/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <tests/test.h> #include <fmap.h> #include <commonlib/region.h> #include <tests/lib/fmap/fmap_data.h> #include <tests/lib/fmap/fmap_config.h> static struct mem_region_device mem_rdev_rw; static struct mem_region_device mem_rdev_ro; static char *flash_buffer = NULL; static size_t flash_buffer_size = 0; static void prepare_flash_buffer(void) { /* Prepare flash buffer with dummy data and FMAP */ flash_buffer = malloc(FMAP_SECTION_FLASH_SIZE); flash_buffer_size = FMAP_SECTION_FLASH_SIZE; /* Fill first part of buffer with dummy data */ for (int i = 0; i < FMAP_SECTION_FMAP_START; ++i) flash_buffer[i] = 'a' + i % ('z' - 'a'); /* Copy FMAP section into buffer */ memcpy(flash_buffer + FMAP_SECTION_FMAP_START, tests_fmap_bin, FMAP_SIZE); /* Fill rest of buffer with dummy data */ for (int i = FMAP_SECTION_FMAP_START + FMAP_SECTION_FMAP_SIZE; i < FMAP_SECTION_FLASH_SIZE; ++i) flash_buffer[i] = 'a' + i % ('z' - 'a'); } static int setup_fmap(void **state) { prepare_flash_buffer(); mem_rdev_rw = (struct mem_region_device) MEM_REGION_DEV_RW_INIT(flash_buffer, FMAP_SECTION_FLASH_SIZE); mem_rdev_ro = (struct mem_region_device) MEM_REGION_DEV_RO_INIT(flash_buffer, FMAP_SECTION_FLASH_SIZE); return 0; } static int teardown_fmap(void **state) { struct mem_region_device empty = { .base = NULL, .rdev = { .root = NULL, .ops = NULL, .region = { .offset = 0, .size = 0 } } }; mem_rdev_rw = empty; mem_rdev_ro = empty; free(flash_buffer); flash_buffer = NULL; flash_buffer_size = 0; return 0; } void boot_device_init(void) { /* Setup in unit test setup function */ } const struct region_device *boot_device_ro(void) { return &mem_rdev_rw.rdev; } const struct region_device *boot_device_rw(void) { return &mem_rdev_rw.rdev; } static void test_fmap_locate_area_as_rdev(void **state) { const char buffer[] = "abcdefghijk0123456789"; struct region_device rdev; assert_int_not_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev("RO_VPD", &rdev)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_RO_VPD_START, region_device_offset(&rdev)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_RO_VPD_SIZE, region_device_sz(&rdev)); /* Check if locating area second time works */ assert_int_not_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev("RO_VPD", &rdev)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_RO_VPD_START, region_device_offset(&rdev)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_RO_VPD_SIZE, region_device_sz(&rdev)); assert_int_not_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev("RECOVERY_MRC_CACHE", &rdev)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_RECOVERY_MRC_CACHE_START, region_device_offset(&rdev)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_RECOVERY_MRC_CACHE_SIZE, region_device_sz(&rdev)); /* Expect error when writing to read-only area */ assert_int_equal(-1, rdev_writeat(&rdev, buffer, region_device_offset(&rdev), sizeof(buffer))); /* Expect error when looking for incorrect area */ assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev("NONEXISTENT_AREA", &rdev)); assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev("", &rdev)); assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev(NULL, &rdev)); /* Function fmap_locate_area_as_rdev is not tested with NULL as region_device pointer as it is not allowed. */ } static void test_fmap_locate_area_as_rdev_rw(void **state) { struct region_device rdev; size_t ro_rw_section_size = FMAP_SECTION_MISC_RW_SIZE; char *buffer1 = malloc(ro_rw_section_size); char *buffer2 = malloc(ro_rw_section_size); char *dummy_data = malloc(ro_rw_section_size); /* Fill buffer with dummy data */ for (int i = 0; i < ro_rw_section_size; ++i) dummy_data[i] = '0' + i % ('9' - '0'); assert_int_not_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev_rw("RW_SECTION_A", &rdev)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_RW_SECTION_A_START, region_device_offset(&rdev)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_RW_SECTION_A_SIZE, region_device_sz(&rdev)); /* Check if locating area second time works */ assert_int_not_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev_rw("RW_SECTION_A", &rdev)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_RW_SECTION_A_START, region_device_offset(&rdev)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_RW_SECTION_A_SIZE, region_device_sz(&rdev)); assert_int_not_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev_rw("MISC_RW", &rdev)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_MISC_RW_START, region_device_offset(&rdev)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_MISC_RW_SIZE, region_device_sz(&rdev)); /* Expect error when looking for incorrect area */ assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev_rw("NONEXISTENT_AREA", &rdev)); assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev_rw("", &rdev)); /* Expect error when passing invalid references */ assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev_rw(NULL, &rdev)); /* Function fmap_locate_area_as_rdev_rw is not tested with NULL as region_device pointer as it is not allowed. */ /* Test if returned section region device is writable */ assert_int_not_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev_rw("MISC_RW", &rdev)); assert_int_equal(ro_rw_section_size, rdev_readat(&rdev, buffer1, 0, ro_rw_section_size)); assert_int_equal(ro_rw_section_size, rdev_writeat(&rdev, dummy_data, 0, ro_rw_section_size)); /* Check if written data is visible and correct after locating area as RO */ assert_int_not_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area_as_rdev("MISC_RW", &rdev)); assert_int_equal(ro_rw_section_size, rdev_readat(&rdev, buffer2, 0, ro_rw_section_size)); assert_memory_not_equal(buffer1, buffer2, ro_rw_section_size); assert_memory_equal(dummy_data, buffer2, ro_rw_section_size); free(buffer1); free(buffer2); free(dummy_data); } static void test_fmap_locate_area(void **state) { struct region ar; /* Try to locate named area */ assert_int_not_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area("COREBOOT", &ar)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_COREBOOT_START, region_offset(&ar)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_COREBOOT_SIZE, region_sz(&ar)); /* Check if locating area second time works */ assert_int_not_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area("COREBOOT", &ar)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_COREBOOT_START, region_offset(&ar)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_COREBOOT_SIZE, region_sz(&ar)); /* Look for another area */ assert_int_not_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area("GBB", &ar)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_GBB_START, region_offset(&ar)); assert_int_equal(FMAP_SECTION_GBB_SIZE, region_sz(&ar)); /* Expect error when looking for incorrect area */ assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area("NONEXISTENT_AREA", &ar)); assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area("", &ar)); assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area(NULL, &ar)); /* Expect error when passing invalid region pointer */ assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area("SHARED_DATA", NULL)); } static void test_fmap_find_region_name(void **state) { (void)state; struct region ar; char found_area_name[FMAP_STRLEN] = ""; const char *area_name = "RW_PRESERVE"; /* Find area by name */ assert_int_not_equal(-1, fmap_locate_area(area_name, &ar)); /* Find name of previously located region */ assert_int_not_equal(-1, fmap_find_region_name(&ar, found_area_name)); assert_string_equal(area_name, found_area_name); /* Expect error when passing invalid buffer */ assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_find_region_name(&ar, NULL)); /* Expect error when passing invalid region pointer */ assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_find_region_name(NULL, found_area_name)); /* Try to find area outside of flash region */ ar.offset = FMAP_SECTION_FLASH_START + FMAP_SECTION_FLASH_SIZE + 0x100; ar.size = 0x1000; assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_find_region_name(&ar, found_area_name)); /* Try to find area with correct offset and incorrect size */ ar.offset = FMAP_SECTION_COREBOOT_START; ar.size = FMAP_SECTION_COREBOOT_SIZE / 4; assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_find_region_name(&ar, found_area_name)); /* Try to find area with correct size and incorrect offset */ ar.offset = FMAP_SECTION_GBB_START - 0x100; ar.size = FMAP_SECTION_GBB_START; assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_find_region_name(&ar, found_area_name)); /* Try to find area with correct offset overlapping with another area */ ar.offset = FMAP_SECTION_MISC_RW_START; ar.size = FMAP_SECTION_MISC_RW_START + 0x1000; assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_find_region_name(&ar, found_area_name)); } static void test_fmap_read_area(void **state) { const unsigned int section_size = FMAP_SECTION_RW_SECTION_A_SIZE; const unsigned int section_start = FMAP_SECTION_RW_SECTION_A_START; char *buffer = malloc(section_size); /* Find and read area data. Compare with memory device simulating flash. */ assert_int_equal(section_size, fmap_read_area("RW_SECTION_A", buffer, section_size)); assert_memory_equal(flash_buffer + section_start, buffer, section_size); /* Expect error when reading incorrect area */ assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_read_area("NONEXISTENT_SECTION", buffer, section_size)); assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_read_area("", buffer, section_size)); assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_read_area(NULL, buffer, section_size)); /* Function fmap_read_area is not tested with NULL as output buffer pointer as it is not allowed. */ free(buffer); } static void test_fmap_overwrite_area(void **state) { const char *section_name = "FW_MAIN_A"; const unsigned int section_size = FMAP_SECTION_FW_MAIN_A_SIZE; char *buffer1 = malloc(section_size); char *buffer2 = malloc(section_size); char *new_data = malloc(section_size / 2); char *zero_buffer = malloc(section_size / 2); memset(zero_buffer, 0, section_size / 2); memset(new_data, 0x42, section_size / 2); /* Save buffer for future comparisons */ assert_int_equal(section_size, fmap_read_area(section_name, buffer1, section_size)); /* Overwrite part of section. */ assert_int_equal(section_size / 2, fmap_overwrite_area(section_name, new_data, section_size / 2)); /* Read and check if memory has changed as expected */ assert_int_equal(section_size, fmap_read_area(section_name, buffer2, section_size)); assert_memory_not_equal(buffer1, buffer2, section_size); /* Check if requested section area was overwritten properly */ assert_memory_equal(buffer2, new_data, section_size / 2); /* Check if rest of section was zero-filled */ assert_memory_equal(buffer2 + (section_size / 2), zero_buffer, section_size / 2); /* Expect error when overwriting incorrect section */ assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_overwrite_area("NONEXISTENT_SECTION", new_data, section_size / 2)); assert_int_equal(-1, fmap_overwrite_area(NULL, new_data, section_size / 2)); /* Function fmap_overwrite_area is not tested with NULL as input buffer pointer as it is not allowed. */ free(buffer1); free(buffer2); free(new_data); free(zero_buffer); } int main(void) { const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = { cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_fmap_locate_area_as_rdev, setup_fmap, teardown_fmap), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_fmap_locate_area_as_rdev_rw, setup_fmap, teardown_fmap), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_fmap_locate_area, setup_fmap, teardown_fmap), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_fmap_find_region_name, setup_fmap, teardown_fmap), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_fmap_read_area, setup_fmap, teardown_fmap), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_fmap_overwrite_area, setup_fmap, teardown_fmap), }; return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL); }