#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC2310,SC2312 # The above line must be directly after the shebang line. # Disables these warnings: # SC2310 - This function is invoked in an 'if' condition so set -e will be disabled. # Invoke separately if failures should cause the script to exit. # SC2312 - Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # # # Description: # Identifies new users in gerrit so that they can be greeted and marked # as new users. # VERSION="1.00" PROGRAM=$0 PROGNAME="$(basename "${PROGRAM}")" COMMIT_COUNT=5 # Consider a user to be new until they have this many commits AGE="1week" #AGE="3months" KNOWN_AUTHOR_FILE="./authorlist.txt" NEW_AUTHOR_FILE="./new_authors.txt" GERRIT_USER="$1" GERRIT_REPO="review.coreboot.org" show_version() { echo "${PROGNAME} version ${VERSION}" echo } usage() { echo "Usage: ${PROGNAME} <gerrit username>" echo "example: ${PROGNAME} martinlroth" } main() { local commit_count local patchlist local owner local owner_email local commit_id local new_users=0 show_version if ! jq --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Error: jq is not installed. Please install it with your package manager." exit 1 fi if [[ -z ${GERRIT_USER} ]]; then echo "Error: Please specify gerrit username on the command line." >&2 fi if [[ -z ${GERRIT_USER} || ${GERRIT_USER} == "--help" || ${GERRIT_USER} == "-h" ]]; then usage exit 1 fi echo "List of known users with more than 5 commits: ${KNOWN_AUTHOR_FILE}" echo "List of new user's patches: ${NEW_AUTHOR_FILE}" echo "Key: . = author in known user list or new user commit already seen" echo " : = author getting added to known user list" echo touch "${NEW_AUTHOR_FILE}" "${KNOWN_AUTHOR_FILE}" # Get all coreboot patches that aren't by known users, newer than the age set above patchlist="$(ssh -p 29418 "${GERRIT_USER}@${GERRIT_REPO}" gerrit query --format=JSON --no-limit --current-patch-set "repo:coreboot AND status:open NOT age:${AGE} NOT ownerin:Reviewers NOT ownerin:\\\"Core Developers\\\"" | jq -Mr '.currentPatchSet.uploader.name + ", " + .currentPatchSet.uploader.email + ", " + .currentPatchSet.revision + ", " + (.number | tostring)' | grep -v "null\|^,");" if [[ -z ${patchlist} ]]; then echo "Error: No patches returned." >&2 exit 1 else echo "$(wc -l <<<"${patchlist}") patches found." fi # Loop through all patches found, looking for any that are not by a known author. # If an author with more than 5 patches is found, add them to a list to filter out in the future. # If we find a new patch, print it, then add it to a list so that it isn't reported again. IFS=$'\n' for patch in ${patchlist}; do owner="$(echo "${patch}" | cut -f1 -d',')" owner_email="$(echo "${patch}" | cut -f2 -d',')" commit_id="$(echo "${patch}" | cut -f4 -d',')" if grep -qi "${owner}" "${KNOWN_AUTHOR_FILE}" || grep -qi "${owner_email}" "${KNOWN_AUTHOR_FILE}" || grep -q "${commit_id}" "${NEW_AUTHOR_FILE}"; then printf "." continue fi # Get the author's commit count # shellcheck disable=SC2126 # (Consider using grep -c instead of grep | wc) commit_count="$(ssh -p 29418 "${GERRIT_USER}@${GERRIT_REPO}" gerrit query --format=JSON "limit:6 AND repo:coreboot AND owner:${owner_email} and status:merged" | jq -Mr '.owner.name + ", " + .owner.email' | grep -v "null\|^," | wc -l)" if [[ ${commit_count} -ge ${COMMIT_COUNT} ]]; then printf ":" echo "${owner}, ${owner_email}" >>"${KNOWN_AUTHOR_FILE}" continue fi printf "\n%s looks to be a patch by a new author.\n" "${patch}" echo "${patch}" >>"${NEW_AUTHOR_FILE}" new_users+=1 done printf "\n" if [[ ${new_users} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "No new patches by new users found." fi } main