/** Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, Intel Corporation Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **/ #ifndef _FSP_PLATFORM_H_ #define _FSP_PLATFORM_H_ #include "fsptypes.h" #include "fspapi.h" // // Maximum number of SDRAM channels supported by each CPU // #define MAX_CHANNELS 2 // // Maximum number of DIMM sockets supported by each channel // #define MAX_DIMMS 2 #pragma pack(1) // // SPD DDR3 structure // typedef struct { UINT8 DRAMDeviceType; // 2 DRAM Device Type UINT8 ModuleType; // 3 Module Type UINT8 SDRAMDensityAndBanks; // 4 SDRAM Density and Banks UINT8 SDRAMAddressing; // 5 SDRAM Addressing UINT8 VDD; // 6 Module Nominal Voltage UINT8 ModuleOrganization; // 7 Module Organization UINT8 ModuleMemoryBusWidth; // 8 Module Memory Bus Width UINT8 TimebaseDividend; // 10 Medium Timebase (MTB) Dividend UINT8 TimebaseDivisor; // 11 Medium Timebase (MTB) Divisor UINT8 SDRAMMinimumCycleTime; // 12 SDRAM Minimum Cycle Time (tCKmin) UINT8 CASLatenciesLSB; // 14 CAS Latencies Supported, Least Significant Byte UINT8 CASLatenciesMSB; // 15 CAS Latencies Supported, Most Significant Byte UINT8 MinimumCASLatencyTime; // 16 Minimum CAS Latency Time (tAAmin) UINT8 MinimumWriteRecoveryTime; // 17 Minimum Write Recovery Time (tWRmin) UINT8 MinimumRASToCASDelayTime; // 18 Minimum RAS# to CAS# Delay Time (tRCDmin) UINT8 MinimumRowToRowDelayTime; // 19 Minimum Row Active to Row Active Delay Time (tRRDmin) UINT8 MinimumRowPrechargeDelayTime; // 20 Minimum Row Precharge Delay Time (tRPmin) UINT8 UpperNibblesFortRASAndtRC; // 21 Upper Nibbles for tRAS and tRC UINT8 tRASmin; // 22 Minimum Active to Precharge Delay Time (tRASmin), Least Significant Byte UINT8 tRCmin; // 23 Minimum Active to Active/Refresh Delay Time (tRCmin), Least Significant Byte UINT8 tRFCminLeastSignificantByte; // 24 Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFCmin), Least Significant Byte UINT8 tRFCminMostSignificantByte; // 25 Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFCmin), Most Significant Byte UINT8 tWTRmin; // 26 Minimum Internal Write to Read Command Delay Time (tWTRmin) UINT8 tRTPmin; // 27 Minimum Internal Read to Precharge Command Delay Time (tRTPmin) UINT8 UpperNibbleFortFAW; // 28 Upper Nibble for tFAW UINT8 tFAWmin; // 29 Minimum Four Activate Window Delay Time (tFAWmin) UINT8 SdramThermalRefreshOption; // 31 SdramThermalRefreshOption UINT8 ModuleThermalSensor; // 32 ModuleThermalSensor UINT8 SDRAMDeviceType; // 33 SDRAM Device Type UINT8 tCKminFine; // 34 Fine Offset for SDRAM Minimum Cycle Time (tCKmin) UINT8 tAAminFine; // 35 Fine Offset for Minimum CAS Latency Time (tAAmin) UINT8 MACCount; // 41 Maximum Activate Count UINT8 ReferenceRawCardUsed; // 62 Reference Raw Card Used UINT8 AddressMappingEdgeConnector; // 63 Address Mapping from Edge Connector to DRAM UINT8 ModuleManufacturerIdCodeLsb; // 117 Module Manufacturer ID Code, Least Significant Byte UINT8 ModuleManufacturerIdCodeMsb; // 118 Module Manufacturer ID Code, Most Significant Byte UINT8 ModuleManufacturingLocation; // 119 Module Manufacturing Location UINT8 ModuleManufacturingDateYear; // 120 Module Manufacturing Date Year UINT8 ModuleManufacturingDateWW; // 121 Module Manufacturing Date creation work week UINT8 ModuleSerialNumberA; // 122 Module Serial Number A UINT8 ModuleSerialNumberB; // 123 Module Serial Number B UINT8 ModuleSerialNumberC; // 124 Module Serial Number C UINT8 ModuleSerialNumberD; // 125 Module Serial Number D UINT8 DramManufacturerIdLsb; // 148 DRAM Manufacturer ID Code, LSB UINT8 DramManufacturerIdMsb; // 149 DRAM Manufacturer ID Code, MSB } MEM_DOWN_DIMM_SPD_DATA; typedef struct { UINT32 MemoryDownDimmPopulation; // 0 - Empty, 1 - DIMM populated MEM_DOWN_DIMM_SPD_DATA MemoryDownDimmSpdData; } MEM_DOWN_DIMM_CONFIG; typedef struct { CONST MEM_DOWN_DIMM_CONFIG *MemDownDimmConfig[MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_DIMMS]; } FSP_INIT_RT_PLATFORM_BUFFER; typedef struct { FSP_INIT_RT_COMMON_BUFFER Common; FSP_INIT_RT_PLATFORM_BUFFER Platform; } FSP_INIT_RT_BUFFER; #pragma pack() #endif