## SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only test-help help:: @echo '*** coreboot test targets ***' @echo ' what-jenkins-does - Run platform build tests with junit output' @echo ' Skip tests by setting env vars JENKINS_SKIP_x_TESTS' @echo ' to 'y' where x is: CLANG, GCC, LINT, TOOL, or UNIT' @echo ' lint / lint-stable - Run coreboot lint tools (all / minimal)' @echo ' test-basic - Run standard build tests. All expected to pass.' @echo ' test-lint - Basic: Run stable and extended lint tests.' @echo ' test-tools - Basic: Tests a basic list of tools.' @echo ' test-abuild - Basic: Builds all platforms' @echo ' test-payloads - Basic: Builds internal payloads' @echo ' test-cleanup - Basic: Cleans coreboot directories' @echo # junit.xml is a helper target to wrap builds that don't create junit.xml output # BLD = The name of the build # BLD_DIR = Top path from coreboot to the build subdirectory # MAKETARGET = target to build junit.xml: echo "Building $(BLD)" echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><testsuite>' > $@.tmp echo "<testcase classname='$(BLD)' name='$(BLD)'>" >> $@.tmp -if [ -z "$(BLD_DIR)" ]; then \ projdir=""; \ xmlfile=junit_$(BLD).xml; \ else \ projdir="-C $(BLD_DIR)"; \ xmlfile="$(BLD_DIR)/$@"; \ fi; \ if [ -z "$(SKIP_DISTCLEAN)" ]; then \ $(MAKE) -j $(CPUS) $$projdir clean distclean > $@.tmp.2 2>&1 ; \ fi; \ if $(MAKE) -j $(CPUS) $$projdir $(MAKETARGET) >> $@.tmp.2 2>&1; then \ type="system-out"; \ echo "<$$type>" >> $@.tmp; \ echo "Building $(BLD) Succeeded"; \ else \ type="failure"; \ echo "<failure type='buildFailed'>" >> $@.tmp; \ echo "Building $(BLD) Failed"; \ fi; \ cat $@.tmp.2; \ echo '<![CDATA[' >> $@.tmp; \ cat $@.tmp.2 >> $@.tmp; \ echo "]]></$$type>" >>$@.tmp; \ rm -f $@.tmp.2; \ echo "</testcase>" >> $@.tmp; \ echo "</testsuite>" >> $@.tmp; \ mv $@.tmp "$$xmlfile" echo TOOLLIST= \ amdfwtool \ cbfstool \ cbmem \ ectool \ futility \ ifdtool \ intelmetool \ inteltool \ intelvbttool \ nvramtool \ post \ superiotool TEST_PAYLOADLIST_INTERNAL= \ coreinfo \ nvramcui JENKINS_PAYLOAD?=none TEST_PAYLOAD?=$(JENKINS_PAYLOAD) CPUS?=4 lint lint-stable lint-extended: util/lint/lint $@ ABUILD_OPTIONS=--blobs --junit --cpus $(CPUS) --payloads $(JENKINS_PAYLOAD) ABUILD_OPTIONS+=$(if $(V),--verbose,) ABUILD_OPTIONS+=$(if $(JENKINS_NOCCACHE),,--ccache) ABUILD_OPTIONS+=$(JENKINS_ABUILD_OPT) COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR?=coreboot-builds validate_sec_tools: if [ ! -f 3rdparty/intel-sec-tools/go.mod ]; then \ echo "Please download 3rdparty/intel-sec-tools/:"; \ echo "git submodule update --init 3rdparty/intel-sec-tools"; \ exit 1; \ fi what-jenkins-does: test-cleanup validate_sec_tools ifneq ($(JENKINS_SKIP_LINT_TESTS),y) JUNIT=--junit $(MAKE) test-lint endif cd 3rdparty/intel-sec-tools/ ; go mod vendor cd util/goswid ; go mod vendor $(MAKE) test-abuild ifneq ($(JENKINS_SKIP_TOOL_TESTS),y) $(MAKE) test-tools endif ifneq ($(JENKINS_SKIP_UNIT_TESTS),y) +$(MAKE) junit.xml-unit-tests COV=1 +(cd payloads/libpayload; unset COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR; $(MAKE) junit.xml-unit-tests COV=1) +(cd payloads/libpayload; unset COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR; $(MAKE) coverage-report COV=1) +$(MAKE) coverage-report JUNIT_OUTPUT=y COV=1 find . -name 'tests.info' -exec cat {} + >$(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/coverage.info endif test-basic: test-lint test-tools test-abuild test-payloads test-cleanup test-lint: util/lint/lint lint-stable $(JUNIT) util/lint/lint lint-extended $(JUNIT) test-abuild: NAME=scanbuild; SCANBUILD_ARGS='-k -plist-html -maxloop 10' util/abuild/abuild -o $(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/$${NAME} $(ABUILD_OPTIONS) -scan-build --target EMULATION_QEMU_X86_Q35 --exitcode --name $${NAME} ifneq ($(JENKINS_SKIP_GCC_TESTS),y) NAME=gcc-chromeos; util/abuild/abuild -o $(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/$${NAME} $(ABUILD_OPTIONS) -x --name $${NAME} --clean NAME=gcc; util/abuild/abuild -o $(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/$${NAME} $(ABUILD_OPTIONS) --name $${NAME} --clean-somewhat endif ifneq ($(JENKINS_SKIP_CLANG_TESTS),y) NAME=clang-chromeos; util/abuild/abuild -o $(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/$${NAME} $(ABUILD_OPTIONS) -L -x --name $${NAME} --clean NAME=clang; util/abuild/abuild -o $(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/$${NAME} $(ABUILD_OPTIONS) -L --name $${NAME} --clean endif test-payloads: $(MAKE) -C payloads/libpayload test-configs -j $(CPUS) V=$(V) Q=$(Q) MFLAGS= MAKEFLAGS= $(if $(TEST_NOCCACHE),,CONFIG_LP_CCACHE=y) export MFLAGS=;export MAKEFLAGS=; \ $(foreach payload, $(TEST_PAYLOADLIST_INTERNAL), \ echo "*** Making payload $(payload) ***"; \ $(MAKE) -C payloads/$(payload) distclean ;\ $(MAKE) $(payload) -j $(CPUS) V=$(V) Q=$(Q)\ || exit 1; ) test-tools: @echo "Build testing $(TOOLLIST)" $(foreach tool, $(TOOLLIST), echo "Building $(tool)";$(MAKE) CPUS=$(CPUS) V=$(V) Q=$(Q) BLD_DIR="util/$(tool)" BLD="$(tool)" MFLAGS= MAKEFLAGS= MAKETARGET= junit.xml; ) unset COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR;$(MAKE) CPUS=$(CPUS) V=$(V) Q=$(Q) BLD_DIR=payloads/nvramcui BLD=nvramcui MFLAGS= MAKEFLAGS= MAKETARGET=all junit.xml unset COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR;$(MAKE) CPUS=$(CPUS) V=$(V) Q=$(Q) BLD_DIR=payloads/coreinfo BLD=coreinfo MFLAGS= MAKEFLAGS= MAKETARGET=defaultbuild junit.xml (cd payloads/libpayload; unset COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR; $(MAKE) $(if $(JENKINS_NOCCACHE),,CONFIG_LP_CCACHE=y) V=$(V) Q=$(Q) junit.xml) # The tegra targets don't use the standard build system, so we need to provide an xcompile to them. $(MAKE) xcompile=$(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/xcompile $(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/xcompile $(MAKE) CPUS=$(CPUS) V=$(V) Q=$(Q) BLD_DIR=src/soc/nvidia/tegra124/lp0 BLD=tegra124_lp0 MFLAGS= MAKEFLAGS=xcompile=$(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/xcompile MAKETARGET=all junit.xml $(MAKE) CPUS=$(CPUS) V=$(V) Q=$(Q) BLD_DIR=src/soc/nvidia/tegra210/lp0 BLD=tegra120_lp0 MFLAGS= MAKEFLAGS=xcompile=$(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/xcompile MAKETARGET=all junit.xml @echo "Running gitconfig tests" @for test in $$(find util/gitconfig/test -maxdepth 1 \ -type f -executable); do \ echo "$${test}"; \ "$${test}" || exit $${?}; \ done test-cleanup: rm -rf $(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/chromeos $(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/default rm -rf $(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/chromeos-clang $(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/default-clang rm -rf $(COREBOOT_BUILD_DIR)/scanbuild $(MAKE) clean $(foreach tool, $(TOOLLIST), $(MAKE) -C util/$(tool) clean ; ) $(MAKE) -C src/soc/nvidia/tegra124/lp0 clean $(MAKE) -C src/soc/nvidia/tegra210/lp0 clean .PHONY: test-basic test-lint test-abuild test-payloads .PHONY: test-tools test-cleanup test-help .PHONY: lint lint-stable what-jenkins-does