/** @file IPMI 2.0 definitions from the IPMI Specification Version 2.0, Revision 1.1. This file contains all NetFn Chassis commands, including: Chassis Commands (Chapter 28) See IPMI specification, Appendix G, Command Assignments and Appendix H, Sub-function Assignments. Copyright (c) 1999 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _IPMI_NET_FN_CHASSIS_H_ #define _IPMI_NET_FN_CHASSIS_H_ #pragma pack (1) // // Net function definition for Chassis command // #define IPMI_NETFN_CHASSIS 0x00 // // Below is Definitions for Chassis commands (Chapter 28) // // // Definitions for Get Chassis Capabilities command // #define IPMI_CHASSIS_GET_CAPABILITIES 0x00 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Get Chassis Capabilities" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Get Chassis Status command // #define IPMI_CHASSIS_GET_STATUS 0x01 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Get Chassis Status" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Chassis Control command // #define IPMI_CHASSIS_CONTROL 0x02 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Chassis Control" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Chassis Reset command // #define IPMI_CHASSIS_RESET 0x03 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Chassis Reset" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Chassis Identify command // #define IPMI_CHASSIS_IDENTIFY 0x04 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Chassis Identify" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Set Chassis Capabilities command // #define IPMI_CHASSIS_SET_CAPABILITIES 0x05 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Set Chassis Capabilities" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Set Power Restore Policy command // #define IPMI_CHASSIS_SET_POWER_RESTORE_POLICY 0x06 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Set Power Restore Policy" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Get System Restart Cause command // #define IPMI_CHASSIS_GET_SYSTEM_RESTART_CAUSE 0x07 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Get System Restart Cause" command to follow here // typedef enum { Unknown, ChassisControlCommand, ResetViaPushButton, PowerupViaPowerButton, WatchdogExpiration, Oem, AutoPowerOnAlwaysRestore, AutoPowerOnRestorePrevious, ResetViaPef, PowerCycleViaPef, SoftReset, PowerUpViaRtc } IPMI_SYSTEM_RESTART_CAUSE; typedef struct { UINT8 CompletionCode; UINT8 Cause:4; UINT8 Reserved:4; UINT8 ChannelNumber; } IPMI_GET_SYSTEM_RESTART_CAUSE_RESPONSE; // // Definitions for Set System BOOT options command // #define IPMI_CHASSIS_SET_SYSTEM_BOOT_OPTIONS 0x08 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Set System boot options" command to follow here // typedef struct { UINT8 ParameterSelector:7; UINT8 MarkParameterInvalid:1; UINT8 ParameterData[1]; } IPMI_SET_BOOT_OPTIONS_REQUEST; // // Definitions for Get System BOOT options command // #define IPMI_CHASSIS_GET_SYSTEM_BOOT_OPTIONS 0x09 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Get System boot options" command to follow here // typedef struct { UINT8 ParameterSelector:7; UINT8 Reserved:1; UINT8 SetSelector; UINT8 BlockSelector; } IPMI_GET_BOOT_OPTIONS_REQUEST; typedef struct { UINT8 Parameter; UINT8 Valid; UINT8 Data1; UINT8 Data2; UINT8 Data3; UINT8 Data4; UINT8 Data5; } IPMI_GET_THE_SYSTEM_BOOT_OPTIONS; typedef struct { UINT8 ParameterVersion; UINT8 ParameterValid; UINT8 ChannelNumber; UINT32 SessionId; UINT32 TimeStamp; UINT8 Reserved[3]; } IPMI_BOOT_INITIATOR; // // Response Parameters for IPMI Get Boot Options // typedef struct { UINT8 SetInProgress: 2; UINT8 Reserved: 6; } IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_0; typedef struct { UINT8 ServicePartitionSelector; } IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_1; typedef struct { UINT8 ServicePartitionDiscovered:1; UINT8 ServicePartitionScanRequest:1; UINT8 Reserved: 5; } IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_2; typedef struct { UINT8 BmcBootFlagValid: 5; UINT8 Reserved: 3; } IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_3; typedef struct { UINT8 WriteMask; UINT8 BootInitiatorAcknowledgeData; } IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_4; #define BOOT_OPTION_HANDLED_BY_BIOS 0x01 typedef struct { // // Data 1 // UINT8 Reserved0:6; UINT8 PersistentOptions:1; UINT8 BootFlagValid:1; // // Data 2 // UINT8 LockReset:1; UINT8 ScreenBlank:1; UINT8 BootDeviceSelector:4; UINT8 LockKeyboard:1; UINT8 CmosClear:1; // // // Data 3 UINT8 ConsoleRedirection:2; UINT8 LockSleep:1; UINT8 UserPasswordBypass:1; UINT8 ForceProgressEventTrap:1; UINT8 BiosVerbosity:2; UINT8 LockPower:1; // // Data 4 // UINT8 BiosMuxControlOverride:2; UINT8 BiosSharedModeOverride:1; UINT8 Reserved1:4; } IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_5; typedef struct { UINT8 ChannelNumber:4; UINT8 Reserved:4; UINT8 SessionId[4]; UINT8 BootInfoTimeStamp[4]; } IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_6; typedef struct { UINT8 SetSelector; UINT8 BlockData[16]; } IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_7; typedef union { IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_0 Parm0; IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_1 Parm1; IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_2 Parm2; IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_3 Parm3; IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_4 Parm4; IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_5 Parm5; IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_6 Parm6; IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE_PARAMETER_7 Parm7; } IPMI_BOOT_OPTIONS_PARAMETERS; typedef struct { UINT8 CompletionCode; UINT8 ParameterVersion:4; UINT8 Reserved:4; UINT8 ParameterSelector:7; UINT8 ParameterValid:1; UINT8 ParameterData[1]; } IPMI_GET_BOOT_OPTIONS_RESPONSE; // // Definitions for Set front panel button enables command // #define IPMI_CHASSIS_SET_FRONT_PANEL_BUTTON_ENABLES 0x0A typedef struct { UINT8 DisablePoweroffButton:1; UINT8 DisableResetButton:1; UINT8 DisableDiagnosticInterruptButton:1; UINT8 DisableStandbyButton:1; UINT8 Reserved:4; } IPMI_CHASSIS_SET_FRONT_PANEL_BUTTON_ENABLES_REQUEST; // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Set front panel button enables" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Set Power Cycle Interval command // #define IPMI_CHASSIS_SET_POWER_CYCLE_INTERVALS 0x0B // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Set Power Cycle Interval" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Get POH Counter command // #define IPMI_CHASSIS_GET_POH_COUNTER 0x0F // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Get POH Counter" command to follow here // #pragma pack() #endif