '.e3372-sms-handler') trusted_phone = '' def sms_handler(sms: SMS, api: WebAPI): global trusted_phone print(f'from={}, date={}, text={sms.text}') # just in case phone = if phone.startswith('8') and len(phone) == 11: phone = '+7' + phone[1:] elif phone.startswith('7') and len(phone) == 11: phone = '+' + phone if phone == trusted_phone: print('this is a trusted phone, processing...') text = sms.text.lower().strip() if text == 'you shall reboot!': print('bye bye...') api.reboot() elif text == 'yo, get me some status': print('gathering status') api.auth() info = api.device_information() signal = api.device_signal() buf = [] for key, value in info.items(): if key in ('workmode', 'WanIPAddress'): buf.append(f'{key}={value}') for key, value in signal.items(): if key in ('cell_id', 'rssi', 'rscp', 'ecio', 'mode'): buf.append(f'{key}={value}') buf = ' '.join(buf) if buf != '': print('going to send this: ' + buf) # we need new api key it seems :O api.auth() api.send_sms(phone=trusted_phone, content=buf) elif text == 'switch it off': print('switching it off') api.dataswitch(False) elif text == 'switch it on': print('switching it on') api.dataswitch(True) def main(): global trusted_phone # parse arguments parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--ip', default='', help='Modem IP address') parser.add_argument('--trusted-phone', help='Trusted phone number') args = parser.parse_args() # set global trusted_phone trusted_phone = args.trusted_phone # webapi client client = WebAPI(args.ip) client.auth() # sms handler smshandler = SMSHandler(api=client, config_dir=config_dir) smshandler.process(sms_handler) if __name__ == '__main__': main()