/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ #include <tests/test.h> #include <boardid.h> #include <boot/coreboot_tables.h> #include <boot/tables.h> #include <cbfs.h> #include <cbmem.h> #include <commonlib/helpers.h> #include <commonlib/region.h> #include <fmap_config.h> #include <fw_config.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <version.h> /* Copy of lb_table_init() implementation for testing purposes */ static struct lb_header *lb_table_init(unsigned long addr) { struct lb_header *header; /* 16 byte align the address */ addr += 15; addr &= ~15; header = (void *)addr; header->signature[0] = 'L'; header->signature[1] = 'B'; header->signature[2] = 'I'; header->signature[3] = 'O'; header->header_bytes = sizeof(*header); header->header_checksum = 0; header->table_bytes = 0; header->table_checksum = 0; header->table_entries = 0; return header; } static struct lb_record *lb_first_record(struct lb_header *header) { struct lb_record *rec; rec = (void *)(((char *)header) + sizeof(*header)); return rec; } #define LB_RECORD_FOR_EACH(record_ptr, index, header) \ for (index = 0, record_ptr = lb_first_record(header); \ index < header->table_entries; \ record_ptr = (struct lb_record *)((uintptr_t)record_ptr \ + record_ptr->size), index++) static void test_lb_add_gpios(void **state) { struct lb_gpio gpios[] = { {-1, ACTIVE_HIGH, 1, "lid"}, {-1, ACTIVE_HIGH, 0, "power"}, {-1, ACTIVE_HIGH, 1, "oprom"}, {-1, ACTIVE_HIGH, 0, "EC in RW"}, }; const size_t gpios_buf_size = sizeof(struct lb_gpios) + sizeof(struct lb_gpio) * 32; uint8_t gpios_buf[gpios_buf_size]; struct lb_gpios *gpios_table = (struct lb_gpios *)gpios_buf; gpios_table->count = 0; gpios_table->size = 0; gpios_table->tag = LB_TAG_GPIO; /* Add GPIOs an check if they have been added to the table. GPIOs are added in the same order to the end of the table. */ lb_add_gpios(gpios_table, gpios, ARRAY_SIZE(gpios)); assert_int_equal(ARRAY_SIZE(gpios), gpios_table->count); assert_int_equal(sizeof(gpios), gpios_table->size); assert_memory_equal(&gpios_table->gpios[0], gpios, sizeof(gpios)); /* Add subset of gpios and check if they have been added correctly. */ lb_add_gpios(gpios_table, &gpios[1], 2); assert_int_equal(ARRAY_SIZE(gpios) + 2, gpios_table->count); assert_int_equal(sizeof(gpios) + 2 * sizeof(gpios[0]), gpios_table->size); assert_memory_equal(&gpios_table->gpios[0], gpios, sizeof(gpios)); assert_memory_equal(&gpios_table->gpios[ARRAY_SIZE(gpios)], &gpios[1], 2 * sizeof(gpios[0])); } uint8_t tables_buffer[sizeof(struct lb_header) + 10 * KiB]; static int setup_test_header(void **state) { *state = lb_table_init((uintptr_t)tables_buffer); return 0; } static void test_lb_new_record(void **state) { struct lb_header *header = *state; const size_t entries = 10; int i; size_t entries_offset; size_t accumulated_size = 0; struct lb_record *curr; assert_int_equal(0, header->table_entries); assert_int_equal(0, header->table_bytes); lb_new_record(header); assert_int_equal(1, header->table_entries); assert_int_equal(0, header->table_bytes); /* Create few entries with varying sizes (but at least of sizeof(struct lb_record)) Accumulate and check size of table after each lb_new_record() call. */ entries_offset = header->table_entries; accumulated_size = sizeof(struct lb_record); for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) { curr = lb_new_record(header); curr->size = sizeof(struct lb_record) + ((i + 2) * 7) % 32; assert_int_equal(entries_offset + (i + 1), header->table_entries); assert_int_equal(accumulated_size, header->table_bytes); accumulated_size += curr->size; } } static void test_lb_add_serial(void **state) { struct lb_header *header = *state; struct lb_serial serial; serial.type = LB_SERIAL_TYPE_MEMORY_MAPPED; serial.baseaddr = 0xFEDC6000; serial.baud = 115200; serial.regwidth = 1; serial.input_hertz = 115200 * 16; serial.uart_pci_addr = 0x0; lb_add_serial(&serial, header); assert_int_equal(1, header->table_entries); /* Table bytes and checksum should be zero, because it is updated with size of previous record or when table is closed. No previous record is present. */ assert_int_equal(0, header->table_bytes); assert_int_equal(0, header->table_checksum); } static void test_lb_add_console(void **state) { struct lb_header *header = *state; lb_add_console(LB_TAG_CONSOLE_SERIAL8250MEM, header); assert_int_equal(1, header->table_entries); /* Table bytes and checksum should be zero, because it is updated with size of previous record or when table is closed. No previous record is present. */ assert_int_equal(0, header->table_bytes); assert_int_equal(0, header->table_checksum); } static void test_multiple_entries(void **state) { struct lb_header *header = *state; /* Add two entries */ lb_add_console(LB_TAG_CONSOLE_SERIAL8250, header); lb_add_console(LB_TAG_CONSOLE_SERIAL8250MEM, header); assert_int_equal(2, header->table_entries); assert_int_equal(sizeof(struct lb_console), header->table_bytes); } static void test_write_coreboot_forwarding_table(void **state) { struct lb_header *header = *state; uint8_t forwarding_table_buffer[sizeof(struct lb_header) + 2 * sizeof(struct lb_forward)]; struct lb_header *forward_header = (struct lb_header *)ALIGN_UP((uintptr_t)forwarding_table_buffer, 16); size_t forwarding_table_size = write_coreboot_forwarding_table((uintptr_t)forwarding_table_buffer, (uintptr_t)header); size_t expected_forwarding_table_size = ALIGN_UP((uintptr_t)forwarding_table_buffer, 16) + sizeof(struct lb_header) + sizeof(struct lb_forward) - (uintptr_t)forwarding_table_buffer; assert_int_equal(expected_forwarding_table_size, forwarding_table_size); assert_int_equal(1, forward_header->table_entries); assert_int_equal(sizeof(struct lb_forward), forward_header->table_bytes); assert_ptr_equal(header, ((struct lb_forward *)lb_first_record(forward_header))->forward); } /* Mocks for write_tables() */ const char mainboard_vendor[] = CONFIG_MAINBOARD_VENDOR; const char mainboard_part_number[] = CONFIG_MAINBOARD_PART_NUMBER; const char coreboot_version[] = "4.13"; const char coreboot_extra_version[] = "abcdef"; const char coreboot_build[] = "Coreboot build info"; const unsigned int coreboot_version_timestamp = 1617191902U; const unsigned int coreboot_major_revision = 4; const unsigned int coreboot_minor_revision = 13; const char coreboot_compile_time[] = "13:58:22"; const char coreboot_dmi_date[] = "03/31/2021"; const struct bcd_date coreboot_build_date = { .century = 0x20, .year = 0x20, .month = 0x03, .day = 0x31, .weekday = 0x2, }; const unsigned int asl_revision = 0x20200925; void arch_write_tables(uintptr_t coreboot_table) { } struct resource mock_bootmem_ranges[] = { { .base = 0x1000, .size = 0x2000, .flags = LB_MEM_RAM }, { .base = 0x0000, .size = 0x4000, .flags = LB_MEM_RAM }, }; void bootmem_write_memory_table(struct lb_memory *mem) { struct lb_memory_range *lb_r = &mem->map[0]; int i; /* Insert entries for testing */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(mock_bootmem_ranges); ++i) { struct resource *res = &mock_bootmem_ranges[i]; lb_r->start = pack_lb64(res->base); lb_r->size = pack_lb64(res->size); lb_r->type = res->flags; lb_r++; mem->size += sizeof(struct lb_memory_range); } } void uart_fill_lb(void *data) { struct lb_serial serial; serial.type = LB_SERIAL_TYPE_MEMORY_MAPPED; serial.baseaddr = 0xFEDC6000; serial.baud = 115200; serial.regwidth = 1; serial.input_hertz = 115200 * 16; serial.uart_pci_addr = 0x0; lb_add_serial(&serial, data); lb_add_console(LB_TAG_CONSOLE_SERIAL8250MEM, data); } struct cbfs_boot_device cbfs_boot_dev = { .rdev = REGION_DEV_INIT(NULL, 0, 0x1000), .mcache = (void *)0x1000, .mcache_size = 0x1000, }; const struct cbfs_boot_device *cbfs_get_boot_device(bool force_ro) { return &cbfs_boot_dev; } void cbmem_run_init_hooks(int is_recovery) { } extern uintptr_t _cbmem_top_ptr; void *cbmem_top_chipset(void) { return (void *)_cbmem_top_ptr; } #define CBMEM_SIZE (64 * KiB) static int teardown_write_tables_test(void **state) { free(*state); _cbmem_top_ptr = 0; return 0; } static int setup_write_tables_test(void **state) { /* Allocate more data to have space for alignment */ void *top_ptr = malloc(CBMEM_SIZE + DYN_CBMEM_ALIGN_SIZE); int32_t *mmc_status = NULL; if (!top_ptr) return -1; *state = top_ptr; _cbmem_top_ptr = ALIGN_UP((uintptr_t)top_ptr + CBMEM_SIZE, DYN_CBMEM_ALIGN_SIZE); cbmem_initialize_empty(); mmc_status = cbmem_add(CBMEM_ID_MMC_STATUS, sizeof(int32_t)); if (mmc_status == NULL) { teardown_write_tables_test(state); return -1; } *mmc_status = 0x4433AADD; return 0; } const struct region_device *boot_device_ro(void) { return &cbfs_boot_dev.rdev; } uint64_t get_fmap_flash_offset(void) { return FMAP_OFFSET; } uint32_t freq_khz = 5000 * 1000; void lb_arch_add_records(struct lb_header *header) { struct lb_tsc_info *tsc_info; tsc_info = (void *)lb_new_record(header); tsc_info->tag = LB_TAG_TSC_INFO; tsc_info->size = sizeof(*tsc_info); tsc_info->freq_khz = freq_khz; } static void test_write_tables(void **state) { void *cbtable_start; struct lb_header *header; struct lb_record *record; int32_t *mmc_status = cbmem_find(CBMEM_ID_MMC_STATUS); size_t i = 0; /* Expect function to store cbtable entry in cbmem */ cbtable_start = write_tables(); assert_ptr_equal(cbtable_start, cbmem_find(CBMEM_ID_CBTABLE)); /* Expect correct lb_header at cbtable_start address */ header = (struct lb_header *)cbtable_start; assert_non_null(header); assert_memory_equal("LBIO", header, 4); assert_int_equal(sizeof(*header), header->header_bytes); /* At least one entry should be present. */ assert_int_not_equal(0, header->table_entries); LB_RECORD_FOR_EACH(record, i, header) { switch (record->tag) { case LB_TAG_MEMORY: /* Should be the same as in bootmem_write_memory_table() */ assert_int_equal(sizeof(struct lb_memory) + ARRAY_SIZE(mock_bootmem_ranges) * sizeof(struct lb_memory_range), record->size); const struct lb_memory *memory = (struct lb_memory *)record; const struct lb_memory_range *range; const struct resource *res; struct lb_uint64 value; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(mock_bootmem_ranges); ++i) { res = &mock_bootmem_ranges[i]; range = &memory->map[i]; value = pack_lb64(res->base); assert_memory_equal(&value, &range->start, sizeof(struct lb_uint64)); value = pack_lb64(res->size); assert_memory_equal(&value, &range->size, sizeof(struct lb_uint64)); assert_int_equal(range->type, res->flags); } break; case LB_TAG_MAINBOARD: /* Mainboard record contains its header followed by two null-terminated strings */ assert_int_equal(ALIGN_UP(sizeof(struct lb_mainboard) + ARRAY_SIZE(mainboard_vendor) + ARRAY_SIZE(mainboard_part_number), 8), record->size); break; case LB_TAG_VERSION: assert_int_equal(ALIGN_UP(sizeof(struct lb_string) + ARRAY_SIZE(coreboot_version), 8), record->size); break; case LB_TAG_EXTRA_VERSION: assert_int_equal(ALIGN_UP(sizeof(struct lb_string) + ARRAY_SIZE(coreboot_extra_version), 8), record->size); break; case LB_TAG_BUILD: assert_int_equal(ALIGN_UP(sizeof(struct lb_string) + ARRAY_SIZE(coreboot_build), 8), record->size); break; case LB_TAG_COMPILE_TIME: assert_int_equal(ALIGN_UP(sizeof(struct lb_string) + ARRAY_SIZE(coreboot_compile_time), 8), record->size); break; case LB_TAG_SERIAL: assert_int_equal(sizeof(struct lb_serial), record->size); /* This struct have the same values as created in uart_fill_lb() */ const struct lb_serial *serial = (struct lb_serial *)record; assert_int_equal(LB_SERIAL_TYPE_MEMORY_MAPPED, serial->type); assert_int_equal(0xFEDC6000, serial->baseaddr); assert_int_equal(115200, serial->baud); assert_int_equal(1, serial->regwidth); assert_int_equal(115200 * 16, serial->input_hertz); assert_int_equal(0x0, serial->uart_pci_addr); break; case LB_TAG_CONSOLE: assert_int_equal(sizeof(struct lb_console), record->size); /* This struct have the same values as created in uart_fill_lb() */ const struct lb_console *console = (struct lb_console *)record; assert_int_equal(LB_TAG_CONSOLE_SERIAL8250MEM, console->type); break; case LB_TAG_VERSION_TIMESTAMP: assert_int_equal(sizeof(struct lb_timestamp), record->size); const struct lb_timestamp *timestamp = (struct lb_timestamp *)record; assert_int_equal(coreboot_version_timestamp, timestamp->timestamp); break; case LB_TAG_BOOT_MEDIA_PARAMS: assert_int_equal(sizeof(struct lb_boot_media_params), record->size); const struct lb_boot_media_params *bmp = (struct lb_boot_media_params *)record; const struct cbfs_boot_device *cbd = cbfs_get_boot_device(false); const struct region_device *boot_dev = boot_device_ro(); assert_int_equal(region_device_offset(&cbd->rdev), bmp->cbfs_offset); assert_int_equal(region_device_sz(&cbd->rdev), bmp->cbfs_size); assert_int_equal(region_device_sz(boot_dev), bmp->boot_media_size); assert_int_equal(get_fmap_flash_offset(), bmp->fmap_offset); break; case LB_TAG_CBMEM_ENTRY: assert_int_equal(sizeof(struct lb_cbmem_entry), record->size); const struct lb_cbmem_entry *cbmem_entry = (struct lb_cbmem_entry *)record; const LargestIntegralType expected_tags[] = { CBMEM_ID_CBTABLE, CBMEM_ID_MMC_STATUS }; assert_in_set(cbmem_entry->id, expected_tags, ARRAY_SIZE(expected_tags)); break; case LB_TAG_TSC_INFO: assert_int_equal(sizeof(struct lb_tsc_info), record->size); const struct lb_tsc_info *tsc_info = (struct lb_tsc_info *)record; assert_int_equal(freq_khz, tsc_info->freq_khz); break; case LB_TAG_MMC_INFO: assert_int_equal(sizeof(struct lb_mmc_info), record->size); const struct lb_mmc_info *mmc_info = (struct lb_mmc_info *)record; assert_int_equal(*mmc_status, mmc_info->early_cmd1_status); break; case LB_TAG_BOARD_CONFIG: assert_int_equal(sizeof(struct lb_board_config), record->size); const struct lb_board_config *board_config = (struct lb_board_config *)record; const struct lb_uint64 expected_fw_version = pack_lb64(fw_config_get()); assert_memory_equal(&expected_fw_version, &board_config->fw_config, sizeof(struct lb_uint64)); assert_int_equal(board_id(), board_config->board_id); assert_int_equal(ram_code(), board_config->ram_code); assert_int_equal(sku_id(), board_config->sku_id); break; default: fail_msg("Unexpected tag found in record. Tag ID: 0x%x", record->tag); } } } int main(void) { const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = { cmocka_unit_test(test_lb_add_gpios), cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_lb_new_record, setup_test_header), cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_lb_add_serial, setup_test_header), cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_lb_add_console, setup_test_header), cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_multiple_entries, setup_test_header), cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_write_coreboot_forwarding_table, setup_test_header), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_write_tables, setup_write_tables_test, teardown_write_tables_test), }; return cb_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL); }