/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <commonlib/bsd/helpers.h>
#if defined(__linux__)
#include <sys/io.h>
#if (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__))
/* DirectHW is available here: https://www.coreboot.org/DirectHW */
#include <DirectHW/DirectHW.h>

# ifdef __NetBSD__
#include <pciutils/pci.h>
# else
#include <pci/pci.h>
# endif

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <machine/cpufunc.h>
#define OUTB(x, y) do { u_int tmp = (y); outb(tmp, (x)); } while (0)
#define OUTW(x, y) do { u_int tmp = (y); outw(tmp, (x)); } while (0)
#define OUTL(x, y) do { u_int tmp = (y); outl(tmp, (x)); } while (0)
#define INB(x) __extension__ ({ u_int tmp = (x); inb(tmp); })
#define INW(x) __extension__ ({ u_int tmp = (x); inw(tmp); })
#define INL(x) __extension__ ({ u_int tmp = (x); inl(tmp); })
#define OUTB outb
#define OUTW outw
#define OUTL outl
#define INB  inb
#define INW  inw
#define INL  inl

#if defined(__NetBSD__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <machine/sysarch.h>
#if defined(__i386__)
#define iopl i386_iopl
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
#define iopl x86_64_iopl

static __inline__ void
outb(uint8_t value, uint16_t port)
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("outb %b0,%w1": :"a" (value), "Nd" (port));

static __inline__ void
outw(uint16_t value, uint16_t port)
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("outw %w0,%w1": :"a" (value), "Nd" (port));

static __inline__ void
outl(uint32_t value, uint16_t port)
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("outl %0,%w1": :"a" (value), "Nd" (port));

static __inline__ uint8_t inb(uint16_t port)
	uint8_t value;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("inb %w1,%0":"=a" (value):"Nd" (port));
	return value;

static __inline__ uint16_t inw(uint16_t port)
	uint16_t value;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("inw %w1,%0":"=a" (value):"Nd" (port));
	return value;

static __inline__ uint32_t inl(uint16_t port)
	uint32_t value;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("inl %1,%0":"=a" (value):"Nd" (port));
	return value;

#define USAGE "Usage: superiotool [-d] [-e] [-a] [-l] [-V] [-v] [-h]\n\n\
  -d | --dump            Dump Super I/O register contents\n\
  -e | --extra-dump      Dump secondary registers too (e.g. EC registers)\n\
  -a | --alternate-dump  Use alternative dump format, more suitable for diff\n\
  -l | --list-supported  Show the list of supported Super I/O chips\n\
  -V | --verbose         Verbose mode\n\
  -v | --version         Show the superiotool version\n\
  -h | --help            Show a short help text\n\n"

#define USAGE_INFO "\
Per default (no options) superiotool will just probe for a Super I/O\n\
and print its vendor, name, ID, revision, and config port.\n"

#define NOTFOUND "  Failed. Returned data: "

#define EOT		-1		/* End Of Table */
#define NOLDN		-2		/* NO LDN needed */
#define NANA		-3		/* Not Available:
					   Used for registers having externally controlled
					   values that can change during runtime like
					   GPIO input value registers. */
#define RSVD		-4		/* Reserved */
#define MISC		-5		/* Needs special comment in output:
					   Used for registers depending on external pin straps
					   configuring static, but board-specific settings like
					   SIO base address or AMD/Intel power seqencing type. */
#define MAXLDN		0x14		/* Biggest LDN */
#define LDNSIZE		(MAXLDN + 3)	/* Biggest LDN + 0 + NOLDN + EOT */
#define MAXNUMIDX	170		/* Maximum number of indices */
#define IDXSIZE		(MAXNUMIDX + 1)
#define MAXNUMPORTS	(6 + 1)		/* Maximum number of Super I/O ports */

/* Select registers for various components. */
#define LDN_SEL		0x07		/* LDN select register */
#define WINBOND_HWM_SEL	0x4e		/* Hardware monitor bank select */

/* Command line parameters. */
extern int dump, verbose, extra_dump;

extern int chip_found;

/* Extra selector structure (see fintek.c) */
struct extra_selector {
	const char *name;
	uint8_t idx;
	uint8_t mask;
	uint8_t val;

struct superio_registers {
	int32_t superio_id;		/* Signed, as we need EOT. */
	const char *name;		/* Super I/O name */
	struct {
		int8_t ldn;
		const char *name;	/* LDN name */
		int16_t idx[IDXSIZE];
		int16_t def[IDXSIZE];
		struct extra_selector esel;
	} ldn[LDNSIZE];

/* pci.c */
extern struct pci_access *pacc;
struct pci_dev *pci_dev_find(uint16_t vendor, uint16_t device);

/* superiotool.c */
uint8_t regval(uint16_t port, uint8_t reg);
void regwrite(uint16_t port, uint8_t reg, uint8_t val);
void enter_conf_mode_winbond_fintek_ite_8787(uint16_t port);
void exit_conf_mode_winbond_fintek_ite_8787(uint16_t port);
void enter_conf_mode_fintek_7777(uint16_t port);
void exit_conf_mode_fintek_7777(uint16_t port);
int superio_unknown(const struct superio_registers reg_table[], uint16_t id);
const char *get_superio_name(const struct superio_registers reg_table[],
			     uint16_t id);
void dump_superio(const char *name, const struct superio_registers reg_table[],
		  uint16_t port, uint16_t id, uint8_t ldn_sel);
void dump_io(uint16_t iobase, uint16_t length);
void dump_data(uint16_t iobase, int bank);
void probing_for(const char *vendor, const char *info, uint16_t port);
void print_vendor_chips(const char *vendor,
			const struct superio_registers reg_table[]);

/* ali.c */
void probe_idregs_ali(uint16_t port);
void print_ali_chips(void);

/* aspeed.c */
void probe_idregs_aspeed(uint16_t port);
void print_aspeed_chips(void);

/* amd.c */
void probe_idregs_amd(uint16_t port);
void print_amd_chips(void);

/* serverengines.c */
void probe_idregs_serverengines(uint16_t port);
void print_serverengines_chips(void);

/* exar.c */
void probe_idregs_exar(uint16_t port);
void print_exar_chips(void);

/* fintek.c */
void probe_idregs_fintek(uint16_t port);
void probe_idregs_fintek_alternative(uint16_t port);
void print_fintek_chips(void);

/* infineon.c */
void probe_idregs_infineon(uint16_t port);
void print_infineon_chips(void);

/* ite.c */
void probe_idregs_ite(uint16_t port);
void print_ite_chips(void);

/* nsc.c */
void probe_idregs_nsc(uint16_t port);
void print_nsc_chips(void);

/* nuvoton.c */
void probe_idregs_nuvoton(uint16_t port);
void print_nuvoton_chips(void);

/* smsc.c */
void probe_idregs_smsc(uint16_t port);
void print_smsc_chips(void);

/* winbond.c */
void probe_idregs_winbond(uint16_t port);
void print_winbond_chips(void);

/* via.c */
void probe_idregs_via(uint16_t port);
void print_via_chips(void);

/** Table of which config ports to probe for each Super I/O family. */
static const struct {
	void (*probe_idregs) (uint16_t port);
	int ports[MAXNUMPORTS]; /* Signed, as we need EOT. */
} superio_ports_table[] = {
	{probe_idregs_ali,	{0x3f0, 0x370, EOT}},
        {probe_idregs_aspeed,   {0x2e, 0x4e, EOT}},
	{probe_idregs_exar,	{0x2e, 0x4e, EOT}},
	{probe_idregs_fintek,	{0x2e, 0x4e, EOT}},
	{probe_idregs_fintek_alternative,	{0x2e, 0x4e, EOT}},
	/* Only use 0x370 for ITE, but 0x3f0 or 0x3bd would also be valid. */
	{probe_idregs_ite,	{0x20e, 0x25e, 0x2e, 0x4e, 0x370, 0x6e, EOT}},
	{probe_idregs_nsc,	{0x2e, 0x4e, 0x15c, 0x164e, EOT}},
	/* I/O pairs on Nuvoton EC chips can be configured by firmware in
	 * addition to the following hardware strapping options. */
	{probe_idregs_nuvoton, {0x164e, 0x2e, 0x4e, EOT}},
	{probe_idregs_smsc,	{0x2e, 0x4e, 0x162e, 0x164e, 0x3f0, 0x370, EOT}},
	{probe_idregs_winbond,	{0x2e, 0x4e, 0x3f0, 0x370, 0x250, EOT}},
	{probe_idregs_via,	{0x2e, 0x4e, 0x3f0, EOT}},
	/* in fact read the BASE from HW */
	{probe_idregs_amd,	{0xaa, EOT}},
	{probe_idregs_serverengines,	{0x2e, EOT}},
	{probe_idregs_infineon,	{0x2e, 0x4e, EOT}},

/** Table of functions to print out supported Super I/O chips. */
static const struct {
	void (*print_list) (void);
} vendor_print_functions[] = {
