/* intelmetool Dump interesting things about Management Engine even if hidden * Copyright (C) 2014 Damien Zammit <damien@zamaudio.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <cpuid.h> #ifdef __NetBSD__ #include <machine/sysarch.h> #endif #include "intelmetool.h" #include "me.h" #include "mmap.h" #include "msr.h" #include "rcba.h" extern int fd_mem; int debug = 0; static uint32_t fd2 = 0; static int ME_major_ver = 0; static int ME_minor_ver = 0; static void dumpmem(uint8_t *phys, uint32_t size) { uint32_t i; printf("Dumping cloned ME memory:\n"); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { printf("%02X",*((uint8_t *) (phys + i))); } printf("\n"); } static void zeroit(uint8_t *phys, uint32_t size) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { *((uint8_t *) (phys + i)) = 0x00; } } static void dumpmemfile(uint8_t *phys, uint32_t size) { FILE *fp = fopen("medump.bin", "w"); uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { fprintf(fp, "%c", *((uint8_t *) (phys + i))); } fclose(fp); } static int isCPUGenuineIntel(void) { regs_t regs; unsigned int level = 0; unsigned int eax = 0; __get_cpuid(level, &eax, ®s.ebx, ®s.ecx, ®s.edx); return !strncmp((char *)®s, "GenuineIntel", CPU_ID_SIZE-1); } /* You need >4GB total ram, in kernel cmdline, use 'mem=1000m' * then this code will clone to absolute memory address 0xe0000000 * which can be read using a mmap tool at that offset. * Real ME memory is located around top of memory minus 64MB. (I think) * so we avoid cloning to this part. */ static void dump_me_memory(void) { uintptr_t me_clone = 0x60000000; uint8_t *dump; dump = map_physical_exact((off_t)me_clone, (void *)me_clone, 0x2000000); if (dump == NULL) { printf("Could not map ME memory\n"); return; } zeroit(dump, 0x2000000); printf("Send magic command for memory clone\n"); mei_reset(); usleep(ME_COMMAND_DELAY); void* ptr = &me_clone; int err = mkhi_debug_me_memory(ptr); if (!err) { printf("Wait a second..."); usleep(ME_COMMAND_DELAY); printf("done\n\nHere are the first bytes:\n"); dumpmemfile(dump, 0x2000000); //printf("Try reading 0x%zx with other mmap tool...\n" // "Press enter to quit, you only get one chance to run" // "this tool before reboot required for some reason\n", // me_clone); while (getc(stdin) != '\n') {}; unmap_physical(dump, 0x2000000); } } static int pci_platform_scan(void) { struct pci_access *pacc; struct pci_dev *dev; char namebuf[1024]; const char *name; pacc = pci_alloc(); pacc->method = PCI_ACCESS_I386_TYPE1; pci_init(pacc); pci_scan_bus(pacc); for (dev=pacc->devices; dev; dev=dev->next) { pci_fill_info(dev, PCI_FILL_IDENT | PCI_FILL_BASES | PCI_FILL_SIZES | PCI_FILL_CLASS); name = pci_lookup_name(pacc, namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), PCI_LOOKUP_DEVICE, dev->vendor_id, dev->device_id); if (name == NULL) name = "<unknown>"; if (dev->vendor_id != PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL) continue; if (PCI_DEV_HAS_ME_DISABLE(dev->device_id)) { printf(CGRN "Good news, you have a `%s` so ME is " "present but can be disabled, continuing...\n\n" RESET, name); break; } else if (PCI_DEV_HAS_ME_DIFFICULT(dev->device_id)) { printf(CRED "Bad news, you have a `%s` so you have ME " "hardware on board and you can't control or " "disable it, continuing...\n\n" RESET, name); break; } else if (PCI_DEV_CAN_DISABLE_ME_IF_PRESENT(dev->device_id)) { printf(CYEL "Not sure if ME hardware is present " "because you have a `%s`, but it is possible to " "disable it if you do, continuing...\n\n" RESET, name); break; } else if (PCI_DEV_ME_NOT_SURE(dev->device_id)) { printf(CYEL "Found `%s`. Not sure whether you have ME " "hardware, exiting\n\n" RESET, name); pci_cleanup(pacc); return 1; } } if (dev != NULL && !PCI_DEV_HAS_ME_DISABLE(dev->device_id) && !PCI_DEV_HAS_ME_DIFFICULT(dev->device_id) && !PCI_DEV_CAN_DISABLE_ME_IF_PRESENT(dev->device_id) && !PCI_DEV_ME_NOT_SURE(dev->device_id)) { printf(CCYN "ME is not present on your board or unknown\n\n" RESET); pci_cleanup(pacc); return 1; } pci_cleanup(pacc); return 0; } static int activate_me(void) { if (read_rcba32(FD2, &fd2)) { printf("Error reading RCBA\n"); return 1; } if (write_rcba32(FD2, fd2 & ~0x2)) { printf("Error writing RCBA\n"); return 1; } if (debug) { if (fd2 & 0x2) printf("MEI was hidden on PCI, now unlocked\n"); else printf("MEI not hidden on PCI, checking if visible\n"); } return 0; } static void rehide_me(void) { if (fd2 & 0x2) { if (debug) printf("Re-hiding MEI device..."); if (read_rcba32(FD2, &fd2)) { printf("Error reading RCBA\n"); return; } if (write_rcba32(FD2, fd2 | 0x2)) { printf("Error writing RCBA\n"); return; } if (debug) printf("done\n"); } } static struct pci_dev *pci_me_interface_scan(const char **name, char *namebuf, int namebuf_size) { struct pci_access *pacc; struct pci_dev *dev; int me = 0; pacc = pci_alloc(); pacc->method = PCI_ACCESS_I386_TYPE1; pci_init(pacc); pci_scan_bus(pacc); for (dev=pacc->devices; dev; dev=dev->next) { pci_fill_info(dev, PCI_FILL_IDENT | PCI_FILL_BASES | PCI_FILL_SIZES | PCI_FILL_CLASS); *name = pci_lookup_name(pacc, namebuf, namebuf_size, PCI_LOOKUP_DEVICE, dev->vendor_id, dev->device_id); if (dev->vendor_id != PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL) continue; if (PCI_DEV_HAS_SUPPORTED_ME(dev->device_id)) { me = 1; break; } } if (!me) { rehide_me(); printf("MEI device not found\n"); pci_cleanup(pacc); return NULL; } return dev; } static void dump_me_info(void) { struct pci_dev *dev; uint32_t stat, stat2; char namebuf[1024]; const char *name = NULL; if (pci_platform_scan()) exit(1); if (activate_me()) exit(1); dev = pci_me_interface_scan(&name, namebuf, sizeof(namebuf)); if (!dev) exit(1); if (name == NULL) name = "<unknown>"; printf("MEI found: [%x:%x] %s\n\n", dev->vendor_id, dev->device_id, name); stat = pci_read_long(dev, 0x40); printf("ME Status : 0x%x\n", stat); stat2 = pci_read_long(dev, 0x48); printf("ME Status 2 : 0x%x\n\n", stat2); intel_me_status(stat, stat2); printf("\n"); intel_me_extend_valid(dev); printf("\n"); if (stat & 0xf000) printf("ME: has a broken implementation on your board with" "this firmware\n"); intel_mei_setup(dev); usleep(ME_COMMAND_DELAY); mei_reset(); usleep(ME_COMMAND_DELAY); mkhi_get_fw_version(&ME_major_ver, &ME_minor_ver); usleep(ME_COMMAND_DELAY); mei_reset(); usleep(ME_COMMAND_DELAY); mkhi_get_fwcaps(); usleep(ME_COMMAND_DELAY); rehide_me(); } static void dump_bootguard_info(void) { struct pci_dev *dev; char namebuf[1024]; const char *name; uint64_t bootguard = 0; if (pci_platform_scan()) exit(1); if (activate_me()) exit(1); dev = pci_me_interface_scan(&name, namebuf, sizeof(namebuf)); if (!dev) { printf("Can't access ME PCI device\n"); return; } if (debug) { printf("BootGuard MSR Output: 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", bootguard); bootguard &= ~0xff; } /* ME_major_ver is zero on some platforms (Mac) */ if (ME_major_ver && (ME_major_ver < 9 || (ME_major_ver == 9 && ME_minor_ver < 5) || !BOOTGUARD_CAPABILITY(bootguard))) { print_cap("BootGuard ", 0); printf(CGRN "\nYour system isn't bootguard ready. You can " "flash other firmware!\n" RESET); rehide_me(); return; } if (msr_bootguard(&bootguard, debug) < 0) { printf("ME Capability: %-43s: " CCYN "%s\n" RESET, "BootGuard Mode", "Unknown"); return; } print_cap("BootGuard ", 1); if (pci_read_long(dev, 0x40) & 0x10) printf(CYEL "Your southbridge configuration is insecure!! " "BootGuard keys can be overwritten or wiped, or you are " "in developer mode.\n" RESET); switch (bootguard) { case BOOTGUARD_DISABLED: printf("ME Capability: %-43s: " CGRN "%s\n" RESET, "BootGuard Mode", "Disabled"); printf(CGRN "\nYour system is bootguard ready but your vendor " "disabled it. You can flash other firmware!\n" RESET); break; case BOOTGUARD_ENABLED_COMBI_MODE: printf("ME Capability: %-43s: " CGRN "%s\n" RESET, "BootGuard Mode", "Verified & Measured Boot"); printf(CRED "\nVerified boot is enabled. You can't flash other " "firmware. !\n" RESET); break; case BOOTGUARD_ENABLED_MEASUREMENT_MODE: printf("ME Capability: %-43s: " CGRN "%s\n" RESET, "BootGuard Mode", "Measured Boot"); printf(CGRN "\nYour system is bootguard ready but only running " "the measured boot mode. You can flash other firmware!\n" RESET); break; case BOOTGUARD_ENABLED_VERIFIED_MODE: printf("ME Capability: %-43s: " CGRN "%s\n" RESET, "BootGuard Mode", "Verified Boot"); printf(CRED "\nVerified boot is enabled! You can't flash other " "firmware.\n" RESET); break; } rehide_me(); } static void print_version(void) { printf("intelmetool v%s -- ", INTELMETOOL_VERSION); printf("Copyright (C) 2015 Damien Zammit\n"); printf("Copyright (C) 2017 Philipp Deppenwiese\n"); printf("Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick Rudolph\n\n"); printf(GPLV2COPYRIGHT); } static void print_usage(const char *name) { printf("usage: %s [-vh?smdb]\n", name); printf("\n" " -v | --version: print the version\n" " -h | --help: print this help\n\n" " -d | --debug: enable debug output\n" " -m | --me dump all me information on console\n" " -b | --bootguard dump bootguard state of the platform\n" "\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt, option_index = 0; unsigned cmd_exec = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { {"version", 0, 0, 'v'}, {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {"me", 0, 0, 'm'}, {"bootguard", 0, 0, 'b'}, {"debug", 0, 0, 'd'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "vh?smdb", long_options, &option_index)) != EOF) { switch (opt) { case 'v': print_version(); exit(0); break; case 's': /* Legacy fallthrough */ case 'm': cmd_exec = 1; break; case 'b': cmd_exec = 2; break; break; case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 'h': case '?': default: print_usage(argv[0]); exit(0); break; } } if (!cmd_exec) print_usage(argv[0]); #if defined(__FreeBSD__) if (open("/dev/io", O_RDWR) < 0) { perror("/dev/io"); #elif defined(__NetBSD__) # ifdef __i386__ if (i386_iopl(3)) { perror("iopl"); # else if (x86_64_iopl(3)) { perror("iopl"); # endif #else if (iopl(3)) { perror("iopl"); #endif printf("You need to be root.\n"); exit(1); } #ifndef __DARWIN__ fd_mem = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR); if (fd_mem < 0) { perror("Can not open /dev/mem"); exit(1); } if (!isCPUGenuineIntel()) { perror("Error CPU is not from Intel."); exit(1); } #endif if (cmd_exec & 3) dump_me_info(); if (cmd_exec & 2) dump_bootguard_info(); return 0; }