/** @file Header file for eMMC support. This header file contains some definitions defined in EMMC4.5/EMMC5.0 spec. Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef __EMMC_H__ #define __EMMC_H__ // // EMMC command index // #define EMMC_GO_IDLE_STATE 0 #define EMMC_SEND_OP_COND 1 #define EMMC_ALL_SEND_CID 2 #define EMMC_SET_RELATIVE_ADDR 3 #define EMMC_SET_DSR 4 #define EMMC_SLEEP_AWAKE 5 #define EMMC_SWITCH 6 #define EMMC_SELECT_DESELECT_CARD 7 #define EMMC_SEND_EXT_CSD 8 #define EMMC_SEND_CSD 9 #define EMMC_SEND_CID 10 #define EMMC_STOP_TRANSMISSION 12 #define EMMC_SEND_STATUS 13 #define EMMC_BUSTEST_R 14 #define EMMC_GO_INACTIVE_STATE 15 #define EMMC_SET_BLOCKLEN 16 #define EMMC_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK 17 #define EMMC_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK 18 #define EMMC_BUSTEST_W 19 #define EMMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK 21 #define EMMC_SET_BLOCK_COUNT 23 #define EMMC_WRITE_BLOCK 24 #define EMMC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK 25 #define EMMC_PROGRAM_CID 26 #define EMMC_PROGRAM_CSD 27 #define EMMC_SET_WRITE_PROT 28 #define EMMC_CLR_WRITE_PROT 29 #define EMMC_SEND_WRITE_PROT 30 #define EMMC_SEND_WRITE_PROT_TYPE 31 #define EMMC_ERASE_GROUP_START 35 #define EMMC_ERASE_GROUP_END 36 #define EMMC_ERASE 38 #define EMMC_FAST_IO 39 #define EMMC_GO_IRQ_STATE 40 #define EMMC_LOCK_UNLOCK 42 #define EMMC_SET_TIME 49 #define EMMC_PROTOCOL_RD 53 #define EMMC_PROTOCOL_WR 54 #define EMMC_APP_CMD 55 #define EMMC_GEN_CMD 56 typedef enum { EmmcPartitionUserData = 0, EmmcPartitionBoot1 = 1, EmmcPartitionBoot2 = 2, EmmcPartitionRPMB = 3, EmmcPartitionGP1 = 4, EmmcPartitionGP2 = 5, EmmcPartitionGP3 = 6, EmmcPartitionGP4 = 7, EmmcPartitionUnknown } EMMC_PARTITION_TYPE; #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { UINT8 NotUsed:1; // Not used [0:0] UINT8 Crc:7; // CRC [7:1] UINT8 ManufacturingDate; // Manufacturing date [15:8] UINT8 ProductSerialNumber[4]; // Product serial number [47:16] UINT8 ProductRevision; // Product revision [55:48] UINT8 ProductName[6]; // Product name [103:56] UINT8 OemId; // OEM/Application ID [111:104] UINT8 DeviceType:2; // Device/BGA [113:112] UINT8 Reserved:6; // Reserved [119:114] UINT8 ManufacturerId; // Manufacturer ID [127:120] } EMMC_CID; typedef struct { UINT32 NotUsed:1; // Not used [0:0] UINT32 Crc:7; // CRC [7:1] UINT32 Ecc:2; // ECC code [9:8] UINT32 FileFormat:2; // File format [11:10] UINT32 TmpWriteProtect:1; // Temporary write protection [12:12] UINT32 PermWriteProtect:1; // Permanent write protection [13:13] UINT32 Copy:1; // Copy flag (OTP) [14:14] UINT32 FileFormatGrp:1; // File format group [15:15] UINT32 ContentProtApp:1; // Content protection application [16:16] UINT32 Reserved:4; // Reserved [20:17] UINT32 WriteBlPartial:1; // Partial blocks for write allowed [21:21] UINT32 WriteBlLen:4; // Max. write data block length [25:22] UINT32 R2WFactor:3; // Write speed factor [28:26] UINT32 DefaultEcc:2; // Manufacturer default ECC [30:29] UINT32 WpGrpEnable:1; // Write protect group enable [31:31] UINT32 WpGrpSize:5; // Write protect group size [36:32] UINT32 EraseGrpMult:5; // Erase group size multiplier [41:37] UINT32 EraseGrpSize:5; // Erase group size [46:42] UINT32 CSizeMult:3; // Device size multiplier [49:47] UINT32 VddWCurrMax:3; // Max. write current @ VDD max [52:50] UINT32 VddWCurrMin:3; // Max. write current @ VDD min [55:53] UINT32 VddRCurrMax:3; // Max. read current @ VDD max [58:56] UINT32 VddRCurrMin:3; // Max. read current @ VDD min [61:59] UINT32 CSizeLow:2; // Device size low two bits [63:62] UINT32 CSizeHigh:10; // Device size high eight bits [73:64] UINT32 Reserved1:2; // Reserved [75:74] UINT32 DsrImp:1; // DSR implemented [76:76] UINT32 ReadBlkMisalign:1; // Read block misalignment [77:77] UINT32 WriteBlkMisalign:1; // Write block misalignment [78:78] UINT32 ReadBlPartial:1; // Partial blocks for read allowed [79:79] UINT32 ReadBlLen:4; // Max. read data block length [83:80] UINT32 Ccc:12; // Device command classes [95:84] UINT32 TranSpeed:8; // Max. bus clock frequency [103:96] UINT32 Nsac:8; // Data read access-time 2 in CLK cycles (NSAC*100) [111:104] UINT32 Taac:8; // Data read access-time 1 [119:112] UINT32 Reserved2:2; // Reserved [121:120] UINT32 SpecVers:4; // System specification version [125:122] UINT32 CsdStructure:2; // CSD structure [127:126] } EMMC_CSD; typedef struct { // // Modes Segment // UINT8 Reserved[16]; // Reserved [15:0] UINT8 SecureRemovalType; // Secure Removal Type R/W & R [16] UINT8 ProductStateAwarenessEnablement; // Product state awareness enablement R/W/E & R [17] UINT8 MaxPreLoadingDataSize[4]; // Max pre loading data size R [21:18] UINT8 PreLoadingDataSize[4]; // Pre loading data size R/W/EP [25:22] UINT8 FfuStatus; // FFU status R [26] UINT8 Reserved1[2]; // Reserved [28:27] UINT8 ModeOperationCodes; // Mode operation codes W/EP [29] UINT8 ModeConfig; // Mode config R/W/EP [30] UINT8 Reserved2; // Reserved [31] UINT8 FlushCache; // Flushing of the cache W/EP [32] UINT8 CacheCtrl; // Control to turn the Cache ON/OFF R/W/EP [33] UINT8 PowerOffNotification; // Power Off Notification R/W/EP [34] UINT8 PackedFailureIndex; // Packed command failure index R [35] UINT8 PackedCommandStatus; // Packed command status R [36] UINT8 ContextConf[15]; // Context configuration R/W/EP [51:37] UINT8 ExtPartitionsAttribute[2]; // Extended Partitions Attribute R/W [53:52] UINT8 ExceptionEventsStatus[2]; // Exception events status R [55:54] UINT8 ExceptionEventsCtrl[2]; // Exception events control R/W/EP [57:56] UINT8 DyncapNeeded; // Number of addressed group to be Released R [58] UINT8 Class6Ctrl; // Class 6 commands control R/W/EP [59] UINT8 IniTimeoutEmu; // 1st initialization after disabling sector size emulation R [60] UINT8 DataSectorSize; // Sector size R [61] UINT8 UseNativeSector; // Sector size emulation R/W [62] UINT8 NativeSectorSize; // Native sector size R [63] UINT8 VendorSpecificField[64]; // Vendor Specific Fields [127:64] UINT8 Reserved3[2]; // Reserved [129:128] UINT8 ProgramCidCsdDdrSupport; // Program CID/CSD in DDR mode support R [130] UINT8 PeriodicWakeup; // Periodic Wake-up R/W/E [131] UINT8 TcaseSupport; // Package Case Temperature is controlled W/EP [132] UINT8 ProductionStateAwareness; // Production state awareness R/W/E [133] UINT8 SecBadBlkMgmnt; // Bad Block Management mode R/W [134] UINT8 Reserved4; // Reserved [135] UINT8 EnhStartAddr[4]; // Enhanced User Data Start Address R/W [139:136] UINT8 EnhSizeMult[3]; // Enhanced User Data Area Size R/W [142:140] UINT8 GpSizeMult[12]; // General Purpose Partition Size R/W [154:143] UINT8 PartitionSettingCompleted; // Partitioning Setting R/W [155] UINT8 PartitionsAttribute; // Partitions attribute R/W [156] UINT8 MaxEnhSizeMult[3]; // Max Enhanced Area Size R [159:157] UINT8 PartitioningSupport; // Partitioning Support R [160] UINT8 HpiMgmt; // HPI management R/W/EP [161] UINT8 RstFunction; // H/W reset function R/W [162] UINT8 BkopsEn; // Enable background operations handshake R/W [163] UINT8 BkopsStart; // Manually start background operations W/EP [164] UINT8 SanitizeStart; // Start Sanitize operation W/EP [165] UINT8 WrRelParam; // Write reliability parameter register R [166] UINT8 WrRelSet; // Write reliability setting register R/W [167] UINT8 RpmbSizeMult; // RPMB Size R [168] UINT8 FwConfig; // FW configuration R/W [169] UINT8 Reserved5; // Reserved [170] UINT8 UserWp; // User area write protection register R/W,R/W/CP&R/W/EP [171] UINT8 Reserved6; // Reserved [172] UINT8 BootWp; // Boot area write protection register R/W&R/W/CP[173] UINT8 BootWpStatus; // Boot write protection status registers R [174] UINT8 EraseGroupDef; // High-density erase group definition R/W/EP [175] UINT8 Reserved7; // Reserved [176] UINT8 BootBusConditions; // Boot bus Conditions R/W/E [177] UINT8 BootConfigProt; // Boot config protection R/W&R/W/CP[178] UINT8 PartitionConfig; // Partition configuration R/W/E&R/W/EP[179] UINT8 Reserved8; // Reserved [180] UINT8 ErasedMemCont; // Erased memory content R [181] UINT8 Reserved9; // Reserved [182] UINT8 BusWidth; // Bus width mode W/EP [183] UINT8 Reserved10; // Reserved [184] UINT8 HsTiming; // High-speed interface timing R/W/EP [185] UINT8 Reserved11; // Reserved [186] UINT8 PowerClass; // Power class R/W/EP [187] UINT8 Reserved12; // Reserved [188] UINT8 CmdSetRev; // Command set revision R [189] UINT8 Reserved13; // Reserved [190] UINT8 CmdSet; // Command set R/W/EP [191] // // Properties Segment // UINT8 ExtCsdRev; // Extended CSD revision [192] UINT8 Reserved14; // Reserved [193] UINT8 CsdStructure; // CSD STRUCTURE [194] UINT8 Reserved15; // Reserved [195] UINT8 DeviceType; // Device type [196] UINT8 DriverStrength; // I/O Driver Strength [197] UINT8 OutOfInterruptTime; // Out-of-interrupt busy timing[198] UINT8 PartitionSwitchTime; // Partition switching timing [199] UINT8 PwrCl52M195V; // Power class for 52MHz at 1.95V [200] UINT8 PwrCl26M195V; // Power class for 26MHz at 1.95V [201] UINT8 PwrCl52M360V; // Power class for 52MHz at 3.6V [202] UINT8 PwrCl26M360V; // Power class for 26MHz at 3.6V [203] UINT8 Reserved16; // Reserved [204] UINT8 MinPerfR4B26M; // Minimum Read Performance for 4bit at 26MHz [205] UINT8 MinPerfW4B26M; // Minimum Write Performance for 4bit at 26MHz [206] UINT8 MinPerfR8B26M4B52M; // Minimum Read Performance for 8bit at 26MHz, for 4bit at 52MHz [207] UINT8 MinPerfW8B26M4B52M; // Minimum Write Performance for 8bit at 26MHz, for 4bit at 52MHz [208] UINT8 MinPerfR8B52M; // Minimum Read Performance for 8bit at 52MHz [209] UINT8 MinPerfW8B52M; // Minimum Write Performance for 8bit at 52MHz [210] UINT8 Reserved17; // Reserved [211] UINT8 SecCount[4]; // Sector Count [215:212] UINT8 SleepNotificationTime; // Sleep Notification Timout [216] UINT8 SATimeout; // Sleep/awake timeout [217] UINT8 ProductionStateAwarenessTimeout; // Production state awareness timeout [218] UINT8 SCVccq; // Sleep current (VCCQ) [219] UINT8 SCVcc; // Sleep current (VCC) [220] UINT8 HcWpGrpSize; // High-capacity write protect group size [221] UINT8 RelWrSecC; // Reliable write sector count [222] UINT8 EraseTimeoutMult; // High-capacity erase timeout [223] UINT8 HcEraseGrpSize; // High-capacity erase unit size [224] UINT8 AccSize; // Access size [225] UINT8 BootSizeMult; // Boot partition size [226] UINT8 Reserved18; // Reserved [227] UINT8 BootInfo; // Boot information [228] UINT8 SecTrimMult; // Secure TRIM Multiplier [229] UINT8 SecEraseMult; // Secure Erase Multiplier [230] UINT8 SecFeatureSupport; // Secure Feature support [231] UINT8 TrimMult; // TRIM Multiplier [232] UINT8 Reserved19; // Reserved [233] UINT8 MinPerfDdrR8b52M; // Minimum Read Performance for 8bit at 52MHz in DDR mode [234] UINT8 MinPerfDdrW8b52M; // Minimum Write Performance for 8bit at 52MHz in DDR mode [235] UINT8 PwrCl200M130V; // Power class for 200MHz, at VCCQ=1.3V, VCC = 3.6V [236] UINT8 PwrCl200M195V; // Power class for 200MHz at VCCQ=1.95V, VCC = 3.6V [237] UINT8 PwrClDdr52M195V; // Power class for 52MHz, DDR at VCC= 1.95V [238] UINT8 PwrClDdr52M360V; // Power class for 52MHz, DDR at VCC= 3.6V [239] UINT8 Reserved20; // Reserved [240] UINT8 IniTimeoutAp; // 1st initialization time after partitioning [241] UINT8 CorrectlyPrgSectorsNum[4]; // Number of correctly programmed sectors [245:242] UINT8 BkopsStatus; // Background operations status [246] UINT8 PowerOffLongTime; // Power off notification(long) timeout [247] UINT8 GenericCmd6Time; // Generic CMD6 timeout [248] UINT8 CacheSize[4]; // Cache size [252:249] UINT8 PwrClDdr200M360V; // Power class for 200MHz, DDR at VCC= 3.6V [253] UINT8 FirmwareVersion[8]; // Firmware version [261:254] UINT8 DeviceVersion[2]; // Device version [263:262] UINT8 OptimalTrimUnitSize; // Optimal trim unit size[264] UINT8 OptimalWriteSize; // Optimal write size [265] UINT8 OptimalReadSize; // Optimal read size [266] UINT8 PreEolInfo; // Pre EOL information [267] UINT8 DeviceLifeTimeEstTypA; // Device life time estimation type A [268] UINT8 DeviceLifeTimeEstTypB; // Device life time estimation type B [269] UINT8 VendorProprietaryHealthReport[32]; // Vendor proprietary health report [301:270] UINT8 NumOfFwSectorsProgrammed[4]; // Number of FW sectors correctly programmed [305:302] UINT8 Reserved21[181]; // Reserved [486:306] UINT8 FfuArg[4]; // FFU Argument [490:487] UINT8 OperationCodeTimeout; // Operation codes timeout [491] UINT8 FfuFeatures; // FFU features [492] UINT8 SupportedModes; // Supported modes [493] UINT8 ExtSupport; // Extended partitions attribute support [494] UINT8 LargeUnitSizeM1; // Large Unit size [495] UINT8 ContextCapabilities; // Context management capabilities [496] UINT8 TagResSize; // Tag Resources Size [497] UINT8 TagUnitSize; // Tag Unit Size [498] UINT8 DataTagSupport; // Data Tag Support [499] UINT8 MaxPackedWrites; // Max packed write commands [500] UINT8 MaxPackedReads; // Max packed read commands[501] UINT8 BkOpsSupport; // Background operations support [502] UINT8 HpiFeatures; // HPI features [503] UINT8 SupportedCmdSet; // Supported Command Sets [504] UINT8 ExtSecurityErr; // Extended Security Commands Error [505] UINT8 Reserved22[6]; // Reserved [511:506] } EMMC_EXT_CSD; #pragma pack() #endif