include Makefile.conf VERSION:=2.7 RELEASE_DATE:=27 March 2006 PACKAGE:=mkelfImage # You can specify DESTDIR on the command line to do a add # a prefix to the install so it doesn't really happen # Useful for building binary packages DESTDIR = CWD:=$(shell pwd) OBJDIR:=objdir CPPFLAGS=-DVERSION='"$(VERSION)"' -DRELEASE_DATE='"$(RELEASE_DATE)"' -I include HOST_CPPFLAGS=$(CPPFLAGS) I386_CPPFLAGS=$(CPPFLAGS) -I arch/i386/include IA64_CPPFLAGS=$(CPPFLAGS) -I arch/ia64/include GENERATED_SRCS:=\ ./configure \ ./linux-i386/convert.bin.c\ ./linux-ia64/convert.bin.c SPEC=$(OBJDIR)/mkelfImage-$(VERSION).spec TARBALL=$(OBJDIR)/mkelfImage-$(VERSION).tar.gz SRCS:=$(shell find ./AUTHORS ./COPYING ./Makefile ./ ./News \ ./ \ ./ \ ./config \ ./kunzip_src \ ./main ./util ./include ./arch \ ./linux-i386 \ ./linux-ia64 \ ! -path '*CVS*' ! -name '*~' ! -name '.*' -type f -print ) SRCS+=$(GENERATED_SRCS) PSRCS:=$(patsubst ./%,mkelfImage-$(VERSION)/%,$(SRCS)) PSRCS+=./mkelfImage-$(VERSION).spec SBIN_TARGETS=$(OBJDIR)/sbin/mkelfImage MAN8_TARGETS=$(OBJDIR)/man/man8/mkelfImage.8 TARGETS:=$(SBIN_TARGETS) $(MAN8_TARGETS) DEPS:= Makefile Makefile.conf all: $(TARGETS) include main/Makefile include util/Makefile include linux-i386/Makefile include linux-ia64/Makefile clean:: @$(RM) -rf objdir @$(RM) -rf rpm @$(RM) -f config.log config.status config.cache @$(RM) -f $(SBIN_TARGETS) $(MAN1_TARGETS) @$(RM) -f mkelfImage-$(VERSION) $(TARBALL) dist-clean:: clean @$(FIND) . -type f -name '*~' | xargs $(RM) -f @$(RM) Makefile.conf maintainer-clean:: dist-clean @$(RM) -f $(SPEC) $(GENERATED_SRCS) install: $(TARGETS) $(MKDIR) -p $(DESTDIR)/$(sbindir) $(DESTDIR)/$(mandir)/man8 $(CP) -ar $(SBIN_TARGETS) $(DESTDIR)/$(sbindir)/ $(CP) -ar $(MAN8_TARGETS) $(DESTDIR)/$(mandir)/man8/ #%.1 : Makefile # mkdir -p $(@D) # pod2man --date="$(RELEASE_DATE)" --release="$(VERSION)" $*.pl > $@ tarball: $(TARBALL) $(TARBALL): $(SRCS) $(SPEC) $(MKDIR) -p $(OBJDIR) $(RM) -f $(OBJDIR)/mkelfImage-$(VERSION) $(LN) -s .. $(OBJDIR)/mkelfImage-$(VERSION) (cd $(OBJDIR); $(TAR) -cf - $(PSRCS) | gzip -9) > $@ rpm: $(TARBALL) $(MKDIR) -p $(OBJDIR)/RPM $(OBJDIR)/SRPM $(OBJDIR)/BUILD $(OBJDIR)/SPECS $(OBJDIR)/TMP unset MAKEFLAGS MAKELEVEL; \ $(RPM) -ta \ --define '_rpmdir $(CWD)/$(OBJDIR)/RPM' \ --define '_srcrpmdir $(CWD)/$(OBJDIR)/SRPM' \ --define '_builddir $(CWD)/$(OBJDIR)/BUILD' \ --define '_specdir $(CWD)/$(OBJDIR)/SPECS' \ --define '_tmppath $(CWD)/$(OBJDIR)/TMP' \ $(TARBALL) Makefile.conf: configure /bin/sh ./configure configure: autoconf $(RM) -rf autom4te.cache $(SPEC): Makefile $(SED) -e 's,^Version: $$,Version: $(VERSION),' $< > $@ .PHONY: echo install realinstall echo: echo $(SRCS)