/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation * Copyright (c) 2009 Pattrick Hueper <phueper@hueper.net> * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the BSD License * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial implementation *****************************************************************************/ #include <string.h> #include <types.h> #include "debug.h" #include <x86emu/x86emu.h> #include <x86emu/regs.h> #include "../x86emu/prim_ops.h" #include "biosemu.h" #include "io.h" #include "mem.h" #include "interrupt.h" #include "device.h" static X86EMU_memFuncs my_mem_funcs = { my_rdb, my_rdw, my_rdl, my_wrb, my_wrw, my_wrl }; static X86EMU_pioFuncs my_pio_funcs = { my_inb, my_inw, my_inl, my_outb, my_outw, my_outl }; // pointer to VBEInfoBuffer, set by vbe_prepare u8 *vbe_info_buffer = 0; // virtual BIOS Memory u8 *biosmem; u32 biosmem_size; // these structs are for input from and output to OF typedef struct { u8 display_type; // 0=NONE, 1= analog, 2=digital u16 screen_width; u16 screen_height; u16 screen_linebytes; // bytes per line in framebuffer, may be more than screen_width u8 color_depth; // color depth in bpp u32 framebuffer_address; u8 edid_block_zero[128]; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)) screen_info_t; typedef struct { u8 signature[4]; u16 size_reserved; u8 monitor_number; u16 max_screen_width; u8 color_depth; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)) screen_info_input_t; // these structs only store a subset of the VBE defined fields // only those needed. typedef struct { char signature[4]; u16 version; u8 *oem_string_ptr; u32 capabilities; u16 video_mode_list[256]; // lets hope we never have more than 256 video modes... u16 total_memory; } vbe_info_t; typedef struct { u16 video_mode; u8 mode_info_block[256]; u16 attributes; u16 linebytes; u16 x_resolution; u16 y_resolution; u8 x_charsize; u8 y_charsize; u8 bits_per_pixel; u8 memory_model; u32 framebuffer_address; } vbe_mode_info_t; typedef struct { u8 port_number; // i.e. monitor number u8 edid_transfer_time; u8 ddc_level; u8 edid_block_zero[128]; } vbe_ddc_info_t; static inline u8 vbe_prepare() { vbe_info_buffer = biosmem + (VBE_SEGMENT << 4); // segment:offset off VBE Data Area //clear buffer memset(vbe_info_buffer, 0, 512); //set VbeSignature to "VBE2" to indicate VBE 2.0+ request vbe_info_buffer[0] = 'V'; vbe_info_buffer[0] = 'B'; vbe_info_buffer[0] = 'E'; vbe_info_buffer[0] = '2'; // ES:DI store pointer to buffer in virtual mem see vbe_info_buffer above... M.x86.R_EDI = 0x0; M.x86.R_ES = VBE_SEGMENT; return 0; // successfull init } // VBE Function 00h u8 vbe_info(vbe_info_t * info) { vbe_prepare(); // call VBE function 00h (Info Function) M.x86.R_EAX = 0x4f00; // enable trace CHECK_DBG(DEBUG_TRACE_X86EMU) { X86EMU_trace_on(); } // run VESA Interrupt runInt10(); if (M.x86.R_AL != 0x4f) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("%s: VBE Info Function NOT supported! AL=%x\n", __func__, M.x86.R_AL); return -1; } if (M.x86.R_AH != 0x0) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: VBE Info Function Return Code NOT OK! AH=%x\n", __func__, M.x86.R_AH); return M.x86.R_AH; } //printf("VBE Info Dump:"); //dump(vbe_info_buffer, 64); //offset 0: signature info->signature[0] = vbe_info_buffer[0]; info->signature[1] = vbe_info_buffer[1]; info->signature[2] = vbe_info_buffer[2]; info->signature[3] = vbe_info_buffer[3]; // offset 4: 16bit le containing VbeVersion info->version = in16le(vbe_info_buffer + 4); // offset 6: 32bit le containg segment:offset of OEM String in virtual Mem. info->oem_string_ptr = biosmem + ((in16le(vbe_info_buffer + 8) << 4) + in16le(vbe_info_buffer + 6)); // offset 10: 32bit le capabilities info->capabilities = in32le(vbe_info_buffer + 10); // offset 14: 32 bit le containing segment:offset of supported video mode table u16 *video_mode_ptr; video_mode_ptr = (u16 *) (biosmem + ((in16le(vbe_info_buffer + 16) << 4) + in16le(vbe_info_buffer + 14))); u32 i = 0; do { info->video_mode_list[i] = in16le(video_mode_ptr + i); i++; } while ((i < (sizeof(info->video_mode_list) / sizeof(info->video_mode_list[0]))) && (info->video_mode_list[i - 1] != 0xFFFF)); //offset 18: 16bit le total memory in 64KB blocks info->total_memory = in16le(vbe_info_buffer + 18); return 0; } // VBE Function 01h u8 vbe_get_mode_info(vbe_mode_info_t * mode_info) { vbe_prepare(); // call VBE function 01h (Return VBE Mode Info Function) M.x86.R_EAX = 0x4f01; M.x86.R_CX = mode_info->video_mode; // enable trace CHECK_DBG(DEBUG_TRACE_X86EMU) { X86EMU_trace_on(); } // run VESA Interrupt runInt10(); if (M.x86.R_AL != 0x4f) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: VBE Return Mode Info Function NOT supported! AL=%x\n", __func__, M.x86.R_AL); return -1; } if (M.x86.R_AH != 0x0) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: VBE Return Mode Info (mode: %04x) Function Return Code NOT OK! AH=%02x\n", __func__, mode_info->video_mode, M.x86.R_AH); return M.x86.R_AH; } //pointer to mode_info_block is in ES:DI memcpy(mode_info->mode_info_block, biosmem + ((M.x86.R_ES << 4) + M.x86.R_DI), sizeof(mode_info->mode_info_block)); //printf("Mode Info Dump:"); //dump(mode_info_block, 64); // offset 0: 16bit le mode attributes mode_info->attributes = in16le(mode_info->mode_info_block); // offset 16: 16bit le bytes per scan line mode_info->linebytes = in16le(mode_info->mode_info_block + 16); // offset 18: 16bit le x resolution mode_info->x_resolution = in16le(mode_info->mode_info_block + 18); // offset 20: 16bit le y resolution mode_info->y_resolution = in16le(mode_info->mode_info_block + 20); // offset 22: 8bit le x charsize mode_info->x_charsize = *(mode_info->mode_info_block + 22); // offset 23: 8bit le y charsize mode_info->y_charsize = *(mode_info->mode_info_block + 23); // offset 25: 8bit le bits per pixel mode_info->bits_per_pixel = *(mode_info->mode_info_block + 25); // offset 27: 8bit le memory model mode_info->memory_model = *(mode_info->mode_info_block + 27); // offset 40: 32bit le containg offset of frame buffer memory ptr mode_info->framebuffer_address = in32le(mode_info->mode_info_block + 40); return 0; } // VBE Function 02h u8 vbe_set_mode(vbe_mode_info_t * mode_info) { vbe_prepare(); // call VBE function 02h (Set VBE Mode Function) M.x86.R_EAX = 0x4f02; M.x86.R_BX = mode_info->video_mode; M.x86.R_BX |= 0x4000; // set bit 14 to request linear framebuffer mode M.x86.R_BX &= 0x7FFF; // clear bit 15 to request clearing of framebuffer DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("%s: setting mode: 0x%04x\n", __func__, M.x86.R_BX); // enable trace CHECK_DBG(DEBUG_TRACE_X86EMU) { X86EMU_trace_on(); } // run VESA Interrupt runInt10(); if (M.x86.R_AL != 0x4f) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: VBE Set Mode Function NOT supported! AL=%x\n", __func__, M.x86.R_AL); return -1; } if (M.x86.R_AH != 0x0) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: mode: %x VBE Set Mode Function Return Code NOT OK! AH=%x\n", __func__, mode_info->video_mode, M.x86.R_AH); return M.x86.R_AH; } return 0; } //VBE Function 08h u8 vbe_set_palette_format(u8 format) { vbe_prepare(); // call VBE function 09h (Set/Get Palette Data Function) M.x86.R_EAX = 0x4f08; M.x86.R_BL = 0x00; // set format M.x86.R_BH = format; DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("%s: setting palette format: %d\n", __func__, format); // enable trace CHECK_DBG(DEBUG_TRACE_X86EMU) { X86EMU_trace_on(); } // run VESA Interrupt runInt10(); if (M.x86.R_AL != 0x4f) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: VBE Set Palette Format Function NOT supported! AL=%x\n", __func__, M.x86.R_AL); return -1; } if (M.x86.R_AH != 0x0) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: VBE Set Palette Format Function Return Code NOT OK! AH=%x\n", __func__, M.x86.R_AH); return M.x86.R_AH; } return 0; } // VBE Function 09h u8 vbe_set_color(u16 color_number, u32 color_value) { vbe_prepare(); // call VBE function 09h (Set/Get Palette Data Function) M.x86.R_EAX = 0x4f09; M.x86.R_BL = 0x00; // set color M.x86.R_CX = 0x01; // set only one entry M.x86.R_DX = color_number; // ES:DI is address where color_value is stored, we store it at 2000:0000 M.x86.R_ES = 0x2000; M.x86.R_DI = 0x0; // store color value at ES:DI out32le(biosmem + (M.x86.R_ES << 4) + M.x86.R_DI, color_value); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("%s: setting color #%x: 0x%04x\n", __func__, color_number, color_value); // enable trace CHECK_DBG(DEBUG_TRACE_X86EMU) { X86EMU_trace_on(); } // run VESA Interrupt runInt10(); if (M.x86.R_AL != 0x4f) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: VBE Set Palette Function NOT supported! AL=%x\n", __func__, M.x86.R_AL); return -1; } if (M.x86.R_AH != 0x0) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: VBE Set Palette Function Return Code NOT OK! AH=%x\n", __func__, M.x86.R_AH); return M.x86.R_AH; } return 0; } u8 vbe_get_color(u16 color_number, u32 * color_value) { vbe_prepare(); // call VBE function 09h (Set/Get Palette Data Function) M.x86.R_EAX = 0x4f09; M.x86.R_BL = 0x00; // get color M.x86.R_CX = 0x01; // get only one entry M.x86.R_DX = color_number; // ES:DI is address where color_value is stored, we store it at 2000:0000 M.x86.R_ES = 0x2000; M.x86.R_DI = 0x0; // enable trace CHECK_DBG(DEBUG_TRACE_X86EMU) { X86EMU_trace_on(); } // run VESA Interrupt runInt10(); if (M.x86.R_AL != 0x4f) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: VBE Set Palette Function NOT supported! AL=%x\n", __func__, M.x86.R_AL); return -1; } if (M.x86.R_AH != 0x0) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: VBE Set Palette Function Return Code NOT OK! AH=%x\n", __func__, M.x86.R_AH); return M.x86.R_AH; } // read color value from ES:DI *color_value = in32le(biosmem + (M.x86.R_ES << 4) + M.x86.R_DI); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("%s: getting color #%x --> 0x%04x\n", __func__, color_number, *color_value); return 0; } // VBE Function 15h u8 vbe_get_ddc_info(vbe_ddc_info_t * ddc_info) { vbe_prepare(); // call VBE function 15h (DDC Info Function) M.x86.R_EAX = 0x4f15; M.x86.R_BL = 0x00; // get DDC Info M.x86.R_CX = ddc_info->port_number; M.x86.R_ES = 0x0; M.x86.R_DI = 0x0; // enable trace CHECK_DBG(DEBUG_TRACE_X86EMU) { X86EMU_trace_on(); } // run VESA Interrupt runInt10(); if (M.x86.R_AL != 0x4f) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: VBE Get DDC Info Function NOT supported! AL=%x\n", __func__, M.x86.R_AL); return -1; } if (M.x86.R_AH != 0x0) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: port: %x VBE Get DDC Info Function Return Code NOT OK! AH=%x\n", __func__, ddc_info->port_number, M.x86.R_AH); return M.x86.R_AH; } // BH = approx. time in seconds to transfer one EDID block ddc_info->edid_transfer_time = M.x86.R_BH; // BL = DDC Level ddc_info->ddc_level = M.x86.R_BL; vbe_prepare(); // call VBE function 15h (DDC Info Function) M.x86.R_EAX = 0x4f15; M.x86.R_BL = 0x01; // read EDID M.x86.R_CX = ddc_info->port_number; M.x86.R_DX = 0x0; // block number // ES:DI is address where EDID is stored, we store it at 2000:0000 M.x86.R_ES = 0x2000; M.x86.R_DI = 0x0; // enable trace CHECK_DBG(DEBUG_TRACE_X86EMU) { X86EMU_trace_on(); } // run VESA Interrupt runInt10(); if (M.x86.R_AL != 0x4f) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: VBE Read EDID Function NOT supported! AL=%x\n", __func__, M.x86.R_AL); return -1; } if (M.x86.R_AH != 0x0) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("%s: port: %x VBE Read EDID Function Return Code NOT OK! AH=%x\n", __func__, ddc_info->port_number, M.x86.R_AH); return M.x86.R_AH; } memcpy(ddc_info->edid_block_zero, biosmem + (M.x86.R_ES << 4) + M.x86.R_DI, sizeof(ddc_info->edid_block_zero)); return 0; } u32 vbe_get_info(u8 argc, char ** argv) { u8 rval; u32 i; if (argc < 4) { printf ("Usage %s <vmem_base> <device_path> <address of screen_info_t>\n", argv[0]); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { printf("argv[%d]: %s\n", i, argv[i]); } return -1; } // get a copy of input struct... screen_info_input_t input = *((screen_info_input_t *) strtoul((char *) argv[4], 0, 16)); // output is pointer to the address passed as argv[4] screen_info_t *output = (screen_info_t *) strtoul((char *) argv[4], 0, 16); // zero output memset(output, 0, sizeof(screen_info_t)); // argv[1] is address of virtual BIOS mem... // argv[2] is the size biosmem = (u8 *) strtoul(argv[1], 0, 16); biosmem_size = strtoul(argv[2], 0, 16);; if (biosmem_size < MIN_REQUIRED_VMEM_SIZE) { printf("Error: Not enough virtual memory: %x, required: %x!\n", biosmem_size, MIN_REQUIRED_VMEM_SIZE); return -1; } // argv[3] is the device to open and use... if (dev_init((char *) argv[3]) != 0) { printf("Error initializing device!\n"); return -1; } //setup interrupt handler X86EMU_intrFuncs intrFuncs[256]; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) intrFuncs[i] = handleInterrupt; X86EMU_setupIntrFuncs(intrFuncs); X86EMU_setupPioFuncs(&my_pio_funcs); X86EMU_setupMemFuncs(&my_mem_funcs); // set mem_base M.mem_base = (long) biosmem; M.mem_size = biosmem_size; DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("membase set: %08x, size: %08x\n", (int) M.mem_base, (int) M.mem_size); vbe_info_t info; rval = vbe_info(&info); if (rval != 0) return rval; DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("VbeSignature: %s\n", info.signature); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("VbeVersion: 0x%04x\n", info.version); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("OemString: %s\n", info.oem_string_ptr); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("Capabilities:\n"); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("\tDAC: %s\n", (info.capabilities & 0x1) == 0 ? "fixed 6bit" : "switchable 6/8bit"); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("\tVGA: %s\n", (info.capabilities & 0x2) == 0 ? "compatible" : "not compatible"); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("\tRAMDAC: %s\n", (info.capabilities & 0x4) == 0 ? "normal" : "use blank bit in Function 09h"); // argv[4] may be a pointer with enough space to return screen_info_t // as input, it must contain a screen_info_input_t with the following content: // byte[0:3] = "DDC\0" (zero-terminated signature header) // byte[4:5] = reserved space for the return struct... just in case we ever change // the struct and dont have reserved enough memory (and let's hope the struct // never gets larger than 64KB) // byte[6] = monitor port number for DDC requests ("only" one byte... so lets hope we never have more than 255 monitors... // byte[7:8] = max. screen width (OF may want to limit this) // byte[9] = required color depth in bpp if (strncmp((char *) input.signature, "DDC", 4) != 0) { printf ("%s: Invalid input signature! expected: %s, is: %s\n", __func__, "DDC", input.signature); return -1; } if (input.size_reserved != sizeof(screen_info_t)) { printf ("%s: Size of return struct is wrong, required: %d, available: %d\n", __func__, (int) sizeof(screen_info_t), input.size_reserved); return -1; } vbe_ddc_info_t ddc_info; ddc_info.port_number = input.monitor_number; vbe_get_ddc_info(&ddc_info); #if 0 DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("DDC: edid_tranfer_time: %d\n", ddc_info.edid_transfer_time); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("DDC: ddc_level: %x\n", ddc_info.ddc_level); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("DDC: EDID: \n"); CHECK_DBG(DEBUG_VBE) { dump(ddc_info.edid_block_zero, sizeof(ddc_info.edid_block_zero)); } #endif if (*((u64 *) ddc_info.edid_block_zero) != (u64) 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFF00) { // invalid EDID signature... probably no monitor output->display_type = 0x0; return 0; } else if ((ddc_info.edid_block_zero[20] & 0x80) != 0) { // digital display output->display_type = 2; } else { // analog output->display_type = 1; } DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("DDC: found display type %d\n", output->display_type); memcpy(output->edid_block_zero, ddc_info.edid_block_zero, sizeof(ddc_info.edid_block_zero)); i = 0; vbe_mode_info_t mode_info; vbe_mode_info_t best_mode_info; // initialize best_mode to 0 memset(&best_mode_info, 0, sizeof(best_mode_info)); while ((mode_info.video_mode = info.video_mode_list[i]) != 0xFFFF) { //DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("%x: Mode: %04x\n", i, mode_info.video_mode); vbe_get_mode_info(&mode_info); #if 0 DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("Video Mode 0x%04x available, %s\n", mode_info.video_mode, (mode_info.attributes & 0x1) == 0 ? "not supported" : "supported"); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("\tTTY: %s\n", (mode_info.attributes & 0x4) == 0 ? "no" : "yes"); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("\tMode: %s %s\n", (mode_info.attributes & 0x8) == 0 ? "monochrome" : "color", (mode_info.attributes & 0x10) == 0 ? "text" : "graphics"); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("\tVGA: %s\n", (mode_info.attributes & 0x20) == 0 ? "compatible" : "not compatible"); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("\tWindowed Mode: %s\n", (mode_info.attributes & 0x40) == 0 ? "yes" : "no"); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("\tFramebuffer: %s\n", (mode_info.attributes & 0x80) == 0 ? "no" : "yes"); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("\tResolution: %dx%d\n", mode_info.x_resolution, mode_info.y_resolution); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("\tChar Size: %dx%d\n", mode_info.x_charsize, mode_info.y_charsize); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("\tColor Depth: %dbpp\n", mode_info.bits_per_pixel); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("\tMemory Model: 0x%x\n", mode_info.memory_model); DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE("\tFramebuffer Offset: %08x\n", mode_info.framebuffer_address); #endif if ((mode_info.bits_per_pixel == input.color_depth) && (mode_info.x_resolution <= input.max_screen_width) && ((mode_info.attributes & 0x80) != 0) // framebuffer mode && ((mode_info.attributes & 0x10) != 0) // graphics && ((mode_info.attributes & 0x8) != 0) // color && (mode_info.x_resolution > best_mode_info.x_resolution)) // better than previous best_mode { // yiiiihaah... we found a new best mode memcpy(&best_mode_info, &mode_info, sizeof(mode_info)); } i++; } if (best_mode_info.video_mode != 0) { DEBUG_PRINTF_VBE ("Best Video Mode found: 0x%x, %dx%d, %dbpp, framebuffer_address: 0x%x\n", best_mode_info.video_mode, best_mode_info.x_resolution, best_mode_info.y_resolution, best_mode_info.bits_per_pixel, best_mode_info.framebuffer_address); //printf("Mode Info Dump:"); //dump(best_mode_info.mode_info_block, 64); // set the video mode vbe_set_mode(&best_mode_info); if ((info.capabilities & 0x1) != 0) { // switch to 8 bit palette format vbe_set_palette_format(8); } // setup a palette: // - first 216 colors are mixed colors for each component in 6 steps // (6*6*6=216) // - then 10 shades of the three primary colors // - then 10 shades of grey // ------- // = 256 colors // // - finally black is color 0 and white color FF (because SLOF expects it // this way...) // this resembles the palette that the kernel/X Server seems to expect... u8 mixed_color_values[6] = { 0xFF, 0xDA, 0xB3, 0x87, 0x54, 0x00 }; u8 primary_color_values[10] = { 0xF3, 0xE7, 0xCD, 0xC0, 0xA5, 0x96, 0x77, 0x66, 0x3F, 0x27 }; u8 mc_size = sizeof(mixed_color_values); u8 prim_size = sizeof(primary_color_values); u8 curr_color_index; u32 curr_color; u8 r, g, b; // 216 mixed colors for (r = 0; r < mc_size; r++) { for (g = 0; g < mc_size; g++) { for (b = 0; b < mc_size; b++) { curr_color_index = (r * mc_size * mc_size) + (g * mc_size) + b; curr_color = 0; curr_color |= ((u32) mixed_color_values[r]) << 16; //red value curr_color |= ((u32) mixed_color_values[g]) << 8; //green value curr_color |= (u32) mixed_color_values[b]; //blue value vbe_set_color(curr_color_index, curr_color); } } } // 10 shades of each primary color // red for (r = 0; r < prim_size; r++) { curr_color_index = mc_size * mc_size * mc_size + r; curr_color = ((u32) primary_color_values[r]) << 16; vbe_set_color(curr_color_index, curr_color); } //green for (g = 0; g < prim_size; g++) { curr_color_index = mc_size * mc_size * mc_size + prim_size + g; curr_color = ((u32) primary_color_values[g]) << 8; vbe_set_color(curr_color_index, curr_color); } //blue for (b = 0; b < prim_size; b++) { curr_color_index = mc_size * mc_size * mc_size + prim_size * 2 + b; curr_color = (u32) primary_color_values[b]; vbe_set_color(curr_color_index, curr_color); } // 10 shades of grey for (i = 0; i < prim_size; i++) { curr_color_index = mc_size * mc_size * mc_size + prim_size * 3 + i; curr_color = 0; curr_color |= ((u32) primary_color_values[i]) << 16; //red curr_color |= ((u32) primary_color_values[i]) << 8; //green curr_color |= ((u32) primary_color_values[i]); //blue vbe_set_color(curr_color_index, curr_color); } // SLOF is using color 0x0 (black) and 0xFF (white) to draw to the screen... vbe_set_color(0x00, 0x00000000); vbe_set_color(0xFF, 0x00FFFFFF); output->screen_width = best_mode_info.x_resolution; output->screen_height = best_mode_info.y_resolution; output->screen_linebytes = best_mode_info.linebytes; output->color_depth = best_mode_info.bits_per_pixel; output->framebuffer_address = best_mode_info.framebuffer_address; } else { printf("%s: No suitable video mode found!\n", __func__); //unset display_type... output->display_type = 0; } return 0; }