.TH INTELTOOL 8 .SH NAME inteltool \- a tool for dumping Intel(R) CPU / chipset configuration parameters .SH SYNOPSIS .B inteltool \fR[\fB\-vh?gGrpmedPMaAsfS\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .B inteltool is a handy little tool for dumping the configuration space of Intel(R) CPUs, northbridges and southbridges. .sp This tool has been developed for the coreboot project (see .B http://coreboot.org for details on coreboot). .SH OPTIONS .TP .B "\-h, \-\-help" Show a help text and exit. .TP .B "\-v, \-\-version" Show version information and exit. .TP .B "\-a, \-\-all" Dump all known information listed below. .TP .B "\-g, \-\-gpio" Dump I/O Controller Hub (ICH) southbridge GPIO registers. .TP .B "\-G, \-\-gpio-diffs" Show only GPIO register differences from hardware defaults. .TP .B "\-r, \-\-rcba" Dump I/O Controller Hub (ICH) southbridge RCBA registers. .TP .B "\-s, \-\-spi" Dump I/O Controller Hub (ICH) southbridge SPI registers and bios control. .TP .B "\-f, \-\-gfx" Dump graphics registers. .TP .B "\-p, \-\-pmbase" Dump I/O Controller Hub (ICH) southbridge PMBASE registers. .TP .B "\-m, \-\-mchbar" Dump Intel(R) northbridge MCHBAR registers. .TP .BR "\-S" " \fIfile\fR, " "\-\-spd=" "\fIfile\fR" Dump the memory registers as above and store the current timing settings into \fIfile\fR. .TP .B "\-e, \-\-epbar" Dump Intel(R) northbridge EPBAR registers. .TP .B "\-d, \-\-dmibar" Dump Intel(R) northbridge DMIBAR registers. .TP .B "\-P, \-\-pciexbar" Dump Intel(R) northbridge PCIEXBAR registers. .TP .B "\-M, \-\-msrs" Dump Intel(R) CPU MSRs. .TP .B "\-A, \-\-ambs" Dump Advanced Memory Buffer (AMB) registers. .SH BUGS Please report any bugs on the coreboot mailing list .RB "(" http://coreboot.org/Mailinglist ")." .SH LICENCE .B inteltool is covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2. .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2008 coresystems GmbH .SH AUTHORS Stefan Reinauer <stepan@coresystems.de> .PP This manual page was written by Stefan Reinauer <stepan@coresystems.de>. It is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL (version 2). .sp Intel(R) is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Other product and/or company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.