CC = gcc YACC = bison LEX = flex TARGET=blobtool $(TARGET): $(TARGET).lex.o $(TARGET).tab.o $(CC) $^ -Wall -Wno-unused-function -g -lfl -o $@ $(TARGET).lex.c: $(TARGET).l $(TARGET).tab.h $(LEX) -o $(patsubst $(TARGET).l,$(TARGET).lex.c,$<) $< $(TARGET).tab.c $(TARGET).tab.h: $(TARGET).y $(YACC) -d $< # Use this target to generate GbE for X200 gen-gbe-ich9m: ./blobtool gbe-ich9m.spec gbe-ich9m.set gbe1.bin # duplicate binary as per spec cat gbe1.bin gbe1.bin > flashregion_3_gbe.bin rm -f gbe1.bin # Use this target to generate IFD for X200 gen-ifd-x200: ./blobtool ifd-x200.spec ifd-x200.set flashregion_0_fd.bin .PHONY: clean gen-gbe-ich9m gen-ifd-x200 clean: rm -f *.lex.c *.tab.c *.tab.h *.o blobtool flashregion_0_fd.bin flashregion_3_gbe.bin