#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Script for editing APCB_V3 binaries, such as injecting SPDs. import sys import re import argparse from collections import namedtuple from struct import * import binascii import os # SPD_MAGIC matches the expected SPD header: # Byte 0 = 0x23 = 512 bytes total / 384 bytes used # Byte 1 = 0x11 = Revision 1.1 # Byte 2 = 0x11 = LPDDR4X SDRAM # Byte 3 = 0x0E = Non-DIMM Solution SPD_MAGIC = bytes.fromhex('2311110E') EMPTY_SPD = b'\x00' * 512 spd_ssp_struct_fmt = '??B?IIBBBxIIBBBx' spd_ssp_struct = namedtuple( 'spd_ssp_struct', 'SpdValid, DimmPresent, \ PageAddress, NvDimmPresent, \ DramManufacturersIDCode, Address, \ SpdMuxPresent, MuxI2CAddress, MuxChannel, \ Technology, Package, SocketNumber, \ ChannelNumber, DimmNumber') apcb_v3_header_fmt = 'HHHHBBBBBBH' apcb_v3_header = namedtuple( 'apcb_v3_header', 'GroupId, TypeId, SizeOfType, \ InstanceId, ContextType, ContextFormat, UnitSize, \ PriorityMask, KeySize, KeyPos, BoardMask') def parseargs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Inject SPDs into APCB binaries') parser.add_argument( 'apcb_in', type=str, help='APCB input file') parser.add_argument( 'apcb_out', type=str, help='APCB output file') parser.add_argument( '--spd_sources', nargs='+', help='List of SPD sources') return parser.parse_args() def chksum(data): sum = 0 for b in data[:16] + data[17:]: sum = (sum + b) & 0xff return (0x100 - sum) & 0xff def inject(orig, insert, offset): return b''.join([orig[:offset], insert, orig[offset + len(insert):]]) def main(): args = parseargs() print(f'Reading input APCB from {args.apcb_in}') with open(args.apcb_in, 'rb') as f: apcb = f.read() orig_apcb_len = len(apcb) assert chksum(apcb) == apcb[16], f'ERROR: {args.apcb_in} checksum is invalid' print(f'Using SPD Sources = {args.spd_sources}') spds = [] for spd_source in args.spd_sources: with open(spd_source, 'rb') as f: spd_data = bytes.fromhex(re.sub(r'\s+', '', f.read().decode())) assert(len(spd_data) == 512), f'ERROR: {spd_source} not 512 bytes' spds.append(spd_data) spd_offset = 0 instance = 0 while True: spd_offset = apcb.find(SPD_MAGIC, spd_offset) if spd_offset < 0: print('No more SPD magic numbers in APCB') break spd_ssp_offset = spd_offset - calcsize(spd_ssp_struct_fmt) spd_ssp_bytes = apcb[spd_ssp_offset:spd_offset] spd_ssp = spd_ssp_struct._make( unpack(spd_ssp_struct_fmt, spd_ssp_bytes)) assert spd_ssp.DimmNumber >= 0 and spd_ssp.DimmNumber <= 1, \ 'ERROR: Unexpected dimm number found in APCB' assert spd_ssp.ChannelNumber >= 0 and spd_ssp.ChannelNumber <= 1, \ 'ERROR: Unexpected channel number found in APCB' print(f'Found SPD instance {instance} with channel {spd_ssp.ChannelNumber} ' f'and dimm {spd_ssp.DimmNumber} at offset {spd_offset}') # APCB V3 header is above first channel 0 entry if spd_ssp.ChannelNumber == 0: apcb_v3_header_offset = spd_ssp_offset - \ calcsize(apcb_v3_header_fmt) - 4 apcb_v3_header_bytes = apcb[apcb_v3_header_offset: apcb_v3_header_offset + calcsize(apcb_v3_header_fmt)] apcb_v3 = apcb_v3_header._make( unpack(apcb_v3_header_fmt, apcb_v3_header_bytes)) apcb_v3 = apcb_v3._replace(BoardMask=(1 << instance)) if instance < len(spds): print(f'Enabling channel {spd_ssp.ChannelNumber}, ' f'dimm {spd_ssp.DimmNumber} and injecting SPD') spd_ssp = spd_ssp._replace(SpdValid=True, DimmPresent=True) spd = spds[instance] else: print(f'Disabling channel {spd_ssp.ChannelNumber}, ' f'dimm {spd_ssp.DimmNumber} and clearing SPD') spd_ssp = spd_ssp._replace(SpdValid=False, DimmPresent=False) spd = EMPTY_SPD assert len(spd) == 512, f'ERROR: Expected SPD to be 512 bytes, got {len(spd)}' apcb = inject(apcb, pack(spd_ssp_struct_fmt, *spd_ssp), spd_ssp_offset) apcb = inject(apcb, spd, spd_offset) if spd_ssp.ChannelNumber == 0: apcb = inject(apcb, pack(apcb_v3_header_fmt, *apcb_v3), apcb_v3_header_offset) else: instance += 1 spd_offset += 512 assert instance >= len(spds), \ f'ERROR: Not enough SPD slots in APCB, found {instance}, need {len(spds)}' print(f'Fixing checksum and writing to {args.apcb_out}') apcb = inject(apcb, bytes([chksum(apcb)]), 16) assert chksum(apcb) == apcb[16], 'ERROR: Final checksum is invalid' assert orig_apcb_len == len(apcb), \ 'ERROR: The size of the APCB binary changed.' print(f'Writing {len(apcb)} bytes to {args.apcb_out}') with open(args.apcb_out, 'wb') as f: f.write(apcb) if __name__ == "__main__": main()