#!/usr/bin/python3 """Add a new variant to the Kconfig and Kconfig.name for the baseboard To start a new variant of an existing baseboard, we need to add the variant into the Kconfig and Kconfig.name files for the baseboard. In Kconfig, we have three sections that need additional entries, GBB_HWID, MAINBOARD_PART_NUMBER, and VARIANT_DIR. In GBB_HWID, we need to add a HWID that includes a numeric suffix. The numeric suffix is the CRC-32 of the all-caps ASCII name, modulo 10000. For example, if the board name is "Fizz", we calculate the CRC of "FIZZ TEST", which is 0x598C492D. In decimal, the value is 1502365997, modulo 10000 is 5997. So the HWID string is "FIZZ TEST 5997" In the past, we have used an online CRC-32 calculator such as https://www.lammertbies.nl/comm/info/crc-calculation.html, and then used the calculator app to convert to decimal and take the last 4 digits. The MAINBOARD_PART_NUMBER and VARIANT_DIR are simpler, just using various capitalizations of the variant name to create the strings. Kconfig.name adds an entire section for the new variant, and all of these use various capitalizations of the variant name. The strings in this section are SOC-specific, so we'll need versions for each SOC that we support. Copyright 2019 Google LLC. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. """ import argparse import zlib def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Add strings to coreboot Kconfig for a new board variant") parser.add_argument('--name', type=str, required=True, help='Name of the board variant') args = parser.parse_args() add_to_Kconfig(args.name) add_to_Kconfig_name(args.name) def get_gbb_hwid(variant_name): """Create the GBB_HWID for a variant variant_name The name of the board variant, e.g. 'kohaku' Returns: GBB_HWID string for the board variant, e.g. 'KOHAKU TEST 1953' Note that the case of the variant name does not matter; it gets converted to all uppercase as part of this function.""" hwid = variant_name + ' test' upperhwid = hwid.upper() suffix = zlib.crc32(upperhwid.encode('UTF-8')) % 10000 gbb_hwid = upperhwid + ' ' + str(suffix).zfill(4) return gbb_hwid def add_to_Kconfig(variant_name): """Add options for the variant to the Kconfig Open the Kconfig file and read it line-by-line. When we detect that we're in one of the sections of interest, wait until we get a blank line (signalling the end of that section), and then add our new line before the blank line. The updated lines are written out to Kconfig.new in the same directory as Kconfig. variant_name The name of the board variant, e.g. 'kohaku'""" # These are the part of the strings that we'll add to the sections BOARD = 'BOARD_GOOGLE_' + variant_name.upper() gbb_hwid = get_gbb_hwid(variant_name) lowercase = variant_name.lower() capitalized = lowercase.capitalize() # These flags track whether we're in a section where we need to add an option in_gbb_hwid = False in_mainboard_part_number = False in_variant_dir = False inputname = 'Kconfig' outputname = 'Kconfig.new' with open(outputname, 'w') as outfile: with open(inputname, 'r') as infile: for rawline in infile: line = rawline.rstrip('\r\n') # Are we in one of the sections of interest? if line == 'config GBB_HWID': in_gbb_hwid = True if line == 'config MAINBOARD_PART_NUMBER': in_mainboard_part_number = True if line == 'config VARIANT_DIR': in_variant_dir = True # Are we at the end of a section, and if so, is it one of the # sections of interest? if line == '': if in_gbb_hwid: print('\tdefault "' + gbb_hwid + '" if ' + BOARD, file=outfile) in_gbb_hwid = False if in_mainboard_part_number: print('\tdefault "' + capitalized + '" if ' + BOARD, file=outfile) in_mainboard_part_number = False if in_variant_dir: print('\tdefault "' + lowercase + '" if ' + BOARD, file=outfile) in_variant_dir = False print(line, file=outfile) def add_to_Kconfig_name(variant_name): """Add a config section for the variant to the Kconfig.name Kconfig.name is easier to modify than Kconfig; it only has a block at the end with the new variant's details. config BOARD_GOOGLE_${VARIANT} variant_name The name of the board variant, e.g. 'kohaku'""" # Board name for the config section uppercase = variant_name.upper() BOARD = 'BOARD_GOOGLE_' + uppercase capitalized = variant_name.lower().capitalize() inputname = 'Kconfig.name' outputname = 'Kconfig.name.new' with open(outputname, 'w') as outfile: with open(inputname, 'r') as infile: # Copy all input lines to output for rawline in infile: line = rawline.rstrip('\r\n') print(line, file=outfile) # Now add the new section print('\nconfig ' + BOARD, file=outfile) print('\tbool "-> ' + capitalized + '"', file=outfile) print('\tselect BOARD_GOOGLE_BASEBOARD_HATCH', file=outfile) print('\tselect BOARD_ROMSIZE_KB_16384', file=outfile) if __name__ == '__main__': main()