#!/usr/bin/perl # # This file is part of the coreboot project. # # Copyright (C) 2015 Martin L Roth <gaumless@gmail.com> # Copyright (C) 2015 Google, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # package kconfig_lint; use strict; use warnings; use English qw( -no_match_vars ); use File::Find; use Getopt::Long; use Getopt::Std; my $suppress_error_output = 0; # flag to prevent error text my $suppress_warning_output = 0; # flag to prevent warning text my $show_note_output = 0; # flag to show minor notes text my $print_full_output = 0; # flag to print wholeconfig output my $output_file = "-"; # filename of output - set stdout by default my $dont_use_git_grep = 0; #globals my $top_dir = "."; # Directory where Kconfig is run my $root_dir = "src"; # Directory of the top level Kconfig file my $errors_found = 0; # count of errors my $warnings_found = 0; my $exclude_dirs = '--exclude-dir="build" --exclude-dir="coreboot-builds" --exclude-dir="payloads" --exclude-dir="configs" --exclude-dir="util"'; # directories to exclude when searching for used symbols - NOT USED FOR GIT GREP (TODO) my @exclude_files = ('\.txt$', '\.tex$', 'config', '\.tags'); #files to exclude when looking for symbols my $config_file = ""; # name of config file to load symbol values from. my @wholeconfig; # document the entire kconfig structure my %loaded_files; # list of each Kconfig file loaded my %symbols; # main structure of all symbols declared my %referenced_symbols; # list of symbols referenced by expressions or select statements my %used_symbols; # structure of symbols used in the tree, and where they're found my @collected_symbols; # Main(); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main # # Start by loading and parsing the top level Kconfig, this pulls in the other # files. Parsing the tree creates several arrays and hashes that can be used # to check for errors #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub Main { check_arguments(); open( STDOUT, "> $output_file" ) or die "Can't open $output_file for output: $!\n"; if (defined $top_dir) { chdir $top_dir or die "Error: can't cd to $top_dir\n"; } die "Error: $top_dir/$root_dir does not exist.\n" unless (-d $root_dir); #load the Kconfig tree, checking what we can and building up all the hash tables build_and_parse_kconfig_tree("$root_dir/Kconfig"); #run checks based on the data that was found find( \&check_if_file_referenced, $root_dir ); load_config($config_file) if ($config_file); check_defaults(); check_referenced_symbols(); collect_used_symbols(); check_used_symbols(); check_for_ifdef(); check_for_def(); check_is_enabled(); print_wholeconfig(); if ($errors_found) { print "# $errors_found errors"; if ($warnings_found) { print ", $warnings_found warnings"; } print "\n"; } exit($errors_found + $warnings_found); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print and count errors #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub show_error { my ($error_msg) = @_; unless ($suppress_error_output) { print "#!!!!! Error: $error_msg\n"; $errors_found++; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print and count warnings #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub show_warning { my ($warning_msg) = @_; unless ($suppress_warning_output) { print "#!!!!! Warning: $warning_msg\n"; $warnings_found++; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check_for_ifdef - Look for instances of #ifdef CONFIG_[symbol_name] and # #if defined(CONFIG_[symbol_name]). # # #ifdef symbol is valid for strings, but bool, hex, and INT are always defined. # #if defined(symbol) && symbol is also a valid construct. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_for_ifdef { my @ifdef_symbols = @collected_symbols; #look for #ifdef SYMBOL while ( my $line = shift @ifdef_symbols ) { if ( $line =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+):\s*#\s*ifn?def\s+CONFIG_(\w+)/ ) { my $file = $1; my $lineno = $2; my $symbol = $3; if ((exists $symbols{$symbol}) && ($symbols{$symbol}{type} ne "string")) { show_error("#ifdef 'CONFIG_$symbol' used at $file:$lineno. Symbols of type '$symbols{$symbol}{type}' are always defined."); } } } # look for (#if) defined SYMBOL @ifdef_symbols = @collected_symbols; while ( my $line = shift @ifdef_symbols ) { if ( $line =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+):.+defined\s*\(\s*CONFIG_(\w+)/ ) { my $file = $1; my $lineno = $2; my $symbol = $3; #ignore '#if defined(symbol) && symbol' type statements next if ( $line =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+):.+defined\s*\(\s*CONFIG_$symbol.*(&&|\|\|)\s*!?\s*\(?\s*CONFIG_$symbol/ ); if ((exists $symbols{$symbol}) && ($symbols{$symbol}{type} ne "string")) { show_error("defined 'CONFIG_$symbol' used at $file:$lineno. Symbols of type '$symbols{$symbol}{type}' are always defined."); } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check_for_def - Look for instances of #define CONFIG_[symbol_name] # # Symbols should not be redefined outside of Kconfig, and #defines should not # look like symbols #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_for_def { my @def_symbols = @collected_symbols; #look for #ifdef SYMBOL while ( my $line = shift @def_symbols ) { if ( $line =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+):\s*#\s*define\s+CONFIG_(\w+)/ ) { my $file = $1; my $lineno = $2; my $symbol = $3; if ((exists $symbols{$symbol})) { show_warning("#define of symbol 'CONFIG_$symbol' used at $file:$lineno."); } else { show_warning("#define 'CONFIG_$symbol' used at $file:$lineno. Other #defines should not look like Kconfig symbols."); } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check_is_enabled - The IS_ENABLED() macro is only valid for symbols of type # bool. It would probably work on type hex or int if the value was 0 or 1, but # this seems like a bad plan. Using it on strings is dead out. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_is_enabled { my @is_enabled_symbols = @collected_symbols; #sort through symbols found by grep and store them in a hash for easy access while ( my $line = shift @is_enabled_symbols ) { if ( $line =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+):(.+IS_ENABLED.*)/ ) { my $file = $1; my $lineno = $2; $line = $3; if ( $line !~ /(.*)IS_ENABLED\s*\(\s*CONFIG_(\w+)(.*)/ ){ show_warning("# uninterpreted IS_ENABLED at $file:$lineno: $line"); next; } while ( $line =~ /(.*)IS_ENABLED\s*\(\s*CONFIG_(\w+)(.*)/ ) { my $symbol = $2; $line = $1.$3; #make sure that if (exists $symbols{$symbol}) { if ($symbols{$symbol}{type} ne "bool") { show_error("IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_$symbol) used at $file:$lineno. IS_ENABLED is only valid for type 'bool', not '$symbols{$symbol}{type}'."); } } else { show_error("IS_ENABLED() used on unknown value CONFIG_$symbol at $file:$lineno."); } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check_defaults - Look for defaults that come after a default with no # dependencies. # # TODO - check for defaults with the same dependencies #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_defaults { # loop through each defined symbol foreach my $sym ( sort ( keys %symbols ) ) { my $default_set = 0; my $default_filename = ""; my $default_line_no = ""; #loop through each instance of that symbol for ( my $sym_num = 0 ; $sym_num <= $symbols{$sym}{count} ; $sym_num++ ) { #loop through any defaults for that instance of that symbol, if there are any next unless ( exists $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{default_max} ); for ( my $def_num = 0 ; $def_num <= $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{default_max} ; $def_num++ ) { #if a default is already set, display an error if ($default_set) { my $filename = $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{file}; my $line_no = $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{default}{$def_num}{default_line_no}; show_warning("Default for '$sym' referenced at $filename:$line_no will never be set - overridden by default set at $default_filename:$default_line_no"); } else { #if no default is set, see if this is a default with no dependencies unless ( ( exists $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{default}{$def_num}{default_depends_on} ) || ( exists $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{max_dependency} ) ) { $default_set = 1; $default_filename = $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{file}; $default_line_no = $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{default}{$def_num}{default_line_no}; } } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check_referenced_symbols - Make sure the symbols referenced by expressions and # select statements are actually valid symbols. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_referenced_symbols { #loop through symbols found in expressions and used by 'select' keywords foreach my $key ( sort ( keys %referenced_symbols ) ) { #make sure the symbol was defined by a 'config' or 'choice' keyword next if ( exists $symbols{$key} ); #loop through each instance of the symbol to print out all of the invalid references for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= $referenced_symbols{$key}{count} ; $i++ ) { my $filename = $referenced_symbols{$key}{$i}{filename}; my $line_no = $referenced_symbols{$key}{$i}{line_no}; show_error("Undefined Symbol '$key' used at $filename:$line_no."); } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub collect_used_symbols { # find all references to CONFIG_ statements in the tree if ($dont_use_git_grep) { @collected_symbols = `grep -Irn $exclude_dirs -- "CONFIG_"`; } else { @collected_symbols = `git grep -In -- "CONFIG_"`; } my @used_symbols = @collected_symbols; #sort through symbols found by grep and store them in a hash for easy access while ( my $line = shift @used_symbols ) { while ( $line =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9_]CONFIG_([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/g ) { my $symbol = $1; my $filename = ""; if ($line =~ /^([^:]+):/) { $filename = $1; } my $skip = 0; foreach my $exfile ( @exclude_files) { $skip = ($filename =~ /$exfile/); last if $skip; } last if $skip; if (exists $used_symbols{$symbol}{count}) { $used_symbols{$symbol}{count}++; } else { $used_symbols{$symbol}{count} = 0; } $used_symbols{$symbol}{"num_$used_symbols{$symbol}{count}"} = $filename; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check_used_symbols - Checks to see whether or not the created symbols are # actually used. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_used_symbols { # loop through all defined symbols and see if they're used anywhere foreach my $key ( sort ( keys %symbols ) ) { #see if they're used internal to Kconfig next if ( exists $referenced_symbols{$key} ); #see if they're used externally next if exists $used_symbols{$key}; #loop through the definitions to print out all the places the symbol is defined. for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= $symbols{$key}{count} ; $i++ ) { my $filename = $symbols{$key}{$i}{file}; my $line_no = $symbols{$key}{$i}{line_no}; show_warning("Unused symbol '$key' referenced at $filename:$line_no."); } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build_and_parse_kconfig_tree #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #load the initial file and start parsing it sub build_and_parse_kconfig_tree { my ($top_level_kconfig) = @_; my @config_to_parse; my @parseline; my $inside_help = 0; # set to line number of 'help' keyword if this line is inside a help block my @inside_if = (); # stack of if dependencies my $inside_config = ""; # set to symbol name of the config section my @inside_menu = (); # stack of menu names my $inside_choice = ""; my $configs_inside_choice; #start the tree off by loading the top level kconfig @config_to_parse = load_kconfig_file( $top_level_kconfig, "", 0, 0, "", 0 ); while ( ( @parseline = shift(@config_to_parse) ) && ( exists $parseline[0]{text} ) ) { my $line = $parseline[0]{text}; my $filename = $parseline[0]{filename}; my $line_no = $parseline[0]{file_line_no}; #handle help - help text: "help" or "---help---" $inside_help = handle_help( $line, $inside_help, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ); $parseline[0]{inside_help} = $inside_help; #look for basic issues in the line, strip crlf $line = simple_line_checks( $line, $filename, $line_no ); #strip comments $line =~ s/\s*#.*$//; #don't parse any more if we're inside a help block if ($inside_help) { #do nothing } #handle config elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*config/ ) { $line =~ /^\s*config\s+([^"\s]+)\s*(?>#.*)?$/; my $symbol = $1; $inside_config = $symbol; if ($inside_choice) { $configs_inside_choice++; } add_symbol( $symbol, \@inside_menu, $filename, $line_no, \@inside_if ); } #bool|hex|int|string|tristate <expr> [if <expr>] elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*(bool|string|hex|int|tristate)/ ) { $line =~ /^\s*(bool|string|hex|int|tristate)\s*(.*)/; my ( $type, $prompt ) = ( $1, $2 ); handle_type( $type, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); handle_prompt( $prompt, $type, \@inside_menu, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ); } # def_bool|def_tristate <expr> [if <expr>] elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*(def_bool|def_tristate)/ ) { $line =~ /^\s*(def_bool|def_tristate)\s+(.*)/; my ( $orgtype, $default ) = ( $1, $2 ); ( my $type = $orgtype ) =~ s/def_//; handle_type( $type, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); handle_default( $default, $orgtype, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ); } #prompt <prompt> [if <expr>] elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*prompt/ ) { $line =~ /^\s*prompt\s+(.+)/; handle_prompt( $1, "prompt", \@inside_menu, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ); } # default <expr> [if <expr>] elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*default/ ) { $line =~ /^\s*default\s+(.*)/; my $default = $1; handle_default( $default, "default", $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ); } # depends on <expr> elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*depends\s+on/ ) { $line =~ /^\s*depends\s+on\s+(.*)$/; my $expr = $1; handle_depends( $expr, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ); handle_expressions( $expr, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); } # comment <prompt> elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*comment/ ) { $inside_config = ""; } # choice [symbol] elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*choice/ ) { if ( $line =~ /^\s*choice\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$/ ) { my $symbol = $1; add_symbol( $symbol, \@inside_menu, $filename, $line_no, \@inside_if ); handle_type( "bool", $symbol, $filename, $line_no ); } $inside_config = ""; $inside_choice = "$filename $line_no"; $configs_inside_choice = 0; } # endchoice elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*endchoice/ ) { $inside_config = ""; if ( !$inside_choice ) { show_error("'endchoice' keyword not within a choice block at $filename:$line_no."); } $inside_choice = ""; if ( $configs_inside_choice == 0 ) { show_error("choice block has no symbols at $filename:$line_no."); } $configs_inside_choice = 0; } # [optional] elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*optional/ ) { if ($inside_config) { show_error("Keyword 'optional' appears inside config for '$inside_config' at $filename:$line_no. This is not valid."); } if ( !$inside_choice ) { show_error("Keyword 'optional' appears outside of a choice block at $filename:$line_no. This is not valid."); } } # mainmenu <prompt> elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*mainmenu/ ) { $inside_config = ""; } # menu <prompt> elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*menu/ ) { $line =~ /^\s*menu\s+(.*)/; my $menu = $1; if ( $menu =~ /^\s*"([^"]*)"\s*$/ ) { $menu = $1; } $inside_config = ""; $inside_choice = ""; push( @inside_menu, $menu ); } # endmenu elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*endmenu/ ) { $inside_config = ""; $inside_choice = ""; pop @inside_menu; } # "if" <expr> elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*if/ ) { $inside_config = ""; $line =~ /^\s*if\s+(.*)$/; my $expr = $1; push( @inside_if, $expr ); handle_expressions( $expr, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); } # endif elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*endif/ ) { $inside_config = ""; pop(@inside_if); } #range <symbol> <symbol> [if <expr>] elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*range/ ) { $line =~ /^\s*range\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/; handle_range( $1, $2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); } # select <symbol> [if <expr>] elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*select/ ) { unless ($inside_config) { show_error("Keyword 'select' appears outside of config at $filename:$line_no. This is not valid."); } if ( $line =~ /^\s*select\s+(.*)$/ ) { $line = $1; my $expression; ( $line, $expression ) = handle_if_line( $line, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); if ($line) { add_referenced_symbol( $line, $filename, $line_no ); } } } # source <prompt> elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*source\s+"?([^"\s]+)"?\s*(?>#.*)?$/ ) { my @newfile = load_kconfig_file( $1, $filename, $line_no, 0, $filename, $line_no ); unshift( @config_to_parse, @newfile ); $parseline[0]{text} = "# '$line'\n"; } elsif ( ( $line =~ /^\s*#/ ) || #comments ( $line =~ /^\s*$/ ) #blank lines ) { # do nothing } else { show_error("$line ($filename:$line_no unrecognized)"); } push @wholeconfig, @parseline; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub handle_depends { my ( $expr, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ) = @_; if ($inside_config) { my $sym_num = $symbols{$inside_config}{count}; if ( exists $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{max_dependency} ) { $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{max_dependency}++; } else { $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{max_dependency} = 0; } my $dep_num = $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{max_dependency}; $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{dependency}{$dep_num} = $expr; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub add_symbol { my ( $symbol, $menu_array_ref, $filename, $line_no, $ifref ) = @_; my @inside_if = @{$ifref}; #initialize the symbol or increment the use count. if (( !exists $symbols{$symbol}) || ( !exists $symbols{$symbol}{count} )) { $symbols{$symbol}{count} = 0; } else { $symbols{$symbol}{count}++; } # add the location of this instance my $symcount = $symbols{$symbol}{count}; $symbols{$symbol}{$symcount}{file} = $filename; $symbols{$symbol}{$symcount}{line_no} = $line_no; #Add the menu structure if ( defined @$menu_array_ref[0] ) { $symbols{$symbol}{$symcount}{menu} = $menu_array_ref; } #Add any 'if' statements that the symbol is inside as dependencies if (@inside_if) { my $dep_num = 0; for my $dependency (@inside_if) { $symbols{$symbol}{$symcount}{dependency}{$dep_num} = $dependency; $symbols{$symbol}{$symcount}{max_dependency} = $dep_num; $dep_num++; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # handle range #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub handle_range { my ( $range1, $range2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ) = @_; my $expression; ( $range2, $expression ) = handle_if_line( $range2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); $range1 =~ /^\s*(?:0x)?([A-Fa-f0-9]+)\s*$/; my $checkrange1 = $1; $range2 =~ /^\s*(?:0x)?([A-Fa-f0-9]+)\s*$/; my $checkrange2 = $1; if ( $checkrange1 && $checkrange2 && ( hex($checkrange1) > hex($checkrange2) ) ) { show_error("Range entry in $filename line $line_no value 1 ($range1) is greater than value 2 ($range2)."); } if ($inside_config) { if ( exists( $symbols{$inside_config}{range1} ) ) { if ( ( $symbols{$inside_config}{range1} != $range1 ) || ( $symbols{$inside_config}{range2} != $range2 ) ) { if ($show_note_output) { print "#!!!!! Note: Config '$inside_config' range entry $range1 $range2 at $filename:$line_no does"; print " not match the previously defined range $symbols{$inside_config}{range1} $symbols{$inside_config}{range2}"; print " defined at $symbols{$inside_config}{range_file}:$symbols{$inside_config}{range_line_no}.\n"; } } } else { $symbols{$inside_config}{range1} = $range1; $symbols{$inside_config}{range2} = $range2; $symbols{$inside_config}{range_file} = $filename; $symbols{$inside_config}{range_line_no} = $line_no; } } else { show_error("Range entry at $filename:$line_no is not inside a config block."); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # handle_default #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub handle_default { my ( $default, $name, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ) = @_; my $expression; ( $default, $expression ) = handle_if_line( $default, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); if ($inside_config) { handle_expressions( $default, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); my $sym_num = $symbols{$inside_config}{count}; unless ( exists $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{default_max} ) { $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{default_max} = 0; } my $default_max = $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{default_max}; $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{default}{$default_max}{default} = $default; $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{default}{$default_max}{default_line_no} = $line_no; if ($expression) { $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{default}{$default_max}{default_depends_on} = $expression; } } elsif ($inside_choice) { handle_expressions( $default, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); } else { show_error("$name entry at $filename:$line_no is not inside a config or choice block."); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # handle_if_line #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub handle_if_line { my ( $exprline, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ) = @_; if ( $exprline !~ /if/ ) { return ( $exprline, "" ); } #remove any quotes that might have an 'if' in them my $savequote; if ( $exprline =~ /^\s*("[^"]+")/ ) { $savequote = $1; $exprline =~ s/^\s*("[^"]+")//; } my $expr = ""; if ( $exprline =~ /\s*if\s+(.*)$/ ) { $expr = $1; $exprline =~ s/\s*if\s+.*$//; if ($expr) { handle_expressions( $expr, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); } } if ($savequote) { $exprline = $savequote; } return ( $exprline, $expr ); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # handle_expressions - log which symbols are being used #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub handle_expressions { my ( $exprline, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ) = @_; return unless ($exprline); #filter constant symbols first if ( $exprline =~ /^\s*"?([yn])"?\s*$/ ) { # constant y/n return; } elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*"?((?:-)\d+)"?\s*$/ ) { # int values return; } elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*"?((?:-)?(?:0x)?\p{XDigit})+"?\s*$/ ) { # hex values return; } elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*("[^"]*")\s*$/ ) { # String values return; } elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*$/ ) { # <symbol> (1) add_referenced_symbol( $1, $filename, $line_no ); } elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*!(.+)$/ ) { # '!' <expr> (5) handle_expressions( $1, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); } elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*\(([^)]+)\)\s*$/ ) { # '(' <expr> ')' (4) handle_expressions( $1, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); } elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*(.+)\s*!=\s*(.+)\s*$/ ) { # <symbol> '!=' <symbol> (3) handle_expressions( $1, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); handle_expressions( $2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); } elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*(.+)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/ ) { # <symbol> '=' <symbol> (2) handle_expressions( $1, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); handle_expressions( $2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); } elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*([^(]+|\(.+\))\s*&&\s*(.+)\s*$/ ) { # <expr> '&&' <expr> (6) handle_expressions( $1, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); handle_expressions( $2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); } elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*([^(]+|\(.+\))\s*\|\|\s*(.+)\s*$/ ) { # <expr> '||' <expr> (7) handle_expressions( $1, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); handle_expressions( $2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); } # work around kconfig spec violation for now - paths not in quotes elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*([A-Za-z0-9_\-\/]+)\s*$/ ) { # <symbol> (1) return; } else { show_error("Unrecognized expression '$exprline' in $filename line $line_no."); } return; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # add_referenced_symbol #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub add_referenced_symbol { my ( $symbol, $filename, $line_no ) = @_; if ( exists $referenced_symbols{$symbol} ) { $referenced_symbols{$symbol}{count}++; $referenced_symbols{$symbol}{ $referenced_symbols{$symbol}{count} }{filename} = $filename; $referenced_symbols{$symbol}{ $referenced_symbols{$symbol}{count} }{line_no} = $line_no; } else { $referenced_symbols{$symbol}{count} = 0; $referenced_symbols{$symbol}{0}{filename} = $filename; $referenced_symbols{$symbol}{0}{line_no} = $line_no; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # handle_help #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { #create a non-global static variable by enclosing it and the subroutine my $help_whitespace = ""; #string to show length of the help whitespace sub handle_help { my ( $line, $inside_help, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ) = @_; if ($inside_help) { #get the indentation level if it's not already set. if ( ( !$help_whitespace ) && ( $line !~ /^[\r\n]+/ ) ) { $line =~ /^(\s+)/; #find the indentation level. $help_whitespace = $1; if ( !$help_whitespace ) { show_warning("$filename:$line_no - help text starts with no whitespace."); return $inside_help; } } #help ends at the first line which has a smaller indentation than the first line of the help text. if ( ( $line !~ /$help_whitespace/ ) && ( $line !~ /^[\r\n]+/ ) ) { $inside_help = 0; $help_whitespace = ""; } else { #if it's not ended, add the line to the helptext array for the symbol's instance if ($inside_config) { my $sym_num = $symbols{$inside_config}{count}; if ($help_whitespace) { $line =~ s/^$help_whitespace//; } push( @{ $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{helptext} }, $line ); } } } elsif ( ( $line =~ /^(\s*)help/ ) || ( $line =~ /^(\s*)---help---/ ) ) { $inside_help = $line_no; if ( ( !$inside_config ) && ( !$inside_choice ) ) { if ($show_note_output) { print "# Note: $filename:$line_no help is not inside a config or choice block.\n"; } } elsif ($inside_config) { $help_whitespace = ""; my $sym_num = $symbols{$inside_config}{count}; $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{help_line_no} = $line_no; $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{helptext} = (); } } return $inside_help; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # handle_type #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub handle_type { my ( $type, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ) = @_; my $expression; ( $type, $expression ) = handle_if_line( $type, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); if ($inside_config) { if ( exists( $symbols{$inside_config}{type} ) ) { if ( $symbols{$inside_config}{type} !~ /$type/ ) { show_error("Config '$inside_config' type entry $type at $filename:$line_no does not match $symbols{$inside_config}{type} defined at $symbols{$inside_config}{type_file}:$symbols{$inside_config}{type_line_no}."); } } else { $symbols{$inside_config}{type} = $type; $symbols{$inside_config}{type_file} = $filename; $symbols{$inside_config}{type_line_no} = $line_no; } } else { show_error("Type entry at $filename:$line_no is not inside a config block."); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # handle_prompt #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub handle_prompt { my ( $prompt, $name, $menu_array_ref, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ) = @_; my $expression; ( $prompt, $expression ) = handle_if_line( $prompt, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ); if ($inside_config) { if ( $prompt !~ /^\s*$/ ) { if ( $prompt =~ /^\s*"([^"]*)"\s*$/ ) { $prompt = $1; } if ( !defined @$menu_array_ref[0] ) { show_error("Symbol '$inside_config' with prompt '$prompt' appears outside of a menu at $filename:$line_no."); } my $sym_num = $symbols{$inside_config}{count}; unless ( exists $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{prompt_max} ) { $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{prompt_max} = 0; } my $prompt_max = $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{prompt_max}; $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{prompt}{$prompt_max}{prompt} = $prompt; $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{prompt}{$prompt_max}{prompt_line_no} = $line_no; if ($expression) { $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{prompt}{$prompt_max}{prompt_depends_on} = $expression; } } } elsif ($inside_choice) { #do nothing } else { show_error("$name entry at $filename:$line_no is not inside a config or choice block."); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # simple_line_checks - Does some basic checks on the current line, then cleans the line # up for further processing. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub simple_line_checks { my ( $line, $filename, $line_no ) = @_; #check for spaces instead of tabs if ( $line =~ /^ +/ ) { show_error("$filename:$line_no starts with a space."); } #verify a linefeed at the end of the line if ( $line !~ /.*\n/ ) { show_error("$filename:$line_no does not end with linefeed. This can cause the line to not be recognized by the Kconfig parser.\n#($line)"); $line =~ s/\s*$//; } else { chop($line); } return $line; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # load_kconfig_file - Loads a single Kconfig file or expands * wildcard #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub load_kconfig_file { my ( $input_file, $loadfile, $loadline, $expanded, $topfile, $topline ) = @_; my @file_data; my @dir_file_data; #recursively handle coreboot's new source glob operator if ( $input_file =~ /^(.*?)\/\*\/(.*)$/ ) { my $dir_prefix = $1; my $dir_suffix = $2; if ( -d "$dir_prefix" ) { opendir( D, "$dir_prefix" ) || die "Can't open directory '$dir_prefix'\n"; my @dirlist = sort { $a cmp $b } readdir(D); closedir(D); while ( my $directory = shift @dirlist ) { #ignore non-directory files if ( ( -d "$dir_prefix/$directory" ) && !( $directory =~ /^\..*/ ) ) { push @dir_file_data, load_kconfig_file( "$dir_prefix/$directory/$dir_suffix", $input_file, $loadline, 1, $loadfile, $loadline ); } } } #the directory should exist when using a glob else { show_warning("Could not find dir '$dir_prefix'"); } } #if the file exists, try to load it. elsif ( -e "$input_file" ) { #throw a warning if the file has already been loaded. if ( exists $loaded_files{$input_file} ) { show_warning("'$input_file' sourced at $loadfile:$loadline was already loaded by $loaded_files{$input_file}"); } #load the file's contents and mark the file as loaded for checking later open( my $HANDLE, "<", "$input_file" ) or die "Error: could not open file '$input_file'\n"; @file_data = <$HANDLE>; close $HANDLE; $loaded_files{$input_file} = "'$loadfile' line $loadline"; } # if the file isn't being loaded from a glob, it should exist. elsif ( $expanded == 0 ) { show_warning("Could not find file '$input_file' sourced at $loadfile:$loadline"); } my $line_in_file = 0; while ( my $line = shift @file_data ) { #handle line continuation. my $continue_line = 0; while ($line =~ /(.*)\s+\\$/) { my $text = $1; # get rid of leading whitespace on all but the first and last lines $text =~ s/^\s*/ / if ($continue_line); $dir_file_data[$line_in_file]{text} .= $text; $line = shift @file_data; $continue_line++; #put the data into the continued lines (other than the first) $line =~ /^\s*(.*)\s*$/; $dir_file_data[$line_in_file + $continue_line]{text} = "\t# continued line ( " . $1 . " )\n"; $dir_file_data[$line_in_file + $continue_line]{filename} = $input_file; $dir_file_data[$line_in_file + $continue_line]{file_line_no} = $line_in_file + $continue_line + 1; #get rid of multiple leading spaces for last line $line = " $1\n"; } $dir_file_data[$line_in_file]{text} .= $line; $dir_file_data[$line_in_file]{filename} = $input_file; $dir_file_data[$line_in_file]{file_line_no} = $line_in_file + 1; $line_in_file++; if ($continue_line) { $line_in_file += $continue_line; } } if ($topfile) { my %file_data; $file_data{text} = "\t### File '$input_file' loaded from '$topfile' line $topline\n" ; $file_data{filename} = $topfile; $file_data{file_line_no} = "($topline)"; unshift (@dir_file_data, \%file_data); } return @dir_file_data; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print_wholeconfig - prints out the parsed Kconfig file #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_wholeconfig { return unless $print_full_output; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $#wholeconfig ; $i++ ) { my $line = $wholeconfig[$i]; chop( $line->{text} ); #replace tabs with spaces for consistency $line->{text} =~ s/\t/ /g; printf "%-120s # $line->{filename} line $line->{file_line_no}\n", $line->{text}; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check_if_file_referenced - checks for kconfig files that are not being parsed #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_if_file_referenced { my $filename = $File::Find::name; if ( ( $filename =~ /Kconfig/ ) && ( !exists $loaded_files{$filename} ) ) { show_warning("'$filename' is never referenced"); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check_arguments parse the command line arguments #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_arguments { my $show_usage = 0; GetOptions( 'help|?' => sub { usage() }, 'e|errors_off' => \$suppress_error_output, 'n|notes' => \$show_note_output, 'o|output=s' => \$output_file, 'p|print' => \$print_full_output, 'w|warnings_off' => \$suppress_warning_output, 'path=s' => \$top_dir, 'c|config=s' => \$config_file, 'G|no_git_grep' => \$dont_use_git_grep, ); if ($suppress_error_output) { $suppress_warning_output = 1; } if ($suppress_warning_output) { $show_note_output=0; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # usage - Print the arguments for the user #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub usage { print "kconfig_lint <options>\n"; print " -o|--output=file Set output filename\n"; print " -p|--print Print full output\n"; print " -e|--errors_off Don't print warnings or errors\n"; print " -w|--warnings_off Don't print warnings\n"; print " -n|--notes Show minor notes\n"; print " --path=dir Path to top level kconfig\n"; print " -c|--config=file Filename of config file to load\n"; print " -G|--no_git_grep Use standard grep tools instead of git grep\n"; exit(0); } 1;