/** @file Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This file is automatically generated. Please do NOT modify !!! **/ #ifndef __FSPMUPD_H__ #define __FSPMUPD_H__ #include #pragma pack(push, 1) #define MAX_CHANNELS_NUM 4 #define MAX_DIMMS_NUM 1 typedef struct { UINT8 DimmId; UINT32 SizeInMb; UINT16 MfgId; /** Module part number for DRR3 is 18 bytes but DRR4 is 20 bytes as per JEDEC Spec, so reserving 20 bytes **/ UINT8 ModulePartNum[20]; } DIMM_INFO; typedef struct { UINT8 ChannelId; UINT8 DimmCount; DIMM_INFO DimmInfo[MAX_DIMMS_NUM]; } CHANNEL_INFO; typedef struct { UINT8 Revision; UINT8 DataWidth; /** As defined in SMBIOS 3.0 spec Section 7.18.2 and Table 75 **/ UINT16 MemoryType; UINT16 MemoryFrequencyInMHz; /** As defined in SMBIOS 3.0 spec Section 7.17.3 and Table 72 **/ UINT8 ErrorCorrectionType; UINT8 ChannelCount; CHANNEL_INFO ChannelInfo[MAX_CHANNELS_NUM]; } FSP_SMBIOS_MEMORY_INFO; /** Fsp M Configuration **/ typedef struct { /** Offset 0x0040 - Debug Serial Port Base address Debug serial port base address. This option will be used only when the 'Serial Port Debug Device' option is set to 'External Device'. 0x00000000(Default). **/ UINT32 SerialDebugPortAddress; /** Offset 0x0044 - Debug Serial Port Type 16550 compatible debug serial port resource type. NONE means no serial port support. 0x02:MMIO(Default). 0:NONE, 1:I/O, 2:MMIO **/ UINT8 SerialDebugPortType; /** Offset 0x0045 - Serial Port Debug Device Select active serial port device for debug. For SOC UART devices,'Debug Serial Port Base' options will be ignored. 0x02:SOC UART2(Default). 0:SOC UART0, 1:SOC UART1, 2:SOC UART2, 3:External Device **/ UINT8 SerialDebugPortDevice; /** Offset 0x0046 - Debug Serial Port Stride Size Debug serial port register map stride size in bytes. 0x00:1, 0x02:4(Default). 0:1, 2:4 **/ UINT8 SerialDebugPortStrideSize; /** Offset 0x0047 - Memory Fast Boot Enable/Disable MRC fast boot support. 0x00:Disable, 0x01:Enable(Default). $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 MrcFastBoot; /** Offset 0x0048 - Integrated Graphics Device Enable : Enable Integrated Graphics Device (IGD) when selected as the Primary Video Adaptor. Disable: Always disable IGD. 0x00:Disable, 0x01:Enable(Default). $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 Igd; /** Offset 0x0049 - DVMT Pre-Allocated Select DVMT 5.0 Pre-Allocated (Fixed) Graphics Memory size used by the Internal Graphics Device. 0x02:64 MB(Default). 0x02:64 MB, 0x03:96 MB, 0x04:128 MB, 0x05:160 MB, 0x06:192 MB, 0x07:224 MB, 0x08:256 MB, 0x09:288 MB, 0x0A:320 MB, 0x0B:352 MB, 0x0C:384 MB, 0x0D:416 MB, 0x0E:448 MB, 0x0F:480 MB, 0x10:512 MB **/ UINT8 IgdDvmt50PreAlloc; /** Offset 0x004A - Aperture Size Select the Aperture Size used by the Internal Graphics Device. 0x1:128 MB(Default), 0x2:256 MB, 0x3:512 MB. 0x1:128 MB, 0x2:256 MB, 0x3:512 MB **/ UINT8 IgdApertureSize; /** Offset 0x004B - GTT Size Select the GTT Size used by the Internal Graphics Device. 0x1:2 MB, 0x2:4 MB, 0x3:8 MB(Default). 0x1:2 MB, 0x2:4 MB, 0x3:8 MB **/ UINT8 GttSize; /** Offset 0x004C - Primary Display Select which of IGD/PCI Graphics device should be Primary Display. 0x0:AUTO(Default), 0x2:IGD, 0x3:PCI 0x0:AUTO, 0x2:IGD, 0x3:PCI **/ UINT8 PrimaryVideoAdaptor; /** Offset 0x004D - Package NOTE: First option is CoPOP if LPDDR3/LPDDR4 is being used. It is SODIMM if DDR3L is being used. 0x00(Default). 0x0:CoPop, 0x1:BGA, 0x2:LP3 ACRD **/ UINT8 Package; /** Offset 0x004E - Profile Profile list. 0x19(Default). 0x1:WIO2_800_7_8_8, 0x2:WIO2_1066_9_10_10, 0x3:LPDDR3_1066_8_10_10, 0x4:LPDDR3_1333_10_12_12, 0x5:LPDDR3_1600_12_15_15, 0x6:LPDDR3_1866_14_17_17, 0x7:LPDDR3_2133_16_20_20, 0x8:LPDDR4_1066_10_10_10, 0x9:LPDDR4_1600_14_15_15, 0xA:LPDDR4_2133_20_20_20, 0xB:LPDDR4_2400_24_22_22, 0xC:LPDDR4_2666_24_24_24, 0xD:LPDDR4_2933_28_27_27, 0xE:LPDDR4_3200_28_29_29, 0xF:DDR3_1066_6_6_6, 0x10:DDR3_1066_7_7_7, 0x11:DDR3_1066_8_8_8, 0x12:DDR3_1333_7_7_7, 0x13:DDR3_1333_8_8_8, 0x14:DDR3_1333_9_9_9, 0x15:DDR3_1333_10_10_10, 0x16:DDR3_1600_8_8_8, 0x17:DDR3_1600_9_9_9, 0x18:DDR3_1600_10_10_10, 0x19:DDR3_1600_11_11_11, 0x1A:DDR3_1866_10_10_10, 0x1B:DDR3_1866_11_11_11, 0x1C:DDR3_1866_12_12_12, 0x1D:DDR3_1866_13_13_13, 0x1E:DDR3_2133_11_11_11, 0x1F:DDR3_2133_12_12_12, 0x20:DDR3_2133_13_13_13, 0x21:DDR3_2133_14_14_14, 0x22:DDR4_1333_10_10_10, 0x23:DDR4_1600_10_10_10, 0x24:DDR4_1600_11_11_11, 0x25:DDR4_1600_12_12_12, 0x26:DDR4_1866_12_12_12, 0x27:DDR4_1866_13_13_13, 0x28:DDR4_1866_14_14_14, 0x29:DDR4_2133_14_14_14, 0x2A:DDR4_2133_15_15_15, 0x2B:DDR4_2133_16_16_16, 0x2C:DDR4_2400_15_15_15, 0x2D:DDR4_2400_16_16_16, 0x2E:DDR4_2400_17_17_17, 0x2F:DDR4_2400_18_18_18 **/ UINT8 Profile; /** Offset 0x004F - MemoryDown Memory Down. 0x0(Default). 0x0:No, 0x1:Yes, 0x2:1MD+SODIMM (for DDR3L only) ACRD, 0x3:1x32 LPDDR4 **/ UINT8 MemoryDown; /** Offset 0x0050 - DDR3LPageSize NOTE: Only for memory down or downgrade DDR3L frequency. 0x01:1KB(Default), 0x02:2KB. 0x1:1KB, 0x2:2KB **/ UINT8 DDR3LPageSize; /** Offset 0x0051 - DDR3LASR NOTE: Only for memory down. 0x00:Not Supported(Default), 0x01:Supported. 0x0:Not Supported, 0x1:Supported **/ UINT8 DDR3LASR; /** Offset 0x0052 - ScramblerSupport Scrambler Support. 0x00:Not Supported, 0x01:Supported(Default). $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 ScramblerSupport; /** Offset 0x0053 - ChannelHashMask Channel Hash Mask. 0x00(Default). **/ UINT16 ChannelHashMask; /** Offset 0x0055 - SliceHashMask Slice Hash Mask. 0x00(Default). **/ UINT16 SliceHashMask; /** Offset 0x0057 - InterleavedMode Interleaved Mode. 0x00:Disable(Default), 0x02:Enable. 0x0:Disable, 0x2:Enable **/ UINT8 InterleavedMode; /** Offset 0x0058 - ChannelsSlicesEnable Channels Slices Enable. 0x00:Disable(Default), 0x01:Enable. $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 ChannelsSlicesEnable; /** Offset 0x0059 - MinRefRate2xEnable Provided as a means to defend against Row-Hammer attacks. 0x00:Disable(Default), 0x01:Enable. $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 MinRefRate2xEnable; /** Offset 0x005A - DualRankSupportEnable Dual Rank Support Enable. 0x00:Disable, 0x01:Enable(Default). $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 DualRankSupportEnable; /** Offset 0x005B - RmtMode Rank Margin Tool Mode. 0x00(Default). $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 RmtMode; /** Offset 0x005C - MemorySizeLimit Memory Size Limit: This value is used to restrict the total amount of memory and the calculations based on it. Value is in MB. Example encodings are: 0x400 = 1GB, 0x800 = 2GB, 0x1000 = 4GB, 0x2000 8GB. 0x0000(Default) **/ UINT16 MemorySizeLimit; /** Offset 0x005E - LowMemoryMaxValue Low Memory Max Value: This value is used to restrict the amount of memory below 4GB and the calculations based on it. Value is in MB.Example encodings are: 0x400 = 1GB, 0x800 = 2GB, 0x1000 = 4GB, 0x2000 8GB. 0x0000(Default). **/ UINT16 LowMemoryMaxValue; /** Offset 0x0060 - DisableFastBoot 00:Disabled Used saved training data (if valid)(Default), 01:Enabled; Full re-train of memory. $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 DisableFastBoot; /** Offset 0x0061 - HighMemoryMaxValue High Memory Max Value: This value is used to restrict the amount of memory above 4GB and the calculations based on it. Value is in MB. Example encodings are: 0x0400:1GB, 0x0800:2GB, 0x1000:4GB, 0x2000:8GB. 0x00(Default). **/ UINT16 HighMemoryMaxValue; /** Offset 0x0063 - DIMM0SPDAddress DIMM0 SPD Address (NOTE: Only for DDR3L only. Please put 0 for MemoryDown. 0xA0(Default). **/ UINT8 DIMM0SPDAddress; /** Offset 0x0064 - DIMM1SPDAddress DIMM1 SPD Address (NOTE: Only for DDR3L only. Please put 0 for MemoryDown. 0xA4(Default). **/ UINT8 DIMM1SPDAddress; /** Offset 0x0065 - Ch0_RankEnable NOTE: Only for memory down. Set to 1 to enable Ch0 rank. 0x00(Default). **/ UINT8 Ch0_RankEnable; /** Offset 0x0066 - Ch0_DeviceWidth NOTE: Only for memory down. DRAM Device Data Width populated on Ranks 0 and 1. 0x00(Default). 0b0000:x8, 0b0001:x16, 0b0010:x32, 0b0011:x64 **/ UINT8 Ch0_DeviceWidth; /** Offset 0x0067 - Ch0_DramDensity NOTE: Only for memory down. DRAM Device Density populated on Ranks 0 and 1. 0x00(Default). 0b0000:4Gb, 0b0001:6Gb, 0b0010:8Gb, 0b0011:12Gb, 0b0100:16Gb **/ UINT8 Ch0_DramDensity; /** Offset 0x0068 - Ch0_Option Rank Select Interleaving Enable. See Address Mapping section for full description. 0:Rank Select Interleaving disabled, 1:Rank Select Interleaving enabled. [1] Bank Address Hashing Enable. See Address Mapping section for full description. 0:Bank Address Hashing disabled, 1:Bank Address Hashing enabled. [3:2] Reserved. [5:4] This register specifies the address mapping to be used: 00:1KB (A), 01:2KB (B). 0x03(Default). **/ UINT8 Ch0_Option; /** Offset 0x0069 - Ch0_OdtConfig ODT configuration control. 0:WEAK_ODT_CONFIG(Default), 1:STRONG_ODT_CONFIG. **/ UINT8 Ch0_OdtConfig; /** Offset 0x006A - Ch0_TristateClk1 Parameter used to determine whether to tristate CLK1. 0x00(Default). **/ UINT8 Ch0_TristateClk1; /** Offset 0x006B - Ch0_Mode2N 2N Mode. 0x00(Default). **/ UINT8 Ch0_Mode2N; /** Offset 0x006C - Ch0_OdtLevels Rank Select Interleaving Enable. See Address Mapping section for full description. 0:Rank Select Interleaving disabled(Default), 1:Rank Select Interleaving enabled. [1] Bank Address Hashing Enable. See Address Mapping section for full description. 0:Bank Address Hashing disabled, 1:Bank Address Hashing enabled. [3:2] Reserved. [5:4] This register specifies the address mapping to be used:00:1KB (A), 01:2KB (B). **/ UINT8 Ch0_OdtLevels; /** Offset 0x006D - Ch1_RankEnable NOTE: Only for memory down. Set to 1 to enable Ch1 rank. **/ UINT8 Ch1_RankEnable; /** Offset 0x006E - Ch1_DeviceWidth NOTE: Only for memory down. DRAM Device Data Width populated on Ranks 0 and 1. 0x00(Default). 0b0000:x8, 0b0001:x16, 0b0010:x32, 0b0011:x64 **/ UINT8 Ch1_DeviceWidth; /** Offset 0x006F - Ch1_DramDensity NOTE: Only for memory down. DRAM Device Density populated on Ranks 0 and 1. 0x00:4Gb(Default). 0b0000:4Gb, 0b0001:6Gb, 0b0010:8Gb, 0b0011:12Gb, 0b0100:16Gb **/ UINT8 Ch1_DramDensity; /** Offset 0x0070 - Ch1_Option Rank Select Interleaving Enable. See Address Mapping section for full description. 0 - Rank Select Interleaving disabled. 1 - Rank Select Interleaving enabled. [1] Bank Address Hashing Enable. See Address Mapping section for full description. 0 - Bank Address Hashing disabled. 1 - Bank Address Hashing enabled. [3:2] Reserved. [5:4] This register specifies the address mapping to be used: 00:1KB (A), 01:2KB (B), 0x03(Default). **/ UINT8 Ch1_Option; /** Offset 0x0071 - Ch1_OdtConfig ODT configuration control. 0:WEAK_ODT_CONFIG(Default), 1:STRONG_ODT_CONFIG. **/ UINT8 Ch1_OdtConfig; /** Offset 0x0072 - Ch1_TristateClk1 Parameter used to determine whether to tristate CLK1. 0x00(Default). **/ UINT8 Ch1_TristateClk1; /** Offset 0x0073 - Ch1_Mode2N 2N Mode. 0x00(Default). **/ UINT8 Ch1_Mode2N; /** Offset 0x0074 - Ch1_OdtLevels Parameter used to determine if ODT will be held high or low. 0:Use MRC default(Default), 1:ODT_AB_HIGH_HIGH. 3:ODT_AB_HIGH_LOW. **/ UINT8 Ch1_OdtLevels; /** Offset 0x0075 - Ch2_RankEnable NOTE: Only for memory down. Set to 1 to enable Ch2 rank. **/ UINT8 Ch2_RankEnable; /** Offset 0x0076 - Ch2_DeviceWidth NOTE: Only for memory down. DRAM Device Data Width populated on Ranks 0 and 1. 0b0000:x8, 0b0001:x16, 0b0010:x32, 0b0011:x64 **/ UINT8 Ch2_DeviceWidth; /** Offset 0x0077 - Ch2_DramDensity NOTE: Only for memory down. DRAM Device Density populated on Ranks 0 and 1. 0x00(Default). 0b0000:4Gb, 0b0001:6Gb, 0b0010:8Gb, 0b0011:12Gb, 0b0100:16Gb **/ UINT8 Ch2_DramDensity; /** Offset 0x0078 - Ch2_Option Rank Select Interleaving Enable. See Address Mapping section for full description.. 0 - Rank Select Interleaving disabled. 1 - Rank Select Interleaving enabled. [1] Bank Address Hashing Enable. See Address Mapping section for full description.. 0 - Bank Address Hashing disabled. 1 - Bank Address Hashing enabled. [3:2] Reserved. [5:4] This register specifies the address mapping to be used:. 00:1KB (A)(Default). 01:2KB (B). **/ UINT8 Ch2_Option; /** Offset 0x0079 - Ch2_OdtConfig ODT configuration control. 0:WEAK_ODT_CONFIG(Default), 1:STRONG_ODT_CONFIG. **/ UINT8 Ch2_OdtConfig; /** Offset 0x007A - Ch2_TristateClk1 Parameter used to determine whether to tristate CLK1. 0x00(Default). **/ UINT8 Ch2_TristateClk1; /** Offset 0x007B - Ch2_Mode2N 2N Mode. 0x00(Default). **/ UINT8 Ch2_Mode2N; /** Offset 0x007C - Ch2_OdtLevels Parameter used to determine if ODT will be held high or low. 0:Use MRC default(Default), 1:ODT_AB_HIGH_HIGH, 3:ODT_AB_HIGH_LOW. **/ UINT8 Ch2_OdtLevels; /** Offset 0x007D - Ch3_RankEnable NOTE: Only for memory down. Set to 1 to enable Ch3 rank. 0x00(Default). **/ UINT8 Ch3_RankEnable; /** Offset 0x007E - Ch3_DeviceWidth NOTE: Only for memory down. DRAM Device Data Width populated on Ranks 0 and 1. 0x00:x8(Default), 0x01:x16, 0x02:x32, 0x03:x64. 0b0000:x8, 0b0001:x16, 0b0010:x32, 0b0011:x64 **/ UINT8 Ch3_DeviceWidth; /** Offset 0x007F - Ch3_DramDensity NOTE: Only for memory down. DRAM Device Density populated on Ranks 0 and 1. 0x00:4Gb(Default), 0x01:6Gb, 0x02:8Gb, 0x03:12Gb, 0x04:16Gb. 0b0000:4Gb, 0b0001:6Gb, 0b0010:8Gb, 0b0011:12Gb, 0b0100:16Gb **/ UINT8 Ch3_DramDensity; /** Offset 0x0080 - Ch3_Option Rank Select Interleaving Enable. See Address Mapping section for full description.. 0 - Rank Select Interleaving disabled. 1 - Rank Select Interleaving enabled. [1] Bank Address Hashing Enable. See Address Mapping section for full description.. 0 - Bank Address Hashing disabled. 1 - Bank Address Hashing enabled. [3:2] Reserved. [5:4] This register specifies the address mapping to be used:. 00 - 1KB (A). 01 - 2KB (B). **/ UINT8 Ch3_Option; /** Offset 0x0081 - Ch3_OdtConfig ODT configuration control.. 0:WEAK_ODT_CONFIG(Default). 1:STRONG_ODT_CONFIG. **/ UINT8 Ch3_OdtConfig; /** Offset 0x0082 - Ch3_TristateClk1 Parameter used to determine whether to tristate CLK1. 0x00(Default). **/ UINT8 Ch3_TristateClk1; /** Offset 0x0083 - Ch3_Mode2N 2N Mode. 0x00(Default). **/ UINT8 Ch3_Mode2N; /** Offset 0x0084 - Ch3_OdtLevels Parameter used to determine if ODT will be held high or low. 0:Use MRC default(Default), 1:ODT_AB_HIGH_HIGH, 3:ODT_AB_HIGH_LOW. **/ UINT8 Ch3_OdtLevels; /** Offset 0x0085 - RmtCheckRun RmtCheckRun: 0x00(Default). **/ UINT8 RmtCheckRun; /** Offset 0x0086 - Ch0_Bit_swizzling Channel 0 PHY to DUnit DQ mapping (only used if not 1-1 mapping)Range: 0-32. **/ UINT8 Ch0_Bit_swizzling[32]; /** Offset 0x00A6 - Ch1_Bit_swizzling Channel 1 PHY to DUnit DQ mapping (only used if not 1-1 mapping)Range: 0-32. **/ UINT8 Ch1_Bit_swizzling[32]; /** Offset 0x00C6 - Ch2_Bit_swizzling Channel 2 PHY to DUnit DQ mapping (only used if not 1-1 mapping)Range: 0-32. **/ UINT8 Ch2_Bit_swizzling[32]; /** Offset 0x00E6 - Ch3_Bit_swizzling Channel 3 PHY to DUnit DQ mapping (only used if not 1-1 mapping)Range: 0-32. **/ UINT8 Ch3_Bit_swizzling[32]; /** Offset 0x0106 - RmtMarginCheckScaleHighThreshold RmtMarginCheckScaleHighThreshold. 0x0000(Default). **/ UINT16 RmtMarginCheckScaleHighThreshold; /** Offset 0x0108 - MsgLevelMask MsgLevelMask. 0x00000000(Default). **/ UINT32 MsgLevelMask; /** Offset 0x010C **/ UINT32 UnusedUpdSpace0; /** Offset 0x0110 - PreMem GPIO Table Entry Number. Currently maximum entry number is 4 Number of Entries in PreMem GPIO Table. 0(Default). **/ UINT8 PreMemGpioTableEntryNum; /** Offset 0x0111 - PreMem GPIO Pin Number for each table Number of Pins in each PreMem GPIO Table. 0(Default). **/ UINT8 PreMemGpioTablePinNum[4]; /** Offset 0x0115 - PreMem GPIO Table Pointer Pointer to Array of pointers to PreMem GPIO Table. 0x00000000(Default). **/ UINT32 PreMemGpioTablePtr; /** Offset 0x0119 - Enhance the port 8xh decoding Enable/Disable Enhance the port 8xh decoding. 0:Disable, 1:Enable(Default). $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 EnhancePort8xhDecoding; /** Offset 0x011A - OEM File Loading Address Determine the memory base address to load a specified file from CSE file system after memory is available. **/ UINT32 OemLoadingBase; /** Offset 0x011E - OEM File Name to Load Specify a file name to load from CSE file system after memory is available. Empty indicates no file needs to be loaded. **/ UINT8 OemFileName[16]; /** Offset 0x012E - SPD Data Write Enable/Disable SPD data write on the SMBUS. 0x00:Disable(Default), 0x01:Enable. $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 SpdWriteEnable; /** Offset 0x012F - MRC Training Data Saving Enable/Disable MRC training data saving in FSP. 0x00:Disable(Default), 0x01:Enable. $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 MrcDataSaving; /** Offset 0x0130 - eMMC Trace Length Select eMMC trace length to load OEM file from when loading OEM file name is specified. 0x0:Long(Default), 0x1:Short. 0x0:Long, 0x1:Short **/ UINT8 eMMCTraceLen; /** Offset 0x0131 **/ VOID* MrcBootDataPtr; /** Offset 0x0135 - Skip CSE RBP to support zero sized IBB Enable/Disable skip CSE RBP for bootloader which loads IBB without assistance of CSE. 0x00:Disable(Default), 0x01:Enable. $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 SkipCseRbp; /** Offset 0x0136 - Npk Enable Enable/Disable Npk. 0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:Debugger, 3:Auto(Default). 0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:Debugger, 3:Auto **/ UINT8 NpkEn; /** Offset 0x0137 - FW Trace Enable Enable/Disable FW Trace. 0:Disable, 1:Enable(Default). $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 FwTraceEn; /** Offset 0x0138 - FW Trace Destination FW Trace Destination. 1-NPK_TRACE_TO_MEMORY, 2-NPK_TRACE_TO_DCI, 3-NPK_TRACE_TO_BSSB, 4-NPK_TRACE_TO_PTI(Default). **/ UINT8 FwTraceDestination; /** Offset 0x0139 - NPK Recovery Dump Enable/Disable NPK Recovery Dump. 0:Disable(Default), 1:Enable. $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 RecoverDump; /** Offset 0x013A - Memory Region 0 Buffer WrapAround Memory Region 0 Buffer WrapAround. 0-n0-warp, 1-warp(Default). **/ UINT8 Msc0Wrap; /** Offset 0x013B - Memory Region 1 Buffer WrapAround Memory Region 1 Buffer WrapAround. 0-n0-warp, 1-warp(Default). **/ UINT8 Msc1Wrap; /** Offset 0x013C - Memory Region 0 Buffer Size Memory Region 0 Buffer Size. 0-0MB(Default), 1-1MB, 2-8MB, 3-64MB, 4-128MB, 5-256MB, 6-512MB, 7-1GB. **/ UINT32 Msc0Size; /** Offset 0x0140 - Memory Region 1 Buffer Size Memory Region 1 Buffer Size, 0-0MB(Default), 1-1MB, 2-8MB, 3-64MB, 4-128MB, 5-256MB, 6-512MB, 7-1GB. **/ UINT32 Msc1Size; /** Offset 0x0144 - PTI Mode PTI Mode. 0-0ff, 1-x4(Default), 2-x8, 3-x12, 4-x16. **/ UINT8 PtiMode; /** Offset 0x0145 - PTI Training PTI Training. 0-off(Default), 1-6=1-6. **/ UINT8 PtiTraining; /** Offset 0x0146 - PTI Speed PTI Speed. 0-full, 1-half, 2-quarter(Default). **/ UINT8 PtiSpeed; /** Offset 0x0147 - Punit Message Level Punit Message Output Verbosity Level. 0, 1(Default), 2-4=2-4. **/ UINT8 PunitMlvl; /** Offset 0x0148 - PMC Message Level PMC Message Output Verbosity Level. 0, 1(Default), 2-4=2-4. **/ UINT8 PmcMlvl; /** Offset 0x0149 - SW Trace Enable Enable/Disable SW Trace. 0:Disable(Default), 1:Enable. $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 SwTraceEn; /** Offset 0x014A - Periodic Retraining Disable Option to disable LPDDR4 Periodic Retraining. 0x00:Disable(Default), 0x01:Enable. $EN_DIS **/ UINT8 PeriodicRetrainingDisable; /** Offset 0x014B **/ UINT8 ReservedFspmUpd[5]; } FSP_M_CONFIG; /** Fsp M Test Configuration **/ typedef struct { /** Offset 0x0150 **/ UINT32 Signature; /** Offset 0x0154 **/ UINT8 ReservedFspmTestUpd[28]; } FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG; /** Fsp M Restricted Configuration **/ typedef struct { /** Offset 0x0170 **/ UINT32 Signature; /** Offset 0x0174 **/ UINT8 ReservedFspmRestrictedUpd[138]; } FSP_M_RESTRICTED_CONFIG; /** Fsp M UPD Configuration **/ typedef struct { /** Offset 0x0000 **/ FSP_UPD_HEADER FspUpdHeader; /** Offset 0x0020 **/ FSPM_ARCH_UPD FspmArchUpd; /** Offset 0x0040 **/ FSP_M_CONFIG FspmConfig; /** Offset 0x0150 **/ FSP_M_TEST_CONFIG FspmTestConfig; /** Offset 0x0170 **/ FSP_M_RESTRICTED_CONFIG FspmRestrictedConfig; /** Offset 0x01FE **/ UINT16 UpdTerminator; } FSPM_UPD; #pragma pack(pop) #endif