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* * @addtogroup hal * @{ */ typedef enum { BDK_QLM_MODE_DISABLED, /* QLM is disabled (all chips) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_PCIE_1X1, /* 1 PCIe, 1 lane. Other lanes unused */ BDK_QLM_MODE_PCIE_2X1, /* 2 PCIe, 1 lane each */ BDK_QLM_MODE_PCIE_1X2, /* 1 PCIe, 2 lanes */ BDK_QLM_MODE_PCIE_1X4, /* 1 PCIe, 4 lanes */ BDK_QLM_MODE_PCIE_1X8, /* 1 PCIe, 8 lanes */ BDK_QLM_MODE_PCIE_1X16, /* 1 PCIe, 16 lanes (CN93XX) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_SATA_4X1, /* SATA, each lane independent (cn88xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_SATA_2X1, /* SATA, each lane independent (cn83xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_ILK, /* ILK 4 lanes (cn78xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_SGMII_4X1, /* SGMII, each lane independent (cn88xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_SGMII_2X1, /* SGMII, each lane independent (cn83xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_SGMII_1X1, /* SGMII, single lane (cn80xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_XAUI_1X4, /* 1 XAUI or DXAUI, 4 lanes (cn88xx), use gbaud to tell difference */ BDK_QLM_MODE_RXAUI_2X2, /* 2 RXAUI, 2 lanes each (cn88xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_RXAUI_1X2, /* 1 RXAUI, 2 lanes each (cn83xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_OCI, /* OCI Multichip interconnect (cn88xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_XFI_4X1, /* 4 XFI, 1 lane each (cn88xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_XFI_2X1, /* 2 XFI, 1 lane each (cn83xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_XFI_1X1, /* 1 XFI, single lane (cn80xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_XLAUI_1X4, /* 1 XLAUI, 4 lanes each (cn88xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_10G_KR_4X1, /* 4 10GBASE-KR, 1 lane each (cn88xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_10G_KR_2X1, /* 2 10GBASE-KR, 1 lane each (cn83xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_10G_KR_1X1, /* 1 10GBASE-KR, single lane (cn80xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_40G_KR4_1X4, /* 1 40GBASE-KR4, 4 lanes each (cn88xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_QSGMII_4X1, /* QSGMII is 4 SGMII on one lane (cn81xx, cn83xx) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_25G_4X1, /* 25G, 1 lane each (CN93XX QLMs) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_25G_2X1, /* 25G, 1 lane each (CN93XX DLMs) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_50G_2X2, /* 50G, 2 lanes each (CN93XX QLMs) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_50G_1X2, /* 50G, 2 lanes each (CN93XX DLMs) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_100G_1X4, /* 100G, 4 lanes each (CN93XX) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_25G_KR_4X1, /* 25G-KR, 1 lane each (CN93XX QLMs) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_25G_KR_2X1, /* 25G-KR, 1 lane each (CN93XX DLMs) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_50G_KR_2X2, /* 50G-KR, 2 lanes each (CN93XX QLMs) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_50G_KR_1X2, /* 50G-KR, 2 lanes each (CN93XX DLMs) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_100G_KR4_1X4, /* 100G-KR4, 4 lanes each (CN93XX) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_USXGMII_4X1, /* USXGMII, 1 lane each, 10M, 100M, 1G, 2.5G, 5G, 10G, 20G (CN93XX QLMs) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_USXGMII_2X1, /* USXGMII, 1 lane each, 10M, 100M, 1G, 2.5G, 5G, 10G, 20G (CN93XX QLMs) */ BDK_QLM_MODE_LAST, } bdk_qlm_modes_t; typedef enum { BDK_QLM_CLK_COMMON_0, BDK_QLM_CLK_COMMON_1, BDK_QLM_CLK_EXTERNAL, BDK_QLM_CLK_COMMON_2, /* Must be after EXTERNAL as device trees have hard coded values */ BDK_QLM_CLK_LAST, } bdk_qlm_clock_t; typedef enum { BDK_QLM_MODE_FLAG_ENDPOINT = 1, /* PCIe in EP instead of RC */ } bdk_qlm_mode_flags_t; typedef enum { BDK_QLM_LOOP_DISABLED, /* No shallow loopback */ } bdk_qlm_loop_t; typedef enum { BDK_QLM_DIRECTION_TX = 1, BDK_QLM_DIRECTION_RX = 2, BDK_QLM_DIRECTION_BOTH = 3, } bdk_qlm_direction_t; /** * Types of QLM margining supported */ typedef enum { BDK_QLM_MARGIN_VERTICAL, BDK_QLM_MARGIN_HORIZONTAL, } bdk_qlm_margin_t; /** * Eye diagram captures are stored in the following structure */ typedef struct { int width; /* Width in the x direction (time) */ int height; /* Height in the y direction (voltage) */ uint32_t data[64][128]; /* Error count at location, saturates as max */ } bdk_qlm_eye_t; /** * How to do the various QLM operations changes greatly * between chips. Each chip has its specific operations * stored in the structure below. The correct structure * is chosen based on the chip we're running on. */ typedef struct { uint32_t chip_model; void (*init)(bdk_node_t node); int (*get_num)(bdk_node_t node); int (*get_lanes)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm); bdk_qlm_modes_t (*get_mode)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm); int (*set_mode)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, bdk_qlm_modes_t mode, int baud_mhz, bdk_qlm_mode_flags_t flags); int (*get_gbaud_mhz)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm); int (*measure_refclock)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm); int (*get_qlm_num)(bdk_node_t node, bdk_if_t iftype, int interface, int index); int (*reset)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm); int (*enable_prbs)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int prbs, bdk_qlm_direction_t dir); int (*disable_prbs)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm); uint64_t (*get_prbs_errors)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int lane, int clear); void (*inject_prbs_error)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int lane); int (*enable_loop)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, bdk_qlm_loop_t loop); int (*auto_config)(bdk_node_t node); int (*dip_auto_config)(bdk_node_t node); int (*tune_lane_tx)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int lane, int tx_swing, int tx_pre, int tx_post, int tx_gain, int tx_vboost); int (*rx_equalization)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int lane); int (*eye_capture)(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int qlm_lane, bdk_qlm_eye_t *eye); } bdk_qlm_ops_t; /** * Initialize the QLM layer */ extern void bdk_qlm_init(bdk_node_t node) BDK_WEAK; /** * Return the number of QLMs supported for the chip * * @return Number of QLMs */ extern int bdk_qlm_get_num(bdk_node_t node); /** * Return the number of lanes in a QLM. QLMs normally contain * 4 lanes, except for chips which only have half of a QLM. * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup. Can be an exact ID or a special * value. * @param qlm QLM to get lanes number for * * @return Number of lanes on the QLM */ extern int bdk_qlm_get_lanes(bdk_node_t node, int qlm); /** * Convert a mode into a configuration variable string value * * @param mode Mode to convert * * @return configuration value string */ extern const char *bdk_qlm_mode_to_cfg_str(bdk_qlm_modes_t mode); /** * Convert a mode into a human understandable string * * @param mode Mode to convert * * @return Easy to read string */ extern const char *bdk_qlm_mode_tostring(bdk_qlm_modes_t mode); /** * Convert a configuration variable value string into a mode * * @param val Configuration variable value * * @return mode */ extern bdk_qlm_modes_t bdk_qlm_cfg_string_to_mode(const char *val); /** * Get the mode of a QLM as a human readable string * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup. Can be an exact ID or a special * value. * @param qlm QLM to examine * * @return String mode */ extern bdk_qlm_modes_t bdk_qlm_get_mode(bdk_node_t node, int qlm); /** * For chips that don't use pin strapping, this function programs * the QLM to the specified mode * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup * @param qlm QLM to configure * @param mode Desired mode * @param baud_mhz Desired speed * @param flags Flags to specify mode specific options * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_set_mode(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, bdk_qlm_modes_t mode, int baud_mhz, bdk_qlm_mode_flags_t flags); /** * Set the QLM's clock source. * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup * @param qlm QLM to configure * @param clk Clock source for QLM * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_set_clock(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, bdk_qlm_clock_t clk); /** * Get the speed (Gbaud) of the QLM in Mhz. * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup. Can be an exact ID or a special * value. * @param qlm QLM to examine * * @return Speed in Mhz */ extern int bdk_qlm_get_gbaud_mhz(bdk_node_t node, int qlm); /** * Measure the reference clock of a QLM * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup. Can be an exact ID or a special * value. * @param qlm QLM to measure * * @return Clock rate in Hz */ extern int bdk_qlm_measure_clock(bdk_node_t node, int qlm); /** * Lookup the hardware QLM number for a given interface type and * index. If the associated interface doesn't map to a QLM, * returns -1. * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup * @param iftype Interface type * @param interface Interface index number * @param index Port on the interface. Most chips use the * same mode for all ports, but there are * exceptions. For example, BGX2 on CN83XX * spans two DLMs. * * @return QLM number or -1 on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_get(bdk_node_t node, bdk_if_t iftype, int interface, int index); /** * Reset a QLM to its initial state * * @param node Node to use in a numa setup * @param qlm QLM to use * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_reset(bdk_node_t node, int qlm); /** * Enable PRBS on a QLM * * @param node Node to use in a numa setup * @param qlm QLM to use * @param prbs PRBS mode (31, etc) * @param dir Directions to enable. This is so you can enable TX and later * enable RX after TX has run for a time * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_enable_prbs(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int prbs, bdk_qlm_direction_t dir); /** * Disable PRBS on a QLM * * @param node Node to use in a numa setup * @param qlm QLM to use * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_disable_prbs(bdk_node_t node, int qlm); /** * Return the number of PRBS errors since PRBS started running * * @param node Node to use in numa setup * @param qlm QLM to use * @param lane Which lane * @param clear Clear the counter after returning its value * * @return Number of errors */ extern uint64_t bdk_qlm_get_prbs_errors(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int lane, int clear); /** * Inject an error into PRBS * * @param node Node to use in numa setup * @param qlm QLM to use * @param lane Which lane */ extern void bdk_qlm_inject_prbs_error(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int lane); /** * Enable shallow loopback on a QLM * * @param node Node to use in a numa setup * @param qlm QLM to use * @param loop Type of loopback. Not all QLMs support all modes * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_enable_loop(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, bdk_qlm_loop_t loop); /** * Configure the TX tuning parameters for a QLM lane. The tuning parameters can * be specified as -1 to maintain their current value * * @param node Node to configure * @param qlm QLM to configure * @param lane Lane to configure * @param tx_swing Transmit swing (coef 0) Range 0-31 * @param tx_pre Pre cursor emphasis (Coef -1). Range 0-15 * @param tx_post Post cursor emphasis (Coef +1). Range 0-31 * @param tx_gain Transmit gain. Range 0-7 * @param tx_vboost Transmit voltage boost. Range 0-1 * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_tune_lane_tx(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int lane, int tx_swing, int tx_pre, int tx_post, int tx_gain, int tx_vboost); /** * Perform RX equalization on a QLM * * @param node Node the QLM is on * @param qlm QLM to perform RX equalization on * @param lane Lane to use, or -1 for all lanes * * @return Zero on success, negative if any lane failed RX equalization */ extern int bdk_qlm_rx_equalization(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int lane); /** * Capture an eye diagram for the given QLM lane. The output data is written * to "eye". * * @param node Node to use in numa setup * @param qlm QLM to use * @param qlm_lane Which lane * @param eye Output eye data * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_eye_capture(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int qlm_lane, bdk_qlm_eye_t *eye); /** * Display an eye diagram for the given QLM lane. The eye data can be in "eye", or * captured during the call if "eye" is NULL. * * @param node Node to use in numa setup * @param qlm QLM to use * @param qlm_lane Which lane * @param format Display format. 0 = raw, 1 = Color ASCII * @param eye Eye data to display, or NULL if the data should be captured. * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_eye_display(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int qlm_lane, int format, const bdk_qlm_eye_t *eye); /** * Call the board specific method of determining the required QLM configuration * and automatically settign up the QLMs to match. For example, on the EBB8800 * this function queries the MCU for the current setup. * * @param node Node to configure * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_auto_config(bdk_node_t node); /** * Get the current RX margining parameter * * @param node Node to read margin value from * @param qlm QLM to read from * @param qlm_lane Lane to read * @param margin_type * Type of margining parameter to read * * @return Current margining parameter value */ extern int64_t bdk_qlm_margin_rx_get(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int qlm_lane, bdk_qlm_margin_t margin_type); /** * Get the current RX margining parameter minimum value * * @param node Node to read margin value from * @param qlm QLM to read from * @param qlm_lane Lane to read * @param margin_type * Type of margining parameter to read * * @return Current margining parameter minimum value */ extern int64_t bdk_qlm_margin_rx_get_min(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int qlm_lane, bdk_qlm_margin_t margin_type); /** * Get the current RX margining parameter maximum value * * @param node Node to read margin value from * @param qlm QLM to read from * @param qlm_lane Lane to read * @param margin_type * Type of margining parameter to read * * @return Current margining parameter maximum value */ extern int64_t bdk_qlm_margin_rx_get_max(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int qlm_lane, bdk_qlm_margin_t margin_type); /** * Set the current RX margining parameter value * * @param node Node to set margin value on * @param qlm QLM to set * @param qlm_lane Lane to set * @param margin_type * Type of margining parameter to set * @param value Value of margining parameter * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_margin_rx_set(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int qlm_lane, bdk_qlm_margin_t margin_type, int value); /** * Restore the supplied RX margining parameter value as if it was never set. This * disables any overrides in the SERDES need to perform margining * * @param node Node to restore margin value on * @param qlm QLM to restore * @param qlm_lane Lane to restore * @param margin_type * Type of margining parameter to restore * @param value Value of margining parameter * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_margin_rx_restore(bdk_node_t node, int qlm, int qlm_lane, bdk_qlm_margin_t margin_type, int value); /** * For Cavium SFF query the dip switches to determine the QLM setup. Applying * any configuration found. * * @param node Node to configure * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int bdk_qlm_dip_auto_config(bdk_node_t node); /** @} */